:��.-.`{j' L ."'�..'-.T..^^'.."'"""'_'_._ . ' . . .;. v, . ;. . -.,
<br /> � ` -- ���� - �� A w �vI!fl4�- -.."-.
<br /> ;� ' pa�meMS ma�,�w longer L•o ra�uired.a�the opUon aP LepdOJ�.IPnwnQr�e InWm�co coveraBO(in d�e�mount nnA far�he pcdod•
<br /> •�figt Lender 'r"cquires).provldaJ by an in5uror app�dved by ter�er ygdn becuq�e.a'avepeblo nMl le ob�xinal,lbrruw��i►��M.II��Y.
<br /> Vi'dprcmiuj�re�iire4�o malmain mongago lnsuroncelq cffee),or�o pmvido i(ap rtserve,nnitl�ha teynlrc8Rq1 fpr tay111A+a
<br /> Insumoce ends In accordance witli any wrltten�grampnt 6Nwpen�ortoNnr nxl�t.ender ot rp�f1!e�6�a l�w�
<br /> �9,Irisputbn.l.enAer or Its agenl nwy moko rcason+bio bmdea.Apnn arytl lpspcctloaf oP dw!'rnpetly. I,e�Wa e1��11;1vo
<br /> Horrowzr'no�ico at the�Ima of or ptior a an Inspecdon 6palfy�ng reRSUnnplo railso for tlw Ina�cllon. • �
<br /> � - "]0.Condenuullan. 'fie proceeds of any awnM or cinlm Pot dmm�ges, dirm or mnsequemial, In rnnncctlnn wl�h�ny
<br /> . coi�enNUtion pr other uking of any part ot tho Propeny,or fnr convaynnce in Ileu of wihiemnodon,�ro Ikrcpy►csiy��at md
<br /> . . ,.... sha116e�aid to LenJer. - - - --- .
<br /> , In lhe yvent of a�otel tpking of the Propcny.�ho proceods slinll Iw npplicd tn iho snm�saunh Uy�Itl�3c�v�d�y Ins�mnxm,
<br /> �vha�her.of�nol then duc, with any excess peid to Iiorro�4er. In Iha avcm nf n pnninl lnking nf dio Propeny in�ahleh flk fdr `
<br /> mnrka value oi�Ao Property immedlhtely beforo�ho taking is eqnal to or grcntm thnn tLo nnxmni of tho epma-R4cuAd Uy Ilde �
<br /> Saari�ylns�rum�t Inmxdiarely befo�tRe Wking,untes�Borrowcr nnd I.endcr at�cnvlEO�rco In wdqng,dw emn�stcUrdd 6y
<br /> fiic Secu�iry Inmum:nt sRali ba rcd��ved Ey �I�o amoum of the proeeede mnlllplied by iho following fruNian: (a)Qto loieh
<br /> . nmonnt'of ihe sun\c cxnred imn:edietely beforo�ho taking,dlvtdM 6y Qi)iho fnir mnrko� value of�hc Propeny IntnxdlAely
<br /> � bctore4ho�nking. llny batar.ce shall Ix paid �o Borroweo In �ho oveN of o pnninl mking oP thc PropcHy In which tha fdr
<br /> - merku'v�iluc ot�hz Pmperty(mmcdiatefy beforo the�aking Ia Icsc ilmn iho nmoum ohho sum�eccutM ImmCAiolely beforo lhe
<br /> taking,unle:s norm��e�nnd Lender othcnvBe ngrco in wrfifng or unies�epplicn6lo Inw oil�envlu pruvide�, Iho pruCCttla sUdl '
<br /> — _ . be e�+plieA�o th�sums secund by thfs Security Instn�mem�vhclher or nm tho wma nro�hen duo.
<br /> .. If�he Propny�l�abandoned by Dorrox�er,or if,aRcr noiicc by Lcnder m Rnrmwcr tl�m thc condcmnor offero to mako en
<br /> �— rm�rd or•settle e claim for damages, Bortolvcr fails to responJ to Lender wllhin 30 deye aRer tho dala Iho nnllco I�glvlq,
<br />----- Lenda;is�mhorized to mllect and npply the procceds,e�!te opdon,ci�her to resiora!lon or rcpnir nf the Vropcny ot In tlio sunu _ _
<br /> -= secumd b��this Sevriiy Insuument,whMher or not�hen due.
<br /> --�' � Unless Lender end 6ortowcr othcnvise �grce in writing, any npplica�lon of procttds ro pdncipal sha�l not exicnd of
<br /> --<'��i.'�� Eas�pone the dur date of ihe monthly paymems rcferred to in parogmpha I and 2 or ehange�hs umoum ot euch paynxnb. •
<br /> . �„; - !g I l.�IIorron�er Not Reirdscd;Forbearencc By I.ender Not a Wulver.ifatension of�hc tlnro for piynxm or nwdiflc+llon
<br />-°---..�.!:�{;;g of amortizmion of the wms saured by this Securiry lnsuument granted by I.ender Io ony sucresmr in Iniercsl of po�rox'M shall
<br /> �'""'" na�optrate to nlmu�he linbiliry ol�he original Dorrowror or Bortmrer's succeuoh In Inlercsl. Lcnder shall not tq rcqnl�cd l0
<br /> : c..ye�
<br />'-'`.s;'• � cummence proccedinga ngaina any xuocessor in interes�or rcfuu io extenJ time for paymem or m6ttwiao malify omotllroilon
<br /> ��;��';;'"�`"�;�� of the auma secured by �his Secud�y I�strument by rcazan af any d.ata�i ntade by ihe odginal Ummwor o� Dortowe�'6
<br />"' '� � ��.�;i sncces.wrx in inmres�.Any fnrbearnnce 6y Lender In exercis{ng any dgM or remedy shall nol be o�vahror nf o�prcclude iho
<br /> f ' `tbi�,�. exercisc of nny right or[emcdy,
<br /> - !2. Si:cr�`ors end Aslg�u 4ev�•.�?; Jolnt and�reral [ae4111!ye G.slenerx. The rnvenams oud a¢rccmems of thb _ _.. . . , .. ..
<br /> . r.:-�'. Sccurity�Ins�mm.m shell hir.A nnd ben.tii the succcswn and tusigns of Lcndcr nnd Oorro«�cr, su6Jcc1 lo Ihc provislon�of
<br /> paragraph I7. Borrower's cnvenams nnd ngreemen�s shall be Joint and scrcml. Any Iformx�cr whn m•xlgns Ihi� Setvtity
<br />- �„�;�,�,;:, Insttumen�'-but docs no�cxccme �he Notc: (u) is m-signing�his Sceurlly Imuumem nnly lu mongage, grml ond mmxy thxl
<br /> -_�..:'�: Uorrowtr's intertst in�he Pwp.ny under�he temu o!�hfs Securiry Inzuunxnl: (b)is na�perwnally obligmed lo pay�r�e suou
<br /> � `� uwred b this Securi� Inswmant;and(c)e rces Uiat Lender and nn o�her Ifurro�cer ma a rce�a eztend, muJif ,forbcar w ---
<br />.. �i:��'i Y Y S Y Y S Y v�.�.
<br /> make any,ccommodntions a�i�h rcgArd tn the�erms of�his Security Inz�mmem m�he Nae wi�houl Ilia�Bnrmwer's eonaert. - T
<br />- 13.I.onn Chnrges. If ihe loan secured by�his Securiiy Inswment is subJec�m a law whkh Rcu nmximum luan eRvges, •�*">'i�,.
<br /> nnd tha� la���is finnll��imerprcud an tha� ihe imeres�or oiher loan charges mllttted or m Ae mllecteJ iu connectfun with�i� �;�i ,�7',��
<br /> << _ loan uceed�he pennined limi�s, th�n:la)any such loan charge shall Ix rcduceJ by Ihe anwum necessary�o reduce lhe chargr ;+•��1<< !'��,—
<br /> � � In the rmiued limil;ar.d (b)mi cunu alreaJ cnllecld Gnm Ourmn'er�vhich CFCCCJttI nniued limi�s will be refunded to �{���-�-
<br />.��:�...� ' a Y� Y P� �t,,-::::'.r.,t. �. ^:.
<br /> � Uorrower. l.ender may chooze lo make �his mfund by nducing ihe principal owed under �he Note nr 6y making a direct ';`�;r•`s '`,=l'-�
<br /> ;i, :' ._ti.' paymcm �o flarrn�scr. ii x nd���� nv��c. prinripai. �hc rcduction will be Ircatcd a� ;� �unial prcp.rynum wlihuw any i,;:.. ' , .�,�
<br /> - - prepaymen�chargc nnJcr�hr Vnte. 1 -- �� i' °,��
<br /> - l4.\oticrs. Any no�ict�o➢nrrmver prnvided for in�his Securily In+lrunten��hall be given by dclirering fl nr by mafling _ !r 1 _
<br /> � il by�ni cfu�maii unlcsc;�pplirnblr i;m rcquircs usc of nnalhcr mclh�d.TLc naiice shall be dircc�al�a�he Pmpcny AdJress ri;;. �
<br /> ' ..�..."
<br />. . or any mher aidress Borro�rer dai�na�e, 6y noiice �o I.endcr. Any no�ice �o I.ci�ler �h;dl M1e gireu 6y fim cla+s mail �o � .�.' -e}���'=.� �
<br /> - � l.enJer's nddress awied herein or any nlhtr addre�. I.enJtr de.igna�es Mq naiice �n Unrrmecr. Any nntim provldeJ far in this . --: �``�i�_,.
<br /> ' ��'". Sewrity Instrunkm sEail hc d.cmcd io hare bccn gircn m@ircrn�er or I.cnJcr�rhen giren a.proridcd in ihi.paragraph.
<br /> - "" ' 15.Goreming la�r; Se��erahllilr. This Sauriiy Instrumenl shall M1c gorcmcd b�� federal Ino� unJ ihc lasr ��hhe - - .
<br /> - juthJiclion in uhieh�F.c Pmpcnc i�locaic:l. In Ihc c�'cnl tl�al anr prari•inn ar.lau.c nf Ihi.SCCUfII)'IIBINIIICIII O!IIIC NniC . ��14;��;�.,. '.
<br /> a�nllicis with applicabir i�u,wch con0icl chall nol affccl nlhcr proci�iam af lhi�S.turil)�hnUVmcm or Ihc Nolc���hich can bc �`'. . �?:` �- .
<br /> �_ yWen effect wiihoue tiu•con0ic�ing prm•isinn.Ta�hi..nJ the proxi.ia�n of thi.Savrit� In.lrwnem aiW�hc hu�c are decl�reJ �". : .
<br /> , - lul�c.cvcrahla 'i.'�(�:��....,' ..
<br /> - .. 16.Ilurrouer'x fop..Dorn,wcr>h:Jl I,c gi�rn�mru�Nbnr..J a�np� nfthc Kutc anJ nl Ihi+ti.cunly In.uumcm . . •. , .. .
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