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<br /> � ` P1Qd�-UNIFOItI�E C!pVBN�IN'PS. Bo�r aad t;eader fe�ht�r curariet a�i_�sea�o�io+�'a� y.t�det a�gt`Nwdi,e 9�e .
<br /> ltre�+a Ut�eoAet �inl�oed�i�ie ieiW! p�a�raph
<br /> po+�er d��iad���ad�pm�im��+ia��f?.�.•�ia�ed ��f�►E�� ' .:
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<br /> � . u a� .ra�i�i�d.w�d,nr�ee�4 eee:r+a..Wot�is�ri��ur+o...t��w�ta►..s wR�f f�e'
<br /> ` pn�erb Ia�Yii dr�nW��ies�tf��N!�t�t�er�e�a N r7���M�It ta1 M M���_�
<br /> M�e �� a�MYMe�/�'�R�r MMiC�1!MI�IC mlMa,�MMMw OII
<br /> ��rfi0l.artpiie rerM�e
<br /> ra�r,��tl�l��M lr61k arctMN to tMe_� at tle tiMe sMt W+ioe ana pM�'tM!taw�
<br /> ir 1�R MI�O!Yr �E Ot Mf+t !� Mi�i(��!�!0!i'il�q!!.�!!��
<br /> a��te�d�M a�r��t+oe!d tMe Pr�eet7 bf�a�t�attia ttine s�d p�e d��r p�rviaahr
<br /> s� t,e�ier� ie�ip��ee'�7� �U��t-a��►ate. ��+sdea/ce�re�tlie
<br /> u 7'���i tYe�twteeY�ae1�7t be�jriie�i f�ver����P�Ii�st�e�iwale t�e+�eb.
<br /> .�,�����d��.i�t�t o�w�adnr: t��:�:�ta�a�d tr�d acseehi�tl�a
<br /> �sw�er�t�sY flesMe.i�clYtoB�PU�dtiellrwtee's 1�atfw�g I�wsrei.iwt lo a�cee! `1b
<br /> af tie a�t d tlrc�ate at ire ti�e ot tLe dedaratio� at ddarTt.�ad«s�o�te Mt�e�e�s`ka�
<br /> �t�o;i��)to a�s�ae,sec�ctd 1�trts Se��itJ I�e�a���t�)a��esct�s ta tre�esso�ar:�eesse
<br /> L �re��_Upoa psyment of a11 sums sec�ed by lhis So�r'�tY��l.rnder sbail ca�st't�ust�e W
<br /> tooanroy tt�e Fmppify�nd slnl!surtendpr this Sscuriry Lut�unent and sdt�dates cvideacing delx ceeturod by this Sccu�ity
<br /> itWtwr�au to'O�us�ea 1lustec shaU s+eca►vty the P�operty without wutrsrry and witbout c�arge to tlu pe�son br p�rsem
<br /> tegaliy auided w i� Such p�son ur peisotis si�all pay airy recordaHon casfs. . :
<br /> I!� 3�b�it�'11c�a� i.erder.ac iu oprian.may fmm 6me co time c�mave'ti�uta and appoint s snccessos wstee
<br /> to�ny'I��et appoi�ued t�ere�der by an insCr�man ceco�ded ia tha camty in which this Savrity Inst�un�t cr.cacded
<br /> WstLa�t camreyaaae af d�e Pk�nperty.We sucaessar uustce shsll succted�to aU the tit1�Parvu and duties�ea�d upon
<br /> 'Itt�ee l�ecr.iu�ad a�tlic�bie taar. .
<br /> � � 2R Seqre�t� 9 uBiaa. Ba�rmwer n9uests that capies of tAt�mi�tioes oi defaalt and sale 6t aeol tfl 8ortcw�er�
<br /> ,".' . add�ess wfixh is tlw pto�pat�Ai�ness• • , � �
<br /> Riders to tlds Sa�rit��lattramenL If a�ne or more f dhs are ezecuted bg�omower and cecorded to��ther with this
<br /> 5eauity Instr�m�eat,the covenu►ts of each sach rider shztl be incap��ated into�:id::ShAII amend and supplement d�e.
<br /> covenmts ard a�eemer�of this Security tastramertt as if the ridats?were in a pan of this Sacasity Insuumeut.
<br /> [Cbocic applicable boa(es)l-
<br /> ,.:•
<br /> �Condorninium Rider ��:�Pdyment Ridet �Growing Equity Rickt -:
<br /> ,� ..
<br /> . :%� . , •.�:
<br /> ,:.•.• , , :.�;... . . . . .. . . . ,;''�:.•
<br /> , �pfar�i�*nitLkveTopmentRidcr� QOther[SP�fS►1�r��•� ACKIV�S�LEOGI�NT': ' `.',
<br /> . BY S[(iNII�I(3 BEIAVi��B.otrower accepu and agr�t.o the terms contained�ti�ages 1 tluough 4 of this Sec�uity
<br /> Insdvment and'nx�ny ddet(s)executed by Bartower and fi.�:u�,:.i with i� � •,�`,�,
<br /> Wimesses:
<br /> .. S 2 � .- .rseal)
<br /> �;; �.'. . R . S. ROOR UE . ''i�'�r'wcr .t. , _
<br /> , ,,.
<br /> . ����
<br /> , ' ROSE J. F� DRTGUEZ � eonower " � ,
<br />_ ,� ,. .
<br /> ,- . (Seal)
<br /> eormwcr
<br /> � ;, (S�� ,
<br /> � " Sortowcr � .
<br /> .. . . � :�.
<br /> STA7'E OF NL13[�:.4SKA. . Ht1LC.. `:� Cnunty a�: . , � , ,
<br />= pn�;y �.� ' 27TH • ' day of SEPTEI'48ER 1991 ,�for�me.�?ie�ndersi�ned,a Notary . � _
<br />- Public duly cammissiuned ttnd qu�li�ed far said county.�!rtsonally came FiAY 5. �QQRIGUE2 AND
<br />= RQSE J. fiaat��GUEZ, HlJ98AND AN� ','If� ;
<br /> �� ,to me knc�wn to be thc
<br />" irkntical per�i{rst whosc namc�s)are sub�i;��ed to thc focrg�►ing in�tnmrnt and ack�owlcdgcd Ihc exccution thereat to be
<br /> THEIR • votuntary ac�sad dccd, ,
<br />- Witnessmy hand and nnt7rial seal ae GfiAt���l' SLANDs NEBRASi(A in �ai�caunty, the
<br />_ : dato aforesaid. �EpK��•S�����
<br /> pE80RAH L KlMBLE ^'�
<br /> �� Ml Comm.di.!bv 7'�19l1 �`��- J+e -`ZlL � �1iZ C:.
<br /> _ MyCommissinnexpires: /Gt�' C�•� __.-_ �
<br /> ��arry put�ic
<br /> ltEf�U�5T FUR ItF.CO`:VF.YANC� ,
<br /> - ' TU 7'RUSTL•E:
<br /> 'I'he uni5ersl�ned ix the hotdcr of the note nr n��tca srcur��d bp Ihi�O�rd ut 7rurt. SBItI(II�tC U►11UICy.I��gethrr with all
<br /> nther inde�iedness securc�Dy this [7eeA uf Tms�.ha�•e bcen paid in full. Ynu sue hcrrby direcicd an c:�nccl saici notc or
<br /> = �� notes artd thi.a tA:c�aF 7Fttst,whieh�!ra Rrllverev!hereby.arici w recan�•ey.withnui wam.uny.all the cstate no�v held by you
<br /> = under Utis l�Cd of 7iust tn�he prrson nt pennns lcgally entilled therelo. '
<br /> " bate: ---- �—... --
<br />° , ([vKel�Jd pq�rsi
<br />