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f . .4 ..� rt . .._ ._ _ . _ __ . <br /> ' ' - - .�_•-'.. .. . : � . ., : s <br /> .., <br /> �' i '�.:r� " s:n..Y....c�..u�.w-�+rr"-�r�� - ...o-. .- --aa_ . <br /> �?2�,� /93; so�►�2a � <br /> 'J. Htz�rd or Ptoperty insurancc. Ciarrower shall kap �ha Improvemema now ozls�ing or hereaRu erateQ on da <br /> Propeny incurcd ngaihst loss by firo, hazard�Includai within tho�crm 'extende4 coverego" and eny o�her haznrds, Including <br /> iloods or 1lrwding.for which Lendcr nquircs Insurencc.Thie insumnce sLall bo malntainW in tlio emoume and for ihc pcdode <br /> �h�� Lcndcr rcquirca. 7fic Insuranw curder providing iho insumncc sAall ba ehuxn by Ilono�ver subject io f.cndcr's upproval <br /> � whlcti shall not be unrcasonabiy wlih6eid. If Oorrower fail�lo nvimain coveroge described above, Lender may, n� Lender's <br /> � op�lon,obtsin rnvcrego to protect Lcndcrb dghie In�ho Propcny In nccorAenco with paragmph 7. <br /> -----� All Insumnce pollcles nnd rcnewaie shall be ucecpl�ble�o Lender nnd ehnll includo o stendnrd mongago clausa I.ender <br /> sh�ll havo�ho rlght to hald iho policica orol rencwala. ff I.endcr rcquiros,Itnrrower shnli promp�ly give�o Lcnder all rcccipls af <br /> , , __,q' pald premiums and rcnewel noticce.In�Ae event of loss,Oorrower shnll gfve prompt notiw to ihe insuranw canier and Lender. <br /> � ; Lender nuy n�ako proof of lass If not nmde promptly by Oortower. '�"-- -' '���°°�`�---'�� <br /> Unias Lender end oorrowcr otiicrwim ngrcc in writing,insumnco proceeds s6ell be applicd ro rawre�lon or repair of�ho <br /> ---- Propeny danvged,ff tho rcsiom8on or repair le economlcally feasiblo and l.endcr's ucuri�y is not Ic'ssencd.If�he resrora�lon or <br /> �--— npalr la nm aonomically feasfble or I.ender'n secudiy would 6o Iessencd,the Insumnce procecds shall bo npplied ro the sums <br /> -- -...-.- savrcd by this Secudly Instrument, whcihcr or not �hcn due, wiih uny cxcess paid ta Dorrower. If Dnrrower abandons ihe <br /> — Propeny,or does not nns�rer wl�bin 30 doye n noiico from Lender�ha��he Insnrance cercfer hes o(fercd�a senlo n clnim,then <br /> _._ : <br /> _.,—,-� <br /> Lcnder may collea �hc Insurancro prorecdy. Lender muy usc �he procccds �o rcpair or raioro �ho Property or co pay suma �- �"-�-� -� -�� -�--�- � <br /> �-��- sccured by thts Sccurity[mtrumen4 whciher or nM then due.The 30dny pedod�vill bcgfn when ihc nnilcc is given. <br /> - :_�.'7�. Untess Lccdzr and Bortower othenvise egrce in wd�ing, eny epplicndon of procecds to pdncipal shall no� extend or = <br /> p,�i'e posipnne the due dam of�he monthly paymcnu rcfcrted ro la pua3�aphs I end 2 or ctswge Uio amount of�hc payments. If -- <br /> ��� � f��; � P S Ph P� Y N Y 8 Y� N P 8 <br /> , � , under am ra 21 the Pro n ie a uircd b Lend:r,Bortuw�er's ri h��o an msurance ticiu md `ocecds ruullin from !1,'�c.-�_-° <br /> r` , 'i � damage to the Property prior ro�he ecquishion shall pass ro Lender ro ihe extem of tt:�sum�secur�d by�his Secumy Insuument _ <br /> - �`�?- immedimclypdortotheecquisi�ion. - .. - - <br /> � 6.Occupnncy,Presorndon,lltalnhnann and Protectlon of ihe�-aperty;Donunrr•s Loan Appticatlon=Leaseholdv. �,4,,,;: __ <br /> �i - �x` Uorrower aM1all ocr�py,establfsh,and use�he Propeny ss Qorcower's principal residenee ni�hin aixty days niter Ihe execu�lon of .s ,� <br />.�?.Cs,j,tj�;j�{, this Security Inswmem nnd shall mminuc�o occupy�he Prapeny u Oortowcr's principal rcsidcncc for el Ieast one year o(�er �.fp_i,�t�:-�=�� <br /> °:!��}_�'�;_,, the date of ottupancy,unless Lender otherwix egras in writing,which mnxm shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless '-�4sr'�--�—� <br /> 'c ' `� exttnuatin circumstancu exist which are bo ond Oorto�ver's mn�rol. Uorrower shall not des�m , dama e or im aG the ?z�" •�� - <br /> ..i:a.- .�.,., i 8 Y Y 8 P �., �.._.� <br /> �. �, PropeNy,ailow�he Propeny to de�eriom�e, or mmmi� wasle on thc Property. 13orrower shall be in dcfaul� If eny forhiwrc ,�;�?:�t <br /> :-.,:�:,_ action nr proa�ding, �vhe�her civll or crfminal.Is begun�ha�in l.ender's good feith Judgment could ruul�in farfeiturc of�he (, ° - _ <br /> . �,,. I Prop.ny or mhenvise nu�erially impair�he Ilen crca�ed by this Securi�y Inswmem ur Lender's securiry Interes�. Dortoo�cr may ���t',�+, "'�' ���" <br /> C{� _.`�- ' curc such a defan0 end reinstele,m provided in pangraph 18,by caushig�he ncliun or proreeding w be dismiucd with a ruling ?:�y _��:- <br /> �}i,;' ' tha4 In I.ender's good fai�h dGemiina�ion, pnrludes forkiturc of�he 13orrower's intcres� in�6e Propeny or other ma�erial g�;:i?,.__:=— <br /> ��r �_ impairment of Ihe licn crca�ed by this Securiry Insuvmem or Lender's securiq• inlerest. Qorrower shall also be in default if dt"'si�0'��t �-__ __ ___ . <br /> 4 y 3� lbrrower,during the loan application process,gare ma�erialty falk or inxcura�e infomntion or statemems to I.ender(or failed ;:�:�'fr , <br /> r�H�j��� to provide Lender�vi�h nny macerial intomiatioN in connec�ion���id�ihe Inan evideneed by the`ote,iikluding,bui not limi�ed i4�;�Fr,'� JT7r-._- <br /> r�` i° ` �o, represemations rnnceming 6ortower's occupancy of the Pmpeny as n principal residenee. If dtis Securi�y Irtewmem is on e �S Pii���5��"�'rt�._��`_ <br /> ._a; leasehold, Oortower xhall .omply aith all lhe prnvisions of tl�c lease. If Do:wo'er ncquircs fee �itle w �Ae Propeny, the --,�• � , � � s:- <br /> ' leaschold anA tY.e(m�idc xFull noi me�gc unless Lender ngrccs in�hc mcrgcr in aming. ;- �r-� <br /> �r - ,a,_=,:. <br /> ,� "-1 7. Protrctlon ot I.ender's Rlghis in Ihe Properly.If Oorroa�er fails�o perfomi the covenams and egrecmen�s comained in r.-� � ��A a..�;�_:: <br /> ���,y- -;r1,;' this Securin�Imimment.or�here is n Iegal procecding�hat may significuntly n17ec� Lender's righis in�he Propeny(such as e i •���,;';.+,' .. <br /> ;:N.,;- � pmceeding in bankmptcy,prohaie, far condemnaiinn or fnr(eiwrc or io enforcc la�vs or mgulaiions), �hen Lender may do and �i'�` �, Y " �,- <br /> � ` ' pay for whn�ever is n¢assary �o procec� �he valuc nf�he Pmpeny nnd I.enJer'�righis in�hc Propcny. Lendcr's ac�ions may ' � � <br /> ,1 ,,.: � ,, _;('.. <br /> tt,!1�,: � include paying any sumc F.cuml 6y u licn �rhich has priori�y rn�er �his Securiiy InstrwnenL appearing In coun, paying ;� t ; . _ -_ <br /> `t' rcasanable atlnrnc t fccs a�entcring on�he Pro n m makc rc �va Alihnu h Lendcr may�akc aaion under this are re h -� ',.'�'� <br /> oi ' I Y' fk Y P•� �• E P 8 P " ; •-_ <br /> I}f{4`<l� � 7.Lendcr docs r.oi havc m da so. . . .a' :�; -_ <br /> h.�(hti�;'.j Any nmounls disbur.ud by Lendtr m�der lhis paragraph 7 shall become addi�ional d.M1� of Dorrower secured 6)• �his -. a � � .. :s` � <br /> -��t1' Securirv InamnuN. Unlr<c An�rnwpr nnl lendrr agcee��+�+i��er�ennc nf p:rvmenl. lhese umnumz shall I+eflr interea fmm Ihe - a u 1! .t .- ^ <br />--_._ _ -,-._ S_�..'-..._?r.'."_._,_.._. <br /> '� da�c of dicbursemem m Ihr No�e ra�c and chall h. payable. �cilh interetii, upun nntice from Lender to Ilormwer requeslinF -'_5��9'{��"-.,� <br /> ' '��' payment. � - . . <br /> 8. \1nrIRARe Iltaurenm. 1(Lender requircd mnngage insur:m.e as a conJilinn nf making the luan sewrcd hy Ihis Securil)� Ai - ��.0 <br /> - - ' ' Insimmrnt. Borrmcer shall�y �he prcmiunn rcquircd io roaimain thr mnrtgag. in.urance in effeci. If. fnr any rcxaon, ihe . ��''•�. '�:`�:�:��f�� <br /> -���A''f`�•3.�" n:url@agc in<urance eurcrage rcquired by Ixnd.r cexus�o M in efka. Pnrroorr.hall pa�•�he prcmiunu rcquircd io ��'•�'- ��--�;+:•:'..,-. - <br /> ' -j ", oMuin mrcragc subs�amially eqnivulent�n ihc n;onkatr inwr,mcc prerioutil� in eiic:6:n a rna wM1.�amially eyuivalcnt tn the �� .: '.- . <br /> t �'r � co>� �n ➢orrourr nf�hc mon � . in�urancr �rcrinu.l m .ffcct. Gnm :m :d�rrn,nr mm� ir in.nnr a �rureJ h lanJcr. If ' : , �' <br /> � it+� ..)�.' � F•F' 1 )' F�°� PI 5" ri�lt . . <br /> i-' yl, subslanlially equi��alcnl mm�p:�gc mwrance carcrage is nnt a��daM1lt. 13orrmcer>hall pay�n I enlcr cach mnnth a wm eyu�l lo -.�� . ,r '- ...,. <br /> .���'�f�'ile,�``` nnc•I�rclhh ohhc yrarly mnngagc inwrancc premium bcing paiJ hy I3orrowcr�chcn Ihc inwr.mcc carcragc IapuJ or ccavd to ' <br />.. bc in dfccl. LenJcr will acrrpl,u+c and relain Ihe.c paymrnb:n a In.. r.xnc in licu a( mnngagr imur.mcc. Iw+..�c .. , . <br /> •' I � . <br /> � Form 3028 9B0 � <br /> Oye]n�6 <br /> � • <br /> .' ��yF.`T:-('":r��'r.lfl.__ Yf�.. fi:iTS��it(:�tsry�1,-^::. � . . . _ . .J :1.�'�!'..a,n!�l9.� � 5��.[ - ti^ - . <br /> .� <br /> : ' . �:. , - . �' . <br /> `�� . .. . " 1_ ._ _ - -' <br /> ' • '. _ ' . . ' ..... <br /> ' {.' .. -- .. . ". . -. �. �/:.'... . . <br /> ,I - . - _ . . . . - - <br /> +`1� <br /> ' .. :� <br /> :1.�• . - . . ' . <br /> _ .��:.�{��.. � ' ' . " ' . .. . .. <br /> _ lj • -_t.. .. .� . ./ � .. . . . . , ' ' " �. .. . . <br /> � f . <br /> � <br /> f( ! _ ., . .- -- , . . <br /> >: . � . . . _ � . ." . <br /> i ��' <br /> .� .. , - . . ` - .� " . _ _ <br /> - .. r . ... . . . . _ . . .. _ .i . ' -� _. -..-.� , -. _ ... ...� .._ _ ... - . . . _ ... _ <br />