U l . . . _ .; . . _.
<br /> -..: . .. i•_ .. � . ..��1 - � ,�.. . . . . ..._ .: . i —_ _ -- __
<br /> .� . ' ' -._.. _. . �.. . . ...,..... .,: ..
<br /> � .sor���i�l`ill�.__��'a:srs� -.L ....�..W�..��.—_ - _ _ __
<br /> "e":�c ...:.(� .-:_.. ,
<br /> - � 93- �o���.!�
<br /> condemneUon or alxr�eking of uny pan of�ho Prupeny,or tar convcyancc in Iicu ot condemnatlon,urc Aerehy nssigncd and
<br /> ch�ll 6e pald to I.endir.
<br /> !n Ihe evrnt of n�otal faking oP�ha Ropcny,Ihv procceds shnll be nppllcA to tha sams sccurcd by thh Sccurhy
<br /> Insuumm6 whahcr or nai�hen duc,wlih nny exttss pald to fiortower. In�he c��em nf n patlial�aking of�hc Ftopeny In
<br /> wNch Ihc tair markcl vnh�o af�hc Propctly immcdimely bcforo�hc�aking fs a�nnl�o or grcaur than�hc amoun�of�hc sum+
<br /> _ sCCUrcd by tlde Sccndty inalrumml Immcdiatcly bcforu�ha laking,unles�Oorro+vcr nnd Lender oihcrwise agtt�t in writing,
<br /> - �ho sums sccured Ay this Sandty Insimmsnt sh¢II bo rcduccd by�hc unwunt of thc praceJ+mul�iplicd 6p�hc lollowing
<br /> fncqon: (n)�he totel omount of�he sum�uwrcd immediately 6etam�Iw��king,dlvidcd by(6)the tair ma�ket valuo of Ihe
<br /> ---- I'ropeny Immedimety IsPore ihe tnking. Any b�lanee shnll bo paid�o Oorca�cer. In �he e��ent of o psnlal mking ot the _
<br /> -' Property In which�he talr marka vaiuo of�hc Propchy immcdla�cly bcforc�ho mking ia lca,ihnn ihc mnmim of tlw sums � ..,. --.•.. ^.- .---
<br /> seeared Immedintely beforu tiw taking, unless Uorro�ver and 4ender othenvlso ngrco in writing or anles��pplica6le law
<br /> —— � othe�vlu provldes,�he praeede ahall6e opplted m ihe sums secamd by�his Secudiy Ins�mmem whether or noi�ho sums nro
<br /> -— thcnAuc.
<br /> --- If Ihe 1'ropeny is abandonul by Rorto�ver,ar iL afler noiice by LenAcr lo Ilmm�ver�hal�he wnAcmnor o(fcrs to meko
<br /> ----- en eward or sculc e clnim for damages.Dorrowcr f�iis to rcspouQ oo l.cndcr wiihin 30 days aflcr�hc dntc thc nolicc is givcn, -
<br />___- Lender Is amhoflzed to rnllcci and npply ihe proctrda a�itv opuan,titlier to ns�om�lon or rtpair of Ihe Pmpeny ar ro tho
<br />--_--� sumssaurcAbythisSecurilylns�mment.whctherorna�tRendue.
<br /> Unteu 4ecCee and 6orto���er ahernlu ngtee in wrtting.airy application of procced��o princiryal shall no�cxtcnd or
<br />=r�}�� postpa:e the due daa of�ho momhiy paynxn�s rcfemd ro in psrsgraphs 1 and 2 w change�he nmount oEsucA payuums.
<br />===-s�'-°'?� tE. B�icrorraP Nal Released; Forbearance Rr LezrSar lVa1 a 1YaAer. Fixtension of ihe tune for paymeot or
<br />- r•�� modific,tion oFan:ortiza�fon nf the wms securcd by�his Security lnswment gramed by Isnder w any suca�sor in mtercsl
<br />=%�Q•::i� of Oortoner sM1all na opem�e Io relcase�he Iia6ili�y of�he origin:d Dortower or Qorro�rcrS succecsorz in inte�esi. Lender
<br /> '�'��� sAall not M nqui�ed ro commence praccedinge agyns�,ny successor in interesi or rcfnse to euend ume for paymem or _
<br /> - o[hernise malify arr.onizaiion of 1he sums securcd 67�his Security Insltumenl6y rcncon of ony demand mx'e by the original ,_._ _ _, _
<br /> t"`�"���"` ' Uorto�rrr or Oortu�rcrS successors In iNCrcsl. Any forbearance by Lendcr in cxcrcising any right or mmcdy shall no�be a �:,,,
<br />�__.�R`�... .
<br /> _;ir,r�.: walverof nr.�ttclude the excreise of a�ry dgh�or rcmedy.
<br /> ; "•��:'i` 12. Sn.cxmts and_Assigns Qound;3olnt and Severol Li�bilify;Co•signers. The cuvenams and agreemems of this -� __
<br />_i.•:;r:'.-.a.E� �.e'�.�...,.
<br /> - -_- �1,.tr.; Security Inam�mrnt shail bind end benefii�he sucrosson nnd aasigns of Lender nnd 6orto+�rr,subjec��o�he provisions of ��„_..-
<br /> -`"°"'��"�� parngrayh 17. 6urtoweri rnvcnams und ugrcements shall be jolN nnA sereral.Any Borta�vcr xho co-signs�his Securi�y �_.
<br /> 5:,':��,l,f�� h.`:.,.,....
<br /> � ?i .+ix InstrumeN bm does n.�execme�he Note: (n)is cuxigning�his Sewriry Inttasmen�only io mongnga g�am and convey�ha� �';_�.,
<br /> ° -,�.�f Oorro�sert imcresi in�he Property undcr�he icmu o(�Ms Sccuriiy InsuumenL• (b)is no�persanally obligatcd�a pny�hc sums �
<br /> securcd by ihis Securiry InstrumenC and(c),grees iha�Lender nnd any o�her Uortower may ngrce m ezlend,modify,forbear -;;-, ".'=
<br /> i._=, or make any eccommoda�ions wf�h rcgard �o �he �enns of�hi, Secuniy In+uumem or ihc Notc wiihow that RoRmverS ,� -_
<br /> i-�-� rnnscnt. '�-'�°
<br /> x
<br /> - �"� 13. Lonn Ch�rges If the loan xecured hy this Securiiy Insuument is wbject �o a la�v which se�s maximum loan -`'�*r - —
<br /> i 1�r,s'�.; chnrges,nnd tha�laa ix(nally Imemrcied so thm�he imercsi or o�her loan chnrges collecied or�n be colleaed in connec�ion - -,�� ,� �-
<br /> a ��y - ° wiih irte�aan exceea�he pemw�eA iimi�s,�fien: (n)any such fumi ci�a�ge�L�ii w.duc�d C�th:ame�:r.7:::assar:o redaee -} � '�� -�
<br /> s- �Zr�F:_ �he charge m!hr pemiiued IimiC and(b)any xums alrcady eollected from[iorto�ver wiiich crettded pemiined limi�s�rill be f`- S'� ;m-
<br /> � ' :-�;� mfundcd�o I3ortower. l.endcr may chaose m mnke�his rcfund by reducing�he principal o��eA ind:r ihe No�e or by making. �:�'.i1 ..� � r--�;.
<br /> .."�(�C��';;"' dimc�paymem�o Bortower. If n rcfund rcdnces principiL�he rcdur�ian�eill M veated nz a panial prepaymem without a�� _>�.�,:'' -'�:k-�:��F-:..
<br /> - ' -, i�:;�. Pmpayment chargc undcr�hc No�c. AL' ` � -`� A
<br /> „_�_, - � 14. Nolices. Any no�ice�o Borco�ver providrd for in this Securi�y Imtmmem shall be given by e)rlirering it or 6y y+;,V1�z`+�.��;�.�;;_
<br /> ��-�!-,` mailing ic bp firct claas mail unles�npplicable Imv reyuims uce nf anoiher methad.The notia shall be direciM m�he Propeny ! � }-_�; �.
<br /> - - ' Addrc>s or any other nddrc.0 6ortower designaies M1y nolice�o Lender. Any nutice m Lendcr shall be given by f rsi cl:us [ i ��"�-_.-:
<br /> ti� mail to Lendxk address sia�ed hercin or any o�her addnxs Lcnder de+ignmes by noii�r to 6orrower. Any no�ice provided for � - � �
<br /> `� in �his Sccuriiy Insuumem shall bc dcemeJ m hare Men giren m Bomi�vcr or Lendcr whcn given a+ pmvidcd in ihts �,,� f� :¶r
<br /> �� r pnmgrnpL. : � {}.._� � ,.
<br /> "' IS. Governing Lmv; Se��embilily. TLis Saa�riq Immimem shall bc govemcd by fedend law and �hc la�v of the - ;�� -„
<br />,_ ��y.' jurisdic�ion M�vhich Ihe Ropeny is lacnted. In ihe ecrm�hat:+ny provision ur cLmu uf�his Securily Insuumenl or�he Nate ; s - ;�
<br /> con0ias��iib applieable Inw,<uch rnnilici�h�dl nm affeci mh.r provisions of�hi�Secnri�y Insuumem or�he No�e x�hicU ean ,i,, ;�,s�..` ` -'
<br /> �1� M given effrcl wilhoul Ihe cunilicling provision. Tii Ihiy end Ihe provi+inn.of this Se[uril)' In+lrumenl und Ihe NoIC am .M1jl .r;, + :.
<br /> � �>�,r� Jcclnrcd io M xvcrnbla S� � '`��
<br /> .-_ _ I6. Ilorro�tcrk topr. Uurrowcr shnll Ik gi�rn onc confomicd copy of Ihc Ynlc anJ nf Ihi�Stturily Imltumcnl. _ �7 _��_
<br /> i7. 7Yansfer oi 1he Prnperly or n Uene�clnl Inleresl in Rorrox�er. If all or xny pan of�he Prupeny or any imcrcst in � 25-. �
<br /> t K tt��r��� wi�hom t.endertsprar�'urucn c�.em�LcnJ r nu�y:n il optinn,rcquire mim ih clpaym�.m in,fuil of�all,+ums�red by � -`,tr
<br />`ja,.rl��;i�,;.. �his Securiry Insuvmem. However.�hi.up�inn+hall w�Me exerci.eJ by Lender if exen�x i.prohi6i�ed by(cderal Ia�v ac of �„`;j;�.-,`. ;'`�,
<br /> � 5�-:^. Ihe dale of Ihis Securily InslrumenL ° .,�
<br /> .°i p r�.-' If Lendcr ucmises this op�ion.Lcndcr+hall girr Ilortoner no�ia nf acccicr:��ion. 7Lc m,�icr,h:�ll providc a pericd of 1 -;' . .
<br /> ,'";�,:' ., not less�han 30 days fmm�he da�e�he notim i.delirrrcd nr maileJ mid�in�rhich Itnm���cr nm,t p:q�:Jl,um,secur.d by lhil . �. ..x,'-r'� -
<br /> �'�`]i�ni'�i'c�'� Sccudl Inswmenl. If Uorto�scr fail+ lu i lhcu snm. rior lu�hc ex ir:nion nf Ihi.�xrial. Lcndrr mry im�o►e any � � -
<br /> - .�lf.?�c.> >" P•Y r r �,..�.��.`_. ,
<br /> ,ar,,t: . remedies pemiineA by thix Saurity In,wmcnuvithom funhcr nolirc nr Jem:mJ nn 13nrtnwca
<br /> `. jt .- IS. Ilorrmrer's Righf ro Relminte. If Bannaer mc.n cenain ionJi�ion•. 13ortu��rr-.h:dl luvc Ihr righl lo hare ^;°. ..
<br /> v:,..
<br /> �� . enforcemem of this Seruri�y huimmem Jia�ominurd at:m��iime pn�v la the eadicr aL' I.n S d.�y.l�•r.uch nlher priixl a+ . . - . .
<br />=1;: . -::`j • � _
<br /> . - ... .. .. tim}Ie16md�..FanNr\laefrtddir\1ac1'CI!'lIR\II]qRl\IF.YI-Cn�Lam('mcw:n 9AJ �p�cN..Jn��.��n� ..
<br />-. . ,`:�,"rr�
<br />_�`:r.;i:i��'t;` .
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<br /> st i.-�,1-.- - lqY'4e r f J�i�i- B > Ty: -. ,✓ ' ..1.� : �r \�. ` � $ y_ , . ._ . . . .
<br /> q�-{� Y� Sf 1� i ,I Y� .. � � : ' - .
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<br /> ii�J -Y�iy >y,� : �� r .. - . . r : " _ `. -:.-. . . . . _ . .
<br /> �Sr:l Ga_�:� �CILYltS.._ t f � . " _" . _ .f"_--�'�—_ _ " " . .
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