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<br /> .:. .. .. . .
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<br /> �:::_.,s��J '93� so��ae
<br /> condemna�lon or aher taking of any pan of ths{kopcny,or for conveyanco in Iicu of conAemnation,aro hercby ossigned pnd
<br /> sh�ll be pald w I.ender.
<br /> In ilie evem ot a lo�al taking of�hc Pmpeny, the procceds chall be applicd to �he sums sccuttd by this Security
<br /> [nstrumm�6 wLeiher or not tl�en duc,with eny oxcess paid to Qortowcr. In tho cvcnt of n pvlial �aking of tho Prop.•try in
<br /> which Ihe fair muke�v.lue of�he Propcny immedieicty bcforc�he�aking is equal Io or grcmcr tM1an iho omount of iho sume
<br /> — securcd by thle Saudty Insuumem immediatcly bcfore ihe mking,unics�Oortowcr anJ Lcndcr othenvisc egrcc In wtiqng,
<br />��:— tAo suma securcd by�hb Securi�y Inswment shall be r.duced by�ho amoum of�he proceeds multlyIlal by ihe followln8
<br /> Gactlon: (o)the total amonm ot�ha Rume secumA immedfateiy beforo tho�aking,divided by @)the fair marke�va�ue of tta
<br /> t Propcny ImmrAimcly beforc �6c mking• Any balance shall bc paid to Oortowcr. In thc even� ai e panlal�aking of�hc __
<br /> y ,v�"� Propeny fn which�ha falr ma�kel vaiuo of tho Property immedlately be(oro�he taking is Ics�than dw wuoum of�hn sums �� - - ��
<br />_= suurcA immedimely Ecfora �ho tol:ing,unless Bortower and Lender oiherwise ogrce in wrt�ing or unless eppllcabl: tew
<br />�_«�*��:• otherwirr providex tho proceeAs shall be applied to�he sums sceured by�his Sccurity insmiment wheihcr or not�he eums arc _ _
<br /> ' �hen due.
<br />---,;=:�y� If tho Property is nbandoned by Dortower,or iL after natice by Lender lo Oortoxxr�hm�he condemnor offers�o make —
<br /> ;'e'�':�.',:.;, an anerd or senlo e clnim for damages,Dorrower failx to rcspnnd�o Lender wiihin 30 days e�er�hv dato[he notice In given. —
<br /> -":,•--"�- 4enAcr is nwhorized m rnllec�end apply tho pmcada,ai ite option,ei�her to rcsm;ation or rcp�ir o(the Property or ro ehc _. ..
<br /> + ' -"` wms sceured by�his Securily Inslmmem,whctheror nm then duo.
<br /> + '� Unless Lender anA Uorto�ver o�herwise ngrce in wri4nD,any e plicatbr of proceeds to pdncipal shall nm enicnd or
<br /> - postpone�he due da�e ot�ho momhly paymenle rcferted ro in pamgr�pPs I e�id 2 or change�he emoant of such paymems.
<br /> '-' tl. Borrower Nol Relwse0; Forbearance B� tandcr Nat o Walver. Cxtens[on of �ho �imc Por payment or
<br /> ��� �"<�"d� modificaAon of emoniza�ion of�ho sums securcd by this Security Instmmenl gmntr4 by Lender ro any successor in(ntercst =
<br /> ;?,';.;;5'•,f%� of Dortower shall not opemte ta rclexse iho Iin6fiily of�he origtnal Bortower or portowerY succcssors In Interest.Lender
<br /> <.�.,
<br />%�=��?�.�„�� shall no� be rtquircd to comm�na proaed'ngs against any successor in interest or rcfuse�o extend �ime or paymem or ----
<br /> � oAierwisz modify amoni�Aon of the sums ueured 6y wis Securi�y !•awmenl by reason of any JemanA made by the odginal _ __.. ... _
<br /> i.. .- ,�„`. Dorro�ver or Darro�ver's succesmrs in imeresL Any forbeamnce by Lender In exercising any rigM or remedy shall na be a __
<br /> Y(-„;�5+�(���, wafverof or prcclude the exereix of any right or rtmeAy. —
<br /> - -' <;�,?.� 12. Suceessore and Assigns ponnd:,lalnt and Sn'eral LlnAlllty;Co•signera. 7Te corenants and ngnxmems of�his __
<br /> ��'•`-=`�'%��� Secumy Ins�mmem shall bind und benefi��he sucttsto�nnd¢uigns of Lender end 6orroirer,subja�to[he provisions of —=_
<br />- ._'t' "1F... _.
<br />- , a.;�..:. � paragmph 17.Uofmweh covenams and agmemencs shalt be jaim and xver.�l. Any Oortower who co-signs�his Securi�y _
<br />`��:'�'�`.,it;�(� Ins�mmer.i bm does m�execme the No�c: (a)�s co-signinp�his Securi�y Instrument only to mongage,gran�and convcy�hm v'_
<br />_`;i•:;,,.{�.�_�_:� 6ortox�er�inurcs�in�he Roperty under ihe�erms of�his Secarity Instrumen�; (b)is not personnlly obliga�ed to pay�he sums —,—
<br />- ,...,, .� securcd 6y this Security Instrumem;nnd(c)ngrces�hm Lender and any oiher Ilo�rower mny agrce w eaiend,modify,forbear !�_"_�- -
<br /> ry�.;�'-. �� �!• or make nny eccommodallonx iviih regard �o �he iemu of this Sceurily Inswmem or �he Note �vithout ihat Bartowerk �ici�_-.
<br /> - ..,����',�. consen6 �.,_ -
<br /> ..::l.t.: �"'z'_.
<br /> �:'¢%_�_y;. 13. Lonn Chnrges If�he loan securcd by this Securiry Inswmem is subject �a u la�v which uu maximum loan .__. .
<br /> :', . -.
<br /> ` eM1arges,and�hxt law is finnlly iNerym�ed sa 1ha1 the inlerest or olher loan chmses eollceted or to he collected In connecUon U:3�7Y.
<br />� - 't >� with the loan execed Ihe permmed I�mns,teen: (n)any sncn ioan cnarge s6aii bo mJmcS u}Sa a��ivurt rxcsarj tc rdua � � --- -- --
<br /> �he chuge�o�he pennineA limir,nnA(b)any mms already collcaed Gom 6ortower which exaeded pemiiued limits will be .�p�rlfl'?,,
<br /> �� rcPonded to 6oirower. Lender may chouu m mnke�his nfund by reducing�he principal oued unAer�he Nae or 6y making u :..�..,.,;:�'.___.
<br /> � dimci paymem to Borro��zr. If n refnnd rcduces principai.�he rednction will 6e ircaied ns a p�nixl prcpaymem without xny . . Sy ,�•';_�
<br /> - - ' pmpaymem charge unAcr�hc No�c. '`-i��< --
<br /> �;:
<br /> � l4. Nalices. Any no�ice w Borto�ser provided (m in this Sccuriiy Inswment shnll be given 6y dclirering ii or by ,- -��'. �._
<br /> � - mniling it by fi�x�class mail unlet:npplicable law reqnirex ust of nnother method.The noiice shall 6e directed to the Propeny - `� .1 +f_�,
<br /> t �� !. Address or any other address Bortowrr designates by na�ice to Lendee Any noiice�o Lender shnll be given by fin�clnss � :. - � 7
<br /> ,,,,�{,�,;,; mnil�o LenderY address ximed hercin or any other adAn:ss l.ender designme.by no�ice�0 6orrmver. Any noiice provided for �, �, _ . t �
<br /> •� � ;i�-.::a.; fn this Securiry Ins�rumcro shall be dcemed ro Imre becn gi�'en In �ofrower or L.nder when given us provided in this : . .. � � ���
<br /> puagmph. a �.' I` �rl.". ;?:
<br /> � I5. Corerning Lmv; Se�erxbllhy. Thix Sccurity InRtrumem shall be gurem.d by kdeml law nnd�he law of�he � �;� � y�/ '�'r 'St �_.
<br /> jurisdiction in which�he Pmperty i�lanted. In ihe evem�hm nny provision nr clnuse of this Seeurity Insuummt or the Note ��t�,t'- i .Z ;,.
<br /> - s # �_ con(licts wilh upplicable la�v,surh ennllic�shnll nol af(en..i6�.�.�����..�.n(�hic Srrnrieo Incvumenl or lhe Note which can .�_ 1 � �
<br /> -:�,; F r.�i�.. .,,-.
<br /> _� <'�, Iw gieen e(lecl o'ilhaut Ihe can0iciing pmvisiun. Tii Ihis end ihe provi.ions of Ihis Security InrirumeN nnd Ihe Note am _ c-s.
<br /> � _ i1 declmed lo bc ce�•tnMe. `
<br /> s ,� 16. Rnrrno�er's Capy. [torto�rer.hnli Ik eiven one cun(omicd copy o!ihe No�e and of�his Se.uriry InstrumeN. � �� �i _
<br /> - 17. 'Itnnsfcr of thc Praperty or n UcneTicial Inttresi In Ourroa�en If ull or any pan o(�hc Propeny or any interes�in ��,_"�-- ��°,s'� =
<br /> ^ i -- :��' i1 is sold or trancfeRCd(or if a heneficial imeres�in Dorroucr is su1J ur vans(errcd anA 13orto�ver is nm a namral per+oN �f�1�- -�'j:••
<br /> i
<br /> without Lenders prior wrillen cnntim.I.ender may,u1 itc op�iun,rcquire immediale payment in full of all sums secured by • s f�+�a 1. ,T�,'�.
<br /> -�� �his Securi�y In.m�menl. Huivev.r,�M1i�op�ion�hall noi M excrciud by Lcnder if exenue i>pmhibilcd by federal law as of �,��J,{Iyt�Y- ' .
<br /> . i '�5� u,-�:
<br /> , - theda�co(lhisSccurilylnsuumrn�. -
<br /> .�:;(� If Lender.zereices�hi.option,Lender shnli Eive Oortoxer nmice o(nrceien�ian. The m�ice shall pmvide a period of . i s }
<br /> _ `�, �i�j: . nnt leu IBan t0 days(mm iM1e d:ne the�wlice i.delirered or mailed x�ilhin���hich Durrower musi pay all snms securcd by Ihis ' ��i1�
<br /> .�•i . Sccurily In.trumem. If Rortoxer fail..lo pay thcu smm prinr lu Ihe expinlinn o(Ihix perial, Lender may inveke nny � T .
<br /> remcdics pcm�incd by Ihis Sccuriy Imlmmcnl wi�hom funhcr nmiec or Jemand on Rnmx��er. -. .� ri 4 I�. , ...
<br /> � 18. �orro�rer'.s RiFhl fo Reinxfale. If I3nrto��.r mecn cmain .andi�inn,. 6urroncr�hall hare �he right lo have :� .. .
<br /> - - enforccmcnl af this S.cumy In.immrnl JixnNinncJ al my�imc prior tn Ihc cadicr oC I:u 5 day�ti lar wch olhcr period as . - .
<br /> . timplal�mJ�-Fannlr\iar}'��dlr11ue1VIF11H11P\7Rl\IF.CT-4nd.xmC...en,nN 9.90 qvert../nyFU� - � ' .
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