�;r � .j , ...��;.:. �. �� _, - '— _��y �..__
<br /> . ���T�rr.aw:r."�_.�.r+r�`.: . .. _
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<br /> � periais�h�t Lender nquires. '(Lc insuranco carticr providing tho insurenco shall bc choxn hy Uortowcr cubJect io Lenderb
<br /> uppmyal.which shall not bc unreasonsbly w�ihAeld. If Boriowcr fails to malrttain wvcmae AcxrlbcA ubovc,l.cnder may,ot-
<br /> Lcndorb oqion,ob�qln mverago to protect Lcnderb righte in tha Propeny in ucwrdanco wlih paragraph 7.
<br /> All Insumnco policles and rcnewole s6all bo accePiable in l.ender and shall include a nandarA ntortgnge clauu. I.ender
<br /> --� snall havc�hc rlgAt ro hotd�he pollcia and rcnewals. ff Lcndcr rcquires,Uortowcr sliall prompily give�o Lendcrnil rcceipls
<br /> of pald prcmiums e�nl rcncwal noticee. In�h¢cvent of loss,llorrower shnll givo prompl no�icc to�hc Insuranca canicr und
<br /> — Lcndcr. Lendcr may make pruof o(loss if not madc promptly 6y Oorrovrer.
<br /> — Unlcs�4cndcr and Borcox�cr othcrnisc egn.ro in wriling,insnrencc procecds shall Ix upplicd�o rcxtoratlon or rcpalr of
<br /> — -- the Ptopcny damaged. If tho restam�ion or rcpatr is emnomiwlty feaci6lc and LcndcrL scwriiy Is no1 Icsxcned. It�he
<br />-_ ' rcsiomtion or rcptir is not economlwlly fcasiblo or Lender§securliy would bo Iessened,iho fnsumnco proceede shall be ��
<br /> npplied�o�he Rums securcd 6y�his Security Instnimem,wheiher or not�hen due,with nny exces�palA�o Dortower. If
<br /> -.�_.�::�� Uortower n6andons the Propeny,or docs not ons�ver wi�hin JO dayx� notice from l.ender tha�he insurance cnrfler ha�
<br /> - __;. ofkrcd io isettlo u clalm,�hen Lender may collec��he insurnnco praceeds. I.ender mny use the procceds to repair or rcaroro
<br /> - -� - �ho Pro�ny or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrumem,whether or noi then duo. The 30�d,ry period wili begin when
<br />_-"S:�°".�� �hc not cc b given.
<br />— � �` ;"` Unlese Lendcr nnd Rorrawcr o�hcnvise agrce in wming,nny nppticn�inn of prncecdx to principal Fhnll no�ox�end or __ _.___._
<br />;it`4i".;t�i pos�pone�he dno date of lho monihly pay�nems mfertcd to in paragraphs I and 2 or chnnge�ho amoum oi�6o paymcnin. If
<br />- "�"-'�'�' ander paragmph 21 Ihe Property is nequircd by Lender, Uorco��er3 rigN to any insumnee polictes nnd pmeeede rcsul�ing
<br /> .� ?i'f"�-' from damage�o ttn:Hopexty pria to tM xsyuisition shall puc ro Ler.dee to ihe enhnA o(�he sums scenmd by this Securi�y
<br />,. -.,.-....-.:,�:- Instmment fmmediately prior to tt�e,x�uisitioa
<br />�y;:.-,, r�r.,� Z, Omup�nsK 6'rescreaTi+m, h7�intmanm end Yra�tccihn oP 14e PcopxvOg; Borron�cr's I.oan Applkaqoni
<br /> �_ <?�'v I.easeAolds. Rorro«cr stiall tivnpp,es�nblish,and use�he Ptoyrny as 6ortowerk principil rcsfdencc�v0hin six�y days allcr
<br /> y;.y?'¢.���:� thc eaecmion of�hix Secmi�v Incm�mem and shail cominue ro occupy the flop:ny v Qortower4 principal rcvidence Por m
<br /> `'�-xt:�.r�-r. Icas� one yenr ntmr �ha (Ifl12 nf occupancy, unless Lendrr whenvise agr.tn in writing, which conseni ahall noi be ° � � -�-� -
<br />-'s"{j r��^ • unmatonably n•ithhalel,or untea.esienua�ing circnms�ances eaia o�hich ew 6eyond 6orrowerk comrol. Dovo�eer ahall noi =
<br /> t,l,��itf `:;:' destroy,damagx or impair ihe Prnperry,allow�he Propcny w cl:�:dormc,or commi�wcute an�he Propeny. Dortawer shall
<br /> irF't}�t. r.?`� �"::.__
<br /> �.��"'�� �. be in de(aull if nny todeitnrc ec�ion or procecding,�vheiher r;�il or criminal,is begnn�M1a�in LenderS good(ni�h juAgment ---_ -
<br /> Y.";!ti,_j����yT could msult in forfeiture of ihe Propeny or oiAernise mn�erially impair thc licn crentM 6y this Securiiy Insuumem or -.-
<br /> "{6`� ` Lenderk securit imem�. 6ortower ma cure�irh a default and reins�ate,as mvldeJ in m r� h IR,b caasin Ihe nclion �
<br />-��'rh:,:.;�_A, Y Y P N S•P Y 8 =��-�--
<br /> � '�w�`�_ or procecding io R disniissed wi�h n mling Iha�,in Lenderl good faiih detemiinmion,prcciudes forkimre af�he 6orrower§ at�ii�_--
<br /> td �«�-�i� —
<br /> ��_ , �, imercs� in the Prnpeqy or other ma�crinl impilmicnt of�Be lien crcmed 6y ihi.Securi�y Inswmem or I.endert sauri�y
<br /> t' - -I�riS imercxL �orcoa�er shall nlxo Ix in default if Dorzower, Anring t�s loan appiica�inn process, gave ma�erlally f.lsu or . ; ��-��
<br />:,�;,'.Y.:;�,�::1i;): inaccum�e infarmntion or s�aiemems�o Lender(or tniled�o provide Lendenviih any mnterial in(omiaiiaN in canneciian with -:l�v�`��-'
<br /> ' '�� " t6e lonn evidenced hy ihe No�c, inclnding. M1m noi limiied io, rcprcsemn�ion. conceming Qorrowerk occupa�lCy of lhe '` �"
<br /> ` :;,�i;;: Pmpeny s�a principal msidecce. If�hie Sea�rip�lnsuumem i+on a Ieacehold,�orto�ver shall comply wiih nll die provisions :;d���-'
<br /> + of Ihe Iease. If Borrrn4�r ntquitrs(ee lilk In�he Propeny,�h.kaschald:md�he fee�i�le ahall not mcrge unlcss Lcnder agrecs
<br /> ,�.�e Io Ihe merg2r in NTlling. �
<br /> F,i����,, ;`.;' 7. Roleclion o!I,ender`s Hights in Ihe f'rnperly. lf IInrtmrer faih w pertinm die covcnamx anJ agrcements >. S }�,� --
<br /> E^`���.�{, comnined in �his Secumy Insmmiem.or �here ia n IeFal prnaceding iha� may xignificandy af(eci Lenderk righis in �he :�,t r�} ��---'
<br /> , ,-l�.((,,T %� Pmpeny(such xs a proceeding in banknip�cy,prnbme,fnr condemnation or iorfeimn ar io enfnrce Inw:s or regulations),ihen �r r_,?Sr,,,.;.�i
<br /> _'-� '•-��' Lender may do nnA pay far wha�cver is necec.aq� �o prmec� �hc valnc of�hr Propeny nnd Lcndcrk rightx in ihc Pmpeny. •:r _
<br /> -��Fm�:.`-' LenJerk actionz may(nclude�v�ying any xnms seonred hy a lien��hich haa priori�y orer ihis Security fnurumen6 appenring `�'`'-•";5.;;;['��
<br /> ...,h4' a,-� ' ,?i:�' -
<br />-; -. �.��..,�•, in coutt,paying reasonnble nuameys'fcec and emerinp nn�hr Rnpeny m make rcpairs.Althnugh Lender may�ake nction - �1�;:. �•+;°=..�
<br /> '� °f`;t"�- undcr this va m h 7.Lcndcr d�x.na havc w du sa. i'd.`:��-:h='"
<br /> !r.:?�Y..;,;: P� s P rt '1 t_ .
<br /> J:,•������s:1a�. Any amoums disburscA by Lendcr undcr�his pamgnpb 7 tihall l+ecotne adJiiinnnl dc61 of Rormxer xewred by lhia -� �J'Y��,';{�r��
<br /> �• Securi�y Imtrumem. Unle.s 13orroweranJ Lender n@rec to mher�emu of paymem.�he+e nnmum..hall bcar imerc.i trom�he -°�-��� �
<br /> - •,�'r�i% dmc of di�hurscmcm o��hc Natc rnte and.hall he paynble,with imem+l,upon nrnice fmm Lendcr lo Ilorro«rr rcyucsiing �':-;�'� ,-
<br /> paymem. � ; i�� v� �:
<br /> -`�� R. 1lforigegc Insuroncc. I(Lcndcr rcyuircJ mnngagc inmr:mcc :u a canJi�ion of makinF ihc lu;m c�urcd hy�hi. J'` ��+rR� �'
<br /> � '�;,�i Seairity Irtswment. Rortowet+hall pay�he premium� mqmrrd m maimain the mongnge inwr:+ncr in e(fect. I(. for nny i„ ,r.Ei��.i•:
<br /> ;.� ,; _.__ reaaon. �hr mongage insumnce coveragc rcynimd hy I.endrr lapse. or cea.es io he in ef(ecl. 13nrrmver +h�ll pay the `'i,,i/,Y,t;;rF,.�._
<br /> pmmiums reynired �n obtain covemge wh.�amially eyuin�irm �o �he mongnge inwratme prcvioml)• in ef(ecl.:n a co.l (,r�{(��{�{�S, .
<br /> -_.., su�.cmnlially equi�alem In ihe co�l In llorrnurr of�he mnrteaFe in.ur.m:e prrviou.iy in effecl. Gam nn ahrm:ne mnnpnpe �'Lr. v a S �.:'
<br />_� _-7�'..� inxurcr nppmred hy ienArr. If whuamially.qniralem mangage in.ur.m�r�.nerugr i. no�av:ulaM1le.Ilorroorr shall p:�y lo +:r��.����il�� -•�
<br /> ,'�-ir''�. ' Lender cach monlh a snm cqu.d lo onc�lx�AOh of�hr ycad)�mnngagc imuranir premium heing paid hy Dorrowcr whcn�hc :•I� .;'�!='���-'�
<br /> s z�_- . inwnmcc co5crngc lapud or ira.cd ioM in c(&rt. Lcndcr�.ill aacp�.mc:mJ rciain ihe,r paymcm.:�.a lo..rc.crcc in licu ..,y f 1 ���1�1;�
<br /> �?:� ` of morl i e intiur:mca Lo.a rc.crcr �aymrm,in:� na lou rr M rc wrcd.:a�he n �iun of Lender.i(inan•:��e inwnnce "..<ri. .
<br /> . °.�.':�"I_ F�F I Y F 4 P F b ..n.,aV.)41j�,
<br /> � - covernge(in Ihe amutml anJ for Ihr�rial Iha�I_ender rcqvirc�)proridcJ h� :m iuwrrr appmred hy Lender again become. , .
<br /> i � :rvailable and is uhlaineJ.6orro�ver tihall pa} Ihr prenmmi�nquircJ Io nuuniarn mon�age nnnr.mir in effccL ar In praride a �� � � .�
<br /> loss rcurce,umil ihe requircmem fnr ninnrege m.ur�ncc cnd.in aanrdan:r xilh am ��rin.n agnom.nl l+emecn Unrruxer �:..�,,,_.._.-,
<br /> ; „�;-.: and Lcndcr or applica6lc la�r. _7 :.
<br /> - 9. Inspection. Lcndcr or ii,ag.m ma. m.iA.rca.nn.�hlr rnlnc.upm anJ inywr�inn.ul Ihc Prn�xri��. Lcndrr.hall - . .
<br /> � . . givc Uorro���cr nrnicr al�hc limc of��r priar In an in.��•ciinn..�tv 7ying rca+nnaM1le rauv li�t Ihc inyxrlinn.
<br /> - " 10. Cundemnflilun. ll�c pna�crJ.nl:m�amanl ar d.�im for Jamagc,.dircrl ar run.cqucnlial.in canncclion�ai�h an� -
<br /> �� Smglclamd�- F3nnie\lar'FYrddle\lacl\Ik"IIHyI]STRC\II:Yf �l'ndoun(".�.rn.�nn 990 q�qr!.qnp.:n� .
<br /> -��).;:�.
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