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� Jr �`•}�.�. . �G}.: " -i,:r v 2 _ _ . . __. <br /> � �� '��� .., :�iY����MFr1YMtl�Uiitilti:r.- I _. ._.-_ <br /> r <br /> _�.,� /93�.0�� <br /> � � � � �.:, . <br /> � • pnyrtxnte,which�ro rcfemd w in Puignp�2,'a ch�ngo tF�omount ot mcb p�ymenu. My exca�procyedCova�n .. <br /> �wumrcq uirtd lo p�y�II qulstu�dN�IndelMednes�unAer the Nate uW�hle Sce6rliy Insuument shdl 6e pwid�o�ho emi�y <br /> el gnify en�ttled�Aercro. . <br /> !. �eei. LendermrycolkcefaauWch+rga�uthorludbythe9ecrclary. <br /> 9. Qround�forAottkr�tlondDs6t. <br /> (�)Ikhult. Lender muy,exapt w I Imited by roguladone Issued by�ho Sxrelary in�ho casa ot p�yment defudU, <br /> rcquiro Immediuo p�Ymen�in fuil of xll sume ucwed by thb Secud�y instmment if: <br /> ..,. ,.. , (i)Bortoxror detaulte by teiling to pay in tull eny monihiy paymcnt rcqulrcd by this Secudty Instmmen�pdor __ _ <br /> to or on�he duo dafe of iha noxc monthiy payment,or <br /> (ip Botrowu detauits by falling,for e p�riod of thiny days,to perfomi sny other obllgoNone containcd In thle <br /> 3uudty Instmmem. <br /> (b)3de{57thoul Credll Approval. Lendersholl,(f pemilued by opplicablc law and w11h iha prlor opproval ot�he <br /> Secreiary requiro immediate payment in full of ell tha sums ucuted by this Security Insuument if: <br /> (i)All orput oi�he Property,or e beneftcUJ inurcst in e mu�o,vaL�g all or pan of�he Propeny,i9 sold or <br /> ______ o�:h^tvris:lmasfer.ed{o�her than by deyiv:er�smr.t)by dr.Pra,-rower,a�A <br /> ' f q 7tn Fkopei¢y u[r�6 omm5�16 t*x pmcA�s:r or grante�zs his er txe p.i�cig,J rzsi�kacti.or tt;e pvseYeac:r _. <br /> er grr.�ttee ct�es w omPY cP�YFtop:riy but his or Csr cmG� 6zs na bxn appmved ta escerda�tt <br /> �rith tM rc�zir:s.eaES cf dee S�w•.sy. <br /> ___ (c)no 11i�lver. lf cinvm3!ix��.vcor ihat e�a:;i s.mut Lender ro nq�urz imusdiate p,�yaxn.t ia full,hn tarA:r - __ <br /> ---— dcea not uiro such yaymenu,Lendu dces mt�vaivc Its righu wi�h rcs�ttr ro satm.*Goen e�ens. _—. <br /> =•- (d)Re�ul�ons of lfUD Saretnry. Im m�ny elcevmstences rcgul�iions�ss��d Dy the Sccre�ary will limi�Lenderb p='"- <br /> � � dghts, io the caso of payment dctenlls, to require immedla�e pnyment in full and toreclose if nol paid This �""�;�- <br /> ._ :ur8R1� Secudty Instmment doea noi amhoriu nccclemiion or foreclosnre if not permitted by rcgulations af the Sec�elary. <br /> �;�,�{ '�-� (e)Mortgnge Not Insured. Oorrower ngrea tha�ahonld this Security Ins�mment end the note secured thercby not ;- <br />::_,,.�,_�, Ixi eli�iblefor insuranceunder tho Natlonal HonsingActwl�hln 8 mo the fromtlia ��- <br />����;,�}���7�,.'- detc hercof,Lendcr may,ai iu option ond nonviihsiending nny�hing in I'nmgrnp�9,rcqutrc immediaio paymcnt in �;a,�--- <br /> "�;��:�' full of ell snme suured by�hfe Secudty Ina�mmem. A wriucn siamment of any authodxed egeni of tho Sccrc�ery <br /> �t"•;�;�'.��_, daled substquem ro 8 monthe from ihe dato hercof,declin(ng to insuro ihb Saurity =-�- <br />-;�z'y;7!:,.: Insuument end�he no�e securcd lhen:by,shall bo dumed conchisire proof of such Ineligibility. Notwhhstanding = <br /> �-°t; tho Pomgoing ihis opilon may not be exercised by Lendcr when�ho unnveflabfli�y ot Insurance h solely duo�o �<<-- <br /> �; �- + ��. Lcndcrk fetluru�o nmll n mongngc Insurnnce premium�o�hc Sccrc�ary. ia�_-` <br /> "tr` v 10. Relnstattmenh Gortowcr has a right to h rcinstaicd if 4endcr ha+rcqulrcd Immcdime paymcnt in PoII bccauu _ <br /> --.r�;e,!;�� of Ootrowerb fallure lo pay nn amoum due under iho�No�e or�his Secudty 6isuument. 71ile righ� o��n�9 0���� one� �,---- <br />;,�1;';;,;-; forwlosuro proceeding�arc Instl�ated. 7b rcinstme �he Securliy Instrumen6 Dortower shall tender in o lump sum oll °- <br /> _ enmunb requlred la_hdna 6artowerl occounl wrmm Includine,lo�he exlenl thoy a�c nhliealinm of�ormwer under thle �'��!����� _, <br />-.-;_,:�;;:i�:; Securily Inslrumenl,Porcelosuro cow anJ ren�onnble and cusio`mary nuameya'fecs nnd expensen ropedy acsocieted with •"'�.;"'�.- <br /> , - . �he Portelosuro pnxecding. Upon rcinsimcmcnt by 6orrowcr,�his Scwri�y Insimmmi end the oBligaiions thm ll sccurc� .�; , '-. <br /> , .•;i ehell rcmain In efkc�az if Lcnder had not rcquircd immedinto paymem in full. Hoe•evcr.Lender I�not n:yuftr,d�opc mili • � , ,;: <br /> rolmm�ement ih (D l.ender has nttepled rcins�atemem nfler�he�nmmencemem of forxlmum proceedings �vi�hin �wo '�-�!•-} ;::�, . <br /> _� �js yeere immedintely pmeeding iho commeneemenl of x currenl toreclosurc procceding, (iD rcins�mement will preclude - <br /> � --,��y foreclosuro on diffcrcnl grounds in�he(murt,or(fip rcinsm�ement will adrer.uly affect ihe pdori�y of�hc Iicn crea�ed 6y ,>'�� �, — <br /> - _ j �hisSccuriiy Insuument. � �� -. <br /> ll, Oorrower Nol Reieased� Norbearencc by Ixnder Nof a �5'elrer. Extenslon of �hc time o(payment or - <br /> , -} � . modifica�lon ot omonl�atlon of the:ums secured hy�h�s Securit�Inswmem grented 6y Lender�o;my anccessor in imenst �' �:y' � �� <br /> _:::�,,-,.,.: of Oorrower shnll not operme io rcleau�he Ila6illiy of�he origmal 6orto��rr or UoROwerk xuccessor in imercs�. Lender ;��r��', .j,i.� <br /> i _ ; y< shall not bc reyutrcd w comnr.ncc prcecedingx egalnsi nnY suaessor in imeres� or reNse to cx�end 6me for payment or ✓_t'; 41F..�iz,, <br /> � - - ""� odgi el50onowci ornUortox•cri�i�m�essorssin inures�b Any foibcaraYn c�by Lcndcbi°rcxcrelsi gflanyrighl or rc edyihall �rv x'�J+f �5��;:. <br /> 4' 1 1 not hc a walvcr of or precludc�hc exrrcisc of any righ�or rcmcdy. -_!��; f.}1 f�:�� <br /> ,,,�js r..±.,;; 12. Successors nnd Assigns 6ound; Joint nnd Sc�-crnl l.ixbillty; CoSigncrs. 7tic covcnanu md agrcemcnu of ,��,'}�Y��,r�t,,�.:� <br /> f� r ,� �his Securily Ins�mmem shnll bind nnd bcnefii thc xuacssarx nnd a<signs of Lcndcr xnd 13orta�ecr,subjcet�o�he pmvisions Y•;��, � - � <br /> i..,��._r4_:.; of Pntngraph 9b. Uartmverk covenams and agretmenls xhall be joim and sevenl. Any Oorro+rer who co-sigrts �his ,;;;;,..,...�,-;`. <br /> it - Security Ins�'umeN bm does�rot examc �hc No1r. (a)ix ro�signing�his Securi�y Instrument oniy io mongage,gmm and ,(i"r'�a ,p =; <br /> .�< convey that Uorroo�erl inlcren in�he Propeny under ihe�cmss af�his Sccari�y Inatrumcnt;(6)is no�personally obiigalcd m �!�{�, <br /> ` . � ; pay Ihe sums ucureJ by Ihis Srcuriiy In.IrumeN:and(c)ngrces thai Lender ytd nn�nlher 6arto�xer may agtee b ealend, i��+�t -g9. <br /> ., -��,,--:� modify,forbcar or m�Ac any acmmmada�iuna��i�h ngnrJ�o�hc�cnm of�hi�Sccunly Imwmcnl or�hc Nmc wi�hom�ha� :,,;r:_ �,;-__ <br /> -��- 1:� �orrowerrconsem. � � <br /> Y . ' `+_ <br /> rl -,:i� iJ. Noflces Any notitt l0 13ortower providM far in�hi.Securily InarumeM shall 6c given by delivering i�or by -�"�i��,;�,,x,;�;. <br /> ..� Poo��n �Addrcs or'an�mhcr addres rP'ortm�cr Jcsi�n nc+`hu u 1 i�c la'L ndcrlh<An�nnlice lo l.coder hT Irbec�vcn�bc �:'`�' �'�^--- <br /> P� Y ) F Y ) 6 Y v= <br /> firxl class mail m Lendtr's address s�aied hercin nr any addrcs. Lender dr�ign:nn hy nrni.r to 8orro�rer. Any no�ice "' l�ih�;':;'+.��. <br /> Qrovidcd for in thic Sceurily I�ulrwnrm xhall M dccnxd In h:nc Mcn gircn lo Iforto�err or LcnAcr��hen givcn as providcd •-�'==�'1'"�•�- <br /> `�`'i• ' � mlhispuagrnph. t�.``+`•�y:y•,.-.. <br /> . ��`' �4. Gorerning I.e���: Secerobililr. 'fhi�Stturilp In+lnnncnt shall tk goremeJ hy liderul Imv and Ihe lair o(Ihe '.,-�'•�";��0`� <br />... `,, _� jurisdic�ion in which�hc Proprny i�locnlcd. In�hr crrn� �hm a�q�pmci.inn nr rlauw uf�hi.Securily Instmmrnl or lhc ��-�..'�i' i:�% <br />. - _ Nolc confliclx wilh applicablr la�r.>unc �onllict�Lall no1 afha nlhcr pruri+iont n(Ihis Srcurily In+lrumcnl or Ihc Nnle . � <br /> -- x�hich can bc gircn cffcci wilhaul 16c a�nllic�ing prnri.ion. To Ihi�cnJ Ihc prnci.iom af ILi.Sccuriq•Imlrumrni and Ihc - . . <br /> - Nolc urc dcclarcd In hc xremhla .,. ;;_��„ �,.; <br />.. I5. florronrr'.s Cop�v. Uurrooer Qull l+c gircn onc n+nfnm:cd rnpp u(Ihi.Scaurily ln.lrumem. .. �F'.. . <br /> . ... '.' 16. Arsignmenl of Renls. 6ortmcer umunJiiianaliy a..ign.anJ tr�n.&n Iu i.cndcr all ihc rcnt.and rc��cnuc+uf Ihc ` . �.� <br /> _ Roperty. Uartowcr uWhnriixc Lcndrr or Lcndrri ag<m.�n callcc�tlic rcnh:mJ«nnuct:md hercM1y Jiircn cach Irnant of 1 � - <br />.. , �i: �he Propeny lo pay�hc rcnn lo Lendcr ur Lcndcr:agenh. Ilaocccr.pnar lo I.enJrr+na�icc lo fiortoarr nf 13orta�reri f <br /> . . 61cach of an��cm�cn:m�or agrcrmcnt in ihc Sconrily In.tnuncm.Bnrtoxcr�hall rolkn anJ rccci�r:dl renl.anJ rcrcnuc.uf E <br /> _ , Ihc Property aa wqec for Ihc Mncfi�of I.cndcr anJ 13nrtm�cr. Thf.:n.ignmcm o(� ah.nlmc a..i}nmcnt ' <br /> - . end nol an m.ignmcN fur addiiional xcuriq�unly. <br /> 1(Lcndcr circc nnlicc of hmach m Bnrrmrec �a1 all ffOl\ffCC1Yf(I M1C Rurt�INT!�II]II M I�nI�I I�v Rnvnwm u�In Wm C _ <br /> ..�--�_�-�= for benefit of Lcndcr anly, la br applicd lo Ihc.wn..ccurcJ 6��Ihc ticcunry� In>trmncm:Ih)LcnJcr.hall l+c cn�illcd lo (. <br /> - ` cullecl end rcceive all o(Ihe rems of�he Pmpeny::md(U e.ich tenant nf�hr 14npeny.hall pa� all renh due anJ unpaiJ to <br /> Lender nr Lenderk agcni un Lcndcrieriucn dcmanJ lo the Ienam. <br /> . Uortowcr has nal cxccmcd anp priur auignmrm o(thc rcnh anJ ha.nm and.eill nm pcdomi any aci �ha� woulJ � <br /> pmvcnt Ltnder from ils righls undcr Ihis I?iragraph Ib. � <br /> � .�,i Lender shall nol M reyuimd Io enter upnn.I.�V.e conlrol of nr mainlain ihe F'rnpen)�hefnm or afler giving noiice of <br /> breach to 6orto�eer. However,Lender or a judici:dly ap�xiinlcJ recciver m:q�do.n at any Iinu �here i�a brcai�h Any <br /> ! �� applicnlion of rcnis shall not eurc or�raivc nny dcfauh or invaliJaic an��Mher rigM or rcmcd)�uf Lcndcr. Thfs a�+fFnnmm <br /> "�'!:� �� ' of renis of lhe Propeny shall�cmiinale u�hen Ihe debuccurcd hy Ihe Securiry�Instrumeni i�paid in full. � <br /> ^'i.' <br /> �,TSx...- . <br /> <>;%���i �r,.x�t,/.�vz.., � <br /> .. � <br /> .,. <br /> -.r. ..: <br /> .,., _ . .F <br /> :.:. ..;5,;� <br />. .. sfi ;kj� <br /> :. '\ <br />