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. . , _ _ <br /> __ <br /> . .:� , <br /> ;.i:�::b — — — <br /> ,�, �A3-y.����3 . <br /> TOOA7'HtiR W1Ti1 all tho Improvrnxnte now or herwRer ereaM on tlw propony,and o11 euemenro,npyunenmca,�nd <br /> flztutes:now or hercniter q part of �ho propeny. All replecemeNa and additlom ehall elw bo mvercd by �hie Suutlly <br /> fnstmment.All of t6o Por¢Soing b rcRrral to In Ihle Securiiy inslrumem n�ihc'Propeny.' <br /> RORROWUR COV[iMANTS tha�liorrower Is IewPotly sciseJ uf iho amto hcrrby mnvcyed�nd hae the dghi ro gnm�anJ <br /> convcy tho Property and�hat�he Propetly I�iy�encumbered,except for encumbronma oi rucnrd. finrmwer wnrmnte and wlll <br /> dcfend generally thc tldo to�ho Propeny agelnst nll claims end dcmanda,wbJc�t�o�ny encumbmnces of r.kurd. <br /> TIttS SECURITY IhSTRUMANT combinc�unifonn covennme tar na�lonnl uu nnd nnmimlform wvensnu�vith Ilmi�ed <br /> vadationa by JurisdiGion ro consi(�uto a unlform cceurfty fnswnxnt covcrii�g rcul pro�xny. <br /> IINIFORM COV[3NANT5,portnwcr and Lcnder covenant ond ogrco es tolinws: <br /> .. � . � -'"' l. P�yment o4[Rinclpal and Intcresll Prcpxyment �nd I.nle ChargeA� 1lorrowcr ahnll prompily puy when duo �ho '... .�.-. . .-. <br /> pdnc(pal of end(meres�on tho deb�evidenmd by iha Noto nnd nny prepaymenl aid late efiergn duo under tl�e Noto. <br /> 2. Funds tor Tnxcs nnd Insuranm. SubJat to npplieablo lew or�o e writ�en wniver 6y Lendcr. Oorcnwer shall pay�o <br /> Lcnder on�ho day monthly paymente nro duc undcr lhe Nolc,unlll 16o Nnle is pa(d In full,n smn('Punda')tor:(n)yearly mzca <br /> __-°_= and nssessmrn�s which n�ey ailaln pdodty over thie Security Instrument os o Ilen on�he Propeny;@)yeady Icasehold payments <br /> -__i�: nr grou�d rcnis on�he Propeny,if¢ny;(c)yrarty hvaed or property insurence premiunu;(d)yeady flood Insuranoo premiunu, <br /> - --- ---° if any:(e)ycady morigago insurence prcmiums,if any; and(0 uny sunu paynblc by Dorra�ver lo Lerntu, in acconlence wilh <br /> ..-s;�i the provisions of parngreph 8,In lieu of�he p�ymen�of mongage insurenw prcmiume.7hese items arc cailed'Gscrow I�ems.' <br /> I.ender rtuy, et any Iimo, mlleci and hold�unds in en emount nol to excced Ihe mmcimum amoum. lerder for o fodemlly <br /> �i : i rclatcti nwngage loan may requirc for 6orto��er's escrow eccount under Ihe fedeml Re.l Estate Senlenxm Procedures Act of _ <br /> w +y.�;C 1974 as nmcnded trom timc to Ilmc, I3 U.S.C.S,c�lon 2601 e�srq. ('RGSPA"),unless another la�v Ihal upplies to thc�unds <br />-i�txt�-:.�, � seis n Iesser nmoum. If so. Lender nuy, at any�ime, collect and hold Funds in an nmoum no�to escred the Irsser amonm. <br /> .-2tga'ti,•?��, : l.end.r may eslimnt tha emounl of Funds duc on the basis of currem data and reawnablc es�ima�es of expendiNrcs of firtnrc <br /> � ��-��� ' Escroo.Imms or o�hernfsc In eccordance wiih npplicablc law. �,-�. <br /> -��� - Ti�c Funds shall bc hctd in an instiwtion whox deposi�s arc insured by e fedemi ngency, intwmentali�y, or enlity ' <br /> "� - j ' (including lander,if Lender is sud�en instiw�ion)or In nny�ederel Home Laan Dank. LerMer shall apply Ihe Punds to pay Ihe c'�° -- <br /> , 1)?. . ';r ���,.t�:�_ <br />.---:+�(r��, .:�:�„ Escrow Itenu. Lender nray not charge 6orro��rr(or hnlding and epplying�he Funds,annually enalyzing�he escrow ettnum,or . <br /> ,,..'r.:.)."r;!;t� vedfying�he Cscrow Ilems,unless Lender pays Ilortower interest on�he�unds end epplicable la�v pennits Lender to m�ke suth - - _ <br /> i�� ft {f, o :�. :-:_ <br /> a charga Ho�vever, Lender may require 6avmver�o pay e onaiime charge for nn independem raal c.�a�e�ex reponing cervice .�tf�.� <br /> ';.`:.�,�;-:y.� used by l.ender in conncettan with ihis loan, miless applicable law provides o�henvise. Unless nn agrcemenl is nwdo or •l�'�-.-. �� <br />,,,.�;�n,` �; -:;, epplirnble lam rcquircs imcrest m be pald, Lender shali not be rcquiral�o pay{3orto�rer any inreresi or earnings on tlro 1'unds. �'4��a -,.��- � <br /> - '�; '-�n� Dorrowcr nnd Lendcr ma e rec in wriifn hon�evcr, �hnt imerat shall 6c �id on�he�unds. LenAcr shall ive to 13orrower, ��r� .".--_ <br />•:,����:� c:. Y 8 &. P•� 6 .i.r1{"=�;��r.��.- <br />- '�"`'-� wi�hout charge, an annupl e�couming of�he Funds, showing credfts and de6iis m the �unds ar.A itie pnryox for which each ;;Y;,'.{��,^"P'--� <br /> � `-`�.�-������ de61t�o�ht FUnds w:a ntade.The�unds nre led�rd xs nddi�lonal securit for nll sunu secured b•ihis Srrurit Inswmem. 3�' ��s""-°-- <br /> � F' b Y ) Y ..,,i,:;e�--- <br /> �, i �� - - if�he Tun�held 6y Lender exrned �he xmMmis pernilncd�a be held 6y npplica6lc la�c,Lender shall nccount io➢ortower -�j��� ,�: �� <br /> ,�7 ' .i� for�he eaccss Funds in ecrnrdanee whh the rtquirementR of applicable imv. If the amaunt of�he�unds held by Lender et any h�3���,�'t� _=; <br /> � --.' Ume is noi sumcient�a pay�he Escrmv I�emt�chen due, Lender may so notify 6arrou•er in o�riiing,nnd,in such case DoRO�ver �,�"'���F{71�'� ..TiFl.!,. <br /> -- '-"-' shall pay �o Lender the nmount nececcary� tn make up ihe deficiency. 13orrmver shall make np the deficitncy in no morc �han ''�;t fq4.�.i F �-.;�' <br />. �,�.���..��'� �welvc montldy Lcnder's xnl.discreiinn. ;"�.,il�'�'���;`�&;.; - <br /> � U n � ment in full of i�!1 snma securM b �his Sewrii Insumnent, Lcnder sh;Jl rom �I rePond �0 6nrrmrer nn +��i�`an�wu --=- <br /> �,, .: P� P�Y Y Y P P Y Y ,�tf; T,,�tfh. � �'_- <br /> r <br /> f t::,.- -' Funds M1eld hy Lender. I(,uud.r paraFnph 21,Lender shall acyuire or sell ihe Propeny.Lender,prior ta the nequisition or wle ,�.Y� 't- �f.,; <br /> i : ni1�r,s.i,"f�-' <br /> .`�'.�(, of ihe Propeny,shall npply nny Funds heid hy I.ender m �he�ime of acyuisi�ion ar mle n•n creAii ngninxt�he xums secund by :'/¢��t�4�t`�:;:�q;�,�c_ <br /> `" thlsSecuri� Instrumem. �yf � <br /> ->t J.Applicallon of Px}�ntenLs.Unles+applir:iblc hnv prorides mhcrnix,all pa��mcros rceeived hy Lender under paregraphs �^11Fi'fi,fr��,��5{1;., <br /> �.. <br /> -;p��,��.,��,;; I nnd?shall be nppiied: firs�, to any prcpaymem c6arges Jue under�he Nnie: +emnJ, �o:mxmms paynble under pang�aph 2; �{i��!':����ra'�i;``',^.� <br /> u jr:. <br /> n : thirJ,io intcrcs�Jue; founh,ta principal due:and Iua,�o any laic chargcs due under thc hnte. �y,�¢,�7����l,f1•��; <br /> . f t-,'�� 4.Charges; I.fens. 6orro���er shall p;q•ail�axeti, i4+sec>mcnu, chargec, fines anJ impuitiam mvibmable m�hc Proper�y �� /�/ S�•��Z' <br /> �� --'+�' which ma nuain riori� over�his Securii inarunxnt. :mJ IeaccholJ � mw:d rents, if any. Onrrouer shall a �G;P� f{( /��� ' <br /> bu Y P Y > P•Y F PY ,)��(SY1� �Z-� ;? <br /> - �.(�(�" thesc obiigalions in the manncr providcJ in yaraFr,ip6 Z.or i(nnl paiJ in�hat mannee Iu�rro�rrr shall par�hcm on limc direcily .i,,v+7't'y��+",.?t��:. <br /> . .. '..�,,1' to�he rcon owed a ment. 6orrmver shail r,�i tl furni�h ln I.ender:dl nnlicp n(:�moums In Ik +�A nrnier this ara r� h. ir;;�4Q�`;d,i�h,i���i;;f;,�. <br /> Nrt � ( ... P�� P'Y P�• P Y P-' P S�P r rt� •.:-) �. <br /> q�r� If 6nrmwer makes these paymems Jincily.Oornnrer,h:�ll prmnplly fumish ln Ixnder rcreip�.eviJencing�he paymems .�!�r f� - � ��'_ :;.� <br /> [�t:�Y;k; �� 6nrro�ver shall promp�l��di.cherge nm Grn ahirh ha.prioriiy orer�hiti Secnriry huuumem mde�c llnrroo�er.�cu agrces in ;;:P1�:.�:: <br /> wriling lo lhe paymenl nf Ihe o61iga1ian.caucd h� Ihe licn in a inanner acceplable tn l.ender,l6) gacnl @�i�h ihe lien iL�� ��':,,� <br /> s ��_- ' by. or Jefends ag.�inst enfnrcemenl of Ihc hrn in. Icgal prncealing+ �ehi.h in Ihe I.endrr'. apiniun np.rair In pre��tnl Ihe � -��r�i( <br /> cn(otnmcnl of Ih:htn:nr Ic)xwrc.Grnn Ihr hnlAcr of 16r Iren an agrccmcnt.ali.farinq�m Iander�nM�rJinaiing �hr licn tn '�.s. . :+`,`. <br />.. . Ihis Securnr)mmimcnl. 1(IsnJcr dclermimti thai ain� pan of Ihe Prnpeny i..uhjca w a licn��hid�m:p�auafn pnuriq�orer . .. �'.�}'.�� <br /> . . �his Sctudq'Inslmmenl. LenJer ma)'gi�'e &•rm��cr a uu�irc iJrmif�ing �h.licn. Ik�rrox.r+hall lhe lien�•:ia4cnno or • -- ���'� <br /> � - morc ohhc acliom xl(urlh abnee�rilhin IO Ihc Ei�ing ul nu�icc. . . . �`��r. <br /> , .. . . <br /> . ... ......-�' . . . .- <br /> r� <br /> - Po�m 3018 9/80 ���• <br /> :�.. <br /> >w>��c . <br /> :l ' <br /> . ; -'.: :;u_.�..�-- -.�,r ti.� _ . _ � . .. .. .. , r ry;�i �r� '� � - <br /> � ...n-- �r '.�e?'J{� . ��.. .... . .. �:h' .•� . _i•.-y�V �)t{Atl�; � 1. } �j�'1T`7p rS'Fu... <br /> . - �� . - �'(� <br /> � 1 - <br />. CY ' I . , . . . i � . <br /> '�. - - ,i .. � <br /> �• <br /> �(.� . . _ ' . .. <br /> �;-ti�:y., , y - .. . <br /> , ri�.- � .. . . . - <br /> .;.. ,,� ' :.'' . _ . . - � � _. . � <br /> ' � . .. _ � . . � _ , ., . .. � <br /> ., <br /> A • . <br /> _ ) . ' - . . . ' . - , <br /> � . _.'q' .- :- . , .. � . . . . . ; y_� . <br /> i . <br /> ' � . . .._ ., . . . . <br /> � , <br /> . . . .___. . ._ <br /> � . " .. ' ___ . __. .___'__.. <br /> . i . . , . - ... . . . _ __.._ . ___' _ . <br />