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` �Y} . Y . �T7� ..�._ - . : <br /> . _i L :r- e. � � � '_ n_-_.. . � -. <br /> .. r� �� - '. r -• - .., . .�,.,-. . ,. . —_ <br /> I �..� 'd.,......,�i�.S.`rr'ea..�...1_r�rL - . s._.. .. .- .-�-.—....... .. _ _ '__"" _ -.':. <br /> � <br /> l 4 .'�-3':� _"" - <br /> _�a_�� 93-' 1o��4s <br /> T00[�I7iCR W1771 ail tho Improvemenq r.ow on c�rcafler crcctal on iho propercy,end ull cnscmcnte,apputtenontte, <br /> __ _:i� und fixmrn now or hereaRcr e pan oi the propeny. Ail rcplecememe nnd uddiUom shall uiso ba rnvercd Ay ihls Saudry <br /> --- Insuumer.t. Nloftholorcgoingierckmdtointhla&cudrylnstmments��he"Propeny." __ <br /> _-___ BORROWL•R COVCNANI'S thm Oovowcr i�lawtully sciscd of�ha esia�o hcceby conrcycd ond has iha dght lo grmt - <br /> - - end conrey the Ro�xrty and thot�he Pru�xny b unencumbend,except for encumbantte ot rccord. Dorrower wartania end <br /> -'�+;"^' wlll detend enerel1 the tlqr,ro�ho Pro tt o ainst nll claims and demands,wb ceuo an encumbtancee ot record. n <br /> -- �� B Y P� Y 8 1 Y �,�-@r�.. <br /> ,,,,�„ �;,— THIS SCCURITY INSTRUMENT wmbinca unitomi wvenants Por natlonnl usc and non-uniPomi covcnant� with =__. _ <br /> + :..� Iimlted variationf by Judsdlclion to wnslhme a unifo�m secnri�y instmmcnt covcdng rcal propcny. 6 +� �-=-,--� .. <br /> r a?'� UNI�ORM COVIINAMS. Bortowcr end Lendcr covcnenl ond egrco es folloxs: _ . <br /> .v, �:,,:�, 1. Payment of Pdixip�l�nd lntercat�Preprymenl ond t.ate Ch¢rga. aorrowcr sAall prompqy p�y whcn due ihe a, . R —,.—�-v.. <br />''-` � dncipal of and intercsi on the deb�cvldcnced b thc Noic end on n a ment ond laic chnr ce duc under�hc Nac. :�..:;,�C(?cn."^'-- <br /> ,r:-:: , �.' - P Y Y P 'P Y 6 . .. ��. - <br /> - 2. FLndn for'IYxa end Insunnce. Sub at to o pIicablc law or to a wrluen waivcr b Lendcr,Dortowcr ahal I a �o � �� i'� <br /> � �7;- ' I P Y P Y �:�:i��F`S_'F'I.[ _t:.: . <br /> ` Lcnder on�he day momhly paymenis erc due under tM1e Note,until�ha Note b paid in PoII,a sum('FLnds")for.(a)yearly . <br /> R -'.% ` �axes end assessmcnts which may auain pdority over�h6 Sceudiy Inswnxnt es a lien on the Propcny:(b)Ycariy Ieasehold � - :� � �. <br /> _---___ �aymenn or ground mo�s on �he Propeny, if eny: (c) yearty hazerd or propeny lasurance premiums; (J} yearly Ilood �� ._ --_ -"'_�' <br /> _'} .-,., ' nsurar,ce prcmiuma, iLany:(o)yeariy mongage insurance pmmiunu, if eny; and(q any sums payeble by Gortower to ^ � �,��. - <br /> Lender,in acmrdance�vi1h�he pmvistons of par�graph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums. 7Lese ?; '�'�`���f�" .- <br /> _� --�- I�ems em called"Escrow fiems.' Lender may,a�any time,collat nnd hold Rmds in en emount nat to exceed the maximum ;N� .�7��..�•���:�a�s t"�� <br /> - emount e lender for e federally n;la�ed mongage loan may requiro for Qortower5 escrow aaoum under�he federal Rwl ''=' "-v��t- <br /> ,��'j Csteto Settlemrn�Procedurcs Ac�of 1974 az omendM Gom time�o time, 12 U.S.C.{2601 et xrr/.("RC•SPA"),uNess anaiher '�+'"°i�j"-� <br /> law Ihat applics lo�hc Funds sets e lesscr nmount. If so,Lendcr may,et t+ny�imc,collal end hold FLnds in an amount noi m ` .�'�#��- . . <br /> +� � - �''� exceeQ �he lesser emoum. Lender may estima�c �ho emounl oi Ponds due on the buls of eurtent data end rcazonable — <br /> -- =_�`- esummes of ex nditures of Poturc Eumw I�ems or othrrwiu in accordance�mh u plicuble law. � � "°°� <br /> a ,�•�,�;''"�J,;' 'Ifie Pondscahall be heid in en instimtion whose deposi�s erc insured by ePfederal agency, imuumcntali�y, or cmi�y �•"r•.'��_�`�'�'-_ <br /> _--t+-•�� Oncluding Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtiaN or In ony('rderal Home Loan 6ank. Lender shall apply U�e Pund�to pay • :;-. <br /> • �•iti; ,? ihe Cscrow Itemc. Lender may no�charge 6arrower for holding and npplying �he Ponds,annually analycing�he exm�v •..;-r,„ ��EY�iE"� <br /> _ ti;,+,v� accoum, or verifyinQ �he Escrow I�enu, unless Lender pays 6orto�ver imenst on�he Ponds nnd applicable law pertni�s >�'i^�'.;.`4{�.=:_ <br /> � - -� Lender to make such a charga Huwever,Lender may require 6ortower to pay n one-�ime chuge for an independent real i '��: <br /> �s ?.,. , J.�'.'�_ <br /> estate tax reponing su�itt used by Lender in connection wi�h�his loan,unless epplinblc law pmvides oWenvisa Unless en . ���- -�.�;.=—: <br /> �� agrcemer.�is made or appliceblc law requires intercs�to bc paid,Lcadcr shall mt 6c rcquircd ro pay 6orro�rcr nny intcrcs�or '' :<.��q p.��- <br /> , ' eamings on d:e Ponds. Borto�ver nnd Lender may agree in writing,howcrer,�hat imeres�shall bc paid on Ihe I•Lnds. Lender " <br /> � _ ii-,`.t shall gi��e to Borto��rr,withom charge,m annual accounting of�he f'vnds,shawing crcJiis and debi�s to the Funds and the �.-.�=,y�-�-:.;. <br /> ':7- -� puryose for which eacb cHbit�o the f�nds was made. The f'vnds ere pledged as additional security for all sams secund by � - --n E�'- <br /> � r �t': a�.:-. <br /> :' s,', this Stturity Insuumem. -.. � �.. <br /> -�<,7�, If ihe FLnds heid by Lender exceed �he amonms permitted to be held by applicnble Iaw. Lender shall occoum �o � �fr3 t.�Q,];; <br /> � :{:+,°{ Uorta���er for the excess Funds in accordanm�viih thc requiremenix of npplirnbie I�w. If�he amount of the f�nds held by �;; 7 , > ��'-,I�a�w± <br /> - '!�(}� Lender et nny time is no�su�ciem�o pay�hc Gum�v Itcm.when dnc,Lcnder may so no�ily Bormu�er in�vfiing,and,in �" t �✓ii '+ - <br /> .'�- -.;�;1"VT�x such case Uortox�er shnli pay lo Lender�he amnunt neces�ry in make up ihe deficiency. Oortox�er sh211 make up�he �`7'l:,:�:� :t�'.- •'if=�,- <br /> � � ,,i�;��� deficiency fn no mure than�welve momhly paymemr�a�Lender's sole discretion. '?�r - i'.� q4.-- <br /> aa•. _,. 1{f:. <br /> r _ -. � ,�,�{ Upon p�yment in full of all sums secumd by�his Securitp Instrvmen4 Lender shall promptly nfund�o Eiertower any r . -� � - <br />_i�.. ��: -�:o;�Q' fLnds held by Lender. If.under pamgmph 21.Lender shall acquire nr u:ll�he Roperty. LenJCr.prior lo the ncquisition or �"?-?�+�i°-°. <br /> ""���``"•+`� snte of the Pro n shall n I an �unds held b Lendcr a1 the time n(a u�tinian or sale as n crcdit a nns��he wms ' <br /> ���,,[� Pe Y� PP Y Y Y �9 ���� 8�� .i. �;i: �S".'.� <br /> . sceumdbythisSecuritylnsnvmem. - , <br /> - - ��iµ�� 3. Appilcallon of Peyments. Unless opplicable law provides o�hem�ise, all payment: rccei�-ed by Lender under • ��i <br />-:-�C- :!,:�='��:��� paragmphs I and 2 shall be npplicd:firs6�o any pmpaymem chargex duc undcr the No�e:second,ro nmounes piya6le undcr ., . - '�:-.,a �; _ <br />'t. .�•'.,'-':.: :� ,�� <br /> : . paragraph 2;�hird,�o intcrcs�duc; principol dur,and laa,m any latc charges duc undcr�hc No�c. .-;-.�,:,��'i�_..�- <br /> j+ �`�}'.S�� Pro n �v�hiel�ma ntla o n n�ocer di!a Seeur i' �Inswmen 5 and ieacehold�a ments or �roFnd r•ms aif�anu�Uorcourr °}��`l4 <br /> i,.-t,;;�!`, P� Y Y P Y Y P Y B Y ..,.F.'�:�::i�l�y...�. <br /> �„-��i/�b+;;�y� shall pay�hesc obligaiions in the mnnnrr providcd in paragmph:.or if not paid in�hai manncr.Bono�vcr shall pay�hem on �� _::����rty -... � <br /> � - 4S qYV; �ime dimctiy ro�he person o�red papmem. Durro�cer.hali prompily fumi,h to LenJer all nwire�of amnunt�w M patd under i�1'- � � 'F�:! f� ` <br /> t+ . ��t�4" �his paragraph. If Bortouer makes�hese paymems directly.6orrower shall promplly furnish m I.ender receip�s evidencing ��..���� �' 1��+ ��•� <br /> - -�iG�� ., �hc paymenis. . -�ri,w.� -. <br /> - ',���r.- - Uorrower ahall pmmptly discharge any lien which hac priariry�oe.r ihis Security In.vumem unless 6orrou•er.(a)agmes . -,`��;' <br /> c , <br /> - � � in n�ri�ing lo tht payment of�he oM1liga�ian securcd 6y the iicn in n manner acap�able m Lender.(b)caNesls in goad faith the � • <br /> '�, lien b wdefend;n amsl enforcemenl nf Ihe lien in.Ic�al nx�edin �which in�he lander.o iniun u rale lu n�ent Ihe - =�`:'��"-��� ' <br /> --'�'...�.�1�' - y, 8 ' b" P F P R P " - . . <br /> enforcemem of�he lien:or(c)xcures from�he hoWrr of ihe lien an agreemem sati�fac�ory m Lender su6ordina�ing the lien .' �:.�^ • <br /> � '-`` � to this Securi� Insvumem- If Lendcr de�emiinc+tha�an �n of�hc Pro n �s wh'en io a licn which ma�avain norit - - � <br /> . Y YP� P� Y� 1 5 P� Y <br /> � � oeer this Security Insvumenl.Lender may gire 6unowrr a nmice iJemifying�he lien. Uurtower shali sa�isfy�he lien or�aAe � . .. - <br />; ._ "';,�:,�,- onc or morc nf Ihc aclions scl foah nbo�r wilhin 10 Ja)s of Ihc girinF of noticc. � " ',:jr;�� - <br /> " .`t'� t�, 5. Ha�nrd or Praperq'Insnram+r. Ilunoorr tihall Acep the improrcmenl+m�r�Ri�ling on c�rca(ter er.Yled on Ihc . <br /> - .'i r..'^�''�v,� Propeny insurcd againa!lass by fire,hvarda included�vithin�he Iem�"extendrJ cwrtage"and:m��ulher hasards.includmg .J ." -� <br /> '- flonds or Oooding. for �chich Lcnder requirea inwrancc. "Ihi.imurancc �hall hc nuintaincJ in Ihc amount. anJ for Ihc � � <br /> - - � '. • . <br /> ' . !. <br /> ., � ea-n,WSS eNO ,�..c.:.9R�„c�:,, � <br /> ;4-. <br />:.'•.. <br /> 5; -- . .-. :- . <br /> '. .� � <br /> , i � <br /> . <br /> ,;. . J <br /> , �. . _ _ <br />