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<br /> �pp11a61a Iqw rti�y spaily for rclnFtetemem)betoro ulo of�he Proprny punu�n�lo any povier o e containaldn fhls
<br /> Secudry InsWmcny or(b)enl ota JudC�m Snforcing thie SeCUrity Insimment 7tioso wndiilone aro thal Hortower. (a)
<br /> �,y� eenae� mi s�m� Wnicn.`�cn wonld bo dua under �hla Saudty Inslrvmcnt and tho Note u It no nadcroAon hid
<br /> occurrcd;(b)cura any dcfa�ait pt nny aher rnven�nb a ogrcements;(c)PRYa ell expenses fncurted in enforcin;this Secuflry
<br /> (nstrumem,Includinp,but na Um1fW to,rcawnablo euomeyi'!e�e;end(d)wkea cuch oc�lon as I.ender may rcnsonabty
<br /> rcqu�ro ro assuro thet Uw Ilen otthle Securiry InEwnxn6 Lenderb r1gh1�In the Property nnd Bottower§obligation lo pey tho
<br /> sums ucurcd by tl�l� Secudty Inslrtimenl �hnll wminuo unchnngcA• Upon rcinsiaicment by Bortowcr, thb Secudty
<br /> Inummenund the obllgallons seCUred herq6y sratl rcmTln tully etfadvo aa if no accelemHon had occmrcd. Nowevcr,thla
<br /> dgh�ro rcins�ata shail no�eppty in tlw case of accelcmtian�mAer pumgraph 17.
<br /> "' —"" /R &b oP Nokj Cbtm�e oP lu�n&rvker. 7hc Nole or a partinl imerest(n�ho Noto(wgc�hcr with Nis Sccudty
<br /> inatmmcm)may Do soid one or morc Qmw wl�hom pdor noNw ro Bortowcc A seio mny rcsult In a changa In ihe eNity c
<br /> (luawn of tho"Loan Servicer')�ha�colicets monthty paymenla duo under tho Noto und this Secudty[nswment. 7hero elso
<br /> may Do one or moro chengcs of�ho l.onn Scrvlccr unrclalcA lo u saiu of cho Noto. It thcru le n cM1anga of�ho Loan Scrvlcer,
<br /> Bortowcr will bo givcn wdncn notice of tho chnngo In accordancc wi0 paragroph 14 ebovc ond appIicablo law. 'Itio naice
<br /> wlll s1a1e�he namo and udJmu ot lho now Loan Scrvicer and�ho addrcss to whicb payments shouid bo mado. 71ia miiw wlll
<br /> aiso conmin nny ocher infortnetlon rcqufrcd by nppllcabio inw.
<br /> - 1A. H�zardouv Substances. Dorrower shnll not caux or pertnit�ha prcsenco,use,disposal,slorago,or relcase of my
<br /> Hereruou�Substnncce on or in U�e Propehy. Qortower shall not do,nor allow onyono efu to do,uny�ing effecting the
<br /> Pmperty tha�Is in violetlon of any Rnvironmental Lnw. Tho preceding hvo sentences shall not appty to�he prcsence,uso,or
<br /> sroroge on tho Propeny ot small quamitles of Hazetdoue Suhatnnces�hm ero genemlly recognlzed�o bo eppropdaro to nomial
<br /> ruldential uses and to maintenance ot�he Property.
<br /> --- Oorrower shell prompUy givc Lendcr written noda of any inves�igution,claim,demand,lawsuit orothcr acNan by any
<br /> -- govemmcmal or regularory agency or prive�e p.vty involvins�ho Propeny und any Nazerdona Substanw or Cnvlmnmomal
<br /> -- Law of which Dortower hns acmni knowiedgo. ff Borrower Icams, or Is noU�rA by any govemmentnl or rcgula�ory _
<br />-��5���.� authodty,thnt any rcmoval or o�Acr mmediation of any flazerdons Substance a(kcting 1ho Propeny Is nccessary,Bortower
<br /> --_.:;a�r,-:,; shall prompily teke aIl neccssary remedial nctlons in accordnnco wi�h Environmemd Lew.
<br /> As uud In Ih(s puagmph 20,"Hazerdous Substances"nre those subsmnces defined as roxic or hazardoue aubsronces by
<br />���' T;p_.,`}:: Fnvironmenml Law end tAo following su6stnnces: gasoline,keroseno,oiher tlarnmabla or toxic petroteum producu,taxie
<br /> -_,:i,. �. pesticides end herDlcidea,volaiile soivents, mnturials contnining usbesms or fomialdehyde,¢nd mdiaacdve matedals. Ae
<br />� - used In this paragraph 20,"GnvifonmeNnl Lew"means kdcml laws and Inws of thc juflsdicllon when.Ihe Ptopeny Is located
<br />--�.;:''.'-�-�.����i Nat rdate ro health,sa(ery or environmcmnl proiection.
<br /> ; -�i�:•.
<br /> '-�s NON•UNIF'ORM COVFNANTS. Oortowcr anA I.endcr Ponherrnvcnant und agrce es follows:
<br /> :�;`;; 21. Acceleretlon;Remedtes. Lender shnll glre nolice to Oorrower pAor to accelerotlon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> �•�'a�t;_'F:;:<:. bmsrh of any covenant or ngreement In this Secur�ty[nslrumeat @ut not prlor lo nccelerptbn under paragraph 17
<br /> � --���_• anles+appflcuble Iaw providcs otherwtse). The notice shnll spedfy� (a)Ihe defauil;@)Ihe acti�n rcqulrtd to cure ihe
<br />�'"'�'�"'� deteult;(c)a date,not less then 30 dnys hom Ihe date the notice 4s given ro[torrowep by whlch the delault must be
<br /> � � _;.
<br /> -':;:�- •w�i�+�d i�i�onl.wtuR io eu�e�Ge dda�li an oe Gefar.tF�a detx;pcziR�f:tF..ratk:mag r�ult!rs:ead:rl:ort a! -. ...---- -
<br /> -�'��''_`;�;-,�; �6e smns secured by this Seaucity Instrument und snle ot the Property. The notice shall Nrthcr In[orm Boroower ot
<br /> �`:•:,:';;,;: the rlght to relnstote after aoceleratlon and thc right[0 6ring a courl nction to wser7 ITe non•existence Mp detault or
<br /> °:.�;;.,_F any other de[ense ot Borroe�er b aceeteretlon nnd sela R�he defeult is no!wred on or be(ore the date specilted In
<br /> lhe notice,I.ender at Its opqon may requlre Immedlate payment In Nll o(e11 sums secured by thiv Seturity Instrumenl
<br /> y.�r - f;. xithout Nrther demand and mey tnvoke�he power of snte end any other remediea permitterl by epplicablo Ipw. -
<br /> � !.{�p�^�� Lender shall be entfqed to collect eil expenus Inwrrcd In pursuing the remedies prodded in thls paragrap6 21, ��--_�—�
<br /> ,� r +(.1'� Iodudtng,Autnotlimitedto,reasonnbteattomeys•fewunAcosisolNlleevidenca ^r,,;,.�-�
<br /> - It tAe power of snte ts Inroked,7Yustee ehull record a iwtlee of deteult in cnch county fn which ony pnrC of lhe , �7S-���
<br /> z - - ,.�� Property b tocnted nnd shnll moil mples o(such notice In Ihe manner prescrl6cd 6y epplicablc law l013orro»�er nnd to ,.�>� _
<br /> ' -7i �'� the oiher persons pracrlbed by opplicable law. ARer the tlme required by appllcable luw,7Yustee shnll give publSC ,a`�. ,� �� t -,:
<br /> _ y}r•:�` notice olmie!o the persons nnd In thc mnnner prcaedbed by oppllcnblc law. 'fYustee,wllhout demnnd on Borfower, - i. . -'
<br /> �� ' �� s6ai1 seil the Property a�puhlic ouction�o Ihe hlghest bidder al�hc tlmc nnd ploce and undcr Ihe terma deslgnnted In i.l�, t ' `-�
<br /> , Ihc noticc otseic In one or more purcels ond In ony ordcr 7tastec determines. 7Yuslee mny postpone salc o(efl or aqy '�,,, ,`1yt �'��
<br /> _-:� porcel of�he Properly 6y public nnnouncement et thc tlmc nnd pincc ot ony prerlously scheJuled sela Lender or Itv ' :, �i � � i'`_.,t,�
<br /> designee may purchose the Property nt nny wte. -, " � > ;r _.
<br /> Upon receipt ot puyment ot ihe price bid,Truriec ahnll dcliver to Ihe purchnser 7Yuslee's deed rnnveying p�e - � ,� �,�.s��v •�
<br /> i °�--� Properly. Thc recilels In Ihe 7Yu�lec's dced ahnll bc prLun facic eHdencc ot�he 6�ulh u!Ihe slntements made Ihcreln. ,�. r�..,.
<br /> •.•,,:�•G` 7Yustee shall npply the praceeds of the snle In the following order. (e)to nll cosiv xnd expenses o4 exerc6ing the pox�er ,�i�}�,�?;...
<br />- ��,, : ,. ..i;"
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