<br /> ..
<br /> y �. -,
<br /> - ..rd3�1' � x ....:.trr� ..•iiLiIGH.:.l :. { . .i..�
<br /> _-�-�� 93-'so'r�ae --
<br /> perlod�Ihal Lcndcr rcquiree. '(ho Insurancc cTr�icr pmvl�inp tha insurancc sholl be chuun by Rortowcr subJecl to LenderY
<br /> , npprovnl which Rhall no�In unrcnson�bly wi�hhold� 17dJnnowcr talls to mnlmain coveragc Ac�cribcd n6ovc,Lendcr may,ai _.
<br /> Lenderh oplion,obtnin wr<m�o lu pmtcc�I.rnAar3 riphl+In�he Ropeny in occordaace with parogroph 7.
<br /> All Insurance policlos ancl roncwnln shnlLhe oc�rPmble to Lender ond shall include n mm�dard mongage clause. LmMr
<br /> � 6AGII AAYC lNC fISAI to M1OIA IfIC�II&ICS UOA h11PWAIP. I�I.C11ACf feyUlNl,Dortowcr shall prompily givo ro LenAcr nll rcccipts
<br /> :�s� of pald prcmiume nnA reno�val,nMicee. In�ho evenl of laxa.Uorto�ver xhail gire pranp�nmice�o the Insumnce canitr and ---
<br /> Lendcr. Lendcr may nmkc pronf nf Inss if:nni mnAa prnmp{Iy by Dorcower.
<br /> -= Unlez+Lender unA 6nrtmver o�httwiw nprco in wriiin�,insurance procecda sM1ull be applfed to rcstnrn�inn or ropair of _ ___
<br /> .-_..�_— ,_,..
<br />� � �- �Iw Pro�rty Jama�cd, if tl�c resinratinn or mpair is ccannmically fcasibta and LcndcrR uwd�y is na lascncd. If the -�---' � �
<br /> .._=-' .,�,._ . .
<br /> rcstorat on or rcps r is not econnmically faasihla or LenAerh securiiy�vould be Icuened, the Insurnnm prncceds shall be
<br /> ---- applled ro the sums secured by dilfi Secudiy Ins�nimem,whe�her or nm �hen dua wiih nny excess paiA to parto�ver. If - �-
<br /> '-a�c. Bortowcr abxnAans Il�o Propcny.or dncs nm ansa�cr wi�hin 30 days n nmicc fmm Lendcr�hat thc insumnce carricr h�u ��r-m
<br /> };,� offercd�o unle a claim,then Lender mny rnll�et tho insmm�ce procecd�. LenAer mry use�he proceeds to ropair or n:vore Gw'� „_
<br /> 'x;� �hc Proycny or�o pay sumx sceun:A by ihle Sxuriiy Inxuumcnt.whcihcr or nnt�hrn duo. 9hc 30-day periad�vfll begin whcn �ri� 4 �., .'
<br /> r ` �hc noucc is givcn. �j
<br /> . `
<br /> .�, .,���. Unicse Lender and Qnrrower oiherwice o a� in wri�in an a lica�fon of nxrcds m rinci al shail nm ex�end or "`-i � _
<br /> G " 8� Y PP V P P ■�_�-+
<br /> „�..yy44:-:- postpone�he dim daia of dm mnnlhly paymeme n:femd to in pangnphs I end 2 or changc thc nmounl of�hc payments. If ,�",..,����
<br /> , : under paragmph 21 the Propeny ix acq�urcd by Lender,Qorrowers right �o any insur,mce policies and proceeds rcsuhing �!� 'sri -
<br /> - from damagc ro ihe Prapeny pdnr lo i6a acqnixi�inn Rhnll pass�n Lendcr�o�hc cx�cm of�he sums ucurul 6y thfs Sccurity '���q,i� --
<br /> -�, Insuvmem Immcdintoly prinr m�ho ncqnixi�fan. -'-' '"-—"
<br /> -�� 6. Oceupancy, Prtserratlnn, �fnlntennnce anA Protecllnn of Ihe Property; Rarro�sePa Loan Appllcallon; �'���` -�
<br /> ' � I.tasehald�. 6nrro�rer shall occupy,esmhlish,nnd nm:ihc fhopeny m 6onowcrk principal rosiAcnce wiihin sixty dnys after ' -'y �--
<br /> ' � �"- the execution of thie Security Insuumem nnd shTll camim�e to occupy�he Propeny ns Dortowerk principal rcsidcnce for e� }' L"'' .
<br /> � -�(, leut one year ofrer the dam af occupnncy. unles Lender oihenvim ogmes in �vriting, mhich consent shnll not be {{,�"f'�i-} -�-
<br /> �-, unrtasonably�vithheld,or unless exlemmting cireumVanns exis�which nrc beyond Uortower's coNrol. 6ortower shall nn1 ��
<br /> _ ,s`,_, - datroy,damagc or impair ihc Propcny.allmv thc Propcny m Jc�crioraic,or commi�wastc on�hc Propeny. Qorro�vcr shell �;?}�r1;US-� .
<br /> � , --��, 6e in defauh if any fadoimm uciinn or pmm.din�,wh.�her civil or criminal.is hegun�hai in LenAer�goal fni�6 judgmem �S`on,s�' -=- �
<br />-a•r.2•�:�•�_1��}' eould msuh-in forfoimm of ihe Praperty or o�he`wixe ma�crially impair ihe lien cremed by d�is Security 6�suumem or �+�r�`.,,-,
<br /> a-i' v��.,' Lenderk securiry inroms�. Darm�rer mny cum wch a defauli and minume,as proviJed in par�grnph IB,6y causing the ac�ion y t'F' __�_
<br /> - or promeding m be disnd+sed wi�h o mlinp�hm,in Lcnderh gonJ faiih detennina�ion.precludes fodeimre o(the Uorrower's �r5�';,,
<br /> +"�•' r�'�� incercst in thc Propeny ar otlicr mnicrinl impaimicm of ihe licn crcated hy�his Saumy Insuument or Lendcrl securi�y -�'t�'"'•�^.-
<br /> :� �d.h f:t,);.
<br />_ ����.�'�'��:}� imerest. Oortorvcr shnll alvn bc in defmd� if Burtmrer, dnrinp �hc luan applicaiion prceess, gavc matcrinlly 6dae m ��.r`f;:._;�._�
<br /> � -� - .t inaccuram infomiation orsmmmeme to Lender(ur taikd la pmvide I.ender wiih nny material in(orma�ioN im m�neciiun with � i�
<br /> ( :_.�� �he loan evideneed by dic Nato, inchidinp, bw nm linti�ed m, mproxm:nions conceming 6ortowerk acupancy of die f.;�;?.� ;.�`_
<br /> Ropcin aN e principaVrosidcncc. If ihis S�curit�l..wtumen,i�an a laauh��d.llarto�rcr shill cumply wi�h ell�hc pmvisions �}Ik;i �ti'�.- _
<br /> --i.._._z__. lf4orm• _rn.e;niR<fec..iic:i..he.r_�r.;. i.c.e_�I.s!.I.n_..�e.�,.�ticshs:lr.c:m:ec_�nl.^�zLer.der^gmes .
<br /> t -'�-• � to Ihc mcrgcr in�vriling. � y;'+ r��� ,
<br /> 7. Protecllon ot Lender.v Riphln In Ihn R•operly. If 6urtmcer faii�. ta pcdomi �hc corenams anA agreemcmx �{-� �' � � '
<br /> `�- �"' ' ' romained in �his Sauri� Innmmen6 ur Wrre is a Ie al romadin �hm ma si nificnml a(fect LenderS ri h�s in �he �" '�-�'�"� - `-
<br /> . �'-,; Y S P D Y � 6 Y S G�c ::.-. ':y.�::_..
<br /> {� . ��' Propeny lsach es n procecdinp in hnnAmp:c��,pmhnta.fnr condemnaii�m ar(orfeitnre m�n enfnree laws or rcgulntions),ihrn '- i'�
<br /> -'� I.ender mny da nnd pay for�rha�uver ix nec�sary�o pmicci�he value o(�hr Prapcny nnd Lendert righ�s in the Pmpeny. ( ��` , �,.,�,:,.,
<br /> � � . -_ Isnder4 anioas may incWde paying imy hmnx secnmJ hy a licn which h�c priori�y m•cr iht�.Securiiy Inx�mmem,appearfng 1`J�`;� � }
<br /> - in eoun,paying reasonable anamcyi fec.and emnrinp an d�r Pwpen��m make repairn.Ahhnugh LenJrr may mke aaion I�'.` �
<br /> ':
<br /> .,-`..". ,�..", ander this pangraph 7.Lcndcr docs nm hnvc�o da xa. ,. ' :-': -�"
<br /> i.. :�: ;_ ,,::_
<br /> Any amoums disburscA by Lemlcr unJrr Ihi+:par.iifmpB 7 .hnll hc.umc addiiionai dch�nf Ilnmmer sccured hy tlds ;"-.:.
<br /> - Securily Instrummi. Unlesx 6urmaernnd L.ender ngmr m mhrnumn of paymenL ihc�c amnnnt�.thxll bear intoma fmm Uic I,,�!�,,, :..ti.,__...
<br /> ' ; ;s da�e of di4nnr..emem:n �he Nn�o nnu nnJ .1x11 be paya6le.wi�h inteR.l.upnn nolice fmin Lendcr ta �urrow•er reqne�iinc '"��' ;��
<br /> - paymcm. �,�t` ! �.
<br /> B. Alarlguge Insnrance. I(I.cndcr reynimd mnnpage inxumnre�.s a�ondiiian af mnking�hc luan xrun�J 6y tl�i>
<br /> - ` Security Inswmen4 6urm��er shnll pay du premimns myuimJ «�mninwin�lir mun�age inwrnnm in eff�ci. If,for nn)' ';;` �
<br /> � �� -. rcnwn. the mntlgnge insurance mrenge R�OIIL'J If�' Ll'111ICf I:I�Uf� nr cr:ue. la br in elli��. Batro�rcr .hnll pny qir •r �� ,�
<br /> _ ...��� PTemiums reQuircd lo ublain covemge aihvmuinlly rqni�:den1 ln Ihr mnngagC immm�re pmcion.ly in eflicl, al a cuat . '��,!_;.;,;
<br /> .. ��.; mbcinnlially equinilcm ta�he mu ia Rnrtuaer nf Ihe mnrlgage in.unmc.prwimwly in clt�nl.hvm:m allcmnle morigagc � f��- -
<br /> insumr approved by Lcndcr. ff wM1Uamialip cyui�alem mm�gngc inwnmcc corn:icc��nrn availa6lc.6urtomcr Fhall pa lo � : �. } ' :'-'.
<br />- . . Y P..�:-' � .�.��.:;,-.
<br />-' '. i� Lender each mnNh n utm cyaal In nne-nrclfih nf ihr)r.ady mnngage in.unmit prcmium hcing paid by Rumiwzr�vhen Ihe � �1.',... �
<br />`ti. ..;.�.' insuranec covc�agc I;�pud or ccaud�o hc in c((c.i. LcndrnrilL�rccp�.mc:md rcc�in�hc,c papment.as a la,s rexn�a in licn _ ., i�.�:-.
<br />-.'.-��+.:y,.:: of morigage imm�nce. l.o..rescrve papmcros mny nn Innger IH rtvp�ired,al Ihc upiinn u(Lendcr, if mongagt inwrance -. x i�.-'
<br /> ,;� eo�•engc(in�he amoum anJ for�hr pcnnd�hm Lcnder m�ryirt.�prnndcd b��an in,urer apprm�eJ by Lcndcr atnin hccomes
<br /> available and i+obeiined.Uorrm��er shall par�hc premiunn rcyuircd�a mnm�ain mong.igc mwmn�m eR«�.ur to pmvide s F..�'' � � :
<br /> loas reserve,umil Ihc rcymrcmcnt fnnnongagc imar.mcr rnd.in a�iordanrc xid�.�m ��nu.n arrccmcnt hn�ren Bonoexr � � . 1 `� '
<br /> � f- nndLendcrorapplicahlcla��. l� ,,�;. t -.
<br /> 9. fnspttllnn. Lcndei nr iK agcnl may maAr rra.nnabir cninc�npnn:m:i inye•.iinn.uf ih.Propcn�. LcnCrr shall F1'�•' . �:'r .
<br /> givc 6orto�rcr noli.c al�hr�imc nlot prior ro�m in.�x.�mn yxcitywg rca.nnaMc cau.c lar�h:in.�xt�inn. II -
<br /> 10. Condrmnnliun. Thc proierd•ul am a��anl ur d.nm lar J:miag�•..dirti�.+r�un.¢yurmi.d.m ro�mtcunn��nh anc f} P . ..
<br /> - Sm�ielannl. -k�nnieVar,FndAiHlacl�lillN\II\A1131qF.\T--Intl�.nnl'm.�nann 490 �ry�.t..lnp�irv 1.•' ..
<br /> � rn1.YnW.'�•+aFmn_b � � ' •. . .
<br />"•• . . toUhtfLl IEWSN4Al_tA\u16U1 llll • •
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<br /> ' - ��:. . - _ . . ' • _ . - . �.fp'1.e': . . . . . .
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