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<br /> --- - pYymenq rtwy ao lon�er oo cequirtxi,�u i�cqniun oi i.crwer, ll OIUII�jiI�C III�UfiUK77 WYCIII]�C��u ie�o wii�uiiui ww�:w w::�:
<br /> �'el_ tlwt L�ender rnguirea)prnvlded by An inaurcr approved by Lender Again ba.omea avr�ilable and is obt�ined. Borrower�hall p�y
<br /> __,�.�,�.. the premiumv�oquired to malnwin mortgage insurance in effect,or w provide a loss neserve.until thc�quirea�ent for utott�a
<br /> � iowno�ce ends iq accordanoe wlth any wdtten�grcement betwecn Borrower ond l.ender or applicable law.
<br /> —:� - 9.lu�pa�lon. La�dor or its agent rr�ay m�Ice ro�conable entnea upon ana m�pectiot�ot u�c rroperry. i.ader�iwii�ive ' -
<br /> � Borrower not3ce at the tlme of ar prlor to an fnspactlon spocifying neasonable cause for the in�pection.
<br /> � 10.Coudemnotlon. The procooda of any award or claim for damages. direct or wnsequential, in wnnoction with ony
<br /> �r- wndemnotion or other taklna of ony part of tht Property.or for convayance in liw of coadannation. ara hereby arsiQned w�d
<br /> •'�"`' chall be paid to Lender. � -
<br /> �=�• Ia Ihe eveat of a totol telcing of the Property,the proceedu shall be applied ro the sums secut�ed by this Secudty Inattument,
<br /> - __ ahether or not then duc. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a panial teking of the Properry in which the f�ir
<br /> ----'��� mruket value of the Prope�ty immedlotely before the takiag ia equal to or greater than the amount of the suma secured by this
<br /> -�`'""'°�'" Sacurity lastcument imn�ediately before the ta�ing,unless Horrower anci Lender otherwise agree in wdting.the sums secural by
<br /> _ ��-:h�` this Secudty Inatnrment shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the follawing fraction: (a)the tutal
<br /> __ -;_��y�`.'� amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divlded by(h) the falr mazket value of the Property immedi�tely .�__.
<br />__ ____ __ � bofoc�e the takinR. Any balance shall be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> =---'F-::;O�':�'� � mazket velue of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured imrr�ediately before the
<br /> --�-"'-':- x : ' taking, unlesa Horrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess applicable law otherwlse provides.the proceEds siwll =__
<br /> �s��,��,�tr' be applied to the suma secut+e�l by thie Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums arc then due. �t
<br /> _ .�s�:�.:aF- �.�.
<br /> --� - -- If d�e Property Is abandoncd by Bornower.or If.after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar offers to make an �-__-
<br /> --`-=�"��%: ."� award or settle a claim for damoges. Borrowcr fails ro respond to L.ender within 30 days after the dete the notice is given, �`
<br /> ..,_�_ ___.. -'s_a�erJ:r��-.,.� ��.
<br /> �*:�;��•;��.; Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option.either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the wtna
<br /> �W"" `-'"'=- eocured by this Sav�ity Instrument,whether or not then due. �''-���
<br /> _ -�n:�'��.�; ` . =__
<br /> _ Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shell not extend or
<br /> ��,�..�r�tr� postpone the due dete of the monthly payments referred to in paragrapha I and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �__
<br /> .�..� ° 11.Borrower Not Released; Forbenrance By Lender Not A Walver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> �'�•� of amoRization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L,endcr to any successor in interest of Borcower sholl r'=�
<br /> - ''��-=-�;` , not operate to release the liability of the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not be requirod to ...-
<br /> - - ��
<br /> �'^��' commcncc praceedings a&einst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amoRjzation
<br /> �--��- �:��•.. of the sums cecured by this Security Instrument by reuson of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's �:."
<br />- �%�,'•. �' ..::.
<br /> �c successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or rerne�y ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the —
<br />- -„�-�',•'_s:Y i exercise of any rfght or remedy. -�-
<br /> "_--F�.,,,--=°�;;= _- 12. �tscc�ssors �nd Assi� liaund; 3oint Rnd �eierAi Lipbiiit�; Ca-signess. Thc covcnants and agrxmenes of tlsis
<br />_.�. �
<br /> �+.8; Secudty Instn�ment shall bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the provisians of
<br />=:;�. " .,. �
<br /> 'R�- ' parograph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security =-•
<br />'v�`? � °�•�� � Instrument but dces nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security [nstrument only to mortgage,grnnt and convey that _ _
<br /> '" ' '�"" Batrower's interest in the Properry under the terms of this Security Instrumenr (b) is not personully obligated to pay the sums
<br /> , r,:
<br /> �r;�t .: " , . secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)agrces that Lender ond any ather Borrower may agree to extend,madify, forbear or �t�•
<br /> ��`� � '� ' make any accommodations with regurd to the termx of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br />.::�i�i� '�' , ,�
<br />` �:��• '�'�'�` 13.l.00n Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt is subJect to u Iaw which sets maximum loan charges, �.,
<br /> `= �`'� and th�t law is finally interprcted so that tl�e interest or other loan chArges collected or to be collected in connection with the �-°
<br /> -- ' •�:��"
<br />--.,,� . �:•:'FF° � loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loon charge shull be reduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce the charge 4
<br />-- -�•� „ �- � � to the permitted limit; and(b)any sumc already collected frcrm Borrawer which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to �".
<br /> - ` ,. Borrower. I.endcr may choose tu make this refunJ by rctlucing the principul owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br />. � ��`, . �� payment to Borcuwer. If u refund reduces pdncipal, the reduction will be trcated es a panial prepayment without any �>�,
<br />��_:�'.; ..
<br /> ;:`=��T�.y � },.„ `�. " prepayment charge under the Note. �:.
<br /> .;"`����_ 14.Nutices.Any nuticc to Borrower provided for in this Security L�strumen�shall bc givcn by delivering it or by meiling
<br /> _ _ - , ry. it by first class mail unless npplicablc law requires use of anothcr methad. The notire xhall be Jirected to the Property Address �
<br /> -�� •• „ or any other addresx Borrower designutes by notice �o Lender. Any notice [o L..:nder shnll be given by first class meil to �
<br /> �`''' � l.ender's addrcss stated hercin or any other address Lendcr designa�es by notirc to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for in this �.,'-
<br /> _ �s•.,.•. ... . -
<br /> Secu�lty Instrument shull be dcemcd to huvc been givcn to Borrowcr or I.cnder when siven as provided in this paragraph. -
<br />: �` �'g`� 15. Governing Low;Severwbillly. This Securiry Intitrumem shull bc govcrned by feJerol law and thc law of the �,�:_
<br />_"�`�`'� '�.� , . '� Jurisdictiun in which the Property is lacated. In the event that nny provision ur clnuse of this Srrurity Instrument o�the Note �
<br /> �. " conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not uffect othcr provisians of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be �
<br /> .� , � �. given effect without the c�mFlicting provision. To this end�hc pruvixions of this Securiry Inswment and the Note are declared �-�c
<br /> � ,' to be severAble. `°ti'-
<br /> •_ 16.Borrower's Copy.&►rrowcr shull be givcn un�eontiinn�til copy�if thc N��tc unJ��t'this Security Instrument. r
<br /> �'.�:
<br />- . . Form 30ze �I�O '
<br /> ' � � '� Pap�4 ot 8
<br /> - ., - -� : .- - - � � ' - .. ..- . �- �.. . , •tn3,,.i��Iili�Y
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