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1 ! . .. . �� _.�'.. . .� <br /> fJ: � ijG � .'.� ��v.�.. ! ._ _ . ___ <br /> ( ..: .. - � . . .. ...... . .. <br /> .���,.�F: :�. . .._ res�,o��� <br /> 7'OORTFI[iR WITH all tho improvtnxnte now or Ucrca4tr crce�od on�ho propeny,ond ail euemenu,�ppurcena�wel;�nd <br /> qxturcf now or herc�tler a paa of tlio property. All ropiaumenta and additlon� shall eiw ba mvercd Gy thl�,ScCUdty <br /> Insuunxm.AII of ihc foregoing Is rcfcrred�o in d�b Sccudry Inswmcnt as iho'Pro,xrty.' <br /> BORROW(iR COVHNAN75�hat Uorrowcr in lawtully sclscd oi�ho csinto hcrcby convoyed ond has thc rigin to gmnt and <br /> comcy�ho Property and�hai tho Propeny is unencumberal,ezcep� for cncumbrancca of rcconi. Dorrower warrante nnd wili <br /> defend gencrelly fAo tiilo to�he Properiy nEalnst nll clainu end demand�,subJca�o eny encmnhronma ot rccord. <br /> TH19 SGCUR(TY 1NS'fRUMIiNT combines unifom�wvename for natloml uso and non•uniform rovcnanq with Ilmfied <br /> variaQons by Judsdicllon to consHtulo a uniPorm sccuflty Insttument covcdng rcul propchy. <br /> _ - _., <br /> UN[PORM COVQNAN7'S.Qonower and Lender covennnt nnd agreo os followa: <br /> � 1, P�ymmt of Pr(nclpxl and [ntercal� Prcpnnnent and I.ate Charsa. Oorrower shall promptly pay when duo �io ` � �'�" �--°"-`�-- <br /> principal of and Interat on tho debt evideneed by the Note and any prepayment end leia cher�ca duo under the Noio. <br /> 2.FLnds for Taxes pnd Incurance,Subject to applicable la�v or�o a wriucn weiver by Lender, Uarrower s6nll pay �o <br /> -- Lender on�hc dey monthly paymxnts are due under thc No�e,umil thc Noco is pald In full,e sum("Punda')for.(a)ycady laxra <br />_— - and¢uessmenu which nv�y attain priority m�er this Security lns�mment es e Ifen on�he Propeny;(b)yaldy lense6old payntrnte <br /> - :_„� or grourd renn on the Propeny,if any:(c)yzxdy haznrd or propeny insuranm premiunu;(d)��z�rly(tood tnsuranw prem(ums, <br /> � - - if any;.(e)yeady rtwngagc insurana prtmiums, i(any;ar.d(0 any sunu payaDle by Rnrton'er lo Lender, in etwrdanca�vf1h <br /> ������:�ss the pro��irons of pa�agraph 8,tn lieu of the paymem ot mong�,ee insumnce premiums.Theu items ure wlled"Qscrow Itrnu.' <br /> -�?[�?��-. Len�u m;ry, el eny lima, collu� nnd hold Funds in xn amnum wl to exc.:cd Uie masimnm emaunt a lendcr for e tedemlly __._—.. <br /> �.7:I�'�r-�J relaeed mongage loan may requirc for porro�cer's escrow accoum unda�he fedtral Ra�l Estele Set�lemeni Procedura Acl of <br /> =-.,.:�.��- 1976 as amendal frum timo w dma 12 U.S.C. Stction 2601 r�seq. ('R�SPA'),unless enothcr lew�hat eppltes to�he Funds <br />_.,"��•.�4�-`� sets a lesser emount. If so. I.ender may, et eny �im0. mllec�end hold �nnds in en amoum nat to excecd the lesxr amount. <br />'��.�`�.ia:'c�` I.enAer may estlmate�he emount af Funds due on�he 6acis of cuttent data and nasonable estin�ates of expend(mra of Polure . .. ._ __ <br /> il:F:';?'�'.���.-'Y� Escrau�llems or o�herwiu in ecmrdance�vi�h epplicable lew. _.- <br /> "�-• •�'._��� The Fu�s shall bc held in an instimtion �vhou de�asfu erc insurul by a kderzl agency, inswmemalhy, or entlty -"_. <br /> a;',-�;i=:,�.-+;:_ <br />�-� .^,q �..- " . (fncluding Lender, if Lender is such an ins�iiatir:et or in nny Pederal Hnme Loan➢ank.Lender shall epply�he Funds to pay lhe ��NV;i� <br /> � ' � Bscrow Ilems.Lender ma no�char �➢ortoxer 7ar holNn end I In ihe Funds,ennuall enal zin �ht escrow accoum,m � � <br /> Y B' 8 �P Y 6 Y Y f <br /> �'� � -� sed(ying�he Gscrow Items,unless Lendrr pay�z Uortuwer iNCrest on ihe Punds nnd applica6le Imv pemiiis Lender to make such ��;��_ _ <br /> ! 'a��, a chmge.Hmvever,Lender may rcquire Bnrton�er m pay e onrtime chnrge for an independenl real esmte mx rcponing service J . <br /> i v � used by Lender in connection with ihis Iwn, unless epplic�ble law provides o�herx-is.. Ueless an egreemem is m.ide or ,(�t���a�' <br /> appliwhle In�v requircs Imeres��a be pxid,I.ender shall no�6c requircd m pay Borro�ver any imeres�ar carnings on the Fnnds. *G��a��n�„�� <br /> Bono�rer end I.endcr may ngree in wri�ing,hmvevcr, �ha�intcrcst shall bu pnid on thc Funds. Lendcr shall give to 13orto�cer, �.?ry'f�1 f�:'�::_ <br /> _ " - �Lithout rharge, en annual aaounting of�he Funds,showing credi�s end debi�s�o t6e FanAs eiM �he purpose for �vhich each �`[`'¢�t,t;5���;==-� <br /> debi�m�hc�unds was niadc.The Funds nrc DIed�M as nddi�iunal stturi�y tor nll sunu seaired by Ihis Security Insvum.m. F�t2"7td .;!-- <br /> � � �-�•` � ff�he Funds held by Lendcr excttd�he amoums penniueA io 6c hcld by npplfcable hw,l.cnder shall eaoum�a Uarm�ver -�' ' � .__: <br /> -���� for�he excess Punds in necordance wi�h�he rcquiremems of npplicablc law. If�he nmoum of�he Punds held by Lender nt nny { �� '_- <br /> i.�y ,. ,..�..n �.�;y,� :. �--- <br /> �- 1 �ime Is not su(ficient�o pay�he Curo�v I�ems«�hen due.Lender may m no�ify Oonower in���ri�ing, such cau 6orrower � �".��r,`�:� <br /> ;- �i�. shall pay�o Lender the emount nectzsary�o make up tl�e dr�ciency. Rormwer shill make up ihe deficicncy in no more than , 7.� ` y�� ti � <br /> ��- nvelve mon�hly pnymems,a�LcnJer'.sole discre�ion. -';_r_� <br /> ' -��� Upon payment in full of ull sums sccured hy ihis Securi�y Inswment. I.cnder shall promptly rc(und to Oarro�vcr eny � ` �� —. <br /> : � - `��'�� �unds held by Lendcr.1(,undcr paragrnph 21, Lcndcr shull acquire m sell�he P�opcny,Lcnder.prior�o�he ncquisition or sele - ' :r,.,_.;�;�'�' <br />`,o:(�r'i�._�:.�F:? ;.,_v;,..;i.2H::- <br /> , �.,:,;:-:e of thc Propeny,xhuli apply nny PunJc hcld by Lendcr a��he�iinc of acquisi�ion nr sale n�n cr.dii ngainst �he sums sornred by �,..':f__, ,:.___�;r� _ <br /> . . �his Sceuriry Insirwnem. ` c>_.- <br /> F ����: ,l.ppplirnflon af Peynten4s.Unless npplicn6le law procides mhenvi.c,�dl paymem.received by I.�nder under purngraphs : ��, -�:�;:� <br /> '"�-���•�--�-�� - I end 2 shall be n lud: fini, tn:my rc � mem char es due under�he Naie: xcond. m nmrnm�+ a able under �n ra h 2; � �-yF�`�.�=-. <br />-d_F,+.-.:. _ :� PP� P P•Y 6 � PY P� �F P ':�". <�':i.f::-•. <br /> --:_=_ �hird,�o intcrcs�duc;founh,ro principal duc:and lu�,to any latc clinrgcs due ur.d.r ih.Nm¢. ,� -i ;�5,:�, <br /> ., � -+�'-�- 4.Chnrgcs; I.irns. 6ormu�er ahall pay all taxes, usxssmentx,charges, fines anA impiaiiinns mtribwable to�he Prnperty F,� . �'{=� <br /> .- }- �vhich may nnain prinrily mrr�hi.Sccurilr In.zrumen6 and IeauhotJ paymentc nr pmund rcnts. if nnp. Borrower diall pny � - <br /> r� i ).;�; Ihesc o6ligalians in lhc manncr proviJ�d in par,�eraph 2,ar if nol paid in tha(m:mner. Unrrower chall pa)�lhem�n�imr Aitaily , <br /> ;.���;:_-: io ihe persai o�aed paymem. Unrrouer shail prnmptly furnish in I.cndcr ull no�ices af amnnms�a 6c pnid undcr�his p:�ragnph. -,... � . <br /> '� 1(Qorroucr makes�hese a nteul.Jirccil 6nrro�rcr sh;dl rnm tl fumi�h�o Lender rcrci �.eriJencin Iht mrnl.c ' � - � <br /> P Y ri P P Y P F P�Y <br /> �"s ' -.:ti" I3orro�ver sh:ill prrnnp�ly Jiuharge a�ry�lien ahich ha.prinri�y nver�hf.Se.uriiy In.irumem unless Oortnner. la):+grces in � � �+: '-�. <br /> -.'•'���:':.::;i� �vriling to lhe paymrnt nf ihe nhliFa�ion x�.ureJ by�he lien in a mannrr n.crp�ahle m IsuJer.Ih)tnmea�>in gn�al fni�h�6e lien .: •+. .��r����;�� <br /> ; ;,�,q�, .r.1':.',q.i <br /> �?'•'' •-`.�`� bY. nr dt(enJs ngairtq enfnnemrm nf Ihe lien in. ieg:d pnxaJin�e wi�ich in the Isndtr'. npinian aperale In prrcenl Ihe . - r�,:.l n�;-. <br /> _ :;'(:�.,,�.. ': � d.. .(,y;. <br /> �.i4 � -- enformmtnl of Ihe I�tn: nr ti i...nrc.from�hc hnWtr af ihc licn an agrcemcnl�tli.G�ibn� lo LenJer whnrJinalin}ihe licn In , ' <br /> S `4 - Ihis Scauriq� Imimnxm. I(LenJrr dclemiinn Ihat ant �un nl �hc Propcn� i.wM1jni to a I�cn��h�ah may auain prirri¢ orer . `�,i_';�:'. <br /> ' -� Ihis St:urily Instromcnt. Lc�xlcr may gicr fA,rrn.�tr a m�ucc idcnliliing�hc hrn.Ik�rruwcr.h:dl vni.f� Ihc licn or I.ikc onc or . - <br /> . '+,e��.', ' :.` morc of�hr aNinn,act Iotih abnr�eilhin 10 Ja).oi Ihc gicing�.I nnG�r. �+ <br /> . _ ' •.1+ ..;.. <br /> "4� Form 3018 B�BO `��� . <br /> e1u].�� � .'�: ' . <br /> - ��L�1:- . <br /> � - . <br /> ':f:. <br /> ���f�� •�- •'S� <br /> }7rf'- �i, -.�,(• .;i:4�:'1Z�:tS,_��.. . .. . - ,�. -.,rP.. ,, •-,on . . � - , : . - . . . <br /> - 1 �" ll'� . _ <br /> , ..� .�.�1{/.- <br /> _�..i_ .:1�✓ . . . . ... _ <br /> :_j`' . . . . . <br /> __ . _�'', . . . . . . . <br />_� ... . . -i\ . . ' . . . ' <br /> r �� � . � � � _ '-' -. . ` . . ' ' . . <br /> � � � <br /> 5. . ' . <br /> . . ,. . .1 ' .. '_ '- _ . . _� . , . ... �y <br /> .. <br /> . <br /> .� <br /> . . . . .. � . .t <br />