t,��'�rL'! � . - _- - - - _,- .--
<br /> r� ,,..� ..
<br /> _�.�-+:-"-{ � :_�fS- i... . ' .._.. ..... .- '� ---'-- � -.- . �-.
<br /> '93- �.0�►��9
<br />- �ppllc�ble law nmy epeciry for rclns�eunknq beforo celo ot�he Propeny pursuan��o uny pow•er of e¢le wntalncd ln Uile
<br /> Security InstNment:or(b)emry of n Judgment enfoming thie Security InsWment. 7'hose cenditlon�ue�h�t Bortowu: (a)
<br /> payn I.ender ell sume which Nen x•uulA bo due under�hle Secud�y Infmmum end �he Nae ea if no occdcraiion had
<br /> • occurted;@)curcaanydefnuitofanyolhcrenvenanteoragramenu;(c)paysollexpensceir,curtcdinenforcingihls3au�ity
<br /> tnatNment,inctud6ig, but not Iimiied to,reasonablo eitomeye'fae; end(d)tekee euch acUon w Lender may rcasonably
<br /> requlrc to assuro Ihat Iha Ilen ot Nla 3audly InsW mcnt,[.cnderb rights In�ho Propeny and Bortowcrb obligetion to pay tha
<br /> . sums seeured by �hla Suurity Insuument shNl conlinue unehanged. Upon rclnstNemenl by Borrower, Ihie Saurity
<br /> InsiNment end the obligatlona saurcd hcrcby sAall remain Polly effutivo e�If no ncccicretlon heA occurted. Howover,�hts
<br /> .. ._. .._. _� dght ro rcinsiaio shall not npply in tho cxu of acccicretion undcr pamgrnph 1 Z r——T-. . .
<br /> 19. Bak o(Noki Chwnge ot Loan&rvker. 71w Note or a pnrtlnl inreresl in tho Nom(togethet with�hle Sccudty
<br /> — Instrumenq mny be sold ona or morc timee wtthout pdor notice lo Borrowec A sale may resnit-in u chnngo in Ihe em(ty
<br />��s� (known ee�ho'Loan Servlcer")ihai collecia momhly payments duo undor tho Nom unA�his Secarity Instrumen�. Thaa niso
<br /> -�--- may 6u ono or mora ehanges ot the Loan Servlcer unmlated to n sale of tho Nota If�hem is e chango of tha Loan Servicer,
<br />--sm,"'T�!�?'� Roetower wlll be given writrcn noiico of tho change in naordanco with pungraph t4 nbovo enA epplicable lew. The noNcc
<br /> —'=_':3�� will sieto the neme and addrcss of ihe new 4oan Servlcer end tho addrcss to whfch paymenls shanld�6e made. "Ihe nodx wlll
<br />_ ��+-.:� also contain any o�hcr inPortnn�ion requimA by appliceble lew. , .-- � - - -
<br /> _m�_= 10. llaznrdous Substancw. Bortower shatl na cause or pertnit�he prcsenco,uso,dispwal�xtomgc,or rcicase of any
<br />_1��;��=;";`s Hazardous Subs�ances on or(n�ha Property. DoROwcr shall not do, nor ellmv anyore elw to dn,nny�hing effceting the
<br /> __,�.,�,.;;�-�- Propeny tha�is in violallon of eny Envimnmental Lew. 7'hc preceding hvo sentences ah�ll not eppry to the prexncc,use,or
<br /> ��_+''-.�;,;,�- rto�agc on�ha Propeny of small quantitle�of Hezardous Subsiences cha�ero genemlly rccogni�.ed m bc uppmpdate to normel
<br /> _ - residemial uses and to mnintenanee of U�e Propcny. —
<br />:�;�%;�"%�f� I3orrower shell prompdy give Lender wdtten notice of any invesqgation,clnim,demnnA,Inwsuli or oiher action 6y any
<br /> it ` , govemmemal or rcgulmory ngenry or privam p.vly Involving the Propeny nnd any Hnzardous Substancc or Enviranmemal _ _
<br /> r, . , -`-;{- Ea�v of �vhlch Uortower has actuul knowledge. If Borto�ver leams, or is notified by eny govemmemul or mgalatory
<br />=;'<,,•.-�+.=�"s'''i: emhority,�ha�eny removal or o�her rcmedie�ion o(eny Hazardous Subs�ance effecfing�he Propeny is necessary,Bortawer
<br />_„r.ti�A f�f',��?;, shall promp�ly take oll nccessary remediel enions in nanrdance with Enwonmeninl[aw.
<br /> � � .-.��--; As used in Ihis paragraph 30,'Hozardous Subs�ances"nrc those su6s��nces defined as�oxic or hmarJous subs�ances Dy —� ---
<br /> '�������-�' 6 gnsolinc,kerosena other Onmmeble or toxic peaoleum producd,tozic
<br /> ;,_,:,..,.;�.- Environmemnl Law and Ihc(ollowin substances:
<br /> -�.;'�i;:%'':�:'�� pesticides and herbicides,voln�iie solvems,mxterials conmining asbes�os or formaldchyde, end redioactive maicdals. As
<br /> "- '�i��'•'�� used in this puagrnph 20,"Em�imnmemnl Law"mwns Cedeml Iaws and Inws of�he juri:diction�vhere�he Propeny is laated
<br /> '�'° -��`""'="0- thet relale ro hwhh,snh�y or environmenrel pro�eciion.
<br /> "'P4`-�;'�;:`,;'�' NON•UNIFORM COVENANfS. Bortower end Lendcr funhercovenant end e ree ns follows:
<br /> r?.'(,s-r.; '_,: B
<br /> �;_,:�_, ,`_-.; 21. Acceleraflon; Remedles. l.ender shall gire noqce to Borrower pdor b acceleretlon folloxing 6orrower's
<br /> - -.E . breuch of any wvenant or ngreement tn this Security Irtsirument lbut nol pdor to acceleration under pangroph 17
<br /> `��"`+°;;,�+:: anles�appiicsbte iaw proddes otherwtse). The nolice shnll apecity� (a)ihe deteuih,(b)Ihe eciton rcqulred la wre the —
<br /> ;i;t,
<br /> '.'�""•;=:-;:�'`� default{(c)a dnte,ndt le�thnn 30 dnys from the dnta U�e noqce Is eiven to[iorrmree br which We defan(t musl be —'°
<br /> �� � -- _,_�.,- cured;enG(tl)Ihat fallure to cure Ihe deteuit on or bePore the date spttlited In the notlec inay rcsult In acnieratlon of _. �� - �� ��- � --
<br /> 'f� r.,'. Ihe sums secured by Ihis Securi�y Instrument end sale ot the Property. The notice shell Nriher Intortn Boreoxer of _
<br /> �.�.",,: �;� Ihe dght to rcinstete efter�cceierotlon and the dght lo bAng a coura nMlon ro nssert the non•exlstence of a default or ----��
<br /> '- ,� '"�>t` any othcr defensc of Borrowcr m ucceleratlon end enle. If the defanit Ls uot wred on or DrSure the datc epecNed�n -
<br /> ^1_!J,:;�.'_:.;V. 4;r<'—
<br /> �� �„i, thenotice,l.ertdernlllsopfionmxyrequirelmmedintepeymenllnNllotnllaumsaecuredEytBlsSewrftylnsirumenl -
<br /> � fi-. Y; wifhout furihcr demund ond mny Invoke Ihe power ot snlc and any other remodlcs permitted by upplica6le law. Pt�`i �---
<br /> �jy �ti� �;;� Lender shnll bc entltled to rnllect ull expertses Incurred In pursuing Ihc remed[es provided in Ihls pnra@raph 21, '7!r+�=„�___
<br /> u,_ 't�:�:�. ,.s �},..�_
<br /> � 1,.-� inctuding,6ut nat I(mited lo,rensonable attorneys'feea nnd msls o(Hlie evldence. -�;;,;,_:..,
<br /> .'�;�,-.;,���; If Ihe power ot snte Is Im�oked,7Yustee shnll remrd e nailrn oP de(nuit In rnch county In whlch any part o!the �.�:�.' ;1.�:'�_
<br /> _;�•.--, Property Is located and shull mail mples of such noqce In lhe manner prescribed by oppllcable law to Dorrower end to �%���-'s�;•:�C�°-
<br /> -. ,• :__�;'�S tAe ofher persons prescrlhed hy appllcahle law. ARer the qme required by npplicable Inw,7Yustee shall give public _.�;�;{:_',-;'�i�:,-::
<br /> � � notim a[sale lo[hc persons anA In the mnnncr prcacrl6ed by nppllcaAlc Inw. 7Yusteq without demond on 6orrower, r - :�
<br /> --- ahnll sell the Properly et public nuctlon lo the highest bldArr nf the tlme end plece end under the lernu designnled In �'��.•. --�o;,,�:1i_.
<br /> �
<br /> Ihe mtice af sale In one or more parceis nnd In any order 7tusiee determinca. Truslec mny pastpane sale of nll or eny '=`"l�:'C';;.`;+k:;�<<--�
<br /> - - parccl ot the Properly by public xnnouncement nt ihe Ilme nnd pinm ai xny prevlously Fcheduled snle. Lender or Its ��� '< < i s'�`
<br /> it �,,:� designec mny purchase the Properly at eny salr. ��v �+7 ��i �6, '�:
<br /> ) � . �;:; Upon recelpt ot pnymenl at ihe pAce 61d,7Yuslcc shnll dcliver m Ihe purchaccr 7lvstex'a deed comeylnR the 2,1 h��t, ,,,f= :
<br /> 4e�-%`��`� Property. The reNtuls In thc 7Yusfec's deed shnll be primn fadc eridente o(Ihe vnth of Ihe sinlemenle mnde Ihereln. a`7��Ca`.;�i•�•'-".•��;��•�`
<br /> � �y. . �- 71•uslecshnllepplythepraceedsoflheanleinqiePollo�vingarder. (o)lanllcoswnndexpensesoicxercltinglhepoo-er �� :Y'j; ,"�--
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