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<br /> �1��•���
<br /> �. Awcd oe Property Inwnnce. Hortowu elull icap tlw Improvemente now axisd g��hereaRef etdted on�he'"
<br /> Properiy insured egalnst los�by flro,hazud�Includod wiihin�lw lertn 'extei�dal coverege'and eny aiKr huard�, IpsTudi�
<br /> floads or floading,tor whlch Lender requircs Insurvnce.Thle Insuruico shsll bo maintuined in�ho unwunte and for 16e perlcdf
<br /> tha�Lei�der requires. 71io insuranca carticr providin��he insuranao shall bo chosen by l3ortower subJeu to I.cnder'e o-pprovxl
<br /> which shall not be unreasanably withheld. ►f Bortower fnlis to nwintaln coverego described ubovo, Lender may, et I.ender'e
<br /> -- op�lon,obtaln covarego�a protwt l.endcr'e dghte in thc Propeny in acwrdanoo whh parogreph 7.
<br /> .a�..,,_ All 6wrenco policle�er.d renewats shall be ecm��ab�o[o Lender nnE st�all lnciuda a siandard mongage clauao. L.ender
<br /> � shall hava iha righ[to hold tho pollcfa ei�d rcnewils.If Lend�r roqukes,qo�mwer.sAa)I yyemptty givo lo Lender e11.rocc%ts'o[
<br /> ---- pald prcmtunu nnd rcnewal noNces.In the event ot lots,[ioerower s�all p,ive�vnc��.tixiae oi rno inmranse cdnlqr e�.Lender.
<br /> ` -" �- - ;l.ender may make prootof loss If not mado promprJy Dy 6q¢o•uc�_ - ' -�
<br />��';r�� � Unitaa(.ender and Bortower otherwise egreo in vrrifing.ia,ir.a.r.tr InxL��c4i s,1a?l 6e applicd to resioratioh�or mpalr of lho
<br />�-'� ��'•f'� Praper�y demaged,If�he reslorxtion or rcpalr la economicalty f�rv/v:nnd I.ender's sm�fiy i�not Iessencd. [f tho restoradon or
<br /> r'-�� repalr is no�camm�icnlly fqsibla or I.endcPs savri�y woutd De lessoned,�ho insurenw proceais shall bo apFlicd�o tho sumc
<br />_�.;.
<br />:`t`x{: ��.>� securoU by this Srn�dry Insuunxim, whether or not �hen duo, wllh eny oxcess paid to Dorzower. If Oorrower obandons�ho
<br /> f���..�`>�..
<br />-_ �,�. Propctly, or does not answer wiihin 30 daye a notice(rom Lender the�tha Insumnw carder ha�offend to sNtlo a claim, �htn
<br />����:k�� I.ender mny mllec� tho insurence proceed�. Lender may uso �he proceod� �n repalr or resiare Iho Property or to p�y suriu � �
<br />__;;��-�t.,; , sxnred hy thls Security InsWment,whe�her or m�then dua The 30�dey perind w11i begin when the nollce is given.
<br />�r-.?t;�s;h' Unlese Lender end Borrower mherwise agrce in writing, any appllca�lon of prxecd� to principal shull nat extervJ or
<br />_';t'.<�.''..` postpono Ihc dua datc ot�hc momhiy paymems rctcrrcA m in p¢rogrephe I and 1 or chnngo�hc omount of�hc paynwnu. (f
<br /> �- ±C:°���-� under pamgmph 21 �ho Pn�peny b ocqulred by Lender.Rorrox•cr'e dght to any insuronee policles pnd proceed�rcsulUng from
<br /> " � ' �x damagc�o tho Propcny prior to thc ocquisl�lan shall pass ro Lcndcr to�hc cx�cm of�ho enm�seeurcd by�hi�Sccurhy Instrunxnt
<br /> � �`�- immedlatsly prlor m�he ocquisitlon. .,. ...- ._-.
<br /> �=� - °�-"�� 6.Occuponcy,Preservation,�tulnlennnce and ProtreUon ot lhe Property{Qarrox�er's I.onn Applicallm�l I.easeholdv�
<br /> `•+�'.;;���;�� Oortower shall occupy,aiobliAi,end uso tho Pmpeny ns Oorrower's pdncipul residena within six�y daya aRtt the azecution of
<br /> : �- ;:-�-i; this Sccurity Ins�mmen�and shall mniinuc�o occupy U�e Pmpeny a�Uorrower's principal rcsidence for o� Icut one ywr alter - -
<br />'R�>`r�;j�'.'. �he dete of«rupancy, imless Lender olhenvlae ngrces in wrlling, which mnxnt shall not be unrcasonnbly wiihheld,or unless
<br /> ?�*'�;��* ex�enua�fng circumsiunces exis� which orc bcyand Uorrower's cantrol. 6ortower shall not datroy, dnmage or impair �he
<br /> `y�`�':'-c"'.:vr Propeny, ellow the Property ro detcriorate, or rnmmit waztc nn thc Propeny. Dortowcr shall 6c in default if eny Porfehure
<br /> - ecllon or procecding, whe�her civil or criminal, is begun�hai In Lcnder's good fnllh Judsntem rnuld result In forfelluro of�he
<br /> `�^N-�, Propeny or athenvfao mnterially impaU�Le lien created by this Security Irsuument or Lender's security interut.Oortower nuy
<br /> '�_;i - . wro such e defnuh nnd rcinstate,as provided in par�gr�ph IR,bq causing thz ac�ion or proceeding to be dismiued with a ruling
<br /> ,. .
<br /> �hat, in Lender's goad teith de�emilna�fon, precludes forfti:r.m of�ha Bono�eer's intertst in fie Propi:ny or other material
<br /> �� �� '" "` impaimient of�he Ilen�crealed by this Sceuriry Insuumrn:or Lender's securitv inmres�. Bortourr shall also 6e ia defmdi if
<br /> Dorrower,dudng�he loan epplicailan procesz,gnve ma�eri:dl�� fidse or inaccurete Infomm�ion or s�atemems ro I.endu tor fniled � �
<br />` '��!•" ` to pmvide Lender with any ma�erial infonna�ioN im m�nenion wi�h�hc loan evidenced by�he Naq hicludfng,but no�Iim1ltA '- -
<br />:;�;!;`: ����-'` lo,repraentalions�nncemtng Dorro�ver's occupancy of�he Prnpeny as a principal nsidenm.If�his Security Instmmem is on n �'-°—
<br /> �-'%'�;''�:' Icaschold, Oorrower shall mmply wl�h nll ihc ptovlsioac nf the Icau. If Borrn�vcr acquircs fce lilic to �hc Propeny, �he -
<br /> ,+ �� Ieasehold and the fce�ide shall noi mcrge uNess LcnJer agrecs m Uw merger in writing. �_°a� ---
<br /> � � �. 7.Protecllon ot I,cnder'a Rlghis in thr Properly. It Dmrowcr fails tu pedorm ihe cm�anants and agrcemems mnlaincd in - � -: �
<br /> ^! �his Securit Insuumem.or there is a Ie al ronedin Ihal ma si mfi.nnll affec� Lender's ri his in the Pro n �i,'+�`'�^"'�-
<br /> ,-'ti,•�.,:? Y 6 P 8 Y 6 � Y 8 P� Y(suchase ,::.n�!r.:;..._�_
<br /> _. procccding in bankruptcy,proba�a for mndemnaiion or forfeiture or m enform Imvs or regula�fans), ihen Lender may do end � --
<br /> , pay for whatever is necessnry m protttt �he valuc of�he Propeny nr.A Irnder's righ�s In �he Propeny. Lender's xc�iona may "`��{�`� �-�
<br /> :.>;ni'-. '`:c-
<br /> inciude pa�ing xny sums xcured by a lien which haa prinriq• oser ihis Securi�y Inswmen4 appcaring in mun. p,rying „- ��y_ _.
<br /> . }
<br /> � rea<onahle onnmeys' (ces und cmcring an thc Propcny to mnkc rcpairs. Al�haugh l,endcr may�akc nnion under ihis parxgraph '„',;�'s��:� -
<br /> .- 7.Lendrr does nm have ia do m. t r
<br /> �t _- � Any unmunts disburad by Lender under �6is pamgraph 7 shall become aJdi�innnl dcht n( F3nrro�eer secured 6y ihis ' r y ; _
<br /> fr i� r� �J" Securi�y Insuvment. Unless 6nrro��•cr anJ Lender agrm�o oiher cerms of payment, �hese munums ihall bcar imeresi from�he -y�''+� � d '
<br /> „r_�,�.(�j'[! date of disbursemem at �he Nme ra�c and shall M payable, wi�h imcrc�i. upon nntice trom I.endcr ia Dorrower rvqneving ---- --�—� ����
<br /> � � - paymem. . � �.,::
<br /> 6.1lforlgage Insurenec. If LenJer requireJ mongage imur,mce a+a mndition of making thc luan eecured h���his Securiq• - ` s+�--�
<br /> Incuument. Uormucr shail pay �8e prcmiums rcyuireJ to maimain thr mnn¢age insur.mcc in effca. If, fnr anp rcaum. �he . 4�.
<br /> � n:ongage insurance cnveragc rcquircd hy I.ender lapse.nr cwse��o h in.fkri. 8nrrmecr.hall pay ihe premium.requircd�o '- "`��'�
<br /> .. oblain coverage wbs�aNially cyuivalent�o the mongage inwranv. pre��iomly in e(la�.a� a rn.��u6+tamially equiralem to�he . ` '��'"i.,��.:'.
<br /> _ cosi lo Dorrower nf Ihe mongage inwrance prerinu+ly in e(kcL fmm:m ahernale inongage inwrcr apprm�nl br Lender. If '�'�� `<-�
<br /> suAslanlially equiealenl mnrl¢age imnrance cnrerage i•nol availahle.Borro�rer,hall pay la l.ender each mom6 a wm rqual In -
<br /> �, - ono-l�relflh ohhe yeady mongage insuranre premium Iting paid h� florrnner��hen Ihe in.nrancr corerage lap�eel nr ceased In � ,
<br /> - be in tffecL LenJer aill uccepl,u>e:md relain Ihese paymenls a. a In.. re.erre in licu of mangage inwranie. l.na} rcsen�r - . . .
<br /> - Fo�m 30YB O/90 �. - -
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