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<br /> � .;' _i „�,'' '.�+rii�wwsrF��wWr�i
<br /> - . - . .. �. ...,... --�� __.. __.� . - ,.. .
<br />, .�._i.d;� . 98�110'7'�2'%
<br /> !, Hrurd or FYOpsny fnsur�na� (iortowcr shall keep the Improvcmcnte now existing or htr.aftu ereuW on tho
<br /> Propcny Insurcd agairo� lose by Ilra ha7ard�Indudcd wi�hin�Iw tcrm 'cxtended mverage'and any other hararda,inciuding
<br /> Iloode or Ooading, Por whlch I.en�Jer requires fn:urence.Thls insumnee ehxll be mainteined in tho anwunu nnd for�ho pedods
<br /> �hat I.cndcr r�quirce.7La insurence rnrrler providing�he insumnco shall bo chosen by Borrowcr EubJcce�o I.eM�er'e epproval
<br /> ___ whicli s�ail nM Iw unraisonably wi�hhcld. If dorrower faila �o maimnin mvcragc descdbcd nbovc, l,enACr nwy. a�I.ender'e �
<br /> — option,obtah�wvcrago m prolal l.c�crb dghle In�ha Propcny In ocmrda�uc wi�h pangmpli 7.
<br /> �----- All InsurTnw policiee ond renewnla shnll Ix eccepmble lo Lender end shall Include a stenderd mongage clnum. l.ender
<br /> sliall havo llw rigltt lo hold�ho policlea und mncwats. If I.cnder rcqulros,Oorto�ver shull promptly sive ta Lender nll nrcipts ot
<br /> � � -.-� pald premium�n� rcnewnl nolices. fn the event of lose,Dorrower shall give pmmp�no�ice Io�he insurence cavicr ond Lender. �-__„_..—.. . ...
<br /> Lcndcr may nwko prnof of lose if not mada promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> - Unless I.cndcr and�orrox�cr o�hcrwiso ngrco in writlng, insurencc procccd+shall bo nppllal�o rrsiomtion or repair of�ho
<br />���,�' � Propeny demagcd.If the reaiore�ion or repair Is ecnnomiwlly kasible and Lender's securf�y is not laxned. If iho restora�ion or _.
<br /> -�--� repair fs not aonomically fcasiblo ar Lender's sauriry wanld be lessened,ihe insurence procecds shall be applled to the sums _.
<br />,-».cx�ct��.`� sewred by �his Seciuiiy Insimmem,whUher or nm �hen due, wRh nny excess paid �a liorro�ver. If Dorro�ver nbandons the -_- _
<br /> '�-�-= Propeny,or doca not enswer wlihin 30 days n notice from I.ender�ha�ihe insuruxe carrier lvls oKercd m senle n clolm. �hen � _
<br />"�"� i`�" Lender ma callcel ihe insurenw roceeds. Lender ma use �hc rocecds to m or n�store the Pro rty or to � sums =
<br /> ,rz�r,� .� Y P Y P P�+ P� P�Y ..
<br /> 1r _ - : sea�rcd hy ih(s Sccudry Insltumcnl.�vhether or not�hen due.The 3Q-0aY periad wili begin when the notitt is gi��en. p'�j(ayar __.,_
<br /> Unless Lender und Uarro�ver o:hefx�iss agrce in wdiing. anY aQYlication of promeds to prtnci}�1 shall r.a eztencl or �fTf.l;t}6sFi�sM=.::--�
<br /> •ti�'
<br /> - �`��'�. poscpone the due dme of�he monthly pa��m.ents rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change�he anwunt of thz paym:ms. If �_,�1,�f,,-..•::.-�
<br /> _•� [�i•. .,, ,,..
<br /> ' 1, under parograp6 21 Ihe Propeny is acquired by Lender,Borto��eer's right lo any insuronee policles nnd procetds rawlling from �" ' '<-_�
<br /> -"}�'`"q;;j.:.- damage to tleo Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pass�o Lender to�he exteN of�he swns securcd by Ihis Securiry�Imunmem i('FfF.;;�
<br /> 'z -=� immcdia�ciy prior tu lhe ntquisiiion. �� t ----
<br /> y �- -: 6.Occupaney, Prcsenatlon, Nalntenance nnd Proltttlon of ihe Properly;13orroo�er's I.onn 1pplicadonj I.easehotdv. `. ,R °
<br /> �'� -•r_ Uorro�eer shall cecupy,establish,end use ihe Propeny es Dorto�ver's principal reside`rce wi�hin sixry•days eRer�he e:autlon of '��-'��� �t _ '
<br /> ' ��i�����'� this Securi� Insuumem and shall continue ta ocw �he Pro n as Uonower's ri�i �I residrnce for a� Icasi one ear afler ;�s'f� -`ii�'�`-
<br />_s•��-: ,:,..;.
<br /> ur r., Y PY P� Y P P• Y . 'ti� a��
<br /> � - .� ;. �he da�e of occupancy,unless Lender o�hernise agrces in�vriiing, which mnsem ahall nm h unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless rtA��'�r' --�T�_
<br /> � -•;ti-°�;•,�� ez�enua�ing circums�anees exisl which are beyond I3orro�ver's mntml. 6orro�ver shall no� Aesiroy, damage or impair �he r . .----.
<br />- ��`"y"-��� Pro tt , allow �he Pro n �o de�erioreie, or commit wute on �he Pro n i3onower sha!I It in defnul� i(an forfeimre ����*���"��'=�
<br /> -..:;�, P� Y P� Y P� Y• Y '��� ?rr ::::.
<br /> .� ectlon or pramding,whe�her civil or criminal, is Mgmi�hat in Lender'a gad fei�h judgment muld rcsull in forfeiturc o(�he _
<br /> � ''�� Propeny or olhenvise materially impair�he lien cn.n�ed 6y�his Securi�y Insuumen�or Lender's ucurity imeres�.Uorro+ver may ;. �i .{�i��.r`
<br /> ° - ' cure such a de(ault and reins�aie,ns pmvided in pangraph I8,by causing�he aciion or prneeeding ro 6e dismisad �vlih e ruling ��
<br /> ' ( . �`' thnl, in LenAer'<goad fniih dc�crminatiert, predudes iorfciWrc of the [lorro��er'a interesi in thc Propeny ot other ma�crial ' �' �� �
<br /> ... :?.". , � t w��r.u+�
<br /> inf arre��� ���Se Gtr cr:at.�b' thEs &.u��t fr.;imr:at ar I.er�..e's s:.urt• in;:rcst. &..�:�::;hol: alsc� in dtfeu!! If � YIYPr._-_�R-..
<br /> �_�- � -�ia:r' F � r )' i -��.,�� - ir :�
<br /> < - }p,gs` Oorto�cer,during�he loan applicaiion prarss.gare materially fnlsc or inaceurete informa�ion or sta�ements ta l.endcr(or feilcd Iti � -��� ��_
<br /> ,# -�' �q'f� to pmvidc Lender with any maierial infomia�ioN in conncaion wiih ihe loan cvidenttd hy the Notc,incluJing,but not Ilmi�cd 'js�� ' i � s, ;
<br /> � � m, rc resente�ions cuneetnin Dorro�cer's nccu �nc o(�he Pro n u n rinci al rcsiJence. If�his Securi� Im�rumem Is on e itq ` � - � t
<br /> -".� P 8 P• Y P� Y P P Y .t�;h '.
<br /> r� IGfsehnld, Uorrowcr shall comply +vi�h all �hc provisions of�hc Ieasa If 6orro�eer ocquires fec �iilc �o �he Property, �hc -°• �� '�•:`
<br /> Icnsehald end i6c fec�i�le shall not merge unles.l.enJcr ognts io thc mergcr in ari�ing. ?'', �+ 1.-i�7 �--
<br /> 7.Prottttlan of I.ender's RlFhls in ihe Prnperly.If Wxrmver fails�o perfomi�he rnvenamF nnd ngrcemems comained in `° + .p��' -�
<br /> dtiR Securi�y Insumnem, nr there is a Iegal pr<xecJing�hat�uay significantly affcet Lender's righis In�he Property(such as a .� t y�+?tl .
<br /> � procecding in bank:upicy, prolu�a (or rnndcmnatiun or fnrfcimrc ar to cnforce lae�a or rcgula�ions),ihen L.cndcr may do nnd ;:r.��. .: ,�5,�;�� .
<br /> ' _ pay for whotcrcr is necessary�o prntect thr vaiue uf�he Pro�ny anJ Isndcr's righis in�hc Propcny. Lender's aaions may '�if k}� '�rs-Yn•3
<br /> . includc paying any sumt securcci 6y a li.n which ha. prinri�y nrcr tliiti Sccuril�' InsWnxnt. nppcaring in coun. paying .�,� � -. .i,�'.
<br /> �:�'_i?^ .. -� reasnnable nunrncys'fms anJ emerinF on�hc Propcny tn makc rcpain. Ahhough LenJcr m:����ake anion under�his p�rngrnPh �;;,:'��`:��ii�,-'�_;Y:1i.�.
<br /> .. -_�;;._ 7. Lndcr dces not harc:o dn m. 3 - ; � 'r
<br />� Any amnumti Jishurscd by Isndcr under �hia p:�ragr.iph 7 .hall Mcnmc aJJninn:J drM ��f Bonoucr srtund b� �his ;.�r,a„ ,/ �;-.
<br /> , _ Securily lnxltumcnl. Vnlcsa Onrtna�er anJ Irnder:ignr ta nlhcr icrnn nf paymenl. ih.sr amoum-.chall bear interesl from�he '�v :i ;
<br /> - ��i; daro o(disburcrmem at �he Nu�c rne :mJ shall be paya6tc. �ei�h imcres�, u�x�n nmice fmm t.endrr io �orrower«yuaxling � r�-: -
<br /> " - ��.Rf;� paymem. c . .. , :�,
<br /> "v.�.,•_ -th� ,t� ;; . �. .r:_; ` •,...
<br />- . -� -V�j�. B.AIorIRnRr Insurnnae.If I.c�xler rryuireJ mongage insunncr;n a amditian nf makiug ihe loan xcurnl by �his Securi�y . -'-;�-.:;:-,-�;�.i;
<br />'��i.•.'i' �. Inxvumcnt. ➢orm�eer shall a �hc rcmiumc rc uirtd to maimain �6c mnn � � in.unn.c in cffai. If. for an ny,nn. �hc -� S:°` �-�-.�.,.
<br /> � -�. .:,: PY P 4 F•F' Y �
<br /> 'j�.- mnngagc in+urar.cc mveragc r.qoirad br I.cnJcr lapx�or ceau.to 6r in c(ln1. Bartnwcr+hall p:q�Ihc pnmiumti nyuinW m �i3[, ,
<br /> ° obiain cover+ge wM1Uami:dl��eqmv.dam m�he mnng:�ge mwrance prcrinu.lr m clRrt..n a r�+,t wM1.�amially cyuivalcnl Io Ihe - .
<br />`S ;i
<br /> � ' cosl In Ikttrmecr nf Ihc mnngagc imuranm prcrinuJ�� in cffa�t. Gnm :m allcrn:n. mm�gagr inwrcr�pprur�d Uy I.cndcr. If , .
<br /> � ; suhx�amially cquiealrn�nnmpagc in.urar.n corrragc i,nm:nail;�M.. 13urrmccr>ha17 rn �o Lrr.Jrr cuh mumh a wm cqnal to ...( .� �
<br /> - . nn.�lttelflh o(Ihe ymd� n:on}.�Fe inur,me prcmimn hemE paiJ h� Borraecr��hcn ihi in.nr.m:r tm��age Iap.eJ orcea.�vllo �•, . . .
<br /> ` be in effecl.l.emler�eill��iaopL me and rc�ain�he>r pa�mtnn a. a In.. rc.en e in Lru �,f muntaFc inwr:�na. Lo.. re.en�e i� : �,
<br /> i.. :•:;,:
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