l�!�� c_._ -i1 �S -a..�� . .M'. � . _ ___ . .
<br /> _ i _'%/.. - P ci^��Ji�'.t ��#��� . .-__ . . ..:,,,. . _ 'S � . - —
<br /> , _
<br /> � 1
<br /> i .r•....:.lr�l � ' -� -��" tf fIf.9P._�...._».....0 _____.:-
<br /> ��:.�� '93�'zo��4s __
<br /> perlads�hat Lender requirea. '(hc insumncc cartirr proviAing�hc insuranoc shall Iw chascn by Rnrtower sultja�in I.cndcrh
<br /> upproval which shall nm bc unrcasonabfy wi�hhold, If Dorrowcr fails m mnimnin covcrago descrl6ed ahnvc,4cnAccmny.ut
<br /> Lcr.dcrg opilon,oblaln cover�go�o proteci LcnAcr�righro in�hc Propcny in accordnntt wi�h parnymph 7.
<br /> _ ' AII insumnce policlea tmd renew�ls shall be necep�n61a in I.enAer anA Rhall Inclnde a s�nndnrcl mnnpngo c4mra. LenArr
<br />_._ "��,� shall havc tho right ro hold�he policia nnA rencwats. If LcnAcr rcqidre+,Unnoivcr xhall pmmpity give to I.cnAcr nll.rcccip�p ---
<br /> -�---_—--- of paid pmmiums and mncwal noikca. In ihn evcm of lov,Oortowcr shall givc prompi nniics m iha InEUnncc caRicr anA
<br /> • l.cndcr. Lcirlcr may mako proof of los�If nnt mado promptly by�ortowcr.
<br /> ���� Unles.ti Lendor md Uortower otlunvfsc opme in wri�ing.Insunnm pracecds sh�Jl 6c nppticd�a res�nreifon nr rcpair of =^ ----
<br />--�� tBo Propeny damaged, if tho restor�ilon or mpaG Is econonilcally feuibie and Lender's xcudiy i+ nm Ies�eneJ. It�he �--'�`-- �- �
<br /> _ yti._ msior�tlon or rcp,ilr Is no�economically fcasible or LenAerY Recuriiy would he Iessenal, �he insumnce prncecds shnll bo �.-. _
<br /> - applied to�he sum�aecurcd 6y this Securi�y Inswment.�vhe�her or nm �hen due,�viih any exces�paid tn ISarm�vec If �.��y;�,��:.t;-
<br /> - �;,�- Oorrower obandons�he Pmpeny.or daee nnt answer�viihin 30 days a no�ice from Lender�hnt �he inxumna carder hns -.?a+�;�e'a�==+--
<br /> -{�..��-. ':� ,a-- ..�.,
<br />._ :.� otterrA lo set�le n claim,�hen LenACr may colleci die insur�nce procecds. LenAcr mny u+e�M1e proceeds�o n;pair or ru.mm �.t , t,;==-�— --"
<br />� ' .-'.'r� �he Pro�rty or to pay sums securcd by�his Sanmy Inswmen4�vhciher or noi�6en due. The 3Q-dny periad will begin when �y�� '��'i`
<br /> . �hc not cc is gtvcn. �� 3-_ �..
<br /> Uniess Lender ond 6artnwtr o�hetwisc ngme in writing,nny applica�ion of pmeeeds ia principll shall nn�extenA ar �
<br /> � '� posipone ihe due date of�he mnnthly paymcros refemd ia in pamgraphs I anA 2 or chanEe�M1e mm�um of�ho pnymenls. If `-
<br />_`��.�,; _�.. under pangraph 21 ihe Propeny is ncquimd by Lender.Qartower4 righ� �o any insunnce policies and pmceeAx res�d�(np :'�:L?}'.�'�y`�'.�'
<br /> . from damage�o�hc Propc�y pdor ta�he acqutxi�inn shall pass Io Lender to�hc catem of Ihe sums secured hy�his Secnriiy - �, ��,�t_`
<br /> k ,� Insuument immedia�ely prior�o�he acquisi�ion. ���*, _
<br /> � - 6. (kcup�ncy, Preservntlan, 1lfafntenance end Protectlon of lhe ProperlyS 6orran�er's I.aan Appllentlan; '��,"� m
<br /> - '?���' Leaseholds. Rortoxror shnll occupy,esmblixM1,and use ihe Property as 6orro�ver\principal rcsidenu wiihin six�y dnys efler Miir:t��?i""�-
<br /> ---�� �hc exccmion of ihis Sccum Insnumcm anA shall cominuc to accu �hc Pro �n "'� -�� -----
<br /> f;' Y PY R Y�s 6orrmrcr's principal n:sidcncc!ur nl -" � � ,. ...
<br /> , ,t. . .' Ieas� one year afler �he daie of acupancy, unlezs Lender oihenvi+e agrces in writing, which conxem shali nnl 6e �l,-: ,.. �-
<br /> Nta --+. unreasanably�vitl�held,or unless exlennming cin:nmsmnees exisl whic6 arc beyond 6arto�verk comml. porrower shall nnl #'";�1���
<br /> t c- -;. destroy,damagc or impair�he Ropeny,ullmv�he Pmpeny tn dc�criora�e,or commi��vutc on ihc Propeny, fiurrowcr tih;dl �i�F"'fry �� �-. '_�i�-�
<br /> --t!'�;;•-�,?,i;� be in de(aull if any forfeimrc nction or procecdins,whether civil or criminal.i.hegun�hat in Lendert goad(uilh jndgmem (�;vn vi.ri�?�i�
<br />�`"��5�%�"i�•a` cou1J msul� in (oReimrc of�6c Pro n ar o�henviu ma�erinll mi air �M1e lien cremed b thix Securii Instrumem ur !�c';i'�.°'��•^ "'�
<br /> ,,,,,,..a,_ r� r r ' r r r , ,�...,,z;.�
<br /> . �,�: Lenders securi�y imerest. 6o�rower may cnm such a AeLmh and reins�a�e,n+pmviJed in pa�agnph 18.hy cnnxing�he aciion �,-.;� , - �—
<br /> . .�_ ;��i or promeding to 6c dismisxd�vith n ruliny thm,in Lender's gewd fai�h dciemiinatinn.precludes fodeimre of�he 6ovowert i?_,;1+,...�.: !i.r�-��
<br /> r y��� intercst in the Pmpcny or o�hcr ma�crinl impainnem u(�hc licn crcaicd 6y�hl. Sccumy Inslrumem ar Lcndcri sccumy ���`�� , , y z�
<br /> . i� -: imems�. Uorro�ver shall also be in defnuh if 6ortowee Jnring �he loan applicaiinn proces., gave materinlly fnlae or I�ft�t'5��.,t:$'H�`�'`
<br /> � ��" ��� Inaccuraie inlomiaiion or statements�o I.ender(or failed�u provide Lender wi�h any m:nerinl infomiaiinN in connaiion wi�h g � ���-.
<br /> r ; . lhe loan evide�r.ed 6y �he Yute, inclnding, bm noi IimiicJ ia. mpmkmminnc conceming Ilunowerk occupancy of�he ;f.�r�r -nS�-f�- ri:-'
<br /> Propeny as F Fimcipalrccidenee. If this Secumy Intuumem is on a lez�ehnld,f3urrmvershnll romply witl�all�he provicinns �4��f,..t.rYL�:��"._.
<br /> ,, 5 � ro ihe m ger�in�ivrinng�ncymrcs�ce mle�a tlic Nopeny.�he Iea.elmld anA�he fee�itle 5h:dl nm me�te unless Lender agmes --�}���a����jM1����_
<br /> ' tr �" 7. Protecdon of Lender4 Righix in Ihe Properlv 1! 6arrmrcr fuilti w prdomi iM1e covenan�. and aerermmm�. il{z'��f ' 4 � +s'�
<br /> `_}_F-# ,i,'�-' ,,({� '�.. }�. _li}>:�
<br /> l� eenwined in �his Securiry In+numrm, or �hem i+ a Icgal procecding �h:u may �i�nific�ntir uffen l.enderl.r�ht, in the ����4�rM�„s�4J;fyt t�._
<br /> �4,... Ptu,peny(such ns a praeedinp in b.'+nV:ruplcy,proM1al0.(or coademnalinn ur furkilun or to enfo(ce la�as ot rcFulations),Ihen ` 4«� �}+i� ��
<br /> �- Lendcr may do nnd pay for whatevcr is necec.aq•�o pm�ett 1hc rnluc af�hc Ropeny and Lenderi riehu in�he Ro�xny. "t�e["h;�i��4,'�j�:+��'j r�
<br /> I'.`.
<br /> Y P•Y R• Y� > P Y Y Pfx' !� 'C-::,a7.�.�.,-.::,.��,.,a,
<br /> Lendcrk aclians ma includc � m �n wm.accund 6•n licn which h.t. rinril occr Ihis Sccm$�In.irumcnt,n arin , . , f »�_ _•
<br /> 5 - :. in coun,paying rcasonable attumey.:fcc.anA m�cring nn thc Propeny io maAc rcpain.AhAnuph Lendrr may take ac�inn - -
<br /> ,,: under�his pamgraph 7.Lendcr daa nrn have m da�o. I. `;� C >
<br /> r
<br /> ;�. , Any amoums dicburscd hy Lcndrr undcr�hi.pamgr.�ph 7 .h:Jl hrumc aJJilinn:J debluf Dortoa•cr ucurcd 6)•Ihix ..:;t >`��_
<br />_ _ Securiiy InsWmenl. Unless 6umu�rcrand IsnJer agme io mher�emn nf paymrnL�he..amnums tihall henr inlerc��(mm�Im ' �_,_��.5
<br /> ` da�c of disbursemem ai�he Num raic and.hall Ir payahlc.�riih inlcrt.l.upm nnlicc fmnt Lcndcr In Bunu�ecr mqucaing ..
<br /> - ,',��,y�.�. . paymcnt. � . . : -;..'�'.
<br /> Y _ .: A. 1lforlgnge InFm•anee. If Lender reyuircJ mnn@a�e mwr.mre a>a candi�inn ol makinp�hc loan.ecumd by Ihis `- - - �'s
<br /> e .,-:� Securiry Inswmem. Uortuoxr.hall p.ry �he prcmimn.mywmd �a ma�mnin�he mnngage inwmnce in ef(ecl. If. fnr any . .� �� . 3�:�'S "
<br /> � . !'�; _ 5 :.
<br /> JI��,�,� rca+nn. Ihe mongage insumnce coremgc reqniM1J hp 4�nler Lip.e, ur cca.c. In Ae m efkc6 6urto�rer <h�ll pay �he I.:yl s_ { �
<br /> �� Y - : pmr.vvms rcquircd io��biain rnvcr.�gc ,n6.�amially eym�axm to �hc mnngagc in.vraacr Fa�ioudy in cOcc1. al a co.l '° "
<br /> -„•--.,+; e-�- ;�r.cv�'�'-�e.�: .:`;;('.
<br />� y�� ' . .. subs�aniially cyvivalem ia�he ca.i�o BaRO��rr o(ihe mnr�ga�e in.unmre prc��inu+ly iu etkn.Goro an ahemate monpa e
<br /> (:>'i�ff -i' '. F `�T�i�;ir�::T.
<br />_ .�i��r`i(.:,e� insurcr approved bq Lender. If su6qamfalle ryni�al�•nt mnngage in.nr.mce earer.�ge i�nm auA:�ble.Bunmeer.6a11 pay In --2,.1:�±�;;.;:,
<br /> �.i:.::, , :1u Lender each momh a>um eyu:d W nin�Iwcll�h of�he)rady mnngage in.umncc prcminm Ncin�paiJ hp l3urruw�cr�rhen Ihe ==-'- _'.,.�yt°
<br /> � �`i���'.;�? insurance em�erage Iap�eJ orceaxA w b.in eii.ri. Lenden��ill a��ccpi.uv and re�oin ihr.r papnenl+m a lo..rc�.rve in Ilen ��°r"ii�'�;:!:�..1•`;`.
<br />',lr"."`P� o(morigagc in.umncc. Lu..rc.cnr paymem-.may no lung.r lx nyuircJ. ai d�c uplion ul I.cnJcr.if mnn�a�c in.unmrc 1'.:t�>'<r�y��ia�:..•.
<br /> i��:'i4"t i'�' F b ..��ti::..:-.in.'�
<br />_�7.;�:j��•':- . covenge lin ihe amuunt and tor�he prriod ih:n LcnJer mynin,�pr�,ridnl hy:m in.urer apprmcJ hy LenJer a�ain bermnec /_._x��':(, �- ...: �_ �_�.,:
<br /> :.�:.. . availablc and i,ob�ainnl.6orro�rcr.hall p:�. thc prcmium.reyui�eJ Iu mainlnin mongagr inwranrc fn eflc.4 ur lo proridc a %� .; . . ��A"��::'`-
<br /> .:.: . los�rctierce,until the rcyniremenl(nr mnrtcace m.ur.mm end.in aa.nNancr�ri�h nn� ��riucn aercemrnl beurcrn llurmwxr •.�p.,;+• !� � _��,.•,
<br /> _i and Lcnder nr appLca6lc law. +�r. ���, ..
<br /> ���'� - 9. Inspecllon. Lcndcr or i�_.:�grnl may maAc reaumahlr.mnr.upnn:md m.p�v�i�un.nf�hc P�npcny. Lender.hall '/,. . .
<br />.yi ,.,� Frvr fiorro�rcr naicc a��Lc�imc o(ar priur m�n uupamm>pndving rt�.anahir rauv Inr Ihcfropr.imn. K',�. "
<br /> ,t,;.,d�. . 10. Condemnatlnn. The proc.td.n(:m��auanl nr d:nm far Aamagr..Jin.l ur cnn.rqucnlinl.in cunner�inn uilh:mr _.
<br /> . .- - 4qi r fnrr.h-4�nnir\f.v.!}Nd'e Vuc 1\IFDI7\I 11ti�R1 yF\T��1 nnnnn lln i�ux. 9C0 ��,.�<<..r��,v.. .
<br /> ..n�i.m w.n..e..r..�n ■
<br /> �.{J�fF ' L.nJ�U1� IdAl[�9loJ:�H\tIF.Yl.11�l �
<br />��_...-' . .. .
<br /> �0:��.�y�� :.� . .. � . .
<br /> ' ....• .�n � . . . .i_ . . _ . _ _._ . . . :� . . .� . . _ � �
<br />