,�,f� #t'ai; -J:' ,;,m,_�. -.s.i:: �-"t4�. ., ' .c--. -�- -�-
<br /> � �� � ___'�.Ei„T-.�`.Tu.�'`'W' a>ti: ",in........... . . . _ _ .,�_. ... - _
<br /> �--i�,�.,��_�_ ,....., ....a........
<br /> �-.,�.::.,.:J•
<br /> g,�i a.0'�'!1 Q;)
<br /> eondentnalion orrnher teking of any pnrt of�ho Propeny,or for convcy�nw in licu of condemnation.erc hereby assigncA and
<br /> . shillbopaidtoLcnder.
<br /> � In the rvent ot o totnl �nking uf tho Propeny,�ho Proceeda shail bo applied to ihe sumn seaued by ihl+ Securlty
<br /> --! fnstrumem,whether or not then duo,whh any cxccse paid la Ilortowcr. In tho evcm of e panial �aking of tho Propcny In
<br />-- = whicii tho foir muket volno of the Propeny Immedlately bePom the�eking la eqnxl w or grcatcr�hnn ilio nmonm of�he sunu
<br />__ =, ucnrcd by�hle Sccudty(nsuumem Onmedivicly beforo�ho taking,mdess Dortower and LenAcr otherwisv ugme In writlng,
<br /> A~� ihe sums�cecureA by�hfs 3ecurity fnswm¢ni shnll be n:duce4 by the omnnnt of iha roceede muhiplied by tho toliowing
<br />=��-��c,uvR�a�
<br /> , - .; fraciion: lol�ho�o�al omount of ihe Rams secured Immedintely beforc�ho Inkins,divi ed by(b)�he fnir markel vnlue of Ihe -_�
<br /> --��`� Propeny 6nmcdlately Aeforc We�akinp. Any balance shall be palA�o Bortouror. In ihe evem of a pnniul �nking of the ' � -' -� �-"����-� -�-�-�'
<br />—__;%�,�_r. Property in which thu fair markct valuo of�M1e Propcny immedinmly befom ibe�aking iv Iess�6an the amount of�hc sums _
<br /> ..f�+�-�'�z!; stcurcd immedlately befom �ha �akfng, nniess Uorto�ver and lsnAer o�herwise agrce in wriiing or nnless npplicable law ,;�,.._ _ _ _
<br /> �"�i•,;� mhenvise provides,ihe proceeds shnll be applied to Iha sums secureA by this Securiiy InsiNmem wl�e�her ar not�iw sums nrc � _
<br /> 'hi. �hcn duc.
<br /> �y�'s��,s"Y If Ihu Property Is nbnndoneA by Dorto�eer,or if,uller nmice by l.ender�o�artower�ha��he condemnar ofkrs�o make ���y.L't�.r--__
<br /> �7�' - � an nward or xltlo n clalm for damagcc,Uorto�vtt fafls lo rcspnnA�o Leuder withtn 30 drys afler Ihe dnle�he notice is given, Z .,„�,�___
<br /> ��7��)�1�_.� :y_ l.ender is emhorized�o collecl and app�y�he proceeds,nl its option,ei�her�o res�an�ion or repair of the Propeny or�o the E;>�v.__.�,���- -
<br />-j^:-!Nry:;,��5�, sumsstturcdby�hivSecurirylnsimmem.whetherornoithendua ;,.:�,,,os,.��
<br /> " Unless Lender ond 6ortower othe�wise asrce in�vriting,any npplicatian of procecds to principal shall nm eatend or '�, ��t_,..�-_
<br /> < �ii<,�,� pas�pono tho due dnte of the manthly p.rymeNs rekmd�o in paragr�phs I and 2 or ch:mge the nmoum of such paymems. _t _ —_
<br /> Y'!_ .,�,;�, _•�:: 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance dy I.ender Not n �Yalver. Gxtension of the �imc fnr paymcm or ��'•- .-. � �•-
<br /> s��`.n< , "�` � modificalion of nmoni�ation of ihe sums securcd by�his Sceuriip Inswmem gramed by Lend:r�o any succe.vor in intercst ''��� `+�` -
<br /> �_ ..i...,,.. a . i�'�r�-s
<br /> 7# 3 .;'_�ij;, of Iiomnver xhall nat opera�c�o reirase�ho lia6ili�y of�he original 6arrowe�or Uorto��crl successon in imemu. Lender .,_�
<br /> � �'- •'. shuil no�Ik requlred �n eommenec praeedings agains� any suceessor in int�est or re(uce �a exmnd time for pTymenl or
<br /> 4 t� �"�.rt ahenvise modify nmonivmion of ihe sums secumd by�his Security Inswmem by macon nf nny demand mnde 6y�he originnl ; 1
<br /> ��� .
<br /> ;����;r�`- 6orrower or Oorroorrk sncccsson in intcre�i. My(orbca�ancc by Lendcr in e�ereising any righi or remaly xhnll nut bc n , ._
<br /> _..,�i; �vaiver of or prcclude�he exercisc of uny righi or rcmedy. t -._.
<br /> -'�'h� 12. Successors nnd Asslgns flatmd;Joint end Several Lia611fty;Goaigners. 7Le co�enams and ngrcemcme of�hifi n � �_�
<br /> : -.;;'.•f'���,,.� Securi�y Inxwnxnl>hall binA nnA lxnefit ihe sncceswrs nnd accigns of Lender ond 6ortowrr.subject�o�he pmvixinnx of r, <�,��,,�`;��
<br /> �'Lki`d..}�j..; :1.''.%p,`,:'''
<br /> ,,,,,:__.,,_ paragraph I7. 6ufmn�erS covcnams anJ ngnrmcnn sh:dl l+c joim and sever.d. Any 6ovower whn�ro-signs thi.Sauriiy �e��--_
<br /> `.>' • �-';-'?;: Instrumeni 6m doex nm execme�he Na�c: (N is coaigning�hi.Secumy Ins�nmient only ia mangaga gmm and canvey ihm �'--`�"�`,^��: _
<br /> ':���'��i:�T'`..�:'r liottowerk imeros�in U�c Pmpeny under�hc�emi.of ihis Security lan�umem: (bl i+no�penanally oM1ligmcd to p,ry tl�c sums +�:����'��
<br />?` ,"�,��;r�.r��' secumA 6y this Secunty In+uumcm:nnd(c)ngrces d�at Lender and any oiher�orto�rer may agmc ro extend,mndify.fnrheur �•��:-�,x���—�.-
<br />�°��.. "4�:?i: or mnke any acmmmaJa�ions �vi�h regnrd �o �he �enn, of�his Savri�y Instrumem or the Kote wi�how �ha� Durtmver\ .���;i�:.;}r�4x�;'
<br /> . ��,- .• consent. - r..
<br /> f a,7t�:--,si�"-�.
<br />. r - .-�.,'' `' 13. l.ann Chnrgev. If thc lo�n.ecureJ by �his Seniriry Irowm:m is subj:cl lo:i )aw w6icl�se�4 mnximnm loan !� +tl�a,�.:�
<br /> - :� '- - cM1argex.and Ihal law is finally ime�pre�ed so�hni Il�c nucfc.�m oiner�o:m cnarges cuiiic�ed ar fo M:caiiccicu in cunnniiu�i � �;- -°.
<br /> - l' wi�h�he laan exceed�h:pemiined limiu.�hen: (a)nny.och loan ehar�te vhnll bc rdumd by tl�e nmounl necessury In rcduce � y �rt��r�5 °�
<br /> - . S.Y-� �he cha�c Io Ihe pemiined IimiC ancl 16)nny+unu alrc,dy collecad from 8urtox�r which eacecded pennilted lintiu will 6e `� i'"a�,� `
<br /> -` . ,°�'}' rcfanded�o Uormacr. Lender may chaoce�o mnke�hi+rcfund 6�r.ducing�he principal a��M ander�he Nme or by making a � � r �:_ '„.`-
<br /> . --r, :i:l �, dincl prymenl la Qumox�er. If u rc(iind reducea principaL�hr rcdnc�ian ivill Ix trca�ed es a pahial pmpaymem�vf�hnnl any ;p� t�_. �"-
<br /> ` :it'�i„',s_. Prcpaymcm ch�rge unAcr ihc Nmc. �•� .�� � - +�{• ''
<br /> i - t4. Noikes. Anp notice m Durtu�ver pmvid.d for in�hi.Securi�y ImtmmeN shail 6e giren bp dzlirering it or hy +� 'i�� ,C. �.
<br /> � mailing ii by firrt cln+s mail unles.applirnMe law nqnim.uce of ano�her mcihal.The nuiice ahall Ik direct�d w�he Propeny ��;�'� r-i•
<br /> Address or any ulher addms Ou�rou'er de.ignntes hy noiic.�a LenJer. Any naiitt to Isnder+h�dl be given by fin�dm. � S3 e�
<br /> - � mail to I.�nders addrcss siaied hercin nr any uher addre„LenArr dai�nntca M1y naiice m I3nrrower. Any nmice provideJ for ` - r- t �-w
<br /> ; ..<..,�',�' in �his Secnri�y Intumnem chnll ls deemed �a h:nr I+cen grven la Bomoorr ur Lcnder���hen given a. proviJeJ in �hi+ --`.� ��� ,
<br /> - - puagnph. ' ! . ,i.,-�,:..,._.�.��z
<br /> - � -.:i?�`. 15. (im�erning Lno�: Sererebllit�. Thi. Sccuriq• Inummcm tih:Jl l+r go��crncd by fcder.d law and thc luw o!Ihc ''.-..:::'«i�:
<br /> .�'G.,2',: juri.dic�inn in which�Ix Pro�xny i.hxateJ. In ih..�rm�ha�anq pmvi,inu ar d:m.c uf�hi.Securi�y huvumem or the Nn�c ` h'- `�-''��'.
<br /> canlliCi+wilh upplicablc la�v,mch con0icl ahall nnl n((erl olhar pm�i.iun.of Ihia Sccunry In.m�mcnl or thc Nmc a�hich am - �-'.i
<br /> ... .
<br /> ��`. ,..+ M nrn e(tec�wilhoul lhe con0inin w�i>ian. Tn this.nd �h: rori.ion.nl Ihi. Sauril) In.lrmuenl and Ihe Nme aro �� �;�
<br /> i �,.-..rj�l. B FP P - . , .
<br />-;�=:-r_:.:°��. -- declarcd to Fc scvcrahla . -- --t._
<br /> q . 16. Rurra�ver t Capy. Uorro�nr+hall M Ficcn anr canlamuJ copy of Ilrt Nait and ol Ihi.Scaurily Inslmmenl. '-
<br /> s -. . _ 17. 7Ynnsfer at�he Proprrly or a Renelicial lnterest in Uorraoee If:dl or any�un nf�hc 19o�xny or any imcrcsi in � !t.� .
<br /> - il is sold or Ir.imfemJ lor if a I+enefici:d inlcre.l in Ilnrrowrr i>��Id nr�r.m.ICmJ anJ f3omnrer i.nnl a n:eural p.onn) � :i. •
<br />'-'`v;'lf:._-.. . , .� ..;�. . . � .
<br /> _ . . �vithoW Lcnd.r'x prior a�riucn ron.cnl.Lcndcr m:q�.a�ils nplion.rtynin immcJiatc paymcN in full of all.ann�ccumd br `:�,�.. .;�:-:,�_�-�:?�'�
<br /> - --:t': �hix Secumy Insmm�ent. Huwrv.r.�hi,op�inn.h:dl no�I+c r�¢rri.rd hy l.ender if cacrci.c i.prnhihiicd h)•(eJeral la�c a.oF - �t+.!.,`�':.".-; : .
<br /> :��-�.;.�:;: IhcdnlcollhisSecurilyln.uum¢n6 . . �.�[f;.•�-. ,
<br /> +' If Lendcr esereira�hi.opiinn.Lendrr.hall giic Ilorro��enmuit of ancl.r.iunn. Thc nouce.hali praride a�nud al � .. .q. , . .
<br /> . 1 �};. `:.��. not Ic.�ihan}0 day.Gom�hc d:nc�hc naiiir n dch�rr.d onn.nlrJ�ulhun�h�di Rnrmucr nm��p.q�Il.unn xaumJ hy Ihi+ � . . - .
<br /> ;�� .. Security In.lrumenl. If�orto�cer faih In pa� ihrv.nnn pnnr�a�he e�pir:niun nl ihi. prmxl. I.rnJCr m:q� mcn{,e any . . .
<br /> � rrincdics pemiiueJ hy ihi.Sccumr In+lminem�ci�huw fnnhcr no�in nr dcinand�m RuRrn�er. �, .
<br /> ' IR. Rorroxer's Rl�ht fu Reiminle. If 13�+mmcr m�vh .cnain .nnJitinn.. BoRO�.cr .h:dl h.ne �hr righ� ��� haac � .
<br /> ... enfurcement al Ihi.Securily In,mnn.nt di.cnminmd:n anc lime prinr in ih:e.�d�rr uC r.�� t d:n.mr.nch o�hrr�xn�d a� .
<br /> ,, ,. :
<br /> ' �' .•; - Smpl.l-nnd.- F.mnie\taeFreEdlr\7ac1]IFfIX\II\]IRlq1\l - fu.lomiGncnm1. 990 .pqv+..ro��m...
<br /> ' � .
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