, �; - - -.:��.��: __:: ,.�.. .-,.--�---.
<br /> . .:: �, .- ..-�_- . . ::_
<br /> �> �~�
<br /> - �3-10`y�l3A
<br /> �pplicablo I�w may specify tor«instetcment)beforo sale of Uw Ptopeny punumt to any power of s�ia cont�ined In�hl�
<br /> Saudry InummenC or @)en�ry ot e judgment entorcing this Secudiy fnswmem. 7Tiose conditioro we tha�Bortower. U)
<br /> . �uye Lender all eum3 ahich �hen would be duo under thia Securlly Ins�rument md�ho Nae a+ If no aueten�on had
<br /> accucred;(E)swea any dehul�of�ny aher covenama a sgruments;(c)paye otl expenx�Incumd In enforcing dd�Sacurity
<br /> /nswment Including,but na Iimited�a teawnabla attomeye'fces;�nd(d)�akcn such acUon a+Lender may rcuonably
<br /> . rcqulrc ro auuro�ha��hc Iim ohMa Secudty Inswment.l.ender6 righu in tha Propeny and Uorrowerb obligaHun to pay ttw
<br /> — surcn secured by thia Secudty Instniment shall contlnuo unchnnged. Upon relnsiaicntem by Ilortow�er, �hle Secudty
<br /> Giswmcnt und the obligmlom eecurcd hercby shall remain Poity effcctlro ns if no nccclerotlon Aad oceurtcd. Ilowcrcr,thie
<br /> _ dght to rcinsletc sha11 no�eppiy In�Iw casc ot amicmtion under puagmph 17.
<br /> — - � 19. Sofe d Noki�i8a ot Loan Scrrtrcr. 1rie Notc or a portial Mlercst In Nc Notc(wge�her�vWi Nb Secud�y �- •
<br /> [nswrtxm)may be cotd ono or moro tinxe without pdor naico to Borrowcr. A salc may rcsu�t In e chango in�ho cnlity
<br /> — (Imown m�ho'Loan Ssrvlcer)that collat�monthiy paymenls duo under�he No�o and�hie Security Inswnxm. Tficro alw
<br />—_ = may ba one or morc cM1angcs of�AC Loan Serviccr unrclmcd to a salc of�hc No�c. If�hem is e changa of�hc Loan Serviccr,
<br /> .,,;�_„Y;'� Bortower wlll be giren wdiren notico of�ho change in nccordnncc wiih puagnph 14 xbove end epplicabfe law. The nalcc
<br />-:fic�� wtll stato�ho namo end addrcss o(�ha new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which paymems should be mada 71ic natice wfll
<br /> c.F-,.,_-,�,� alaocomain nny o�her infortnation requircA by applicpblc inw.
<br /> _'t-`F-�- - 20� IBznrdous Suhslanca� Dortower shall nnt cnuse or pemilt�he prcsence,usa disposal,sror�ge,or rcltau of eny
<br /> �-�-` Hazardow Substanms on or in �ho Propeny. Oortowcr shall not du,nor allow onyono cisc to do, eny�hinE nffncting Urc
<br />_ Property�hat is in vloiatlon of any Cnvironmemal law. 7'ho preceding�wo unicnccs ahall no�appiy to the preunce,use,or
<br /> - - srorago on�hc Propcny ot small quamitics of Hezardous Subsiances tlwi orc gcnerelly rccognized to bc eppropdatc w normal �
<br /> �'`.�- residential uses end�o maintcnance of�M1e Propeny.
<br /> �'� 6ortower shnll promptly give Lender wrinen noiice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuft or oiher acdon by eny
<br /> ��' =�� ` � govemmemal or rcgula�ory agency or pdva�o pany Involving�he Propeny end any Hazardous Substance or Fnvironmcnml _..
<br /> �€-.-�-:,���-, Lew of which 6ortower hns acrosl knowiedga If�ortower Ieams, or is not(fled by any govemmemai or rcguiewry .
<br /> t f - - eu�hority,�hat eny remaval or other rcmediation of any Hazardous Subs�anee affecting�he Propeny is necessary,Rortower `�'- ---- -
<br /> 3 � s Y� sAall promplly take eil nuessary rcmediel ncqone in occordance wiW Environmental Law.
<br />� �F F.,?, As used in Ihls paragmph 20,"Hazardous Subsiances"nrc�M1ose subs�snces defined as loxic or hmardous substances by
<br /> �'Y'"�' Envfronmemel Lnw and�he Pollo�vin subs�anca: asoline,kemsene,o�her Oammable or ioxic wlcum roducn.�oxic
<br />%irc 1 jfi;iF` --
<br /> 8 B P� P ---
<br />�a�`• � s;- pesdcidee and M1efiicides.voixtile soivenu,ma�eriais eomaining asbes�os or fom�aidehyda end redioacti�•e maicriale. As _
<br />��Sp:;'�j��'��.�j�� uxA in�his paragreph 20,"Gnvironmen�el Low'means fed�ral laws end laws of�he Juriediction�vherc�he Property is laca�ed �;,._.
<br /> �' �:` —
<br />:,�,j���`«p.,. U�atrclamtohwith.sakiyorenvironmentelprotecrion. �_,A__
<br />- -;,,b��„ NON�lJNIFORM COVCNANlS. Bortower and Lendcr Ponhcr mvenanl end egrce es follo�vs: -_._
<br /> '--'�^`�t,�:; 21. Aceclemtlon; Remedics. I.ender shail gire notice!o Borrower prlor to occelerallon fdlowtng Borrower•e �"� �
<br /> -_';=,,`; brwch of any rnven9nt or ugreement in thtv Secudty Inslrument(but not dor to acccleratbn uoder paragraph t7 �'`�'
<br /> - ��'`rt.'�r'- unless applicable law proddes otherw[se). 7'he notice shail specify� (a)the SePovll�(b)the action requi�sd�o cure Ihe ��—`
<br /> ��.:. i:+..._- .
<br /> �,.(r,,.� de(auit;(e)u date,not less than 30 duye froni the dete Ihe rtotice U giren to Borrox�er,by which Ihe defauil must be ,��?�
<br /> curx':e.^!:3;that[s!!ur_to cure Lh^defsu!!o�ur M_!ore LR^�+�.+^sp^_c!A^d In!Fc coe!eo c�r����!Ln aecelr!9t!on o► � .°`.-.. ...,..
<br /> ,d���;i::.. � - ,h'M<"
<br /> �:;E�.. Ihe sun�v sc�cured by lhis Securfry irtstmment end wie ot lhe Properly. TAe notice shall Curther Inform Borrower ot ,,�;,-.�--
<br /> .%;,�ry?.j'`��' fhe dght lo minstnte eRer�cceiention and the dght lo bring u court actlon to asurl the non•extslence oI a default or .;ri;• `-::. �v•
<br /> �,.�'!�/�:$l�;', nny other defense of�orrower tc acceleration nnd seie. If the defauit Is oot cured on or before Ihe date apeclfied fn ,c��c{�,i''_:�:�;���
<br /> ?��f�'`i ; 16enotice,Lenderatitsoptlomm�yrequirelmmedlatepnymentlnNlloPWls�fmssecuredbylhLvSecurFRylnslrument �•z) ��-,-
<br /> 's <�}p�tj; wflhout Nrthcr demnnd nnd may Inroke Ihc poecr ot salc and any olAer remnlles pemtitted by sppllcaEle law. ,��y�h� - -�
<br /> 1{�I I.ender shnil 6e entliled to rnllcct ell expeases incurrcd In pursuing lhc rcmedies prodded M tAls paragraph 21, ,. y.. % .,._ �'
<br /> '}'it� Includtng,but not Iindted ro,rensonabie attome��s•fees and mstv oftlite evldence. :? 3`
<br /> If lhepower of sale Is Invoked,7Yustee shnil r.cord e notice ot defuult in ench county in x�hkh any parl ot the ���•� - � -
<br /> � r -
<br /> ='-��"�:'.�. Property le located and shall mnll wples otwch notic¢In tM1e manner prescd6ed by epplicnble law to Bormx�er end to �°• < •���:,'����'��'�
<br /> 'i.a�;r� . .,:�:a.,_
<br /> °- -� the oihcr penons prescr@ed by opplleebtc lew. A4er thc qme requlred by appllceAte law,7Yustee s1n71 girc public �-pe� , _
<br /> � :'� noflce of sulc to lhe persm�s end In Ihc monncr prescribed 6y opplicablc law. 'IYuslec,xilhoul demand on Borrower, �'yt�. �- - -��+ _�
<br /> lf�:�, shell seil the Properly ot public oucUon ro the highest 6ldder ot the Ilme nr.d pince ond undcr 1he terms deslgnated in 'il'S}, -.y : i i ;
<br /> , -<�� _g thc notfce of sele in one or more parcek end In nny ordcr 7Yustcr delerminex. 7Yuslec may pastpone saie otail or any .., y_`pN�,;�„t�':
<br /> ; ���-:�6JJ{sr( parcel of lhe Property by public onnouncement nt Ihe time and pince of xny previonsty scheduled sale. Lender or lts � "�`i'Y��E".�`
<br /> ....i�.+.,:' designee mny purchase ihc Properly et nny sale. ��L,.�-:��,,���,�,�a:
<br /> �' -�� : Upon rccelpt of payment of Ihe prlce bld,7Yustce shnll delher ro Ihe purchaser 7tustee's doeA wnveying the v'� : � ' -,
<br /> - -���'; Properly. The recifols In the Tmalee i deeJ�hnil Lc primu fade cddence of li+e iru�b of ihe atatementc made ihcrcin. �,,; :;
<br /> � tb 7Yustee ahall npply Ihe proceeds otlhe snle In Ihe falluuing oMer. (u)to nll casts and expenses of exrrcLsfng the pox�er 3 ,
<br /> • sT,a�4, .;f: _
<br /> (...• _ � �.:_};'„
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