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<br /> -�,�� S. HY�sltd or !'COpwty lowt'atice. l�orrowei stuUl Icecp tl�o �mp[ovemenw now e�iwing ur i�er�rncr cteciai oa u�c —
<br /> •;�;!'JJ Property inaured o�ainst loss by fire, hazards included wfthin U►e term"extended coverage" w�d any other ha�rds, including
<br /> ���„ t7rads or flooding. far which Lender requires lnsurance.Thia insurance ahall be meinwinod in the amounts and for the pedada
<br /> ���� that Lendcr requin�. The insurance ceRfer providing the inaurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approvd
<br /> ';, � which W�all not be unreasonabiy wici�heid. ii Borruwer i'uiin iu nwiniain cuveruge ik�:ribeii abuva, Len�r nu�y. ri Ixuda'i -
<br /> � �. option,obwin covsrege to protect l.ender's dghts in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All Insuranee pnliciea end renewals shell be acxeptable to Leader and shall include a s�anderd mortguge clause. Lender
<br /> • ��, ' �'wr� shall turve the right to hold the palicics and renewals.lf l,ender requires,Borrower shall prompUy give to[.ender All receipt�of
<br /> � °�`"'' pald prcmiums and renewnl norices.In thc cvent of loss.Barrowcr�hall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier end Lender. � ,
<br /> � - -- I.ender may meke proof of loss if not mode promptly by Borrower.
<br /> =s�a:� ..'._.;,,
<br /> ,��ss.,"�.;,+ Unles�Lender end Borrower atherwise agrec in wdting, insurance praceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> ��-�'"�'�� -•�� property damuged. if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restorationor
<br /> �-- ��`��`�;�'.;�" d repair is not eronomically feasible ar I.ender's securfty would be lessened. Ihe insurance praceeda shall 6e applied to the sums
<br /> .��;�';- •. _ secured by this Se.curiry Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Aorrower abandans the
<br /> - -�--•�,�,_. ,,,.,'.- -,_ property, or does not answer withln 30 days a notice fram Lender that the insurance carrier hec offered to settle a claim, then �__
<br /> — _-�-,:x.,.�.,:�.. . i.ender may rnllect the insurence proceeds. [.ender may use the praceeds ta repair or restare the Property or to pay sums �__f
<br /> -- ':���;.";;.;_.;,�; seiured by this Security Inst�ument,whcther or not then due. The 30-day pe�iod will begin when the notice is given. -
<br /> :___ �;� Unless l.ender and Borrower othcrwisc ugree In writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall r,ot extend or
<br /> - ��!��<<s}�p;; � �_ postpone thc due date of the monthly paymcnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of the payments.If
<br /> -.�-'��-�;`�..�.• • under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender.Borrower's Rght to any insurance policies and pracceds resulting from �--
<br /> � —:�-i';�;'• daitiage to the Property prior to the acquiaitan shall pass to L.ender to tlte extent of the sums secured by thia Security Instrurna►t �—
<br /> ->.t� ..i.;:• . -' - immediately prior to the acquisition. `
<br /> � -•�+,-'`� �:�•� ° 6.Occupancy,PreservAtlon,11�Intenance and Protection oPlhe Property;&�rrower's I.oan Appllcatlon;I.easeholda. �"-r'�
<br /> " • � Borrower shall accupy,establish,and use the Properry as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> -•�--� • " this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrowcr's principal residcncc far at least one year aflcr ��__ _.
<br /> ti i�,; ° the date of occupancy,unless L.ender dherwise agrexs in writing. which consent shall not be unreasanably withheld, or unless �_
<br /> ��^'.. extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond B�ROwer's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the —
<br /> _i: `' ° ,
<br />_ � = � Property. allow thc Property to deter�orate, �r commit wnste on the Propeny. Borrowcr shall be in default if any forfeiture =
<br /> ::� . , ,F`� �.�,�.
<br /> ° L actian or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendcr's�ood faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the �___
<br /> - , Properry or othenvise mt►terially impair the licn crcated by this Security Instrument or Lender's sccurlty interest.Borrower may �=�°-
<br /> ` �,,� "` �� , ° cure such a default and reinstate,us provided in paragraph 18.by cuusing the action or prceeeding to be dismissed with a ruling ���-
<br /> � . Y ' � that, in Lendcr's good faith detcrmination, precludcs forfeiture of the Bonower's ioterest in thc Property or ather matedal ��•`�
<br /> �+r�:..�,�'k,.
<br /> _- _ - .:.�< - - .-; iu,pair�,ient ot the lien creatcd hy this 5ccuriiy Iosttusnent or Lcnder'x �tcurity iaterc;i. 8orrawer aha!! also be in defsnit lf _.__
<br /> �• '� � Borrower,dudng the loen application process,guve mc�terially fulse or inaccurate infornwtion or statements to L.ender(or failed �„
<br /> " . to provide C.ender with any material informution)in connection with thc losui evidenced by the Nate, including,but not limited ���^'�'
<br /> '" ' to,representatians conceming Borrower's accupancy of the ProN+eny as a p�ncipal residence. If this Security Instrument is an a -�
<br /> �I '��� " lcasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with all the provisions of thc Icasc. If Borr�►wcr acquirex fee title to thc Property. the �=`�
<br /> . • .. " leasehold and the fee tiNc shall not mcrgc unless Lender agru:s to thc mergcr in writing. —�°°- -
<br /> � , 'ti 7,Protectlon oP Lender's Righta in the Property.If Bortower fAils to pert'orm�hc covenunts and agrecments cantained in �'-.-
<br /> `' , r,t this Security Instrument.or there is u Iegal praceeJing that mey significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(SUCh as a
<br /> ° .,��•����� procee�ing in bunkruptcy,prc►bate, fnr rondemnation or forfciture or m enforce laws or regulutiuns), then l.c:nder may do and _ �.�_
<br /> , -� •�� pay for whatever is necessary tu protect the vAluc of the Property und Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> • •� includc paying arry sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Sccurity Instrurnent, vupc�ring in court, paying � . .-
<br /> rcasonable attorneys' fces and entcring un the Propeny to mbkc repuirs.Although I.cndcr may take action under this paragraph �_
<br /> �•"x'• 7,I,ender dces not have to do so. „� .
<br /> . E_� ,�
<br /> , o ,y Any amounts disburscd by Lendcr undcr this p�rugmph 7 shaU become additionul dcbt of Borrower secured by this �"��-__
<br /> ^ � Security Instrument. Unless &xrowcr und Lender ugree to other tcmn of payment, thcsc umounts shall bear interest from the ' `
<br /> Y a'� ° date of disburscment ut �he Nutc rute and shnll be paynble, with intcrest, upon n�tice fmrn I.ender to Borrowcr requestfng �_.'��':.:
<br /> y „ payment. ^
<br /> . � S.Morlgage Insumnce.If l.�:nder reyuirecl murtguge insurancc a�a r�inJition of muking�hc loan secured by this Security �-�-?•��".
<br /> � . ' Instrument. Borrower shull pay the prcmiums required to maintain thc mongnge insuruncc in effect. If, for ony reason. the ��':
<br /> ° ' mort a e insurance covera e rc uired b l.cnJcr la x�z or ccu�x �o bc in effect, Bnnowcr shnll u thc rcmiums re uired to �=��=``=
<br /> SB B 9 Y P ' PY P 9 . .
<br /> . , . obtain coverage substantially equivulen�tn the monga�►e insurunce previously in effect, at a rost substantially equivalent to the �
<br /> , " cost to Borrower of the mortgagc insurancc prcviously in rffcct, fram un alternatc mort@agc insurcr app�oved by Lcnder.If
<br /> �• substantially equivalent mortguge insurnncc covcragc is nut avuilublc, Borruwcr tihull pay to l.cndcr c:►ch month u sum equal to `
<br /> � one-twelfth of the ycstrly mortguge insurnnce premium txing paid hy Burrower when thc insuranre cover•rgc lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> �. • be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retain�hese psyments v+ u k�ss reservc in lieu iif nx�rtguge inwranca Lors reserv� '
<br /> . .. Fo�aose �roo i:,
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