�__�_� . ..- =_x .�� . � . ==
<br /> :<� . . . . _
<br /> _ . r- -
<br /> —_ _ ,�� _
<br /> — . . . .� �;`.� � . �:� t - —
<br /> �� : _ - ..,..._. ....�-- .-� �._ -- _--�— - _
<br /> --��n4�a . . t y�+
<br /> �t:-�i� ��''�Fil�,i:..�r.r�. - � � /�ir"i
<br /> �---- — . — �����,��Z V+i �
<br /> .�� ' . . . . . . . . .. _— . - _ ..
<br /> .y'� c . .. . .
<br /> WY�+��re �fermd�w in, 2.or ch�nge the amotmt of sueh paymenta. M3t�acoss aocxeds over an -
<br /> � ' ar�oune rop�v all outsundin�p�nass smd�r the Nate and this Securlty[nsuumtn�stu�ti 6e p�id ta the tatit�r
<br /> � Icg eattsbed tAeretfl. -
<br /> � �F�d.t�ender mry coticct fces and ehxrges a�Mxized�y�l�e Sar�rl►- . ,. .
<br /> �>. !i Gc+ou�de tor Aa�ekraliau d Oebt. � � ' '
<br /> _ � (s)ikfarlb l.endec may.except as limiced by tegutuitrns issued by thc Sec�t#�5►�In ehe c�e of psya�t de�utts. �
<br /> - cequire inunediatepaymcnt in futl of all su�sersireA by this Sec�iry inswmetit it�
<br /> _ _._.--__ {�18amwer�faults ay.f�iling m p��in fu}1 any maathlY P�Y�nt rcquued Ay thls Secariry[nswmeni pr7ot
<br /> ta or an t1�e duc date of dtc next mon Y P?Y��t.or
<br /> — — ; (ti�8or�wer deftwtts 6y,failIttg.for v penod of thirty dayrs,to perfam uny wher obligaaoas conwined in t�is
<br /> .� Secudty'ltt.tnstncrtt.
<br /> - (D)Siie WItlwel Crsdit Appnov�t:,L•aader shail.if�pemlit�t�d by applirubte t�w and with she prior appmVrl af tha �
<br />-�Y.� Secrtta�y.reqaira immodiace p�yms�t�In�futi of all tMt rums,secutid by this Sawrity,�►Saument if,• �y�ald or
<br /> (i1 All as pact of the Ptopcet�►.at.a beneficia!�int�st�ii�a tcast owmng a1J a p�ut af the AvPeity.'
<br /> o#�wi.se tr�asferced totlxs thz�n tsy�d�ira or,dcscent)�Y�e Bonawer.and
<br />�',���: fiel'!h PmpertY is not oxupiccl b�s��ha�cMser or granta a�:us as her�principal r�esidencc.os tbe purchassr.
<br /> . ar gnrtee daes so�occupy tha Pra�t•t►ut�lus or her credit tu�s aot bea►�approved 'ut ac.cordance
<br /> � � wi3�s ihe�quit�emtats of dte Ses�tm+,R unrnedi�te t in fulb but i.ender
<br /> ` (c)Na�P�ivs� If circumstan�accur that,a+n�dd pesmitFl;e�tisr w ceqwna' PaYra�
<br /> � � � does not Rqnice such Yments.Lendcr,dac�s nai waiva itt,rigt►ts with respect w suDsequ:nt events.
<br /> r .�
<br /> - ..r,,. �`: td)Regu�ti�s at Secrstary� tn m^�ny circumstanflcs regula[ions�ssued by�he Seccerary w,li Wrui Leeder�s
<br /> ,..:;�.... F�,� rights. in the case of payment defautts.ta•nqnbra inuitsdiate paymen�in.full y�lose if not paid 'ihls
<br /> Security lnstnunene does not avthorim socelcmt�an�nt.fm�clnsute if not zmitted b aGons of the Sectetary•
<br /> (e�Mortg�eNot lnsor�ed. Borrotivxrag�sth�t�s6anid�tbis Securiry lnswmenta�►d tlr=notesecusedthctrhy nat
<br /> be eligi�fe for insuranee under tho I4atiaqpi�Huut�ng•�lafsa�iihEn� 9Q�OAVS ��
<br /> ,., date hereof.�m�ay.ai its optian an�'oatl�ithstanAing unpThin9 imi*�rs►grapi�,9;roquire imrnediue payma�t in•
<br /> ', fi�ll of alls�ns sec�red by this Secudry.�Insttummq•Aw�rttterl�statCs�ix�ttaj,any authorized ageat at�tt�SocRtary =
<br /> � ;.�� dated su6sequenu ea 9!1 GA'�S: fmm�ths d4ffr h�eof.declitung to iristu�this Securiry �.
<br /> >.:�;�, �:=-x.�,
<br /> Ir�atrumeent and the note secured thereby:sfia11�6e'dera[ed conclusive psr�6faf sucf�.tineG�ility. Notwithstaading �,::�:_�
<br /> ' . 4 -':�.;: the faregoung.thas ogtion may nat be eae�iJed by I.eadec when�the unavail�hil�is�'�t��".fasutance is soteJy daa to• .F;.���;_
<br /> e �,�
<br /> ` *:,::��' L�ender's failvr�Uaremit a mo�t�e i�sumn:.a pr�mium to the Secn'uuy: :.•:�,: ' , . . �o""�-
<br /> ��- -�� � la Rtin�staleme�-t.tioriower has a right�ta be rainstated�if•Lendes has;uqair�i�ur=i��diatc pa ertt ou fuil because ��-_
<br /> 'u
<br /> .� �:'ta. =` of Bormwerk failure��• an amount dua undc�-ttia•Naca or thi�Securit}�.�iizsu�� 'Chis ri u applies evrn after W.;�;�:�_
<br /> . �'��.•�,;,'`` foceelosuce pc+o�eeA3nQ are instituted.,.�b reinstAta ttto Security�.lnsttumenl� Sacra�ver sfiait.tender in a lump sum all `:
<br /> cc
<br /> "� simounts reQutred to b���arrower g a�xr�vnt cunent�includinB,ta the exceni�they aie obIi�ims of Bo�rowet under this
<br /> •�{;, Secvriry Insmimen� forectosure castf.�rcasvna6ln and custpm�nf attamaYs fees artd exp�s�p�p�Y a�saciated with� �-�
<br /> t {��� the fomctcsur:prxeeding• Upon re'�:.»ngnt�b�:aorrow�r.thix Scycutity�instrument and•ttia abliganans that�t secnres
<br /> .��,,��
<br /> , t,,.r. shalt remain in effect as Ft'L.ender h�d n�.�i�rrc°-�IAtU pi)7IIC111�ia�f111U•H�{YBYCf.Lend�.i�=tro�s ired ta�ermis �--=_
<br /> �,s• •-::' , teinstatement if: (i)�'�h���'��4��'�afcer the cammrnsement�of fareclosuro pm�.��-.witiun two "�'�;:�-:,;�: �
<br /> ' ,��:'< : years irtamed3ately precei�g the camrt��a,�snerrt'+�;,�current�fareelasuru pmceeding. (ii) reinst�tc�m>>t,R�II preclude '• t�#:'= �=.Y -
<br /> � ,,;�,,: . foreclasure on different grounds in ds:�re.or(iii)reinstatement�will�advmsel��affect th:priarity of thr lien created by � -�; :,�':�_---
<br /> ' - ,�: ,.. this Security lnstrurtncnt. , ! .���-
<br /> �' 11. Borraxer Not Reteased; Forbearance by [.ender Kat:a Waiver. Extensian�qf tlsz dme of payment or ��':�,��.-
<br /> ' � .' ��` modification of amort�c,a of the sums secured by this Securiry.lnsttument�gmnt�i by I.�fi��'��,�y successor in mterest t g•
<br /> �'i '� of Horcow�shaltnat o�c�to release►he IiAbiUty of the ariginal�Hoantirw'r ar BorraNers�tv�r�ssor in interes� Lender �; f���z�j
<br /> . '�'� s i not be re uired to ea~s�nence roceedin s agannnst eny successor in intc�u�ne["u�tn eas�d timr far payment or ^r�:r-'
<br /> � hai 9 P S .
<br /> � �=;�� othenvise modify arrtor:i7a:ion of thr s���ns secured by this SoccuiS�t Inshumert�6s�'r�iia.uf.:�.�y dera;��.��de by tho •.�.;�-=
<br /> � original l�csr��-,�eroa BoRaweia s���.�srra ln intcre�t. Any fa��.t�1 by Lea:ie�'in exerc�irs any nght�r'ic.:�edy shall� ', .�,��-�•�
<br /> , � ; .. . . . : �,,.,,�,^
<br /> . , '��=:a aot be a a�..:�rc�of oc pret4ude thr eu'rs.isc of any right ar rcmedy°. .. • � �-i. .,�.;�..;�':�,..;-
<br /> �;,. � a' . , , �..
<br /> ;;, .�;;;� .. lt. Succeswrs a�A-�;ns i�au�d:daint�aut�.9everal Ltabflity:CaSiAt�sa The cavenants raui�—aeri��:.�of , r;�, ' ,'.:.`:`�.��r#�,Y
<br /> • ihis 5ecurity lnstrorsaenc sh�l�'Sind�3 benesl t1�a s��;�:�:a�.ors and assigns of�Lerr.L:ra��d 8orrower.subjec�tQ tfu:Qsov�scor's •:;;:°•:�.',;'•,',:�.�s,'.';';-.�
<br /> • � �.•�� of Paragraph 9.b Bcr*.u��+�-'s covcnants und ugi�r�scs shall be jamt�and��.1. My Eorrawcr w3tJ castbma this !:i,::�.,�` ;''>`;�.;;,.,_�.�,':'.-
<br /> . � � f - ';i.� ��it�.i..� �f"14-FY1n.a
<br /> �G::• ?� Securit Instrumcnt bu.d-aes nat eaecute the Nuw: i�)is cas�gning[his Socudty�lr�tn,mcnc.an�ty to martgage,grant and j•f�• • ����� fi�,%
<br /> y �`.�. �
<br /> ' � �-"',��,;�; canvey that Bortower's intcres!in the Praperty uadas the tcrtns aF this Securi�y Instruments(b)is:not personnlly obUgAted to r,,;•.,; �.;;1;��<<�!�'s�,'f��;:"
<br /> • � �,� 'Y;:,- ps►y tha sums secur�d by thia Security InstrumenU and(c)agree�that l.cnder nnd any at's��c�r��ver may s�ree to eatend, :f:�_ �(, .,,�,�.��� .�"
<br /> ''"'�'�.� � mndify.forbear a ma�us any accammndatinn�with rogard to the tcrm�.ni'this Sc:arity in<ns;n:c:t or thc Natc withaut tht�t f`. . , ,. ;���
<br /> . ��`'`+, Btirrowerk coasent. i ''
<br /> f ` �"�j%j� 1 IJ. Noticca Ar•:�nUticc to Bnrrnwer pm�'��xi far in lhis Scc:udly Irt`1rum�rt-�.�hul1 be givcn by de{ivering i�or by ��°:1f�..`.._,- ..'�
<br /> �t� ?��'��':'`:� mailin it b fint ctass ms�il unless a pllcabt�ta�•r tu�uircq a�c nf ancnh.r rriea���3; '13�e notice�hall be directed to the ,;.� , , �:... .s; '`�
<br /> �,��•_:'�,�'`�*�.s,;:, 6 9 P , . . .::,•r'r'-i,���•: .
<br /> Fropetty �,c�.-ess or eny ather Addre�s��nor:ei�d•�;i��ate.b}•noticv tu Lenefer. Any not:c;;rr.l.ender shull be givcn by i. ,
<br /> .. : �;!:._t�!k;�.,.t•.!�. i y.
<br /> :,,�,;, first ctass araa�to L.enders addrrst ssr,�i h��ri c�cany addn;s.� I:endEr dccignztec by no!ir.s:lti�Borrawer. Any natice ,• ;,;,,.;,.; .
<br />� ,'' � "�" provided far in this Sec�rity Imtrum�s tls$N b:d.�:m��to ha�•e bc�n�;iven t��Anrrotiver ar l:u.�W:s when given as provided . . :�:::�;;• ,
<br /> ��'""' .' • ',.�.•_;�,.' �n thix paragraph. .,, . .
<br /> �*'��`' ' • "' ' 14. tioverning L�:SeverabiUty. Thi.5�:.�rity (nctruracnt shall�h:N.���r,k�i b}•.f'v:;�.r.il I:►w and the law of tho . .
<br /> �,� . ,
<br /> . � - jurisdictinn itt which t�:e fi'raperty i�IucateA. In the cvcm�hat un��pru�-i�iaro or c�:.ust of ih�.�.S�.urity In�trument or thv • .
<br /> • � Nut4 conflicls widt applic�+btc law,sw:li canflitt�ha11 nc�t uf'fu:t uttr:r prn��isiur.y�yi`this Sa:jmty lnstrurrtcnt or thc Note ° ,
<br /> � . � whlch can bc givcn effect withnut thr conAirting pruve•ian. "li+tl�io cncl th:pru���ic�ny oi'thiy S�curity Inytru�ncnt and thc ,
<br /> _• Note ate decland tc�bc sevcrablc. '
<br /> � °� - 1S. Bor�ower's Copy. Hurt�+wcr shall l�Fi��cn E�ur canfurmrd r��p>•nf thiy�Su:a►if}�In+�tur�mn�, �
<br /> •�<'^� 16. A�.ii�emen!01 Ktnty. Husn�wc;r urr:onclilion�lly a��i�;m and ua►strt�•rs:tu l.cn:ler all'tfr:•rc�t+ara,1 revcnuc���f�he �
<br /> . ;f:.. :.. , ' Ptoperty. Borrou•cr authoriie�l.endcr�+r I.cn;lcr:ager�t�u�eullr<t th:tent�.+s�ct�eventa::,aral b:Yty)'df`7�il.r each tenant e�f i
<br /> • • �hu I�rupeny tu pay thn rcntti ta t.cndcr��r I.cm!er:;�f.cnt�. Nu�sc�•cr,ptiE�t ct+I.cn;3er'�nmice ta flrnroaer ai Harruwrt+
<br /> � �• " Amurh ak uny cuven�nt or agreemcnt in the Sc.:urity la�t�i�n�,r�t.H�►rra�ti��r�fisll tiull:+,t an;f cc�ri.�.-�all re��t�an�l re�•enu.4 of �
<br />. ' ihu Ntupctty t��Im�tec f'�+r�hc bcnrtit uf LcndcT an<t Nanu«cr. 'Thi�a.���;nm:n1 uf rrht�c:�r,�tifUt�,an ah�olutc:i��ignmm�t�
<br /> .. and nat nn u�.�ignnt�•nt f�n adJiticmal rcc�rri�y nn{a•.
<br /> � '' IF LCndet givcy noticc�,i hrrach tu H�ma�+�i: la��afl trnt:�c�ri�•r�t h� Hurr�n.cr shall hv hcld by Hurra�rer u�tn�.trr #� �
<br /> . . fnr txn��fi� uf Lender�ndy.��•h� u��plicJ t�,tfc:�um� �erutcd h} �fi:S�cuti�y�/n:trum:nt�(H►�I:rm�rr �h:+ll hr cmi11ee1 tu
<br /> -- , - culWct cu�d re��eive alE„f 1he«nt�uf the 1'rup:rt}•,au:!!c i r.��b iensni ut Ut:1'rup_rt}'�ha�l'p�y.�1!tcnl�due:uid unpaid to � _
<br /> ' Lender nr Lender�.�gent an Lcntirr�aritten dcmaiiil tu tii,tcii.wt, i
<br /> � ' gesrruwcr ha� n�rt exccirtc�i an� prn*e a��i£�+�u�:nE uf Qi:rent• und ha•nrt arhi�sill�ro:�s�{�:rfurm nny�ar!that �ti•ruld E
<br /> pn.vent L.rnd�r(ro��t cxcrci�ing it�ri�;htc un•:ier�h��E'.tr:�gr.i�+fi 16.
<br /> . � IAndrt�:hall nut tx n:yuir�d tv rnter ti�cm:t��runu�,1 of or maintain ttur E'nm:rt}^Ftifu�i�vs�a€tsr �i�ing natice u` �
<br /> � '..-�:., -. . _ bh:nch tu gorruu•es._Hna�evet,Len�e*e�r a;udtrw�!�y :���vnt�rt�ri��.i n�}�da s�.;u�um-.tirr,c�tir:rc�is-a bn�ch. �1ny i -
<br /> � �pplient«rn u��entti �hulf n��t care rr wai�•c.my dcf:wlt ur im�liQatc an�•��th:r ri�ht nr rrmvif}'�irl.crnicr. `ifii�a�.i�;n�nent (
<br /> -----_-- �.__._,�-_—___:-, uf rcnt�of thr F'ro�+�rty�trall trm�inate��lien Ch�.dcht,ceurai t+y thv 5ccuriq•[tr..uum:n�i=��::r fu11: E.__ . _.-_ .
<br /> - ; —_ — E: — - --
<br /> , i
<br /> .. _ � . . �tvc�•t„ta�•A;:re� • �, .
<br /> ' � ' � - � - - - . . . .;i'
<br /> � . � ., . . _ . - - � _ -- - --
<br /> �_
<br />