1 ��`� ,- �^ +Ril�'�I n..uer` �.� � . ` .,�
<br /> - �- -0flfi �+w� �F4�t�rflf�AMrt�:�
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<br /> :.....,�•.:.� � 10`7'�3B-�:
<br /> , . � „
<br /> • 93� . :
<br /> T0087HER Wt7]!atl�t�6 imp�qr�NMiyR mlw or.Aereafiererected ort�ta�xo�icny,and Wleaseme'n�e�ippucteo�iuicle.. .. ' - �,.;`;
<br />— �M fixtura now or Ne�wQar a pP�taR�ha P�ap{a�y. A11 rcpiuomente wnd�ddlqons srdl dso be wverW Dy tA(e 3ecuitry {.!:
<br /> Inawmen6 Allof�hoforogolnpiarofomdlqln:tM1lri3Ecudiy[astnunentuUie"Propttey.' . °
<br /> BORROWBR OOV@NATTf3 thm�Borro�vM IP inwfully uisa]ottM tsmo hercty conr0yed�nd ha��he righ[to ar+nt
<br /> and convey Na Prop�ty anA Net 1hn Ptop�ny In nnnnpumbercA,except Pot encumEnncee otrecord Hatower w�innta atd
<br /> will defcnd generel(y tho tltlo�o tha Proprny n�uinetall:clalme end&mands,uubJa�ro ony encurnbrvncea otraord.
<br /> TFIIS SP.CURITY INS71tUMENf mmhinne qNfortn covenanu fa nntionnl um md non-unUam covrnam�with
<br /> --- - - -� fimltWvufatianeDyJudsdictionrocons�ImtnanNfnm�ucuri�yinstrumcn�mrrringrealpropeny.
<br /> UN[FORMCOVENAM'3. BortowtranAtxndtrccovenan�ondagreea+tollows: � ... + ._ _�—
<br /> 1, P�ymentotPrLicip�►�oAlnl�resf;PRt��Afnntwdl.aleChargro. Bortowershnllpromptly pay whendueUw
<br /> pdnclpal of end Inlercat on q�o deCt evldenced 4y-tlia Nuta and eny prepaytuem acd�o�ch�rgce duc undcr tha Nao.
<br /> 2� FhMe tor 1Yxw�nd Inairance� SupJcot�n appIlcabio law or to o written wolver by Lender,Horrowenhall pry to
<br /> Lsnder on the dny manihiy p�ymcma nrc dna unAm tho Note,until thc Note i�paid in NII,a sum('FLnds')fa:(e)yeariy
<br /> laxes end assessmema whioh mey ettnin pdad�g ovcr{hls Secudty insW nxnt as e lien on�hc Pvperly;(b)yearlY ItaseMld
<br /> - -- - = paymente or ground rente on thn Ropcny, if.eny;�(c) ycariy hazard or propeMy iosurancc pcerulums; (A) yeady ilood - -- -
<br /> Insurance promiums, If eny;(e)yearty mnttanpa Invaimnce prcmfam�, it eny; er.d (q any sum� payable by Barower to
<br />�-��-^w�° Lender,in eccoNnnco wllh �hu provieions af pnmgmpl�B,in Iiw of thc paymem of mongaye lesurance premfvms. 7fieu
<br />��=�"�'y,�,� flems ero called"Escrow Items." Lender mny.ahenyaima.colteel and hold I'unds in an amount not ro exceed tho mulmuro
<br />_x.�r.l� emonnt a Icndct Por e(cdcrally roteted mortpapo lunn may rcquiro for Borrowcrk cacrow ecwunt ur.der tM Rdcral Rcal
<br /> •?_-� Estnm Set�lomentPmcedums Act of I974 as amended�from tlme lo time, 12 US.C.¢2b01 et seq.('RCSPA"),unless er.aher
<br /> �5.� law t6at epplice�o�ho F1mda sew a tesa:r omnunL•!f so,Lendcr may,al any time,mllect nnd hold Mnds in an e�count nof to
<br /> T-`�=`��'�'�='• excced�ho Ieaxr emoum. Lenc�er may estimnm Um emount ot I�nds duc on the basis of curtem date and ttason36!e
<br /> -`?�}3_;�?r; ._._ .
<br /> � . . estlmaies of expcndimn:s of futureFs:`owl�eme or o�herwise In eccordanco wiN epplicable Inw. - --
<br />�r�?F`j��t".7= 'fho I�nds sAall bc held in an institutlnn whnw dcposits ere insured by e federal egency,Instrumcnteliry, or enuty �
<br /> 'i ��;��",j � ��� (Including Lender,if Lender is wch an In�timlion)ar in�¢ny I'vderel Nomo I.oan Oank. I.ender ahall apply Iho Mnds lo pay
<br /> . ..�C �.,6:;<-. --
<br /> �`..�„�_'1� ;, ihe Cscrow hems. Lendcr may na chwga Qormwm Inr hnlding and applying Ihe Rmds,ennually enalyzing�ha uaow
<br />"°.;y,;.�.�_,f�,( eecaun6 or vedfying �ho Lsaviv i[ems,unlr.ss 1.enAer pnys 6ortower imercst on the Punds xnd epplicable law permiu
<br />,� .r:;,: _� Lcnder to mnke such e chnrge. However,lender mny mqnim 6orrower to pay e ono-time cM1arge tor nn tndependem�eal
<br /> .�,,,-�-_•;,.;;:;� es�ato taa�eporting service used by Lender in co�nr.c�iun w�tl�Ihis lonn,unluss appticeble law proHdea othernlu. Unlesa en
<br /> ,{,-'��;,i;,,,�-�'. agrcemenl is mm�e ur appltcublo law rcquihs imnrost tm bo pa(d.Lendcr shnll not be reqoired to pay Uortowcr any intercst or
<br /> <_-.,: camings on Om Ilm3s. IIorroivcr anA Lendar nmy np`ee In�vdting,however,lhnt intemst shall bo pald on Ne Ponds. Lcndcr
<br /> ��-"'•� ��; shWl gire lo IIorronror,wi�hout ehnrge,en enmmLoccoun�ing of�he f4nds,showing crediu end de6iM to ltw Ponds end�he __
<br /> i�,���";`��_;:� pumox tor which each debf��o the Funds wns mnda The Punds ore pledgcd as addiuonal sewrrty for ell sums sccurtd by — _
<br /> n -�,•,•,� IhlsSecudtylnsWmem. —
<br /> SC t . ...:A.. • �n A. emliraAlo 1 �
<br /> . . ..�:�;-.};r ::�`a Wrds FcSA b� ..,.r,...:cxeecd i::r. amc��nt.r �^mir.ed m � hs!^_ by_,.,....__.. .sv:. l�r.d:r shel!e=ce.•.^.t te .,. . .. . �.,.-. . ..___. .
<br /> ;r,���y,.i!.",%•.' 6ortower Por�hu excess FLnds in eccordunce w��h-�hn rcquircmenls of epplicn6l.law. If the emoum ot ihe Ponds held by
<br /> Lender e�eny tiroe is nnl sufficiem ro puy�io Escrow Items�vhen due,Lender may so no�i(y Dortower in wriling,end,tn
<br />- ���,��'�:"?'f such cau Dorto�ver shnll pny to Lender tho amaunt necessuy�o mako up�hn deficiency. IIorto�ser shall maRe up�he
<br /> � �,i�.r� de@ciency in no mom thnn�wclve mnn�hly payments,at Lender's solc discrcqon. —
<br />���;,{_�:-:`� ��� Upon paymeN in full of all sums ucumd Uy�hts Secnrity Inswment.Lender shall prompdy re(und to 6orrox•cr any
<br /> ;; ,i�`i:':;:'1�^ f�nds hald by Lender. If,under parapmph 21.L.ender shall ncquire ar sell ihe Ropeny.Lender,prior to tha ecquisition or
<br /> � `,:'1.�, sale of the Property,shnll apply any Fm�dx held�6y Lender nt�he �ime of ecquisition or xxle ns a cred{t ngains!tha sums
<br /> .; securcd by this Security Inswment. �;;_.�
<br /> ;,�,,�_�,�-;:" 3. Applicaltan at Pnyments. Unless upplicnhlo Imv provide:o�hernisq all paymems rcceived by Lender under Q_._}_�,
<br /> - � - pamsr�phs 1 and 2 shnll he¢pplied:firs6�o imy prupnymeN chxrges due under�he Note;second,to amounts prynble under :_;�>.:_�.
<br /> .,'.;r.f-"". :,.,•,a:_
<br /> - ��:'%��:'�;? ',�; pamgr�ph 2;d�ird,�o imarest dua tuunh,m principol dur,and lusi,�o any late charges due and�r ihe No�e. -j�j�ti.,
<br /> ' ' 0. Clmrges; Llena. 6urtowcr shnll pay nlb tnxes, assessmems, charges, fines ond ImposiGons auribuublc �o�he
<br /> � ,��-���`�:- Ropcny whtch mny mmin priority over��Ix Sccuri�9 In�mmem,and Ieasehold paymema or ground rcn4v,if any. Bortower .`;i;:.:��_:�
<br />' -` . �:i� shall pay thesc ubliga�iuns in ihc mm�ner pfuvidcA In pumpmph 2,or if not p�id in�hat manncr,6onowcr shnll p�y�hem on ..�-,439r=�
<br /> "� +�. ���,1 time dimc�l �o Ihe non u�rcd � mem. Darcu��•er shnih irom 0 (umish lo Lendef all noticCS of amounts lo be aid mider � r""•�
<br /> --- , Y P�� WY I P Y P .;'.i.*�n;��'--
<br /> �-- �����A��S�Ph. If 6orto�cer makes thex paymenlh dimaly.Bortuo�cr shall pmmpti��fumish to Lender rcceipts aid:r.cing - _
<br /> � �hepr.ymenlx. .i �ie-Y
<br /> - ;� Rarrower shnll promptly diM6nqec�my lien wLich hns priuriiy oecr U�ie Security Insvumem unte�a IIortow�er.(x)agrees , .j�1�;�hr -
<br /> _ .:.t in writing�o�he paymem af the ublipnti�m ucumJ by�he licn in a manner nccepm6te to Lender,(b)comesis in goad fai�h�he �,. � �,��,_:
<br /> �y lien by,or de(ends ngninu enforeemem of�he lien in,legnl proceeelings which in the LenJer.opinion opera�e to prcvent�he ; � ��-,� ;.
<br /> - enforcemeN of tl�e lien;or(c)xcmc.from the holJer o(�he lien an agreemem sa�isfaclory In Lender su6ordiw�ing ihe lien ':'� tj��!�}„°.y__.•• -�_-
<br /> :��'rry j�!�.�:.-;�.: �n ihis Securi�y Insuvmem. If Lender driemiines ihat uny pan ot the Propeny i.su6ject to a licn�rhich nmy muin priority .P�r�:�;;'):;' .....+
<br /> ve'�`•�",�� � orer Ihix Securil Instmmem,I.ender mn ive Dortower u nolice idemif in Ihe licn. Omrmrer shall salisf Ihe lien or lake ;' '"-`�:<'��;"�y'*�'��"-�
<br /> .< Y Y6 Y 8 Y •- . .1>... . -.
<br /> - �� onc or mom of Ihc ac�iuns sc�foN�nUnrc widiin 10 days of thc giring of nwicc. '; �; _ ' .�.. � .,-
<br /> ' . 5. Haaard or Properly Insurance. 6urroner shall kcep�hc improremcnts now cxisling nn c�rcaf�er crccicd on�he �- �'�'�''-"''
<br /> - Noperty insured againsllnss 6y fire,h�vuds included�eithin lhe lem�"exlenJed co�crage"and unp ulher hazards,including -�" . " �' ��
<br /> Itnads or Ouoding,fur which Lender reqnirc. insunnce. Thi.in.unnre sh:Jl M maimained in �he amaun�e and for the - -
<br /> f'omVl=8 9/90 �papT.y�bNSnl ` . . .
<br /> I�.
<br /> 1
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<br /> '.�``. '7.. .
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<br /> ..' (.�. . .ir.
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