H 1 f�
<br /> � . � 93=so7'�� ,
<br /> pynxad may ta longer 6o rtquirod,a{�he optlon of(.ender.It mortgago insdmnco coveiage(In the snwunt pnd for Ihe perlod
<br /> • 1Ai�Lender requirW)prpvlded by on Insunr�pprovCd by l�ender egain bemmos evoliablo ond ia ob�ained. Bottower aluli pry •
<br /> the prcmWm+roquirM(o malntain nwngogo Insuroneo in effeu,or tn providc a los�rrservc,unNl�6o rcquironxm for nwng��e
<br /> Inwroilcq eMs In acmrdance with nny.wtfuen agranxnt Ixiw•tSn Ifotmwer and l.endcr or upp)Icnbic tew.
<br /> 9.lropecSlon.l�ender ot fls�cnt mry nuke reasuuafile emriCa upon anJ Iropealons of the Propeny. Lfndcr shn14$ive
<br /> Bortower nwico o{IM tirtw of or prinr�a en In.apacllon epeclfying rcasonnb�e wusa for tho Inspecllon.
<br /> 10�Condemea�lon. 7fic promds of eny nward or clufm for damagea, dirav or consequeminl, Im m�ncetlon wltl�my
<br /> mndcrtw�lon or o�her taking nt any part ot�ho Propeny,or for conveyancc In Iicu of condomnaUon,aro hereby eulgncd and
<br />__ __ - shall bo pild ro Lendcr.
<br /> ? In tla event of e cotnl teking oP�he Propsny,tho proceeda shal I bo npplleA ea tAC sumc seared by thle Recuriiy Insuumont, ° �
<br /> whGhcr or not�Aen duo, wl�h any excess psid ro Bonower. !n the event of n pjntal teking of�ho Propeny in whlch tlw fdr
<br /> nurket value of tho Pro{krty immcdieiely befone ihc�ekhig te equul�o or g�uuer than tho anwum ot tl�o sunu secured by this
<br /> Sceurtty Insuunxnt immxllaicly bePorc the mking,untui Aorrox•er end l.endcr othmvlso ngrx in�vdiing,tho sums secured by
<br /> Ihle Seadry G�stnimom ahell bo rcdnced 6y tho emount of�ho procuds mul�lplicd 6y tho fnllo�ving frec�Ion: (u) iha la�al
<br /> nmotrot ot the sums securcd Immcdia�ely pefnro tho Inking, dlvlAal hy(b)tha fair market valno of�ho Property immedlelely
<br /> - _— befora�he taking, Any balanco shall bo pald to Dorro�vcr. In�6o evem af e paninl tnking o(�ha Propcny in wh��1� �he fair
<br /> markM value of tho Propeny(mmedlaiely betoro Iho leking is lua�han�ho amoum of the sunu Fannxl immallately bcfora Iho
<br /> — taking,unless porm�eer end l.ender n�henviso ngnro in�vriiing or unless npplicxble law o�henvisc provides,tho proacds shall
<br /> __ - bo appll�d ro tho sums seu�rcd hy�his Sccuri�y Insimmem whaher or not the snms en:ihcn due.
<br />-_-=— If Ifie Propeny ia absndonal by Rorto�ver,or if,eficr noiloo hy Lender�o Oortowu tha�the condemnor affere M mako en
<br />���`:�=—�� ewnrd or settia n claim for damngea, porrower fails !o respond m [.c�dcr within 30 dnys eRcr�he date thc notico i�given,
<br />- - - Cender is aul6orlud to mllat end apply thc promcGs,et ita np�lon, ei�her m resmnrton or repalr of the Propeny or to tlm suma _____.
<br /> --- secured 6y�his Scetmry Instrument,�vhe�her or no��hen due. _
<br /> ��:� UnIGss Lender nnJ Oorrower othenvise ngrce in wrhing, any epplicetion of proceeds 10 principnl shall nol extond or —
<br /> :��� postponc�hc duc dn�c of thc monlhly paymen�s rcfenal m In parngrephs I end 2 or change�M1e mm�uni of such paymcnls. _
<br />,_�R�,.•a 11,Ilorroiver Not Reieased=Forbearance Oy Isnder Not n Wuiver.Gz�ension of the iime for paymem or modfficatlon - _
<br /> " of emorliutlon of�he sunu secured by Ihis Secamy Instrumem gmnted 6y Lender�o any suaossor In inlereat of Dorcox•u shall
<br /> `�`'����"�` no�opera�e�o rctensc�he Iiability of�ha original Oorrower or[iorrower's snceessors fn interest. Lendcr shall not be r ulred to
<br /> - �ia:,.., �I
<br />�'�`"`��� '' mmmena roccedin s n ains�en succexsor in imeres�or rcfuse to extend�ime for a men�or od�envise modif emorti7ation
<br />'.y;.::,•;�s:p P C 8 Y P Y Y
<br /> � -�y� of the sums secnred by this Sccudry inswmem by rcason of eny dcmand made by the odginal Dortower or 6orzower's
<br />..r::'i.,:f._�;� --`
<br /> - _ successon in Imerau. Any forbcarance by Lendcr in cxercising nny righ� or remedy shall not be e wniver ot ar preclude tho 4�
<br /> ti'- exerciseofany rigM or amcdy.
<br /> � _ i2,fi�eq�x<npc N��1 Acdartc Oound: Joim end Seseral Lluhillly: Cn•slCnere. 71ie mvenama nnd ngreemeNS of Ihle
<br /> ���`��••" Sccud�y Inswmem shnll 6ind nnd benefi� the snacssors nnd aaigns of Lendcr and Iiorrower, subJcci lo Ihe provisions of •� -� � �
<br />��������3�"��`" parngmph 17. Dorto�ver's wvennms ond agreemems shnll 6c joim nnJ severnl. Any 6ono+vcr who m•signs Ihis Sccudty - -_
<br />���:i'/.Y;u;s" _
<br />..--1!:rr&(� Instmmem bnt dacs nol exau�c ihc No�c: (n) Is ro-signing �his Secnd�y Instrumrn�nnly lo mongngc, grant and mnvcy�hot —.
<br /> ''•�'(,•� Oortmver's iNCres� in the Propeny under�he tennc of ihis Securi�y Instnunenl; (b)is nol penonally obligated lo pay Iho sums
<br /> '-"s�'s'�r securcJ by�M1fs Securi�y InsvumenC nnd(c)agrees�hnt Lender and nny aiher�orm�rer mny agree�o extend,modify,forbear o�
<br />��`�F��'"�'Y+ make nny acmmmaimlons whh regard�o�he�crms of�his Sewri�y Instrumen�nr�he No�e wi�houl�Im�Dorrower's mnsent.
<br />-�"''� �"`��' 13.Iunn Ch¢ es If�he loan securcA 6 ihis Securi� Ins�nnnem ix xu6 a�io n Inw�vhich se�s maximum loan charges,
<br /> :�:7:i�•;.�.�: r6_• Y Y � _�--�-
<br /> rE"�;};���`i; and�hxt law Is fimdly interpreted m thm�he intercst or niher loan charges mllectnl nr In 6e wllecicd in rnnna�ion with�ha -
<br /> E ` loan exoecd ihe pemiined limits, �hen: (a)any mch loan charge slmll be reduced 6y�he mnoum necessary w reduce�he charge � --
<br /> + -�t " m the permiucd limit;nnd(6)nny smnx alceaAy collectMl tram Uarroxrr�ehich excecded penniued limi�s will be rcfunded�o - T;-
<br /> + ' �� Oarrower.j.erdu :rvy ch�nu ta make th�s rcYund by reducing �h. princip:d mceJ under �he Nme or �y making n dlrect tt.- ,, .:
<br /> ' ��ii' ry�ymu� :., ^...,,....... 7f � �.:...,� �.�...:., a.:imipal. �h. r.du.�ion ��iU b. �rcated as a panLJ prepaymem wid�oui any f�f��CtAr -
<br /> .. ! prcpaymera ehxrgr undcr the hmr. �i;W z� �.-
<br /> ._.,_t,=-„'� IA.RoU.�. Any noiim�o Uortowtr pro��idrd for in�hi>S�YUrity In.tn:ment�hall bc given by dclircring it nr hy mniling �� �r�i`� ,
<br /> ��t ��". it hy fm�elass m:ul uniesa applirnble Inu requirrs u+e nf anoiher me�h�d. TA:nuiiin ahall be Jirecud�n�Le Pm�xrty AJJ�w. r :r?� '',
<br /> ' i��%.�* or nny aher nddrea [Wrroo�er designatrs h� nnice �o LenJrr. Any noticr to Irndv shall Ue given by firs� rlass mnil io -�;'
<br /> Lendrr i addres.� sta�.A herein or any othrr addrcss Lcnder dcsign:ncs b� nmi..m 0.�rro�ccr. Any notice prorided for in Ihis _
<br /> r - t� Secariry�Inslrun;ent shall 6e deemcd to hacc bccn gircn tn Onrro�ccr or lxnArr xlxn Fn.n n prnvided in�his panFraph. -fi;�^.� ,"
<br /> � �;, 15.Govcrning I.mr; Screre6111ty. Thi+ Sauri��� In+�mmcm .hall h go�emal b} �C�ItfJI ITIY JOA �hc law of ihc ;�y ,,.
<br /> jurisdiaion in��hich the Propeny is loca�ed. In the erem �h:n any prm�ision or rlanx of ihi�Secariic Inetrumem ur�he Nnte ' ' =
<br /> conNels sailh applicaM1lt law�..uch ennllitt shall not affttl olhcr provisinrt,oi�hi.&eutin Iro�rnintm or tht NMe whieh tan 6c =.` �
<br />-�-���"���� given efkcl wilhoul Ihe cnniliiling prorixim�. To Ihi.enJ Ihe provi.ion.of Ihi>S.�'urin lnammenl and�he\ott arr declarcd -„?��+, '
<br />- ' to b.u�tra6lc.
<br /> �".-.�•� 06.6orro�eer's Cop�. W,rro��rr.hali lk gicen one..mlhmirJ ai�py nfihe hntr anJ ol�hi.tic.uriq Irownxnt. ...
<br /> Fo�m 3078 9 90 ' -
<br />' ,( ;,r1_ � , .
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