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1- .� � �}�' :- i . ' w . • <br /> t' <br /> i ' sU � �T!' .wSlr[�i'�' `�'i'��'.t.�.- =�_.._._ '_- ' <br /> .J,LR.C�.�.> . .� n .. <br /> - sa- 107'�23 <br /> l7.7Yanthr of the Property or�Benetklil(nleral la Borroxer.If all or uny pan ot ihc Propc�ty or ony Interest in I� <br /> le sold or�r�nsfcrrcd(nr if a IkncBcial fNCrcst in Borrowcr la sold ar�r�nsferrcd end Qorrower Is rw�a naturel person)whhoat <br /> Lcnder'e prior wdnrn oonsent. 4endcr n�ay, at ite opiion, rcquirc immtdiatc �yynunt in full of¢II sums securcd by �hi� <br />� - 3:cudty Instrumem.lloo�crer, ihl�optlon shatl not be ezercised 6y Lendtr if exercisc le pmNbhed by federal�aw m of the dale <br />— of�his Sccurity Insltumcnl. <br /> It Lender exerclus thB op�lon, Lender shall give Qorro��er nntla of eceeicra�lon.The nrnice shall rovldo a pedod of not <br /> Icss �han 30 days from tlx datc thc no�icc is delivcnd or n�iltd wlthin whlch Qorroa•cr mu�t pay alPsmm ucurcd by �hle <br /> —�==� Securi�y Ins�mmcm.If fforrowcr faile to pay thesc sums prior ro the oxpim�ion ot ihis perlad.Lender m�y InvoAc eny rcme4ie� <br /> pcm�itted by�his 3cwri�y Instnmxm wl�hout funhcr nolicc or dcmand on Borro«�cr. <br /> ___-w� t8, Rorrox�cr'm Rl�hf to Relmtatt. If Qnrrowcr mccle certaln rondi�fons, �orroxror shall have the dgh� �o have __ <br />� �' _;�i� enfnrmnknt of this Secumy Insuunun�dixoniinucd at any �Inw pdor to the eadier oC (:0 3 days (or such mher pzdod ss �--�--�-�--�� -°- -�•�� <br />--�'=°' eppltcable law may specify for n:InsteleMem) bpforc aale of �he Propeny punuam to eny pmcer ot sale mnteined in this —� <br />_=".�:'f;;SL? &rurity Insimmem;or(b)cmry of n judgnxnl enforcing�his Sccurity Ins�mmcnt.Those mndl�lons arc th�t 13onower.(a)pays =re�' <br /> .. , ;•���.–.---- <br />'�:s:��,.��;7� Lender ull sums which�hen e•nnld be dno under this Security Insimmem end �he Nate es if no aceeieration had occurtcd; (b) -.,___ <br />�.;;yyr�ns!;� curca uny de(aull of nny mher wvenants or ngrcemcnts; (c) pays all expcnsr.s iimurt�d in enforcinp Wis Savriry (nsimmem. �rj_i-_�.____ <br />,�'�t� ;� Inciuding, hut not iimilcd to, reasonable ouomeys' fces; nnd(d)�akes such er.tinn ns l.endcr may rca»n�ly requirc lo assnrc �c - <br /> � ka �hat�he Iicn of�I�is Securily Instrumem, Lender's dgh�s in iAe Pm�xny am1 R.wotro�cer's obllga�io¢to y Uv:siros secural 6y �+ � <br /> �__,;$ .,,;t.�,_ thts Sauri�y Instrumenl shall mntinue unchanged. Upou nius�aia�w�:� b� Borron�cr, �his Sttvx4y� Inum�a and �6e �"'i'-`-`�-�.---g <br /> . _ obligatiore secund h.rcby s6a11 rcmaln fuily effecih•e as if ao a�4ecatioo tu.d occumd. Ilo.rerer, Nis�ia6r,to minsta�e shall __ <br /> T°+�- -�� rot apply In the case of accelemtion under paragropR 17. �� <br /> . ,.; I9. Saie oF \nca: Qhange of I,�an Scn�:av. The Nui.or a paniil i�xenst in the Nvtc (to�ethrr wuQ ttxis Securi�y i� � --_ <br /> u � ? , Insuvmem)may be wtd oo:or morc�Imes witGuw prtor no�im m�orru��er.A sile nuy mwl�in a d�aikr iu�d;axiry(known 4�_�� i . <br /> {, f - -u{� as Ihe'Loan Sen�icer'1 N.1 mLlt.ts momhly paymems due under the Notc ar.J this&�turiry lmirun•er,�.ifierc aJw nury 6c one ��r*' ��--�-- <br /> ' -.:i ar mom changcs of the Sen i:t�cnrcla�cd Io a sale o(ihe Nae. If therc is a chance of Uee I.wn Sen i��r,I'donnw'er�vill bc ����� - <br /> � .j,,�'_ given wducn no�i�r of th:change in accordancc�vith pamgraph li abocc and applir.�b5r law_7te r.aice nill vaxc�he namc nnd f jfip,�;,..-. <br />.t;R!T*.�t;"-� address of�he ne�v l.wtn Scrvicer and the address�a�vhich paycr.erts sMuld br made.The mtice n�ill also cvntain nny ather ��a, • �� <br /> - •� infomia�inn nyuirtd by applicablc law. � °? - <br /> 20. llamrdons Sli6stances. �orrowcr shall noi cansc orµanit�, usc, disposal, swra�:,or rcicast o(any ?'- -fi� <br /> „ ' F ._ Harardvus Subs�ances on or in ihe Prnpeny. 13orrmcer shall �x�� do, nor n!;usv anyane else �o do, amihing nffecting �he -'"' ,-i–� <br />-�. :•,,;:-_;,. Pmp;ny that is in viala�lan of any Envirnnmemal Law. Thr preading mo srmences shall not apply to�he presence,uu, m « , �- <br /> � stomge on�he Pro�cny of small quamities of Hazardnus Subsiam�es�hai arr genenlly remgnizcJ to h appropriate to nnnnal `;-�•i!.�t_-_,._. <br />"-- ` rczidemial uses and�o maimcnanca nf�he Pmpeny. ,�:�:;,.`;;.-� <br /> . - � tiorrower shall promptly gi��e l.ender wriucn noiice nf any investiga�ion, claim, demanJ,la�rsui�or mher ac�ion by eny -�:,^F,;:-- <br /> .� �� govemnxmal or regulalory agcncy or priva�e pany involring thc Pmpeny and any Hmardous Subs�:mm or Environmcmal [att � i � r - <br /> � ,�y� _ !. of which 13orme•cr has acmal knmvlcdge. If�orto�cer Icams, nr is nmilicJ by any govcmmental or regulamry amhoriry, tha� ; ��-:: <br /> �� y ii� any nmoval or nihcr rcmcdiaiion nf nny Ha�arJous Substnmm�f@aing�6e Propeny is nms>�q.Borm��rr shall promptly tuke 1 - ,r fr.c y,Q-� <br /> � all m+cessary remedial nryions in a.�rord�nce�vi�h Gnvimnmental L�w. � J�s°�_-�- <br /> ' �f '�k' � As used in �his paneraph 20. 'llaraNnus Subx�ances" nre �hnse sub��ances defined ac tu.i.ur lu:ardaus substnnces hy �..�;;�;a�•=- <br /> ,t. ,-.� <br /> � v- Envimnnwnml law aml ihe foilowmg suDs�ann�.: gasnlme, kemsenm, omzr f�mnmaole or mx�c p�cru[eum Protiucts, toxic ,_ ; },_. <br /> '-' pealicides and herbiciAe..�ol�iile mlrenls.malerials comaining aslwslos or h�:r.r.d,iChyde,and radiaxti�e muenals.As used in ��" �� ..y =- <br /> -"'� �hfs pa�agraph 20, 'Enrironmental Lmv' mr.u�c feJeral la��. and I:�x.of�h;�urixJiciion whem ihr Pn�p.ny is Inca�.d iha� .<? ` _ <br /> rela�e m h.alih,safely or enrironmenlal pmteciion. - -� ' - l,-_.';1�-_'� <br /> ,{ ` KOY-UNIFOR111 COVCNANTS.6orm�rcr and Lcnder funhcr rnremm anJ agrec ns follrncs: (�"� a ' <br /> . 2L Accelerndon;LitmMies. l.ender shall gire no�Ice In Itorm��er pr3uT In uccelemlim�Pollu+�ir�0m•roaer's hrei�ch � ' � � `.:.�? ;: <br /> - of any wrennnt or ugreement In Ihls Secur(t�� Inslrumem (hut no1 priur lo ncceiernllon under pnreRreph 17 untess -- -::� :�� <br /> .-` , ° �PPQ�d Ie nol I xs huu 30 dn�ssfron 11he dnte Ihefno�lceili�Fi�en�lu ftar�mocr,nb�nl lch�he defa�1�mu t be curcdrnund ,-. '�. .,��i'���;'�v. ��a <br /> �''�":;.;;-:�- (d) 1ha1 hdlurc lo curc Ihe de�uull an or hePore ihe dAle s{xclficd In Ihr nntice ma}resnit in nrceleratlan of Ihe xums ''�'/,��?�45''"�';'i�'�.�� <br /> ^�_.-;�:rA,r�. r:�� . �1�,r�41f. �� l'.7,' <br /> , �,.nf.,. ucurcd h�-Ihis Sccudl)� Insirumeni und udc of Ihr Pfuperlp. Thc nnlicc xhall fu�lhcr 3.^.Yorm Borfox�er of lhe flRht lu ; t•�� ' r�.�p.- <br /> � -�;�y;;,i,_ rcliuintc nRcr uccclrrnlion nnd Ihe dRht lu hring n murl arlinn lo na.rl Ihc nmrecin9em:e ni A Aeinult or any othcr . , '�',,,�'F•.,n' <br /> h � detenu nY Qorro�rcr lo xaclernflon and vdr. If ihr drfmdl is nnl curcd on nr befnrc Ihe de�e apccifitd In Ihe iwlice. . ;�.� t; <br /> l.ender. nt itv opllon. mqr re<uIrc itnmedlnle p�qment hi ILII of ulI smnx accnred bv ihh Secnri�� 7nslrumenl ��flhoul - ., ' .--.�.� <br /> �� furfhcr demund mid mn��im�o�c Ihc pm�er of mlc nnd nny nlhcr rcmcdics permllled�by nppIlcnble la�e I.endcr sAall bc t ��, . .:+ ��..� <br /> . . <br /> enlllltd�a coilcel ell ex�Knaes Incurred in pursuing Ihc remeJics prm ided In Ihh parngruph 21.InetudlnR, bm uot limiled t ' `' ' - <br /> -.—._---.-:-� lo, muanablemlorne��s'hesandcu+l.nttllleeHdence. _.,-:- .. ._=-=-.=- <br /> - . � R�hrpo���er of snle k Inrukad. 7'rustee ahnll rm�rd x nnUm af defnull In rnch camnr In ohich nn�� pnr�oR�he . -� . <br /> , Roperlp Is Inn�led rnd xhxll mnll cnple+nf suth nulice In 16e mnnnrr prc+tdbid b� npplla�Lle lau to Ilorronrr end lo .... .-. �+.��- � <br /> - Ihe alhrr persmtc ptexcribed b��npplleable It���.,�qer Ihe Ilnu rcqulnd h� nppl(esible la�+.Tru+tm shnil Fhr pnUlk notice . . :i-_� . <br /> ;`':��-.,�,�.``.' of sete lo Ihe pennn�nnd in Il�c mnm�cr pnsrribcd b� npplknblc law.1'rutiint �+hhnnt demm�d nn Dorrm�er, shall sell , ;.:..;?r?:��Y�-'� <br /> ��'a� .. Ihr 1'ra rl��et ublic xuc�lon�n�I�e hl�he�i 6lddrr m ihe itme and 1�n•nnd undrr ihe irnm dezi mn�ed In Ihe nolice of - ,.> :�.��.. <br /> ` �..2 �� fK P 6 N� 1. . .�.., <br /> „-��, _ sale In nnc ar marc p:vmk nnd in on} ordcr'I'ru+�ir Arlennhic+. l'rn�lce ma} Evnlpme sale af nll nr unr parccl ot Ihr 4 .- '- :. .�-�,:.-, .n <br /> �?;4f.�R/E{�.. Propen�- b�� public mnmuncemem nt O�e tlme nud place nf nn� pre�lan.l� xheduleel .ale. Lender nr fl+ de.IFnce mn� . . . <br />=�-,.'�',',':.: . Purchaze Ihe Propenp�tl mi� sxlc. . � � <br />;i•• �. <br /> � <br /> .. Fqm 3028 D�90 � - <br /> �, •e ' <br /> I . <br /> .�r <br /> .;H... � <br /> +.' II <br /> ';.J.S1'.�.'',' r..—_'_ _ _ - • I <br /> ,- . , . .. . . .:,,•;. . . . <br /> : a : <br /> _ ::4 : <br /> : <br /> � : . . __ _ . : __ _ .� _ <br />