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..;.: y . ' . , . ' - p.. <br /> t -� - - . -. .. . . . - ,. _ - . . r . <br /> . ; . � . 93• a�a��ss �.. , :.R::7 <br /> cot�dcmMtlon ot ahei tilcing ot nry piut of the property.or for ccnveyanta In Ileu of condemnnlon,aro hettby assi�ned u�d <br /> chilt De p�id W lin�kr. . . " ,, <br /> Im.the event of.a taal taking of dw Pryl�iiY, �he pr6ae¢v 6haI166'applleA'io tho anms scarcd bylAls $eCUrily <br /> Instmment,whethec or nW tAsn duq Kitb�ny oxax+p+ld�o BoRpiva�. 1n die event ot e pSnlat taking ol�he ity iq <br /> " , which tAe falr muket vDluo of tAe Property Immedlmeiy Ixfore iho uking Is equal to.qr grtaicr theu�ha ainouN of t sµ�tA <br /> saurcd by thb Securiiy Insuument{miixdietalp betoro tho laking,unlesa Norrower 4nA Lender othcrw�u aprco I��,a•ti�11w, <br /> �he suma cecurcd by Uils Saud�y tnswnxnt Fhal!bo rcduced by�hc umount of tho procccde muliiplieA by�ho q11mYlI�L' � <br /> � lncqon; (w)the�aai�xmount of tho sums ucurcd immediauly 6eforc�he taking,divlded by(A)the fnlr merkct va�4c of fie <br /> . Anpeny immedtatcly beforo�he�aking. Any balana sUali 6a paid ro 6orcower. In iho evcnt of a panial�aking of�ho <br /> ���� Propeny tn which tM f+it marki{�atyo of tlw Ropeny immcdiately before�he taking ia lcsv ihan tho amoum of�i1a sump •�---- -°�-�- <br /> securcd tmmediaaly beforo tha tak6ig,unfes� Bortower end Lender ahenvisc agreo•1��5y1filn6 or unles�epplicabladAw <br /> , o�herwise providee,�he procceds shn116e epplied to Iho sume secured by thls Sceudry Instrpmrm.whether or not�he xums Am <br /> IMn duo. <br /> � If the Propeny is abandoned by portower,or If,nRer notice by Lender tn.Dnrro�ver�hat�ho condemnor o(fors taanPf�o <br /> ; en nward or senie a ciolm Por demages,dortowcr fails io respond to Lendcr wi�hin 30 dnys efler tho dnlo tho noiice fe glven, <br /> I.ender Is authorized to wllect end apply�he proceeds,nt fu option,elther to�rcstnmilon or rcpair of�ho Property�ontn�lho <br /> � : sume securcd by this Security Instmmcm,whether or na ilicn dua. ' ' <br /> Unless Lender and Bortowcr oihttwlse ngrce in writinp�xnyt•npplicatlon of proceeda w pdncipal shnll•npf ox(poA-ot,� <br /> - postpone�he duc daln of the monihly paymems rctcrted lo In pi�nIIm Phe I apd2 or cM1anga the emonnt of sncii,pnymeq4e•. <br /> � 11� Bortower.Nnt•ReleaseQ� Forbearance By I.ender NaFa,Wfllvsr. Catension of t6o �itnn�fnc�pnymonlror <br /> modificapon of omnnirAiinn of tho wm.suured by�hi+Secnrhy-Insin�men46mnled by I,ender to any <br /> � of Bortower shatl�nm.opemm m.rolcase�ho Ilnbility of tlie odpinal Dutro�ydta Bortnrverh auccessore in 6ilorestrLende� <br /> ahall na benq nired to commence pfaceedin6s egainst any suceessar in interes� or refus:a ex�end time tor p�y9ieh:or <br /> - --��- - mhcrwise modify omonbatlon,obl4h sumx securcd by thie Securily hiRlrumvnt 6y rcamn ofa�y demand muda by p�o oriP�ni. _ _ _ ___. <br /> � Rormwer or Qorrower4�succcssom indntarosi. Any fodienrance by Lender in exercising a�y rfgh�or remedy�m1Ur6¢Da e - <br /> watver of or prcclude the exerc(r.e oEnny dghtnr mmedy. -� �:t'�� <br /> -_= 12. Successare and Assipnn Rnnnd;JalnRnnd 5everal UaDiltryi Cu•s!pnere. 'fhe covenante and agrermemsaEtY�Is . <br /> ' Securi�y Insttumenl shall bind•und�6enefit�he succesmre nnA nx�igns of Lender anA Ootrower,subJect to 3Ae pio»si6ns of <br /> �-_="�• puegmpt�,17. Qortower's covounnin nnd ngreementx shnll�6o joutt and severel.Any Borto�ver who co•signs tNis`Sewdty <br /> --'-,�� Insinimen4but does not execmn�hn Nme: (o)Is co-signing thfe Secud�y Insuument oniy ro mortpage,gmnt end comcy that <br />___�yx,� Uorrowcrk intercsi In the Property undor�ha lemis of�his Security InslmmenC (b)Is noi pusonnlly oblipaeed�opay�ha sqina <br /> '=--- securcd by Ihla Securily Inawmenl;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bortower mny ugrce ro ealend,modify,fo�bCar <br /> �x:x.4.•_— <br />_._,_,,_,�, or make any acwmmoda�lons with rcgard to thc tcmts af ihis Securi�y Instrumem or the Note wlihnut Ihat 6ortower� <br /> -°° rnnsem. � - <br /> ;�� '' l3. Loan CAnrges. If�he lu:u�securcd by this Secumy Insuumem is subject to a Inw which scls maximnm lo� <br /> �,��,�� • charges,¢nd�hat law Is finally imerprcied so�ho�the fntercs�or other loan charges collected or�o Iw collecled In conneSRdm� - ;�� <br /> pr,.:- wrti��he ioan eaceca-�ho pcm�incn umiu.�nen: iai nny nuui i�.����hara,Ya�l te rdaced by thc ar,�cua;r,ex::r�to r.�'.::c: ,. ':.- .- - ---- . . <br />�. ,}{�!:�"1�.� �he chnrge to ihe permi¢ed IimiC and @)nny sums already collec�ed from[3orrowor�vhich excceded pcfmiucd limitx�vill,lx.' : - <br /> -:i:� s,- rcfunded�0 6orro+ser. Lender may choase�o mnke Ails rcPond by rcAucing�he principal omed under the Rote ar by mnklnp w- . <br /> ra.�.5. . <br /> '_1:��'�� diRCl pr.ymem�o Dorcower. If a rrfund reeluce,princip�J,ihe rcduciion mill be�mated es a panial pcepaymrnt withotit any <br /> ��`%j1YWi���t.� ptcpaymentchargeundcrthcNutc. <br /> �;.it�yC}a:;i�:;, li. Notices. Any nmim to Bonowcr proviJeJ for in�his Securi�y Inxvumem sBail bc given by delivcdnp It or by <br /> •, x f�;:7:. malling ii by first dass mnil unless nppiicnble Inw rcquims usc of anu�hcr me�lmd.Thc nmice shall he diRCted Io iBc Property <br /> `:. j; ,�,.Y <br /> --;�.S.n:�::-� Address or nny aher uddrcxs Uorrower Jesigna�es by no�ice to Lendee Any nniice to Lender shall be given 6y fim cless <br /> "'%�•`'� � mail�o l.endera addrcss smted hercin or any o�her nddrc.+Lender de+ignntus liy notice io 6orto�ree Any nmice provided for <br /> ��;ii�'y�y�'_' in �his Securiry� Insirumem +hnll he decmed ta hare tKen giren l0 13omn��cr or Lender mhen given as provided in ihlF <br /> j,��G!`ut�. paraFroph. " -:�. . <br /> � 15. (iorerning Lnw; Sererebflity. Thi.Sccurity Inammcro shall 6c gavemed by (edcral Inw anA �he Inw of the -.-, =. <br /> -�f'�r���" urixdiciion In which�he Pro ❑ is Incaled. In the eveni Iha1:m mvi+inn nr chmw of lhis Securii hu�rumem or the Natu � --" "'°' <br /> �e�� ,..� cron0icts wiUi npplicuble law such conllic�shnll not affec�rnher pn vi.iunF nf�hix Securiiy Inxwment ar the Noie which can �- `3t` � <br /> 1�:gi��en effeci +:�lw�t !!:;°^^.^.icti.^.�r:u�i,:o��. Tu ii�i�ena Ihe pmvmnn�ul m�z Security Instrument and�he Na�e an� �';�.,}if n t -... <br /> declaredtobescvera6le. I� e� � i� <br /> ����,��� Ib. Borro�rer'x Copy. borzu��crsh;�ll hc grvcn onc can(ortned vopy of ihe Num and ui thit Securiry Inx�mmem. ��{+�z 1�+ '• <br /> - n. � 7" 'fYaitster of the Pmprrty�r a 6enefciel Interca in Rurrmeee il'all ur mrv pan.�f�ho Ro�nny orany>:in . 'j ��� �e . <br /> rA� �3� �. il is eold or IranxkRed(or if a benefici:il in 13ortuucr i,.old or nan+frmd avd 8orto�ver� x nalural pnwn) �:-, i ,. ._ <br /> 1� . <br /> wilhoul LenJer'.s prior wrinen conxem.L.nder mav,at iu up�ion, reyuire mnneJiale paymim in fi�ll of all rums secumd hy ��; . <br /> ���,, `�.; ihis Security Insuumem. Nowever,ihis npiion.h:�ll not lx exercised by Iwndcr if exereix is prohiAited hy icderal Ime ax o( t ; � .. <br /> :c� ' thc date of�his Scenrity Inswmcm. � i - <br /> � `. .. If Lender exercises lhi+option.Lender�hall give 6ortmcer notice of acceler.�uon. The nnuce tihall provide a�xrinJ nf s'7:'':� i �s �' <br /> ' �•�� not less Ihan 30 days Irom lhe d:ne IM1e nulice i+delirertJ ur mailed o�ilhin���hich Bumm•rr mns�pa� all sam+kcumd b)•Il�le : '^r�; +S r .� <br /> - SCCUrity InswntenL If Bolrncecr fails In pay the�e wnu prior In Ihc ezpi�alion af Ihm perinA. IxnAcr reoy invake any � •`�S� �rt <br /> �-' �� remedies penniued by�his Securily Inswmem u�i�hom funher naiice nr dcm:md nn f3nmm�cr. ���i� <br /> - - 1& Oorrooxr's Righf lo Relnsiele. If Borron�er meen cenain conJi�inn.. Rartacer .hall li:rvr �he ri�hl m hm�e . . - � . <br /> �'�r,�����,.� enfureemem of Ihit Securit}•Imlrumem dixuminueJ a1 :my timr prior lu lhe eadicr oC Lu 5 J:�y�l��r such o�hrr perind ns �.:!�f>•. � : . <br /> � .:.�� y... <br />�- -s.�-."�' SmpleF�md�..flnnie\IneM1'rddle\I.F�t\II�UIH16ti11UA6:\T-lr.m�a�(tnenanl. 9(90ip�c:J..,•nrycn� -'� ,. i,(.-:IL"- <br /> . - , ..1_��. . <br /> . � _ �.,-...'x..�_._,__._ "'"._,....._. .. ., .. . .... .. _ . <br /> . . � . _. . . .. . .5.. . . . ,�f _ _ , . - <br />- {_:. . . - _ . . . . . � _ . . , - . . . <br />.. . �:i.�� . '. .. ;.y[.. • ' ' _ _ �. - . .. . � <br /> . _.. 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