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i� <br /> , � ic _, 8. • qr , -- <br /> . <br /> ' . L�_....�� --::-. . _ ' _. .. .. . <br /> � -.�- .^.�iY�f-�M{�� TM.. .-n:L-..". _.. _ . . - .,. _ __'' __ <br /> ___ - <br /> . 33�,..J. ...... . . -- - <br /> _� '�vr�t�Ri.!'� -. <br /> 93- �.o��s�!� <br /> • 7'OOB7'FIfiR WtTlt a11 dw iniprovement�now or herwRet erocted on Ihe propeny,ond UI easenxnt�,eppunenanccf. <br /> mid(ixwra now or heraRu a put ut tho propeny. All hplucmenn end pCdiilone ehall also bo mrerul by thia Suudty <br /> Inswment. All of iho foregoing I�rcferted to in ihl�Stcu�liy Inswmcnt a+iha'Property.' <br /> BORROWRR 6`OVEiNAM9�nat Oortowcr b IswPolly seised nf tAo csta�e hcrcsy rnnveycd and has�Ae dght to grnnt <br /> and convey ihe Ropcny end Nat�he Pmpeny b unencumbercd,exapt for encumbrancce of nmrd. Bortow:r�vartam�ond <br /> ---- will deftnd generalfy the U�lo�o�ho Propeny ugalnst el I claim�und dcmandv,snDjcc�co any encumbronces of nxord. <br />-- TIII9 StiCURITY INS77tUM[iNT rnmbinea unlfam covenunu for naflonal uso end non•unifomi mvenanu with <br /> Iimiled vuialiom by Judsdictlon to cons�itulo u untfomi security InstNment covcdns rcal property. <br /> ` IINIFQRM COVGNANTS. Oorrowu end l.cnder corenunt and ngreo ae followa: � �� '--'-' � <br /> —_. 1. {y�vinent ot Prindpd md(ntercaq I'repymenl�nd Gale Chug�a. Boaower shall prompdypay when due ttw <br />--_?===�=ii principal of nnd Inlercat on lha debl ovldenad by the Noto end any prepaymenl end lem chergee dno under�he Note. <br /> s '�y� 2. FLndi for 71ues and Irouranoe. SubJect Io nppIicx6lo Imv or to n wdnen waiver by I.ender,6orrowcr ahall pay lo <br /> �. � � Lcndcr on tho dey mon�hly payments nro dno undcr tho Natc,umil tho Noic le pald In futl,o sum('I�nds")Por.(a)ycarly <br /> r;�� �exe�and esussmoms whlch may nttoln pdodiy nver�hia Secud�y Instrumcnt u o Ilen on�Ae Pmpeny;(b)Ycarly leasehold <br /> �'_ paymente or gronnd rents on �ho Propeny, if any;(c) ycnrly hazaM or property insumnco promiuma; (d) yearly Ilood <br />+.-_�;'x,.,+-„ fnsurenw prcminms, if eny; (c)ycnrly mongaga insumnw prcmiums, If any;and (p any sum.s payablo by Oortower a -�- ------ <br />-zi<}`",:.N;=;:a Lender,ln eaordanco with the provt�ioos ot paregraph B,In Ileu of the aymenl of mongage insunuco prcmlume. 7Lev: <br /> items are called'[iscrow fte�ra' Ler✓L:r n�ay,et nny Umc,collect nnd hoPd Punds in an nmww uac ro ezcecd�he moximvm <br /> � amonnt e lender for n kderally rclared eunngage Iwn may rtquirc Por portawer4 escro�r ur.d:r tA: kdernl Rr.J <br /> `°';� �sw:e Sea.[eisen�Praccdvres Aq of 1974 as am.eob:d feom iimo to Ume.12 U.S.C.¢2E01 eueq.("AFSfl1').�m!ess ar.o:tier <br /> ���_;r;;<�;�:: taw tSa�e{�pl:p to lhe FLcds sets a less:r an:oun4 If w.Lender may,m eny Uma collect nnd tatd Flir.ds in en amoum not to <br /> -:;%r - ea�ud Ne Ir>ser anount. Lend:r may esfimace �Ae nmount o!R�nds dac on tha basis of camm daro and reasonab7: <br /> _ esGm3tu of expendimrcs of futurc Escmw Icems or ahern�ise in accordance wi�h agplicable la+v. �,.... _.__ . . _ <br /> � 'Ihe FLn&shall 6e Mld in an instiN�ion �vhov: deposits are insuml by a ag.ncy, inswnxm�iity, or entity __ <br />- -,,;,;,.� .� (iceluding Lender,if Lender Is such an ins�imtion)or in any I'edcrol Home Loiv Ban4. 4end:r shall epply tta ILnds ro pay �.. <br /> '` !';'•, �`� lAe Escrow I�ems. Lender may no� chuge �orto��xr for holding nnd npplying�h:Rmds,annually nnalyzing the escrow -' <br /> `f�4��xj; _�; aceounl,or vedfying �he L+scrow Items, unless Lender pays Rorto�rer intercsi on Q:e Wnds and epplicxble law p:(miu �"�'` ;_ <br /> , „ l.;i;fi;,, Lender a make wch u charge. Howerer,Lender may re4uirc 6orrower 10 pay a one•�ime cA,irge for nn independem real �.�••- <br /> _ � -�.-,y%° estate tu reponing service used by Lender in connenion mih�his Iwn,anless applicable Iaw prmides olhenvise. Unless an "�,z%g�",,,,,--.�. <br /> �`�'�:�`- - +�i�. ngrcement Is made or npplicnbic law requlres imercsuo bo paid,Lendcr shall no�b:rcquind to pay�ortower nny Inlercs�or -;_,,.,, <br /> ;.�`-='--`�"-° earnin s on the Punds. Oorrox•ernnd l,ender ma a rce in wdlin ho�cevcr,iha�in2erest shall be �id on the FLnds. Lender "9,='"-°� <br /> ..,a.-r.�;. 8 Y 8 B• P� *�" <br /> -�f� shall gire to Oortower,�vithout churge,un annunl,ccounting of�he Fund.,shooing credi�s and debiu�o�he�unds and Uie :� r <br /> r�-�`? pnryose tor which each debit lo�he F•Lnds was mxda The flmds ve pl.dged os nddi�ional accudry tor¢II wms accund by �_i- _ <br /> �� thisSccuritylnxwmenl. �� ' <br /> , ,1� t-:�: . <br />- ,.=-r,:..�, If�hc- Wnds he1A by Lender eaceed Ihe ¢mounls pemiined to M held by npplicable law, Lender shall aceoum to _�,�,, .,;.,.� ._ <br /> � "t,- °uv.,""..::°v:S i!�C Cn:w»Fundi ii��iL�i�ufiit C�l(h Inc�ryuiici�icuio oi npGiiCnoi2 Ih6. IT li�c nilOii�I O{(u'.FLrd;hcld b; .:. F.��— <br /> s - Lender n�nny�ime Is not su0itiem �o pay ihe Gtcro�v Items�vhen duq I.ender may so notify�orto�rcr in�vd�ing,nnd.In �:; -- • <br /> r <br /> � such cue Aono�ver shall pay�a Lender�he nmoum nemssary m make ap the deficiency. Oartotirer shall make up �he �.� �)�'=: <br /> { - � i,;.] defidency in no morc lh�n tweire momhly paymeMs,at Lender�s solr Aiscrc�ioa � -'- <br /> � ,}.�.ir�� l�f Upon paymeni in full of all sums securcd by�his Securi�y Im-trnmen6 Lender shall promptly rcfund �o Iiortower nny '�`i'- - <br /> -'-.\r•-:?„s{;;.; FLndx hcld by Lender. If,undcr parngraph 21,Lender shall ncquire or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior�o�he ncqulsi�lon or j. �,-^±.,-,•,�,��"���1 <br /> �� " �� /�1';:i� snle of the Pro n , shall o I on f�mds held b�Lenekr m �he Ome of nc uis0ian or sule as n credit n ains� �he sums "'� �` t�'' `�� <br />�,,; ',;,�. , P� Y PPY Y ) 9 8 �..:3;',:��.;>,.,e,=�. <br /> r .,, '�'�" secnrcJbythlsSecuritylnsuumem. �� -.����:>:--.- <br /> {;,lr:�1_4�+l� .�� �.":.,,:=; , .-. <br />�:'.'tSt;j�.yf[(�; 3. Applirntlon of Pnymenis. Unlcss npplir�blo Imv provides othenvisc, nll paymems rccei�•cd 6y Lendcr under -. ;�_`�.�r. <br /> ���ti 1 pangmphs 1 and 2 sholl he npplied: finL m nny prcpaymem charges dne under�he No�e;.ucond,w amoums p�yable under <br /> un rn h 2;thlyd,ro interesl due founh,�e nnci al duc:and las4�o nn I��e char es due under�hc Notc. f���' `� <br /> s: .'°l�)Siti:� P S P P� P Y • 6 '�.z.. .-. _°...: <br /> ,,;t;�_;:.��J{�. 4. Charges; Llcre. Oortowcr shall pay ull iuxes,as.essinems, charges, fines nnd imposiiions nuribnmblc to thc ��;,.;t�t;;:�.:��,� <br /> � Property which may nttain priority over�hia Securily Ins�mmen6�md Ieuehold payments or ground rcnts, if any. Uorrower .� ��,-. �;,- <br />� '::' shall pay thesc obligations in �hc manncr provided In pnmgraph 2,or if not in�ha�mnnncr,llortoivcr xhall pay thcm on �- t� � L_�.;, :_ <br /> •�r�i.`,i,,.��y time dircctly m ihe penon owed paymem. Uo`rowcrshnll prompdy furnish�u Lcndcr all no�ices of nmounts�o ba paid under -,��.�Y\>?�,� - <br /> }�{s#4�`�i �his pamgrnph. If I3orra�v¢r maka�hese paymcnts dimctiy.Uortower shall promptly fumivh io Lcnder reccip�s evidencing 'r tr � j�1�><<���` <br /> -.�'tiK: thepaymems. _, '.lJittt1'tq`�ti} .._ : <br /> �. m,-+�- [ionowenhall promptly d�schnrge nny Ifen which hus priori�y aver ihis Securiiy In:�mmrm unless Dortower.(N ngrces ��� �;4�jfny`r}"��!��-. <br /> .. ,_. t�'i�ti _ in wri�ing�o�he piymem of�he obligmion securcd hy�he lien in a manner acecpia6le m Lender.(b)comes�s in good fniih�he r;%it� y� ���`'���- <br /> , ,-,.,.; licn by,or deL-nds agnin��enforcemem of�he licn in.Icp�J proceedings which in�he Lenderi opinion opemie�o prevem�he L���y� ' ,+ -'' <br /> enforcement of Ihe lien;or(c)securcs fmm the hnlder of�he lien nn agrcemeN sa�izfactory Iu Lender subordinating lhe lien -.,�,':. - <br /> t - t.1'. to�his Secumy Instrument. If Lender de�emiines ihat nny p�n ot the Propeny is subject�o a licn which may mtain priomy � ��-..'-,-.. <br /> �� }.�j�l over Ihis Secumy InswmeN,Lendcr may girc Dono�scr a nolicc idenlifying Ihc lien. dorto�cer sh:dl satisty ihc licn or iakc . y-,". .� <br /> 2�• ' ��+,:� onc or more of ihc nc�ions sct(onh aMvc a�ithin 10 da s of�hc n m of noticc. <br />"'.d..-. ..n�.y7 Y. g'� g ' -���_ �. <br /> ,�.;,��-� :�,: 5. Hmord or Property Insurmim. 6ormwer shall kcep�he improremrnts nu�v exis�ing or hereafter erccted on�he �: -� .. _ - <br /> - Property insured agairo�losx by firc,haaards included within ihe t.mi"extended ro.erage"and any o�her hmnrds,including � � - <br />- �;_;Y.`��� �� floods or flooding, for�vhich Lender rcyuircs insurance. This insurance .hall M maimained in �he antounts anJ (or �hr " . <br /> ,.;,,r • <br />,1.� , •','cc.` eormwla 9/vo irvxra.,rnp,eru . . <br />;;� ., '_"y . . <br /> f <br /> .i� .e.t)'1f, l <br /> �/.- <br /> I i <br /> ,t ;�nZ��,��.l�iC . '_.- - .- •. , _..q _ ':��'iei�;l.i•:'. -. . 'ti l�.dflrf:. s �_ Z.:: -.'d� ' iu�lt.ti_. ,•r. .. . -. <br /> .��IY.�i]t. ,i.�. . . . <br /> _5 =:4.� , - � . .:� • <br /> _"_ _ . . _-_..__. .: :_.__ . . . ., .__' <br /> , <br /> .- 1.'-. - . - ' . ' . . <br /> - �.� .. . '. _ ._ <br /> : 't. �.��. _ . � . . . ' <br /> �'i. 'q.- . . <br /> :��� ' <br /> ' ��4- ((( �. �- .. . . . . . _ <br /> '( . , .. � . - _ . - . . <br /> � <br /> I, � , � <br /> .. . , - . : � <br /> � .: _ <br /> . _ �}. _ _ _ __ <br />