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��i j ; U��,R« � � � �p�"�`'" '�' . . y�.,�,�,_� _ <br /> ..:�;;,_1� �:�:► _ - -_ - --�� .__ <br /> F � <br /> :;;��I�.,_�...,...,,�:�.� 91 <br /> =�_�,� -. 10633'� - <br /> � � TO(iETNER WII'H all tho improvements raw or 6ereafter ercctad on tho PropeKY.and ell easemeots�pPPurtenanc�,�s,aad <br /> - ----..... ..� .....�.,..-........ ..�,+ .�ws�t,.... .ti.n .I.n I+s cavemd bv Wf� SecvtitY <br /> ��j fixtu�sa naw or hereafcer a pari ui i:w N�..r...i. �,•• ••.,..•,,•........... .»� .... <br /> +r�_- __ _ _ lnarucneat. All of ihe foregoing is rcfarrod to in thie Se�urity Instrument as the "Property" <br /> _,,;-__•.�m��= BORR.OWFR COVENANTS that Borrower is Iswfully�cieod of the estate hereby cunveyed wul tus the right to gr�nt and <br /> " canvey the Prope�ty ond that the 1'roperiy is unencumberod,eacept for encumbrw�ces of ra�rc1. Ho�ruwer wanar►t��nd wiQ <br /> -=x .,., defeac's geaerAliy iF�c tidc i�ihc i'mP��3's8�n�a!!claiu� ssr��sr�s,s��h�rn auy rocumbranccs of record. <br /> TH[S SECUW'1'Y INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenants for national usc ancl non•uniform covawnts wilh litnited <br /> �o�,,,�y^ � vulatioaa by juricdictlon w constitute a uniform secu�ity instn�ment wveri:ig real property. �--- <br /> �` UNR'ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and I.ender covcnent and agcoe as fwllowa: <br /> -a -�--�'t�� • 1.Fuyment of Prl�xipa) and Iotereqt3 �PaY�t p� L°te Cdar�es. B°nower shail promptlY paY when due the ^� <br /> -- —'��t` ' principAl of aad interost on the debt evider►cod by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. -- <br /> -�-�-'"" r 2.Fbndr ior Taxes aud Ir�surana. Sub ect to a licablc Iow or to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrower ahall pay to <br /> -� 4 �_�`'.""�, J m� <br /> , -���' ` Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Notc,until the Nwe is paid in full,a aum("Funda")for.(a)yearly wxes _ <br /> �""�''''•�-�"'-`'=: and asses.4ments which may attain pdority over thia Secudty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold paymente o <br />��.��.:-� .:' . ot ground renta an the Property,if any;(c)Yearly Mnrard or property insurance prcmfuma:(d)Yearly flood insurence Qremiums. �;;r. <br /> '�r`'��� if an e earl mon e e insurance remiums, if an and(� an suma yable b Honower to Lender,in eccordance wlth <br />_= --.._°,° . Y;O Y Y � 8 P Y; Y Pa Y �--- <br /> ''�""'�`-='�.�� the provfsions of paregraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mongagc insurance prerrduma.These items are called "�scrow ltcros." <br /> _._��_.__... �.: �_ <br />-- ` ..�'�' ". , Lender may,ec eny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed thc maximum wnuunt a lcndcr for a federal y - <br />-�'k� "�" ��' nelated mort a e laan ma uire for 8orrawer's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of �._. <br /> �'? �� 1974 s�s amended fiom time ta time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funda <br /> •�_ r�a,�°��.,�. .,_ _-- <br /> ��� • �+� sets a leaser amount. If su, Lender may, At any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced the lesse�amount. <br /> :7v�ra.•,.. ,._,. E"_"::: <br />--"i Y�' � �� � Leader may estimate the amount of Funda due on the besis of cument data And reasonable e.stimates of expenditures of iuture = <br />