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<br /> .:�-:� tD�Borsv�wr'a tbt� �"NOt�"} to
<br />-- -- ��L�ndar"} at ti� se�M� dite a�d aa+r�rit� tl�e P�P�Y �r3bsd 1n the Sae�a�tY �tr►�ent =--
<br /> #Id located its 418 W 1577�, GRAND ISE.Al1�1, lt� 688Q7 —
<br /> � �,;.' ,
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<br /> :� (a� 1111 or paaet.� the Ps�aperiY.�t�,'�� othe�ee �terred by . '-4_.��==_.�.
<br /> > ti. , or other �ieree: . ;,;�,` ����`'.R`.°.v..�
<br /> . - _ ..:s.;`,, to �o�pY tbe ProPes'tY as a pr�c�pal . - -
<br /> - ".': ,:. li) f+rio cannot'a�eaeos�ablybe e�t� __ .;,;.��: --
<br /> 't..� - ae�idaice within a reascnable t3a� attar'tAe �ale or transler. ail as ps�avided 3n `f:r,;.,��-
<br /> � .��r^:1�� .� � Se�Yiaa 143(c) end tt'���! ot the iuternai� � t'ade:er i� �� `. ...sw�:;t�-_
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<br /> .. . ` >3='u �:s�,, � (b) eorrower ta�]s to accupY the �DBrtY . ° _
<br /> . ,.. rs or;+�3s c�escribe�'at tt1e -��•-�
<br /> '+� +� Nitliout prior written cansent o! Lr.ader or ita suc�esso " � ,�.,. �•�.: �_:
<br /> � �''"' �'' irining ot�this Tax-�♦� pt Fin�cing Aider. cr � . -�•
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<br /> � �r� ''r�?�% �..:. 3�ssuance at ba�ds. t�a psbceec'� o! which wlll be �ed to fir,aace the Security Instsumen� �
<br /> . -r a��rw^. _ to ir,�Z�de the imp�le�n�9 s'e9��aticre. , :;;;���•����''. -
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<br /> . . � I!. so ]ong as the Mortgag�a is autetarrlin9. all or any part o! the property is sold or ` .
<br /> � � tratmlerretl by Bors�aer withwt Lesxier's prior written co�sent. athes than a traasfer by �� , -
<br /> � � , 8evi�e, descent or bY oPeratian o! l�v. the Ler�der reaY, at I.en3er'e option. dec]are all the ' . . .
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