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-F\ l�Sr. y^ :' ' <br /> A9 .:.. es- � - _.. . - - - �-.:. . — . _ .._. .. <br /> � e� .- _ c� ' -� ... <br /> ' ,"_. . . '" . —r.,,:�yy,''-_;' . _ _._ -- -. '-- _' __ <br /> � ,�.` �" 19�' 10'7'�421 ' <br /> TO�ATtItiR WITH all Ne Improrememe now or hereaRer arxted on�hc propeny,qnd aU easemema,appurtenanae,uid <br /> tixtura now on c�rwRer u p�n of �he propcny. All reploamen�s und addlilons shall elso be covercd by �hl� Stcudty <br /> lmtniment.All of tho toregoing Is referred to In thl�8ecuri�y InslNment m�ho "Propeny.' ' <br /> BORROWBR COVSNANT9 that Borrower f�IawNlly ulsed of�he a�ata hercby mnveyed and 6as tho rlght tu grent and <br /> convcy Iho Propeny end tbat Iho Properly Is unencumbercd, exapt fnr encumbrenees of record. Oarrower wananta end will <br /> defcnd generelly�ho tltlo ro tho Propeny ogalns�oll claims end demanAs,subJect la nny ercumbrnnces oi rcard. <br /> TIIIS SCCURITY INSTRUM�NT combines unlfomi covenante for natlonai use nnd non-unlfomi rnvenanls�vith Iiml�ed <br /> vnrimion+by JudsdlcUon ro consilwto e uniPomi saurity fnsuument covedng renl propcny. <br /> . -- . , UNIFORM ODVUNANTS.Oorrower and Lcndcr rnvenanl and ngra as fallows: � _ . <br /> 1. Prym:nt ot PAnci{wl and (nterest� Prepayment and lata Charges. Bortowcr shall prompdy pay when duo tho <br /> -- pdncipal of and inrerest on�he debt evidenced by the No�e and any prepayment u�lolo charges due under tho Note. <br /> 2. ELnds for Texes and Insuronce.SubJect�o eppliwble law or to n wrinen waiver by Lender, ftortower shTll pay to <br />—___ Lender on the day momhly paymm�ls arc duc undcr�ho Nola,until tho Note Is paid In full,a sum('Funds')for:(a)yearly�axcs <br /> - end assessmcnl�which may aunin pdorhy over this Securfry Instrumem m a Iicn on t6e Propeny;@)YeadY Icaschold paymente <br />_-�� or ground reme on�he Propeny,if any;(cJ yearly haznrd or propeey insunnce prcmltmu:(d)yearly tlaod insurenm prcmiums. ________ <br /> --- if eny; (e)yeady mongege insumnce premiwns, if eny; end(p any sums paynblo by [iorton•er to I.ender, in accardanco tdth <br />-.vz;:-- -- <br /> .. �.�.� the provisians of paregreph 8, in Iieu af tho payment af mnngnge insurentt premfums.These iienu arc calletl 'P.scrow Items." <br /> - -f,,,,� Lender may, e1 nny Iime, rnllect nnd hold Funds in an nmount not ro exeeed the maximum amount a lender Por e tederelly - -- _ <br /> -'" � relered mongxge loan may requirc Por Uorro�ver's escrow nccoum under ihe federal Ncal Cs�ate Settlement Promdums Act of �r� : <br /> ''��'1�`,' 197A ns emended from lime lo time, 12 U.S.C.Smlon 2601 e�srq. ("RLSPA'),unless enother le�v that npplies ro 1he Funds �,;;r __, <br /> a,�vynr,(yp se�s a lesser nmo�mt. If so, Lender ma y, et nn y �ime, rnllect und hold Punds in nn emouN not lo eaceed the Iesser emount. -'- � <br /> 11]1 L(�M1t719 ��'� <br /> I.ender mny cstimntc thc nmount of Punds duc on�hc basis of current data and reuonsblc espmales of expendiwres of Polure �---- <br /> ��3}'����� Quroiv I�ems or oihenvise in accordanee wilh applicable law. `�%""' <br /> ..11)4r1/tt;� :.;' ^.-. <br /> -��_ The �unds shell be held in an insthmion whou deposiis orc Insured hy e fedemi ngency, hutrumcntality, or emity -F,,w. <br /> --± �.i� (Including Lender,if Lender is such nn incti�ution)or in eny FeAeral Home Loan Uank.Lender shnll npply�he�unds�o pay ihe , .�,:;S�?�:' <br /> ���Y��° �' Cscrow Items.Isnder ma no�char e Oorm�ver far holdin nnd a 1 m �he Fundc,ennuall anal �In �he escrmv accoum,or -�'"+�'��- <br /> ' rt,.v.,. • <br /> ;;;`.;' Y 6 8 PPY S Y Y� S :�..,�;�(':�.. <br /> '��;'.�,r. verifying ihe Cscrow llenu,unless Lender pays Qarrower intercst on �he Funds and xpplirnblr,la�v permits Lender�o make such � y;x?t;:-� <br /> �. �-t e charge. Hmrever, Lendcr may rcqulrc Oarrower lo pay a one-time chargc for nn independent real es�alc mx repotting service - -'' �- <br /> r". used by Lender in connation wi�h this Iwn, unless npplicable law provides oihernise. Unless an ogr.emem is n�ade or �34�':��r'..� <br /> �"..:;.:..,: 9 :..s,: <br /> , ,r;���. epplicnble Inw requires in�eres�m be paid. I.ender shall not he required m pay �arrower any interest or eamings on the Punds. �.�{�r,<�:,�,�-.�� <br /> � ,,{, Borrowcr nnd Lendcr may agrec in�vritfng,hmvever. lhat inlcrest shall 6e paid on�hc�unds. Lendcr shall givc m Oorrower, -� :, — <br /> �,. n.:!;} wlihom cherge,en nnmml aceounling of�he Funds, sho�ving creditx nnd de6ils�o the�unds nnu the purpose for which cach r�•;2�� ��F;;- <br /> -_- deF.!:!a�F.t 6e�ds:vsa ne_de.7!:c erc p!ed�e�_edAitien_I�t^uri!;fnr nll cums�ured b;t!ii=�uti!;In�!mmco�. .-. . •.-.. <br />. ,�;i,��.�� ,;� lf�he PunAs held by Lender excced�he mnonms pemiiUed m be hclJ 6y applicable law,Lender shail accounl to Oorro�ver �-"' �" - <br />� �5;5%.(i1�V.WS ...�ZJ�A7�lI:.-HC. <br /> ,,?,a� for the excess�undx in uccordanm.wiih�he rcqniremems of applirnhle hnv. If�he amount of die�unds held 6y Lender at any �.ls _ <br /> I1r v" � <br /> yi ;�ly�fa(r llme is noi au(ficient ro pay�6e Gscrmv hems when duq Lender nuy so no�ify �ortower in writing,nnd,in such eme Burro�ver + -�.+Yl,J ��� <br />--1`;� -'1�"!. shull pay�o Lender�he umount neccssary tn make up �he deficiency. �nrmwer shall make up �he deficiency in no marc �han �"'.'��%%'����i`•�'� <br /> "'`� �wclvc montlily paymcros,u�Lendcr's solc discrclion. ��y_tiyt' u', <br /> �N� - . t Upon paymen� in full af nll smns +ccureJ by ihis Security Ins�mmem. Lendcr nhall promp�ly refund m I3orrowcr eny - +s� ti �,� <br /> _ . ,yyr,.. ;r�_.' <br /> `ti,n;;_;�. �unAs held by Lender. IG under parngmph 21, Lender shnll acqairc or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior m the acquisiiinn or sale ��•.,�>it!,`:f,:�<;_... <br /> � -- 5". of lhe Propeny,xhall npply any funds held M1y Isnder;n�he iime nf acyuisition ar s:wle ax a crcdii ngainst ihe sum.securcd by � r"•�- <br /> •y �hfs Sauri�y Inswmem. - �} , �' .` <br /> 'r� 3.Appllmtian at Pn��ntenls.Unles.upplin�6lc law pmvidc.uthenviu,all paymems reccived by Lcnder undcr pamgmphs ++ _ , r� <br /> --—S� 1 and 2 shall be npplial: fint, to any prepayment chnrges due under�he Mo�e; aecond,io amoums paya6le under parngrnph 2; �'_„''-f . ' <br /> �r�i�-�t�_ �hird.�o(ntercst dur, fnunh,m principal duc:nud laa,Io mry•la�c ch�vges due undcr Ihe Nntc. ��:,_ 4`-�- <br /> ��, A.Chflrges; IAcns. Oorm���cr shall pay all �axcs.ntceccmrms, rharges, fincs and im�xui�ions auribmablc m ihc Propeny �-: qt �{'-�- <br /> {�;�� •%�' �vhich may annin prioriq•orcr�his Sccuriq• ImtmmcN, anJ Icaxhnld paymcnt.or grounJ rcNS, if any. Rnrro�rcr shali pay ._'If�y(._;�t�-�_ <br /> ,.__ _, " :. .<b.:.r..�nr� <br /> �"''�` these oAli�he manner nreideJ in ,am ra h 2.or if nn� �iJ in�ha�manner. f3nrrna�cr.hall a �hem on�ime dine�l — •x,�:��:-c-- <br />�-'��%"'�'��`� lo Ihc rrcon otved � mcm.6nrrnw�cr+hall rn n �I furnish�o Lendcr all nnliiYS o(antaunh lu bc a�d undcr�his are ra h ;�'V:i;rl�.:F:"f�:. <br /> %"c;ri.,, .. .• Pc. P�S P P )' P � P & P .;•iyj;Y•'i� :: <br /> »r -.`` If Bnrrnx�er makea�hese p:q�mem.dircc�ly. Unrro�rer.hall prampily furni.h�o lwnJer reccipis evidencing lhe paymems. ._t�;� °u ` .:_ <br /> � i3ormwer shall pmmptly disch.�rge any lien ehirh has prinriq•nacr ihis Securiq� Imvmnem unless Oarrower.(N agrces in y, �,. ��L'�.._ <br /> - '";`- �vrliing m�he paymem nf�he ohligaiion secureJ U���hc licn in a nunner a.cepinhle m I.enJer,(6)comests in goed fai�h�he lien '. '�i;,�:'',:.'. <br /> . by, nr dcfcnJs ngaiml cnfi�rccmcnl of Ihc licn in. Icg:d pnwcnling� �chich in Ihc lxndcr'� opininn In prc�•cnt ihc - :$;`.. <br /> - enforcement of Ihe lien:or(cl Kcnre.frnm Ihe hnlJer nf Ih.lien an agmnknl cni.l:�alnrr lo I.enJer.nhnrJinnlinF Ihc licn lo :' . <br /> . �his Scinrity In.uvmcm. If lwnJcr de�crminn Ih:n anq pan nl ihc Pru�m�i. .uhjcr� u,:�licn which ma� auain prioriry�arcr ,��.:E},'' ; . <br /> _ � IIIIS SCl'0lII\'III\INIIIlI1L IA�llllf 111:1�"Z!1\'t' Bnrrnwer a no�i:r iJrnuiying Ihr lira 13urroner.h:Jl�ali.(� Ihe li.n nr ciAc one or ��.��..�.. <br /> � morc of Ihc acliuna 4ct forth alwrc xiihin Ill d.n.of�hc gfaing�if nu�ice. �:+i. : . <br /> � .• �.•L�, Form3D28 W90 = � <br /> :.. ,: ..j o.wr..c �a`,:: <br /> _ r' ��.. <br /> 't /. <br /> : . '. �!'. <br />. �_ . . <br /> „ <br /> � ' -' _ ._._^�_-�_.."-__"�—_'�—_�__—__""�._. ._:.�r..5....r�... -"_ 7. _—�—r.---,r.'_"'_'�..�__.__.._"'_ 7 � " <br /> . " �'i`c� ' .,t/ . � - . � , <br /> ... . . �. '.S�'� � .. - - ' . <br />� ., .' f. . . . ' . . . <br />. i. 'i., _. ' . . ... <br /> r�t � - . ' .. . . - . ' . <br /> ?� f .l „ ' . .. - .. . ' .. _ .. - � _, - . <br /> , <br /> ...� . • . _ _� , - . <br /> . . <br /> . , . � <br />