� �[ . !. ._�..�...� �_ . .
<br /> `/��J��'/�' �
<br /> - � , ' °� . _' _ JS���17I'53�1/- „
<br /> ` NON•UhIFONM COVUNANTS. Bortower and Lender fun7ie�wvenont�nd�Brce u foilowe: '
<br /> 17. Pa�clowraProexdure. ItLender�tu�lrc�tmmedialepa mentinfun under Duogroph9.l.enderoiry.invnkat1�. .
<br /> wer ot s�le md�n aher rcmcd ef mihtw pY1ppI Icabie l�w�-7.cAdcr sha11 bo enuded co m0ect all expens�e lncum•d .
<br /> �n ro ing ttq remed�ke providul�n t�il§pupgreph 17,Inciudingl bu�ndt Iimlied to,rcasonnble ntpmcyPtces and eosta of .. . •
<br /> tl!�e �dence,., . .. .. . . . .:.
<br /> �f tAe powcr of e�b b tnroked:ll�ustee eb#I reqord�no1{ce ot dtf�ult In eaeh countr iq irhkh any qrt q11Me
<br /> P{ppeNy b 1a�t[d�nd eh�ll mail copfes o!euth�otic'�In Iha m�nner piexriAed by�ppItuble IaN 16 N4rrmrk�nd
<br /> lo 1neq�penqu���bed by�p IIGib1e I�w.. At1qr Iha tl requited 6y applkADia 1#re'�M ehnll Qlye
<br /> udilc nofioe ot e+k of the persons f�In tha m�nne�Dreicribei� �pplkAble Uw, 'fYustee,wi� t deiand on
<br /> -°_• �wro�er,shalt ceU the Propert nt pu�lic nncllon lo tAe hlsheat bl�der at thc time�nd D��ce�nd pnder Ihe terme _
<br /> dat6nalM In.the ndiee of sate�n one or moretMrttis pnd In�o9 order 7Yustee determinn. '1Y�ualm niay postpone
<br /> wk of�11 or�ny p�rul ot lhe Property by puD1le�nnounttment�t fhe tlme�nd pl�ce oP�ny predous�y tchMuka
<br /> sak. Leedefor(tsdsr.�lrPSmeYy urch�.selhuProperty�l�n9 sak.
<br /> U�ttc�eFpd od�m,ef.tMtlt �ice bld TrHStte sh�ll delirer to Ihe purcAaser'p'ustee'e deed conreyfng Ihe
<br /> ProQnrt�c T6r.cttdP ,a1'�Em tR+e'tY��te�Ae¢A 6�M Q�C�IIN�if{0 CYIAlpfC�QtN�A M A'IC blAti71�ln4+m*��hereln.
<br /> 'OV.�e2enaJ3ry�,'JtDrpacwre?ucE tB+es�nM1aEatAx[cMaa;ryn:�im (a) !o eA eoshs a�rA ea�rra eB exe s�g 1lrx
<br /> �se�otsele,andfliewie,indu6i�4'nr� r.!ea�cSO4�e7tu1`ea�sPa��Mxa4i►irv:��rrc�l,not¢QexerxA gi�g `x'
<br /> o�the principal amount o the no a L�t,A�tomc c8 Bd�x 8r-�a:::.ia� cS C.r�:�a>And reamrnfiit ettosm�s ¢cs ra _ _._-_
<br /> permlllM 6y hwt(b)fo al�qu�ns seGired.by tAtsSrcer+t�Ims+laur..mn;nad(c)aTy ca�Nat9n qah prsa.a ar�rr�ars : . .
<br /> - - _ eegally entitfaltoit. . � � . .. . - . . -. . . - � . . .
<br /> = 18, ReCOnveyqnce. Upon paymeN of olI sums xxured 6y this S�v.rity lnstmm.m,3,endar shrA�egnesi 3h+stcc to �.�����„ �-
<br /> � reconvoy ihe Propehy end shell aurrender this Sewrity Insuument and eil�ro:es evidencin�debi secured by[:�u Securiry -
<br /> -= Ins�nimeN l0 7tt�sice. 7tus�eo shall rewnvoy Ihe Roperty wilhoul wartamy and withoui c0vgx a�thc person or persons
<br /> ` Iegally cmflled�o p. neh person or perwns shall pay any rcwrdation costs.
<br /> 19. Bp6rt fufo astee. Lendcr,at Ils op�lon,may from Iimo to�imo rcmovc 7Fuslec and a f%1I111 B 6UCCC510(INSICC
<br />- .__.� ro pny'Ih�sleo appninted �ereunder by en instmment recorded in tho rnnnty in�vhlcL�his SecudPy InsirumeN Ie rccorded.
<br /> Wiihout conveyanw of���o Propeny.tho successor nustce shall succced ro ull lhe fllle,pou�er and dutia conferted npon ---.
<br /> 7Fuslce hcrcfn end by ep llcabte law.
<br /> 7A, Requtbt for�otices. Flortower rcqucsu�hat copies of the notices o(defnuh nnd wie be kn1 lo Rorrower6
<br /> edAress�vhlcL is tho Property Addrcss.
<br /> Ridere to thla Saurity Inslrument If one nr morc dders�re executcd by Rurtower nnd recordcA ioge�her wl�li tlils —
<br /> Securlry Instmmem,tha covenam� of cach Auch dder shail he IncnrpnraieA Imm �nd sliall omend nnd Rupplemenl dw
<br /> covenanu und ngrcemenu of�hla 5ccud�y Inarumem n.if ihe dder(.)�vero in u pan uf thh Sccnrity h�vuunwm.
<br /> IChccknpp�icablebon(cs)�. �,_—-
<br /> _— �CondominlumRldcr �araduatcdPo�ymcn�Ridcr �ClrowingP.cryliyRlAcr =_
<br />. �`'� , _--_ _. . ._.
<br /> �PlennedUnitDevclopmemRfder �O�herlSpeeify�
<br />��i,'i�� DY SIONINO IICLOW,Qortower nccepts nnd agrees m O�e �emu comained in pages I �hrough 4 of this Secudty �- �._ �;
<br /> InsWment end in any rider(s)execmed by Uorrower nnd recorded with fi. -��'��'�
<br /> .�'
<br /> �,i W • ses: �� ' � �x�',�.
<br /> fy
<br /> �_ /� /
<br /> �/ ��/� /���/�� 1 j� �t�; f ��
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<br /> ,. J611NN6 X FO11T�A3IEZ ]r'�<' 1�>�Vy' `_
<br /> i�r� �
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<br /> 5e4q� STATCO�NGDRASKA. Cnunry•ss: ' _- .�,��s _
<br /> HI1LL
<br /> i � ,��u�r\�
<br /> . �` da nf .hefum me.Ihe undcrsigncd.n Nolnry + `r.::
<br /> On�his 2�Sth Y �u t 1993 ;i,`�>> ,- .
<br /> Po61ic duly commissionc and yualificd for+oid caunty,perso���•c5nm �
<br /> JBANNB H POHTAN82 11 SINOL6 PBR80H . �u mc knm�n m bc�hc �,���'��;:,�;: .
<br /> idcmical pcnon(+)�vhosc namc(s)arc whacriiMJ tn�hc furcgmng in.wmcul:nul acAno�cicJgcd ihc czecution thcrcaf io bc � -
<br /> ��•��� hE[ vuluntaq'aclandJecd. �'�� - " ���
<br /> ;.i, .
<br />,-.`�;{--' Wimcssmyhandandnnmrialscala� OFUND ISLf�ND in said counly. �hc -.
<br /> d01C J�ORS11d. - �
<br />. :', : ��Q
<br /> �///�;��, I . .� .
<br /> l ,
<br /> _My Commission cxpires_ �.n,n wnb. .
<br /> �-( � �LIPY6�QJ1�IIAY.'II411d]�L4� ROBI RT11 L ABBD ---- _
<br /> �t�y;j, "'fl00EftTAL k6tU --- -"'-' "'
<br /> I a��+*tA Com*Eiv 7uh lu �vvn i REQUFiST POH RIiCONVGYnKCfi �
<br /> �_ ��a
<br /> TO TRUSTGG: -
<br /> "Ilte undersigned is Ihe holder o(lhe nole or nales securcd by thiti Ured uf TFu�1. Said nme or nnir�,tagelher���ilh all -
<br /> olher indebiedness sewred by�his Ueed of 9}us6 have 6ecn paid in fuil. You are herehy di�ecled m caneel taiJ nuie or � .
<br />�,.,{'r'„: noles and Ihis Decd of 7tus1.«�hich are dclivered hereby,and to recomey.��i�hnu���arranlp.����he eslaie naw held by�}'ou ' :.� - --
<br /> undcr thiz Decd o(Ttusl to Ihc person or persons Iegally enlidrd Iheeln. ��'��-• � �
<br /> �`� ..
<br />...5�'��"4�„ Date: --. — ' } _
<br />;::,iKF' rr�u�,����s.n . ..
<br /> ,�:��
<br /> �'[5'.�. .�
<br />