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R�� ... . . ._ . ._ . , ... . __ <br /> A�; 10'?'�2� <br /> d IIwiM qR ProyMy lnwnnce. Borrower shull kap tho (mprove�mente now exlsting or heruRer erected'on tho <br /> propt[Iy:�fnwJyi{�Ago)nn lus�Dy fire,ha�rde Includad wi�liin�ho rerm'eaterMed coveroge'nnd�ny ottier h�uda, including <br /> iloals arTdading,for whl:h Lendor rrqulra insuronco.This fnsuranco chnll bo ma�ntained In the emound and fm�ho pedods <br /> ihat I.ender nQUlre��Tho Insur�nco e�rrlsr provlding tho Insurenw shall bo c�hosen by Barrower wbJec�lo LeMcr'a npproval <br /> wt�leh�hull iwt bo unrcasoimAly wi�hhetd, !f Burrowcr feiis�o malmein caverego describCd elwve, Lcnder nuy, et Lender's <br /> opllon,nbloln wverpgo lo prn1ec11.cnAer'i rlgUts 1n�ha i?ropeny in nccordanco with pm•agrapb 7. <br /> All Inxurunco pollclee and reiwwai�sluil bo eccepinblo to Lender end shall Include e stendard mortgego cleuse. Lecder <br /> sh�11 Mvo lhe rlyht lo Ia1A llw pnllck�and nnewels.If Lender requirG,Borrorrer sM1nll proroptiy give to l.ender all recelp�s of <br /> , palA prcnilum�unA rencwal notice+.In iho evcm of inse,Rprtowcr shall givo prompt noticc to�hc insuran�o carrler and I.epder. <br /> _.- _ _ . ._. .- -- <br /> I.��det may m�ke praa(nf los�If iat mado prompUy 6y:A6rrnwer. <br /> Unlesf Iancicr�nA Dnrrox•er olherwlw agrco In�vri�inp,insurance proceeds shnll ha applled to restora�ion or repalr of the <br /> Pmperty danuged,If tho rc�torolinn o��epalr 1��conomlcnlly fensible and Lender's secufl�y is not Iessened:lf tho restomqon or <br /> rcpalr b not ccoiamlcally fca�ihlo or I.cmicr's cecud�y would bo Ic'ssened,the Insurencc proteeds shall be epp11M m the sums <br /> securod by ihb Securiiy lnslmnkm, whe�her or noi �hen due,wtth any excess peid to Borrower. If Rorrowar abandons the <br /> Propetly,or daa not unswpt wllhin 30 dpye p nntico lram l.endcr that�ha insnrenca cnrtler h�.s o(fered ro sculo a elaim, then <br /> Lcnder mny mlicct Iho Insutanco procccd�, I.cndcr may uso tho promed� to repalr or res�ore the Propeny or to pay sums <br /> securcd by�hie 3ccurity Insuw�xm,whc�her or no{Ihcn due.Tho 30•day period will begin when�he noticc is gtven. <br /> Unlees Lender and Rnrrnwer nlherwlae ngnro In wriiing, eny epplicatlon of procecds io principal shnll not cxtend or <br /> pos�pono tho dna date of tho momhiy paymcme rafcrnd a In paregrophs I and 2 or change the smounl of the payments. If <br /> undcr paragruph 21 �he Propcny is ncqulred by I.cnACr,Oorrowcr's righ�to any insurnnce polfcla end procecd�resulting irom <br /> demage ro�ho Property prior lo�ho ucquislllon shnll pasf lo l.ender lo�he extent of�he sunu secured Ey�hia Sauriry Instrumrnt <br /> - °- - ImmeGiatcly pdor m�ha ecquisition. °° - -- <br /> -�� � 6.Qecuponcy,IRGSCrvwllon,Pipinlenanco pnd 1'rnittllon ot lhe Froperty;Dorro�ecr's Loan Appllcatlon�I.easeholds. <br /> Borrower ehall occupy,esiablish,nnd use�he Propetly m Anrrower's principal rcsidence within sixry days elYer�he ezewtion of <br />==���� �his Securiry Insuument nnd shall mminue�o nccupy ihe Propeny as I3ortower's principal residenee for et leasi one year afler - --� <br /> y.ry�:,°° �he date of occupancy,unlas I.enAcr oiherwlsa ugrcex In wdiing, which consenl shnll not be unreasonably wl�hheld,or unless _ <br />-','�"�-•'" exlenua�ing circums�ancea exixt which nre beyonU limro�ver'e conirol. Dorro�ver shall not desiray, dan�age or impair the — _ <br /> `r`�^�'� Propcny, nllow Ihc Properiy lo dctcdnrnlc, or mnm�h wnsic an Ihc Propeny. ➢orrmver ahall bc in defaull if eny for(eiNrc �-- <br /> ,. _, .3:" �._:_: <br />�;�'��,--�s�- ecqon or pmeeeding, whether civll or edminnl. I�M1egun�ha� In l.ender'e good faiih Judgment could result in fodelture of ihe ==-;:_� <br />��;,�:::"�+�;� Properry or othcnviso matcdolly impalr thc Ilcn crca�cd M1y ihli Securi�y inswment or Isnder's sccurity inures�.Iiortower nwy --�'�''�"`"`- <br /> -"'-i f!�_'• wro such n detnul�and rclnsiato,n+pmvldeJ In pnmgroph Ifl,hy caueing�he nc0on or pmeeeding to be dismissed wl�h e ruling �'�-��-�-_�- <br />- "�`�'`�• �hat, In Lcndcr'e good fphh dcicnnhw��lon, preclude. fu�fcllure nf Ihc Borrower's interest in Ihe Propeny ar o�hcr matedal <br /> .R <br /> � ��� ' <br />� ... . .�- In:ralrm.:r,: ot the Hen cral;:d by this Fa.uri�y Ir,..nrr�rt ;:; ;.:���cr'S riiUfii� Erterest. Gr,�wwer shaN atw tz ir�defa�h if - .�.. . . --. - <br /> -.,,y,` Dorrower,during�ho loan applicmlon prncev,gnvo mnlcrinlly false or Inaccumte fnfomm�ion or s�a�emems�o Lender(or failed a`-r;� . <br /> `*, �:):�,... .• a�'.:;;�;!.�ir:— <br /> �,;+�;__,:,-. �o provide Lender with any nu�edul InfnrmmimU In cnnnec�inn�vi�h�he loan evidenced by ihe Note,including,Um not limi�ed ''� �:�•�rxsv,�v;. <br /> - io, reprcsemmiona rnncerning finnawer'n�xxupancy of�he Propeny m a principal rcsidence. If�his Security Insuument Is on n '�>}�''£��ry$�3 <br /> . '��.}. �'_ Iensehold, 6orrower shall cumply wlih nll ihe prnvivimn nf ihe �euM. If Ikirrower acquircc fee iitle to ihe Property, ihe `N�*,�'`}���-� ' <br /> � r-. Icaschold nnd�hc kc iidc ahall no�mcrgc nnicx�I.cndcr ngrcc��a i6e mcrgrr in wriitng. F�ti:'.-, s <br /> � }lb��: - <br /> , .- 1'i.�� 7.Protectlon of I.ender's Rlghu In Ihe ITo�nrly,If Unrrmrer fuil�in pedorm�he mrenan�s and ngreemems comained in ,:� , '� ,°, !(::�_ <br /> i-s ."� �his Sccudty Inslrumcm, ar ihcrc Is n Icgnl prnrcnllnN Ihal mny JNnlllcumly affcct Lcndcr's righ�s in the Property(such ns n ��?�i ,.. - �•� °- <br /> � i,., .. <br /> . .,,t-_v' proceeding In bankrupicy, prnbale, fnr arodetnnmlan ur forfcimrc��r m rnfnrce laws or regulalions). �hen l.ender may do end ..-„'j;,...-�??(, 4'u.. <br /> , p -' Pay for whmever Is nttrsxnry�o pro�M �6c vnlne o!tlu Prn�xny miJ Itnder's riglux in�hc Propeny. Lendcr's aclim�s may :�'y �t ;�_. <br /> � includc paying nny Awns ucurcd hy a Ilen whicL hn. prindiy urcr �hh ScYUrity huwmcnt, appcaring fn coun, paying ' ,.t,L.': „��,i'� <br /> � -:- rctuonablc nuorncys' fms nnd cmcring an ihc I'ropcny m m:dc rep:dn.Ahhough IAnd�r may�akc aciiun undcr�his paregreph --� �� '�i i rk;.y,�. <br /> 1 � i' 7.Lendcr docs na�havc�o Jn so. � <br /> � �� ,� - Any nmoumx di�6nt+tt1 Ay l.cnJrr imdcr du. pa�.ihrnph 7 �hall Iktr�ntc addilional dchl o( Durro�vcr sccured 6y Ihis y ; ,i'�.� <br /> � ,.,.. ' Securily Inslrumcnt. Unless Borcn�ver and Isndrr u}r.�n������hrr� rvrynrm. �hr.c nn.,nnK<hall bexr intemsl Gom Ihe � -- i, � �! -: <br /> --� � date of disburumem nl tlic Nmm �ne nnJ .hnll bc pa��.iUlc. xlih Imrrc�L upnn nmire from LcnAer �o Uorro�rer requesting `S t��fnw��� -, ._.� <br /> r �y p�ymem. �A <.�,�>���4 v,�;',-_: <br /> a . .s,:',, 8.ptorlgage liumm�ce.I(I.ender nvryinYl mnngage mwrauc.:n a cm�dlilnn o(makinp the Inan secumd by Ihis Securiiy ��:(;; ({�_.r{f�r�'ir:T-. <br /> =:_; .�.•:_..,,:, Ins�rumcn4 Uorrnwer ahall p:ry �hc prcminm� requinYl e� maintain ih.mong:igc in.nrann in efTea. If, for any rca.wn. �hc ::��;�:.`!;};:c:,._: <br />�____'i,� mongage insurance cnverage nyuGivl hy IsnJer I;ip��n I�c in eflecl. Unrrmrer.hull pay�he premiums required to 'I_'>::.;if::?t1.4;:'v�=,�:. <br /> ;se;:-`� •. obmin mvcrage wbs�amially cyuiv�dem�u�hc m��nEnrc in.uranre pre�mndy m effc.�. a�a cau.uM1.�amially equivalcnl lo Ihc ��:'�:.'.:%!`if"t�.�` �. �•: <br /> < « mst ta�arro�ver of�he mongage imurnn.c prenm�.l� in cflru. al�erna�c mungage innnrcr appruved by landen If ; ,,�'S�t iy'�i- �}����,: <br /> f suhslnmiiJl c mvaicm mon�i c inwr�ncc nncr:i a i.nm :n;ulahlr. Itnnu��er.h:Jl m �n IsnJcr ead�month e�val m ` � � r � '. <br /> q --. Y 9 � !�F F' I�. 1 -� n:�..,•..:ti.,.j-= <br /> .. �-'�,� onalwclllh af Ihc ycarly mnngagc inwr.mrr prcunum le•wg p.uJ h� Ifuwmri ��hcn�h�• mwr:mtt carcragc i:��,.��,.���e io :��•`;�.��;:;ra.y�,�{:ir;,... <br /> - .. . be in e(fce�. Isnder�eill accepL n.e anJ rrunn tlu.r p.qurcm.:n a lo.. rc,rn r m hcu nf monga}c inwr�nce. lan� reserve :'°.�!.-+:�:tCi':r:.,Cj:'-. <br /> .���� ...�..r':.; ;",-. . <br /> Fo�m30Y8 8190 `Y�•'F...�2.=�i%".'. <br /> ., t�';: <br /> _ � � .� _ �"I.1[,+�,.,+:1`.i: <br /> � .'r.._�'�'_'_-r_�_� ._, -. ... . . ... .. . .. . . __ 'r—_ _ nF'9!7 '�c� _.. . .. ' <br /> ` . <br /> r \! 'i�' <br /> ,�. . ,. ___ .. _.. • � .. <br /> �.�. . . . '- . . . , . r , <br /> `f' - - .. - . . •. _ .. . r . . . <br /> . <br /> , , <br /> IY�1 " _ .. -. . . ': . <br /> - ..." . ..�: .. . .. � <br /> _ � � .. <br /> •,4.' _. .. ' . . _ . . <br /> .�r; . �.0 , , _ . _ . . � , - . . <br /> :.:i. . .. ' . . - . . . _ . . <br /> /x? f - - . : .� .. .. ' , . ' . . ' � .. � -Y �� ,� . <br /> -+s[ . _ . .. - .,..�-.� � <br /> .. <br /> . � . <br /> , <br /> -� _ , �. . . _ � .. <br /> . . ., ... <br /> c/ <br /> - ., .: _ . . -=. :'- . <br /> � . . . , . .. .:.,, � e. .. <br /> ... " . _ " ... _—. r . � r _ <br />