i �_i � ...,. �v , --
<br /> � , y�y� t .�- ; __- _- _
<br /> - �- _.� .�1 �r.w�;.,�..,u,.;:�:- - - - .___ .. _ . _. _.., ..._T ._, .
<br /> . � . . . .._:._ .. - - �
<br /> _�.�� !
<br /> ���'��1(3'�'9i�0'
<br /> 1� p,�ymenl oOPrfncip�l,Intcral And G�te Charge. Uorrowcr shall pay when Auo�ho principnt o/,and fnterest un,
<br /> ila debt evf�enctd Gy�he No�a and lete ch�rga due under tha Note.
<br /> 2� MomAiy p�ynwn�a o17Yxea,Insurnnce rnd UiAer Chprgea. Oortowcr shnll Ineludo In cach mon�hiy�aymem
<br /> togaher wlth ihe pdncipel and intoros�m set fonh In �ho Noia and any laie c6azga,nn Insmliment of any(o)faxee an�
<br /> — epeciei ruussmenfa lcvled or to ba tovlul agains�dio Ptupeny,(b)Iceselicld paymems or ground rnro on�ho Pn:peny,and
<br /> (o)premiums(or Insurance rcqulrcd by Paragraph 4.
<br />—___ Eiach monthly insmllmcnt for Irome (a), (b) nnd (c)shnll cqualpnaiwclfth of the annual nmounu, ns rensonably
<br />- �- .._ ---, esiimnted by Lendcr, pIm nn emouN enflicicm to mnimnin nn ndditlonal balnnco ot not moro �han onc•elxtli of the _
<br /> —. estimaled amoums. 7rio full ennusi nmoimt for ench ium shall bo uccumu�atcd by Lcndcr with�n e pedod ending onc '"-'� � �- � �---�
<br /> momh beforo an Ilem would 6ecomo dclinqnent. l.ender shall hoid tho amounls collceied In tNSt to pay item�(e),(b)nnd
<br />--:-��e� (a)beforo�hoy become delinquem.
<br />---_° - It el nny tlmo iho lolal of tho pnymenis held by Lcndcr fon c�ms(n),(b)md(c),togcther with[he Poture monthly
<br /> --�-•:'.`�; paymeNe for�uch I�ema paynble to Lender pdor m tho duo dates of such itema,exceede by moro then onasixth tlw
<br /> ';::�3;�a',�t; csiimn�cd amoum of pnymcnls mquired to pry such items�vhen duo,ond if payments on�ho Nao aro curccn6 then Lender
<br /> '- shall ehher rcfund tha oxcess over one•six�h of tho eslimaicd paymema or credit tho ezcess ovor onwsfa�h of�he aUmated
<br /> '�`-- paynxnu ro whsequent paymems 6y Onrtower,at tho option of portnwer. If tho w�al of�M paymenu made by Bortow�� �-� -��
<br /> .__......_
<br /> "��;;'v�`" for item(a),(C),or(c)is insufficient to pay tl�e item�vhen due,then 6ortower shall pay�o I.e�zr any�aromm�ecessary to
<br />-' �' ;_-;�:'-��- make up cAe ckfrcie�y un or 6eforc�Ae Aate the icem bernmes due.
<br />;: E..�,�:..�.�� ps used in�hfs Secamy Inztmmem,"Secretary"means the Secr�ary of Ho.uing and UrA�n Davdopment or his or Aer
<br /> designea. In any year in�vhich�he Lender must pay a motlgage insurence prcmium to the Sttre�ary,each monthiy payment
<br /> " �` -' ; ��� y� shall also include either: (i) nn installmem of�h. annual mortgxge insurnnce premium�o bz paid by Lender �o Ihe .
<br /> �, . �yj�% Secrctery,or(fi)n monthly chuge ins�end of n mor�gegc irtseaance prcminm if�his Security Instmment is held by.lhe -- t
<br /> �� }��r� Secretery. Eech monthly ins�allment of�he mongLege insumncz premium shail be in an emoum sufficiem�o naec,.umnla�e�he �
<br /> �<rS`��'�i�r}'��¢ premium Is due�o�g c Secre�or�if thie Suurity In�rumem s�held b tihe Secretxry,hea h mo hly chT Se sha➢�ba in nn _-� - --
<br /> tAs1f+���Ei�,'p -
<br /> �r�.��.��. 3ty emouN equal lo one-twelf�h ot ont-helf petcem of the m�tstanding princ,pal 6alnnce Ace on�ho Note. �� ,Ff�
<br /> . 7 ,��,i, �l,r� If Oovon•er Ienders�o Lender the fidl pa•mem of nll xums secured�y�his Security Insm�mtnL Borronerh accoum 5?}a�W��_�
<br />�;.t.�?�yy'�,;f y��qy( ahnli l•e credi�ed wi�h �he bxlance remaining �or nil ins�ellmems for items (e), (b)and (c)and nny mongnge insurentt ° -
<br /> ;>;���;�;Yy��i%;�_ psmium incta]Mem�hxt l.ender has noi become obligmed to pay io ihe Sare�xry,end Lender shall prompqy refund any
<br />`•:.-�er6'1,, 6,x�7 ezcecc fnnds�o Uortower. Immediaiel nor to e foreclosurc snle o(�he I'ro n or ils n uisition 6 Lender,Dortowerk
<br />' ;-�4;c_�,(„a�!.� Y P� P� Y W � Y
<br /> _'�;:,j`;;,;iy;,?ty acco�m�shall be crcdi�ed�vith eny balnnce remnining Por nll instellmenls for i�ems(a),@)end(c).
<br /> '�,�-,;,^;::•..�.. 3.�Appliration oP Peymenfa All payments undor Puagraphs I end 2 shnll be appl(ed by Lendcr ee Pollows:
<br /> �.=e.� �7RST,�o�he mortgegc Insurance prcmium�o bc peid by Lcnder to the Secrcmry or lo�he monthly chargo by Iha
<br /> - •�'� S�e�cr�N�a�ryinstend oRl�o momhly mongnge insurenee premium;
<br /> .,...
<br /> '.;I�i-:=i;;��t SP.CONI)•lo eny itues,spcclal acsessmeNS,leasehold paymenle or ground remn,and(Irc.Oood m�d other heznrd
<br />,.�.::-..��
<br /> .-.... . :,;�...c.
<br />.:-- .,�^'a..',..,, insTHlR�cc premiums,os rcquircd� ..__. ... ..
<br /> • - �,to mknsi Juc undcr thc rioie: ° °" '
<br /> FOURTF{.lo mioniimion of t6o pdnciyal of�hc No�e:
<br /> �Q� to lale charges duc undcr�hc No�c.
<br /> , 4. F�rc,Flood�nd Olher Iluzurd Insurnnce. Dona�ver Fhall insurc all improvememe on iho Propeny,whether now
<br /> ' . In exis�mce or subcequenlly ercaed,agninx�nny hnnrda,cacualtie+,and comingenefes, inciudins fire,for which Lender
<br /> .-.� ;������,�' rcqulrc+Insurnnce. 7his Insurance Fhall be matmained in�he omoums and fnr the pedods thn�I.ender rcquircs. Dortower
<br /> , ���' Rhell nlso insurc all hnprovementx on�hc Propeny,whe�hcr now in exix�enw or Rubseqnently erccicd,ngains�loss by Ooode �--
<br /> '�,;'��;,;�;.� ' �: io�he ex�ent r�quGed by the Secrciary. All Insurance shall 6e rnnied wi�L compmles npproved by Lender. 'Ihe inaumnco �4 _,— �
<br /> � ..':�,. policles nnd nny rcnewnls xhall 6c held by Lendcr nnd shnll inciude loss p�ya6le clnuses fn favor of, nnd in e fortn _
<br /> :.:;�:.i oxc 1a61c lo.Lendcr. "'"-��,�.— .
<br /> � r i$��ii���r—_..
<br /> , In�he evem of Inzs, fiovox�cr shall givc I.endcr immcdimc nmice 6y mail. Lender mny mnke proof of loss if not .et�__�,_.__
<br /> -�, �� mode prompily 6y�orrower. L'ech inxurance company concemed fx hercby nwhod�ed nnd direc�ed m mnke paymeN for 4�j �'�}w �_
<br /> �'-- such loss directly to Lender,insiend of to Uovo�ver an��o I.enderjuimly. All nr nny pnn of�he insnr:mce proceeds may be l K ��
<br /> .f;i`. o plled by Lender,m iis op�ion,eiiher(o)ta the rcduc�ion uf ihe inde6�edness under ihe Noie nnd ihis Secunry Insttumen6 ��'s;;,;t..-_- _
<br /> -- "� ' �rst to nny dclinquem nmoums,pplied in �he mder in Pnragrnph 3,mid �hen ro prcpaymm�of principal. or(b) m �he ��'a�� -�---
<br /> 7-����-��� restomiion or rc air o(�he dnma ed ro ny. An � licalinn of Ihe mcced.ta ihc rinef ai shnll no�ex�end or s� ne +•�+`7h �-
<br /> + - �i'�"?. the due dn�e ofthe monthl �menp whicli nre riferRCo m in Fhm m h 2.or chnn c�he mnum of such � men s.An " ' -�
<br /> - � Y P > 6 P F P•Y Y ,,�- f , � .,,..__.
<br /> __ � excexs insurnnce proceeds over an amouN a<ryircd In pap:JI oulslanding indehtedness under Ihe Nme xnd ihic Seeurily •� � _� r�---e
<br /> ���' Inswment shnll bc pnid lo Ihe emily Icgally cmiUcd�hcrcio. ��:' Y ;� � -�
<br /> } . �- - In�he evem of foceclosure of Ihis Securi�y Ins�rumem ar olher mm+fer nf�ide In�he Pmpeny �hal exlinguishes Ihe + � i v
<br /> -.� indehiednesx,xIi righ6 Ii�Ic nnd intere.�of 13ortower in nnd m in.nrance policic+in force shall pus tu Ihe pnrchuer. <� r Cit ' � �� �
<br /> � s� '�,<<.}�� 5. Occupanev, Preserrulian, Mnintrnene. and Pm�ecilun of Ihe 1'ruperly; Rorroxer's I.oxn Appllcallon; '�- i�;�t �� -;
<br /> � a -� I.ensehoids. Darto�ver shall cecupy,esla6lish,:md u+e Ihe Pru�xny ns Barraweri principal rcsidence within sixiy dnys �i � ��. _'� �
<br /> �� � '`-�'� a�cr Ihe execmion af lhis Securily liulmmenl and.hall cnminne In nccnpy�he 1'mperly n.Onm���'cr\prinCipa�residence � � zY,_�.F�7.�,�
<br />��i„'::.;_'�, for ai Iu�s1 une year a(ter�he da�e n(�xcup:mq•,nnle.s the S�vrc�aq�Jetennines�his rc�ryimmem�eill cause nndue hardship i;- "'+i;-.`� -• ��"�
<br /> for 6oROwcr,or unlesx cxlcnua�ing cirtunitilnnn. cxi.t o�hid� :irc hcyonJ Unrto�cer: cnMml. Ilnrto�ccr shall noiif 9�,-,`� •'�;� ��� -�''
<br /> - Y � . -,�'.:.C'::':..
<br /> - l.enders af:my exlenualing circumsumtt�. I)orto�rer+hall nnl cammit waqe ar deslro)',damage or.nbslaNially change �i.�:.�; �� .."r.,�.:
<br /> Ihe Propeny ur allu�v Ihe Propeny m deleriar.ne.ma+nnnbir���rar and Ie:v excepled. Lender may impeci Ihe Ropeny if Ihe :�J�;:::.:..�
<br /> � Prope�ty is vnnm or abanJuned nr�he io:m i+in definJl. LenJer may WAe reawnahle aclinn to prolecl and prcrerve wch ;;'�;.:.:;�.',�..
<br /> • vacanl or abandnncd I4a�n��. Bovn�cor shall :J.a Ix in Jcl:mll il finnmrrr,dnring�hc In:m applic:nion process.6:nr . .,•s:,. ..
<br /> � nmleriullY (.J�e nr innccur.rte infonnaiion nr .I;nemenn In Lender 1ur Inilyd �o pruriJe LenJer wi�h :my maicnnl , - � . .
<br /> - � infonn:nwnl im m�nccliun wilh Ihc Inan cridcncrJ by�hc Vnlc.includinE.bnl nul Iimi�cA In.rcprc+enlaliom conccming . - .
<br /> , 6urtmvcri ix<upanq�of Ihc Pruperi��:n a prinrip:d ir�iJcnrc If ihi�ticauriir In.lmmrnl i�nn a Ica�c6olJ.Ilnn�s�'cr+h:dl - -
<br /> .. comply u�iih�ht prorisiun+ul thc Icaa. If liorta�ccr:icyufrc.Icc mlc�o�hc Pmpcnr.�hc Ica.rLu1J:md fcc iillc.hall not . -
<br /> M mcrged unlc�.Lcndcr agmc.m Ihc mcrgcr in�rrimi�. .
<br /> � 6. Chorges In Uurro��er und PnticcUun nf I.ender i Righla in Ihe Prnperl�. Borrrn�.r.hall pa) ail Em'emm.m:d
<br /> ' ur municip:J ch�rgc..finc.:md un�xmm�m�h:n art nul mdnJcd m 1'.�ngraph_'. Bnrtnncr.6al1 pa) �hc.r ohli�atinn.un -
<br /> ' lime dimcll)'b+Ihe enliry uhich f. uweJ Ihe pa�mrta. If I:nlure lo p:n ��u�dJ aJ�en¢I) :dk:1 Lender'. mlerc.l m the -
<br /> . hopcny.upnn LcnJcr'•reyuc.t 13nrtow��nh:dl pnmipd� (umnh to LcnJcr rccc�p�.cridrna mg�hc.c pa�mcnl..
<br /> .., If 13ortouu faik In m:dc Ihc.r papncnh ur Ih¢ parnant� nymrrJ hc Pnr.�gnph 2.or 6�i1� In pcdann a�q•nlher
<br /> COYCI1JIlI1 BpII 8�;f1`l'I11CIlll 1O111Jllll'J IO IIIR SCNIIIY IO�INIIIL`IIL Uf Illl'fl'N J I2j::ll�II�K2fJ�11F IIIJI�IIA\V�;�Ilfl[IIIII�'AIII'll
<br /> .. .. -- - -- - Lcndcrs rigins in�nc Propcnp Iwcii :�a:i�iroccCding m nanAmplq'. nrt comicnm:man.�r�n cninrcc i+e.or ngviuin.T.:. -
<br /> . . [hen Lcndcr may Ju aud pa���chaicvcr i�nna.arc�a pmlM�hc raiuc uf ihr Prn�xn� anJ LrnJcr:ngh�.m�hc Pro�wm.
<br /> -�� including paymrm of laac.,h:vaN in+uranc.:mJ.nhcr i�cm.mcminucJ in Y:nag�aph_'.
<br /> Any unounl�diabuned by Lcndcr unJcr�hi.,{'.vagraph>hall hanu:r an adJiunn:J JcM of Bnrto..rr.�nd t+c.ccurcJ
<br /> . by Ihis Securily inxtrumcm. Thc+c amounl•�hall h•ar imcrc.t frnm thr Jam nl Jnhur.cmrm.ai ihc �nn�ratr.and.rt �Y.r
<br /> %- :.!� oplinnofLendr�.sha116cimmcdfatclydueanJpa�ahlr.
<br />.'•_i�j ..- �.:?' 7. Condemnnllon. The procecda o(any:n�aN ot claim!nr damage..dire.l nr a+mnpicmiai.in nnuin-tinn xfih:m�
<br />-.�1�,tr.:_.•:::',. r condrmnalion a ulher laking of:my pan of�he Pro�ny.m for cnmeyan�c in pla�c n(cnndnnn:mm�.:u.henh�a vFnrd
<br /> .:r;�.+.;...�.t e!', anJ shall bc paid�o Lrnder�o ihe rx�cm o(�hc full:nnmm�n(the inJcM1icdnr�,�ha�remaim unpafJ unJrr ihr tM1me:md Ihi� .
<br /> "`..,:,'�' �t Stturil )mlrumcm. I.cnJcrahalla I wch tt�xccJ.InihrmJm-iionnhhcmJ:MCdnr.,midu�hcfM1nlranJi6f.5erurin
<br /> cl'.�,-� +.i�'1';•',� )' PP)'� I
<br />=i-:-. .��_ .,��,7� In�irumem, first In :my delinqurm amuonls appGeJ in �he nrder prm�ided m I'.�ragr.:ph !. anJ then tn p�vp:nmcm �d
<br /> . . .7_i_� principal. Any application nf�F.r p�uccJs to thc princip:d .hnll nnl cxtcnJ nr �*n�pnur thc Juc da�c n(ihc m�m�hh
<br /> "d�);'' :i �
<br /> ����1 q�✓x.:.qa�,..cr.�
<br /> .. . .' __—___-_ _ . _�_--__ —. _. _
<br />