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<br /> .�_�1 is sold or tranefemed(or if A taeneticial intereat in Aorrower is sold or tranaFeRed and�orrowor is nct a natural pereon)widwut
<br /> ,.�_�� Lender'� prtor wdtten wnsent, [.ender may, at ita option, roq uira immediate payment in full of ali sum� secured by thio
<br /> - 3ecuriry Inst�ument.However.this option shall not be cxcrcised by Lender if exercisc ia praMbited by fedcral law�s of Ihe da6e
<br /> of thia SecuritV Instntment.
<br /> � If l.endcr exercises thii optlon.l.cader ah�lt grve Norrowcr noticc oi�xiersuion.'I'fin nu�i��o ssrWil pruvide a pericxi ui uuL �-
<br /> �� less than 30 dayr�from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wilhin which Horrower muet pay all cums secured by this
<br /> . Socudty Instrument.If Borrower fails Wpay thesc sums pdor to Ihe expiration of this period,L.ender may invoka eny remediw
<br /> " Iast ment wlthout fu�ther notice or demaad on Borrower.
<br /> rmitted by thia Secur� ru
<br /> P�
<br /> �Y
<br /> .,:,',�,;;s ,: . 18. Borrower's Wgbt to Ret�tate. Tf Borrower meets ccrtain conditions, Barrower shall have the rfght to have
<br /> enforcement af thia Security Instmmsnt discontinue�l at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days(ar such othcr pertod as �
<br /> � .l�,i.� '' applicable Ictw may spocify for reinstetement) before sak of the Property pursuaat to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> K..�,�;�.�
<br /> -��-:.•7� � Security instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Sccurity instrument.Those conditions are thet Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> '—�r,L:=�. •, Lender all aums which then would be due under this Security Instrument end the N�te as if no acceleration had occurned;(b)
<br /> .:.;�:_,.;• wr�es any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays all expences incurred in enforcing this Secu�ity Instn�ment.
<br /> �.� . . inciuding,but not flmited to, reasonable attorne�s'fees; and(d)takes such action as L.ender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> �_�= thet Ihe lien oP this Secudty Instrument, Lender s dghts in the Prope�ty and Horrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> .��;�~`��.:�� this Securfty Insttument ehall continue unchangeil. Upun reinstetement by Borrower. thia Security Inatrument and the �--
<br /> ��,�•-sr'�'�� ' obligaliuns ecx:ured hereby shall remain fully cffcctivc as if na accelemtiun had occurred. However,thie right to reinstetc xhall �._
<br /> �� ����s��',t ,:� . not apply in the cese of acccleration undcr paregraph 17.
<br /> '��t:.a.�u..;' ,;� 19. Stde of Note; Cbtu�e of I.oAn 3ervicer. Thc Nate ar a panial interest in the Notc (together with this Secudty
<br /> ...� ;, -�= • • Instrument)may bc sold one or more times wi�hout prfor nnticc to Borrowcr. A sale mey result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> -- ��� �' ' as the"Loan Scrvicer")that collects monthly payments due under thc N�te and this Security Instn�ment. There alsa may be one �__
<br /> ....���,
<br /> :-�� -�'.,. . ., :,:r. or mone changes of the I.oan Serviccr unrelated to a sale of the Note.If therc is a change of the Loan Servicer,8arrower will be
<br /> - � A.t'��� given wrltten notice of the change in accordence with paragraph 14 above and applicable Isw.The notice wlll slate the name and
<br />-;��:.�.
<br /> '+� ��` � address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The no[ice will also contein any ather �
<br /> '��'� � .�• inforn�ation required by applicable law.
<br /> `�'. �,� "''` 20. Hnzardous SubsWnces. Bonowcr ahall not cause or pertnit the presence, use, dispasal. storage, or release of any
<br /> � "''"•' Hazatdous Subst�nces on or in the Property. Borcower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> . •�'��� ' property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or - "�
<br /> .. ' storege an the Property af small quantitic.g of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogniud to be appropriate to nortnal
<br /> ° �.;y{.;!k , residential uses and to meintenance of the Property. ---
<br />__'''r; ':�;.;". �� Borrower ahall promptly give l.ender wntten notice of eny invcstigation,cleim, demand, luwsuit or other action by any �r=:
<br /> . ;�; govemmenwl or reRulatory egency or private party involving the Property and any He7ardous Substance or Environmental Law �,
<br /> _ ,,u�,� , of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If&►rrower learns, or is notifial by any governmental or regulatory authodty.that �..
<br />, any removal or other remedfatian of eny Hazardous Substancc affecting the PropeRy is necessary,Borruwer shail promptly takes --
<br /> _ ' all necessary remedial actions in uccordancc with Emironmenlul Law.
<br /> •�-�+ As used in this paragreph 20, "Hezardaus Substanccs" ure thosc substances dc�ned as toxic or hazardaus substances by
<br /> " ° `� Environmental Law and the following substances: gaxoline, kerosene. other tiammable or toxic petroieum products, [oxic —
<br /> � . '„ . pesticides and herbicides, volatile sc►Ivents, materials contuining nsbesros or fornialdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �
<br /> � this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and laws af the jurlsdiction wherc the Property is loceted that �.-
<br /> �. " . " a^ '� relate to health, safety or environmental protection. _
<br /> � � " NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und Lender farther covenent uncl agrce as follows: _
<br /> � a;' tl.AcceleraUon;Remedies. I.ender shwll give nodce to Borrower prior to acceleratlon toliowing Born►wer's breach �;�
<br /> " .. ,, of any rnvenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratlon underp�ragraph 17 unless ---
<br /> �"' Applicable I�w provides otherwise). The natice shall specify: (a)the default; (b)the action requlred to cure the default; �
<br /> - . •� '" (c)a date,not less thwn 30 days frnm the dete Ihc notke k given to Borrnwer� by which the defeult must be cured;And �__
<br /> ' �• (d) tlwt tpflure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the natice mAy result in accelemtlon oP the xums �•5�=
<br />- . • socured by this Security Instrumenl s�nd sqle oP tBe Pmperty. The notice shall ibrther inform Borrower of the right to -
<br /> ��'•••� •�'•�J � retn+slate After acceleration and thc riqbt to brin�a courl action to nssert the non-�xlstence oP A defs�ult or any other W __
<br /> " u'"'`'-� de[ense oP Borrower to aaeleratlon and sale. IP the defAUlt is not cured on or betore the date specifted in the nolice, -
<br /> ' ' Lender, at its optlon, mpyrequire immedtote payment in iull ot all sums gecured by tbis Security Instrument without v'
<br /> " farther dem�nd and may invoke the powcr of salc and any othcr remcdia.w permitted by appliwble low. Lender shstll be �►r
<br /> . �; eatitkd to rnllect�II expense.s incurred in�wrsuin�the remedies provided fo this para�rAph 2l�Including,but not Ifmited �" �
<br /> �..,...,: �,_
<br /> � � `� to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of Utle evidence. =
<br /> ' ' If the power ot sWe Is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice of defeult in each county in whkh Any part of the �
<br />- . ^ Property is located and siwll nail cupies ut such �wlice in tl�e�npnner prescrilxd by ypplicable law to Borrower and to ^'�
<br /> t6e other persong prescrfbed by�ppticsble low.Af'ter the time required by ppplicable IAw,Trustee shall give public notice �°`—��•
<br /> •� rk ° ot sAle to the persons And In the ms�nner prescribed by applicable law.Ttustee,without demand on Borrower, sh�ll sell "�'�
<br /> • ' :�. • We Property at public auclion to the higl�est bidder et the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of :�:�
<br />:. " ;;�, sole in one ur more parcels s�nd in any ��rder Trustec determinc.c.Trustee may postpone salc oP all or any parcel of the
<br /> Property by public announcement at thc timc And piace of any previously scheduled sale. I.endcr or its desiRnee mAy
<br /> ° purciwse the Property at eny sele.
<br /> � Form 3028 9190
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