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. . . . �*-.e�--�*r <br /> . ...: •. <br /> ,, ., _ .. <br /> .. . ,,; _... — <br /> r•. t . <br /> . _.. .__ _ _ .- __— — <br /> ,i..� �g3:�.0��2;� " <br /> {wy,nxnts mey no longer be requlrcd.ei tlio option af I.cnder,if nwng+ge Insurnnco mveruga(In tla nnwunt�nd Im�ho perind <br /> �Ii�Cl.sndct rcqulrea)provided by nn Insurcr pppravcd by Lender igain Dctonxa nvallo�lo ond le obuR�xd,Borrowu El�all pW <br /> ihe prenilunn requirtd�o nmintaln morlgagd Insumnca in efkct,or to provido n lose rescrve,un111 tho rtquirenxnt for nwttg�e _____ <br /> 'j InsOrnnco cnds In eccordancc witA any wrf��ca ogrtement belween ltorrox•er nnd t.ender oruppllcabic law. <br /> 9.inspectlon.l.ender or iu agem nuy mako reasonable emda upon nnd Inspeciiom of�he Propcny. Lcider sM�ll give <br /> I 6ortox•et notice et tho tinw of or prior�o un Inspatlon spcclfying reasonable cnuse for�he InspcNlon. <br /> � !0� Candemnatton,71x procade of eny eward ot claim for damagee, dlrxl or mnscqacmial, Im m�nc�vinn wlih my <br /> � rnndcmnallon or othcr tekfng of any p�n of tho Properry,or tor mnvoynnco in Iicu of mndemnatlan, nro Aacby miigncd and <br /> sh�ll bo puld to Lendcr. <br />- -- -, In ehe evcnt of a total taking of Uu Propcny.�Ae procccds shall bc applicd to ihe swiu securcd by tbis Securi�y InsiNmem, - -- - <br /> whethcr or not thcn duo,with uny exttu paid m [lorrower. In�hc evcnt ot o p�ninl �aktng of thc Prapcny in wldch dw talr <br /> • market valuc of tho Propeny Imnwdiately Ixforo the mkfng le cqu�l to ar grwier�han the amoum ot�hc sume r2eured 6y�hls <br /> ISceudry Inspumcnt Immedlatcly bcfmc ihc Inking, unless Rortowcr anA I.endcr o�henviu ogrcc In�vr{tlng,�he sunu scwrcd by <br /> - this Scwriiy Instrument shall M1e rcduced by �lio nmount of the prooted� multlpllcd by�hc follo�v(ng (nclinn: (o) �ho tolel <br />'—' ._-- emoum oi�he sunu secured Immedlmeiy bcforc�hc mking, dividcd by @y�hc fnir mnrkn valae oE eba Propeny Imnxdia�ely <br /> --� <br />=_=_=_, bcfon�taking. Any baiar,cc s6aU k patd to Oortan•cr. In ihc evcn� of n panial tcliug of tA:Pco�ny In �vhich thc fair -� <br /> - market vak�e oP tAc Prop.ny irn�nediately bcforo�ho mking is Icss�han tho nmoum of tt+.�sums u�vnd im�xdlately before�he � <br />:i���y'" ;� taking,unless Bortoser u:d l.endr.r o�henviu egrco in wri�ing or unless applicabte law ahernise proviAx,ihe promde ehall _ <br />- be applicd lo lhz sums secured by Ihis Security Instrunxn�whetlmr or r.a tre sunu ero lhen due. <br /> _ If ihe Propcny is xbandoned by Qortox�er,or IL a�er no�ice by Lerder to Oortox•er ihai lhe m�rmr.or ofters to make an <br /> -��� a�vard or seule a claim for dan�agcs, Dorcm��er taiB io rcspond ro Lcnder�rithin 30 daye alter�hc da�e�he r.aia is given, °�'� <br />=�i�.'�y!�� Lcnder is nu�hodzcd ro mllecl and epply the pnM�ede,et its option,eithcr ro rcsmr�Hon or mpalr of thc Propeny or to�he sums <br /> , �..;�,;�' secvrcd by�his Smmry Insuumcm,whnhcr or not�hcn dua "��� -` --- <br /> �r��� Unlese Lender and �ortox�er otAenvise egree in writing, any applica�ion of pron�eds w principal shall no� ex�end or <br /> �;'�'�� posipone�Ae due date of�he momhly paymems rcfemd�o in puagrapM 1 and]or change ihe amount of such paymtnts. _ __ <br /> -�` � 11.Borrox�er Rol RclenscQ;Forbearance 6y l.ender Not a 11'nircr.L•xtension of chc cimc for paymem or nwdifica�ion =-- <br />-1�""'���`-��'�� of amonimtion of Ihe sumc szcur��l'v� this Securit Imi�umem ramed b Lende��o an suocessor in interes�of 13orrux�er sAall <br />�'_` �,�` ���"' nol o retc lo rclea.ce the liahilii of Ihe nri mal Donoo�er or[iorto�ver's sunuwrs in imercst. l.endcr sAall no�be r• ulrcd Io --- <br /> ''�'. f'`���' mmmc ce toceedi � � xinst an sumessar in intercs�or rcfuse to ex�end tinx for a ment or o�hero�ise modi( amortira�lon - -- <br /> r s� - P �� �F Y PY Y <br /> ��'-1 r' of lhe sunu 6ecured by Ihis Secudly Instrument Ay reason of any demand made by �he original Dorrower or Oortower's <br /> -_ , - succesm�In Interesi. Any forbeamna hy Lender in excrcicing nny dgh� or remedy shall not be a weiver of or pnrlude�he �� _"—' <br /> . � �-; - cxcrcist of any right or rcmedy. �""'"-'- <br />- 72. Suceessnn nnd Assigre Oound; Jolnt and Sererel I.Inbllity; Ca-signers. The covenants and agrcemems ot�his ��-��" <br /> ° Sccnmy imtrumcn: snatl bind and bcnciu tuc suctxssors and msigns ai Lcnder anu Dorm�vcr, wnjcct m thc pmrisions of ��' ° "`� <br />- � `�•-�^"'--,� �n ra h I7. Bnrmxrr's mvenants and o reemenis shall 6e oim and s.reaL M Iiorro�cer who co-si ns �his Securi� "�"E-- � <br /> f,:.. P� �8 P S J Y 8 Y - .�r,; - <br /> rti �- - Ins�mment bu�dws no�execute the Nate: (n)is co-signing �his Security In.trumem only�o mongage, gram and mnvey tha� ---�p��«`,��.�. <br /> f�`i��' . Oortoorr's intcrcsi in ihe Propany�under�hc�emu of this Sccuri�y Inswmenr.@)is no�p;rsonally o6ligated to pay the sumv j�`}:i-���_i'�.�?,-. <br /> ' � si - securcd by this Stturity Inswnhnr,und(c)ngrces�hat Lcndcr nnJ uny utM1cr Oorroo�cr may agn.�c to cxtend,modify,fo�bcar or ��+3"l� -i�- ��i <br /> „�' ��- make nny nttvmmaimiens wiih rcgnrd to Uic trrms of this Securiiy Insimnxm ur�he Nute�vithout that Oxroo�er's mnsem. �•; }- - 4��,,. <br /> 13. I.onn Chnrges. If�hc lo�n securcd by ihis Security Insuumem i.suhjea io u Imv ahich x�s nuiimum loan charges, _ «,-_ <br /> and�ha� la�v Is finally imcrprctrd so �hat�hc imcresi nr oihcr loan chargcs collaicJ or�o bc collcetnl im m�nec�ion�ciih �hc , '.' � <br /> laan exceed ihe pennilted limils,then:la):my.uch luan charge shail bc reduced by Ihe amoum necessnq�lo rMuc.�hs charge .��� .��'- <br />- ' •�-.�': �o�he penninod limir and lb)any sums already cnllceted from W+rrower�vhich excecded pemiiued limi�s oill be refunded to :.:�);,•,,r'�'a f-.-':. <br /> 6orrmrer. I.ender may chanse m make ihis re(und h�� rcduring �he princi�l a�reJ unJCr the Nme or hy making n direct `��•-„:•-�'��' <br /> .. .r i..�., <br /> -- paymem w 6orm��rr. If a rcfunJ ndums principal, thc raluc�ir.:: :.:' .`, :.,.:,J ,., v N.��:;.�7 �,�.�vJment wiihom any - -i � - : ' <br /> k� , prepaymenl chnrge�mdet Ihe Nule. -.�';,J <br /> , i'".: li.Nolices.Am•nmim to U.,rroser prnvidcd for in thic Security hc gi�cn 6y dcli�cring i�or by nwiling �.:{2r�, � __,_.�.,_. <br />'�i_';;F:�•-.'''- il by linl mail Unlr�a npplcnblc Ia�r rcymrn ux nl anulhcr mtih�Hl. 9 hr n�N�tc.hnii nr dim�cJ w ihc Propcny AJJrcss "'3�•;+'.t�s��';,".':,-: <br />� � if� - T��`� or any othcr nJJrecc Iinrro��er Jtsignalc+ by nalitt to Isndcr. Any nmin� In LcnJrr shall be gi�en h� fint clus mail to ��'k`r, . ,L,,�`I><.�- <br /> ?':��.'�' -���'�;� Lender's nddress statal hemin nr nny oiher aJJr.c<l.ender de.ignateti h. nn�icr tn Ikino�see Any r.mi:e proviJcd(nr in this ��. . �..•�- <br /> e.,4:\" .. [1:[�.i�-:':TI? <br /> Saaurily Lulrumcm.LcJI bc JccntcJ ta harc Ei�cn In IAirro�ver nr lwnd:r��hcn gi��cn a+pruvidcJ in�his paragraph. <br /> 5 15.(CO�ern)ng lanr, Scrernbllily. Thi. Seturily Inslrtmtenl .hall be gmcrn�d hy fcdcnl la�� and �6e Ixw ofthe � � <br /> i juti.dirtinn in ahiCh Ihe Propeny it laat�d. In Ihe ecenl Iha� an}'prnri+ion nr riame of Ihi.Sccuril�� Irtamment or Ihr NNC ' _.�i� i��- " . <br /> --i:�;: con0i.�.e�iih npplirablc la�r,wch conllicl.hall not af(nt olhcr prnri+imm�f Ihi.Sr:uri�y In.lrumcnl ot Iht tiMe��hich r:m t+c ' . <br /> - given cffecl�ri�hom ihe cnnllic�ing prnrninn.To�hi.enJ�hr praci�ian+ot thi.Sccurilr In.uument and iht Nolt an dt:l.�rcd � ' - <br /> �. . In bc sercnblc. - � . • <br /> �_.:r.' . 16.1)arrm�cr's Copi�. 13nrrmccr>hall br gic�n one cnnlonu.d rapy of ihc\mc anJ nf tl�i+Sauriq In>Imm�•nt. -��.`•,+}�, .. � - <br />_'��,,�� form3028 9�90 •:�:•.'.�_. <br /> _ ' ,.�.,�e 1 �•.�.� .�. <br /> � <br /> ... ,n,.r.,i7•nr.;Evi:;.:�sFV�5yji1:;;. . .. . . . . . . .. . _ • - . . - � :, . . ti"rY�r••.-,-�� u:tr e- � . . - - <br /> - . �, . , <br /> .�.�.'�i. � _ . . � _ <br /> - _ _ .' _ '--_ _ _ . . . <br /> � ' . i . .. . . �:),. . <br /> ..,'_ ' . .. . . <br /> ' '. j� - . .. � . . . _.� . . . . _ ' - . . . ' . . .. - . � .. <br /> . . <br /> :- F , , , i, ' . . � ' . <br /> .. � . <br /> . . <br /> .� . - - � - - . : . <br /> 1 - .. _ .� . .. <br /> �:. 1 F: - -. - .:• ,_ - .:- . . . . _ . . . � � •' _. ._-_._ ._ � _: ... .. -_.�_,.__.-_ . . . .. <br />