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I ..f .-�• � <br /> � � _._-.I !'_ .-rY1Ei`IS lv. �ti�� ._--_"__ _ __..""- ._.;. -__._., .rJ .. .. — �r__ <br /> :C���w�r6w�o�.���.�� - . . _ . — � -'�• <br /> _'_ '� - ' " : l � ^� .� . : _ �,' i��� <br /> 1�3.�to���o �. � <br /> TY)OB'f7tBg WITH dl Iha Improvonxme now or heraRer prated on tFw propeAy,ud tJl east�M��q�wneniea+��Ad � <br /> (ixtures raw or herealler ii pwn ot ihe prnpeny� All rrpf+cemeNS ud iddltlon� ehdl dw be mvercA by thl� BecuH�y • : .„` <br /> Inslrunxm.AllohtaforegoinglercferrcdtolnlhlaSecuritylnstrunkntutho'Pro�x�ty.' ` " ' <br /> BORROWIIR COV[iNANTB�hat 13nROwcr le Iqwfully�cclstd oP(ho ut�to horcby oonveyul nnd he�tho dght'to granl OiW: � <br /> mnvey �he Propany end that tho Propeny la unencumlxral, exctpt for oncun�brenow oi reoord, Bortower ivarcents�rM will <br /> defend gencrnlly Ihe Htle to the Propeny agalnst uIl claims nnd demmda,wbJect to nny a:cumbnnca ot reoord. <br /> TIiiS SL�CUR17'Y 1NSTRUMBNT combina uniform covenanis for national usa¢nd non•unitorm covename with Ihnikd <br /> variations by Jurlsdiaion to mnstiiute n unitorm socurity InstNnxnt wvering roal propeny. <br /> UNIfORM COVFiNAN7'S.Oorrowcr and Lender mvenenl and ngree w follows: <br /> ' 1. Payment of Prtnclpnl and Interesp Prepayment �nd l�ate Chuges� Bortow¢r shali prompily pay wLcn duo�b» °°__ <br /> _- prtncipal of nnd Intercst on the de61 evide�al by�he Note aod eny pn;paymcnt and lata charges dne under the Note. � <br /> -- 2.FLn.'s fce'i�zas ar,r9 T.smmuasxe.SLbJce� to epplicablo lew or ro e vrtitte�x Gaiver by 4ender, 6oauner sS,i.0 pay m __ <br /> - ~ 6zcrJr.s ow che dxY�'/��Y�'�'S��%a.ce due vndee tr.�Kote.unUl the�o:e is paii Gn 5�f�1�e setn l°FLr�ds')for.(a)Yeaa.cty Waea �^= <br /> ,m.� and assessmenu�v�ich mFiy miain prioei7�orce tLts Sr,cvriq[osWmrr.t as a lieaic:nT:l�o�°.rcy:(�?Y��Y���WY�Ns <br /> -"��� B P� Y �Y: Y P�'x Y L�' Y P <br /> ,.;,;{,�.�«Y,�,,:, or mund renu on the Pro rt ,if e (c)yearl hazani or rt inwra� .mium5:(d)yeaxt Fload nsurenco rem unu, <br />_ " If nny;(e)yendy motlgxge iacurenco promiums.If any; ¢nd(�any sums paya97a by Borrower to Lcnder, In uccordenco wi�h - <br />- -"" t tho provisions of paregmph 8,in Ileu of�ho payment of mangngo insurenw pmmtdms.7'heso(tems nre cnlled 'Esaow Items.' <br />_.�°��;r' � I.cndcr may, at any �imo, collwt nnd hold Funds in an emoum not ro exmed tho maximum amonnt a Icnder Por e hderelly <br /> --��$�� • relnled mongngo loam m�y reyuiro for Uorrower's escrow aarounl under Iho fedeml Real Qsia�e Seulemtnl Praecduma Acl of <br />�:�=.�;.,;� <br />;„s.� , a- 1974 es nmended fram ilmo m time, 12 U.S.C.Scc�inn 2601 s�seq. ('RG'3PA'), unless enothcr luw�hat nppilca lo�ho Rundi <br />_•.-;;t't�t;w.,, eets e Icsur nmount. If sn, Lender mey, at nny time,rnllecl end hold Punds in an amount no�m exacd Ihc Icsscr amoum. <br /> � <br /> �- l.enAer nmy csUmaio the dmount of Punde due nn�he 6aele of currcm dala ond rcnsonable esllnwtce of expenAliura nf Nrorc ___ <br />�: ,��_�.;;��,�" Lscrow I�cmv or oihcrwixc in attrrdance wlih nppllcnM1lc Inw. <br /> ��•'.,.,--_�i,;;r, The Pwd� shall M1c held In an In.limtlnn whnse depneiie ure inwred hy n lederoi ngency, Ins�mmemallry, nr emily <br /> -�`-!`�;° (Indudh�g I.cndcr,If IanAcr iv such nn Ins�ImilniU nr in nny YcJcml Hnmc l.oan Rnnk.I.cndcr�6nll apply tlia Punda�n pay thc __ <br /> - . ,;���„' Rscrow I�ems. I.cndcr may nm chargc IHirmwcr fnr hnlAing and npplying tho PunAa,annunlly anulyaing�hc cscrow accoum,or <br /> veHfying thc Rkrow hcnu.unlc�.Lcndcr payR Ilarm�rcr Intcrca an�ho Punds ond nppllcablc law perml�s I.cndcr lo makc such =_ _ <br />- - � " n chnrgc. However, l.cndcr may requiro Darrox�cr tn pay n onc•iimo chargc for en indcpendcm ra�l esia�a�ux rcporting scrvica — �� <br /> ' useJ Ay l.ender 6i cnnnailon wi�h �his loan, unlese npplica6le law pravidce otherwisa Unlesx nn ngrcement ia mado or �_,= <br /> �.;..���;��,.::'.'.}t� upplicahle Inw rcquircs imcres�to bc paid,Lcndcr s6a11 not bc required io pay Oorro�vcr nny intera�or wmings on tho Fnnds. �_.. <br /> �orrowcr ond I.endcr may ngrce in wriling, ho�vcvcr.that Imcrcs�shnll he paid on the Runds. Lendcr shall gire lo Oortowcr. <br /> . �+����'(.i�•� wllhoul c6arge, nn nnnual necouming of�hc �unds, sho�ving credi�s nnd debits�o the Funds nnd the puryose for which each =- <br /> '�-��%:-'-:�>.���;..-_� deblt�o�he Fnnds wns made.The�unds nrc pledS�os addi�lonnl security for nll sums securcA 6y Ihis Securi�y Insirument. - <br /> '-.pi�;(S If lhe�unds heid 6y Lender exceed ihe nmounis pemiltted to be held by applicablz law, Lender shnll account m[iorto�cer -` --- <br /> '�t,-:,;�r%�'�-I for the excess Punds In nccorJnnm�viih thc requiremems af npplicable law. If�he nmonm of�tee Funds held by Lender at nny �= �- <br /> • " 'c]'-t•-"� • �ime I:no�sufficient lo pay the Cccmw Items when due,Lender may sa notity Uorrowrr in�vri�ing,und, in such case Oortoo�er = _ <br />"';;��? �;;,,.'(: ' sholl pay m l.ender�he nmoum nemssnry m make up�he dellcfency. Borrow�er xhall nuke up�hc deOciency in no more�han :;:: <br /> ' -"id Rvclvc monthly poymcnts,n�L.cnJcr'+ude discrction. j.;;`._ _ <br /> 11 � - <br /> . cl I i il rc(und lo Dorrox�cr xn = -- � <br /> ,, i - (fL'• Upon paymcm in full nf nll swns sccuml by Ihis Stturily In.lmmem, Isndcr. ial pron p y y - _-- <br /> �;` - � � ��'' Runds held 6y Lender. If,under pamgmph 21, Lender shnll ncquirc��r�h.Prnpeny.Lender,priar�o�he ecquisi�ion or s�le <br /> � .: <br /> � � r f�-�'�� • of lhe Properly,shnll npply:my Punds held by I.cnJer a��hc�im.of arquisition or sale ns o credit against(hc sums sccurtd 6y J 1�� - <br /> s� -, ;i� I this Sceuri�y Ins�mnxm. .. <br /> 't - � ,�- 3.Appllcatlnn of Popnenis.Unicss applicable Inw proviJa othenriae.nll p.rvnums recei��ed 6y Lender ueder paragrapM1s �����r�,;. <br /> �� �. <br /> �_s��+` I m�d 2 shall 6e npplinl: firsL in any prepaymem chnrge.Jue under the No�r, se�ond,m nmouma payahle under parngmph 2: �� ,. <br /> r - }�-:�4 �hird,�o imcresi duc:founh.�o prinripal due:nnJ Intii,m nny la�e charges duc und.r�he Nme. �'faY<�' `-�-; <br /> rt� :��"'! 4.ChnrFes; I.Iens. 6nrm�cer shnll pap nll�axes.nxusanems, charge�, fines.nJ im�ni�inn<�uribum6le�o the Property ,i�i4 --.- <br /> � +� -' �vhich may muin priarity nrei �hic Securily Im�mmenL :md Ica�ehold pa��mem�nr ground rema, if any. 6orrnwer shall pfly �1}� ;�. <br />_ Ihese o6ligationt in d�e ncmner provideJ in par.�graph if nm paid in ih:N manner.IG�rrower<hnll P:�Y Ihem on linte directly T`••:t`�' : <br /> �"` �' lo�he pennn o�veJ payinem. 13nrto�ccr.hall pramp�ly tivnitih�n I�cndrr:dl nuiir..of ainoum.�a hc paid under ihis paragrnph. ��;�"�"�.: . <br /> . , ``,`. <br /> 4 . .i _.�'; If[lnrrmver makcs lhc.c p:�ymcnt.Jinti�ly.Burraws.hall pramptic lurnish lo Lcndrr rcccipl.c��iJcncing Ihc paymcnls. :;{ <br /> '-,:.;{,,,:;���,� 6ormwcrshall promp�lp Ji.d�argc an��licn�ahi.h hati priori�� mrr�hi.5c.uri��•In,uumcm unlctis 6orro�ccr.(a)ngrccx in :{:�.5_`h.''��, <br /> -- ,:y�y�"." �vrilin lo Ihe a mcm of Ihc ohli�ation u.urcd h� Ihr li.n in a mann.r arm �:iM1lr�n LcnJcr: Ibl rnmc.�s in ixcl failh lhc licn `-n�, • . ` . <br /> r . �1�:. F PY 6 7 (' F 21�',-. <br /> - f 14y,,; by, nr Jefendc:�gain.i enforcemem ol�hc lien m. IttcJ pne'r�vling. ��hrch in Ihr 1 cndrr'� npinion opentc lo prevCN lhe , ;_� <br /> �„ cnforccmenl nf Ihc 1:1 aaurc.Irnm Ihc hald.r of�hr hrn an:�Frcrmrni��n �n 1 cndcr wUnrJina�ing thc licn�o <br /> . f l�����:.'^:;� IIIiS SCCUtiI)' InUrilnlclll. II IRndl`r JciCrnnnC. Ihal al�) ��an ni iht Prn�Xri. i> .uhl«I h�a hfn ��hKll nlin'allain �lrinril)'nYCr <br /> _.vq _ ,+ _ . i <br /> -. thix Securiry ln,mnnem. Lender m:n girr 8�ur.���rr:i na��r.�drmihmf iht Gen ISortnurr.hall.:ui.f� the Ifen�v lake nne nr -2 i a -� <br /> .. .. morc a(�hc ar�inm set(onh aFo��c n i�hm lu J:n.01 �hc gi�mg��I nn�xi �/ii:r+ : . <br /> �.6...,2,,,t_ <br />- Form 3028 8l80 . - <br /> ' .�� .�+ � <br /> . .,`. �'.. _. <br /> . ." '��. <br /> .1.,` _.,1 .. <br /> 1 ��� �tij�4 . . - . � _ <br />. �.. ��: � - _ .. <br />