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<br /> pe�lada that Lender rcquiroa. The Inxuronco cartler providing the insurence ehuil Da ct�li'fy Bortower subJect lo LcnAerb
<br /> epprov�l which sh9�1 na b0 unrea+onubiy whhheld. If Borrowtt falls�o malnlnin covonga desctlbeA abore,I.ender may,➢1
<br /> Lcndqtioptlon,obtain coverago to pratat Lcnderh righieln iha Propeny In qccordanco wlih•paraBnWi 7•
<br /> All insuraneo policles and renewnis shnll 6e nccepIabie to I.cnAci and shall includo a alqodard mongage clauso. Lender
<br /> ehd11 Aavo tho flghl to hold iho policica and renewala If l.enAcr requircs,Ilorroxrrshnll protnp��Y 6��c�o i.cndcr 811 rttYlpte
<br /> of pald premlums wid rcnewnl no�ices. In ihe evcn�of loss,Oortowcr sfiall give prompt nnNr.o to thc insurnnw cartler und ��
<br /> I.endpr. Lcndcr m,ry.mako proof of loss if not mndo pro�np�iy b�Aorrower.
<br /> Onlesa Lcnd:r nnd Bomower o�6crniae agree in writing, nAUmnco procceAs shnll be upplicd to rcsiom�lon ur rcpnir ot
<br />-___� �ta Prnpcny damaged, if iho rcstoration or rcpair le economlcalty fensibic nnd I.enderb sewd�y la na Icssened. 1f the
<br /> resromilon or rcpUr is not economicnliy kncibla or I.ender§uwrhy would be Ieucned, �he insumnce proccede shail be � � � - -�
<br /> appNed Io�ha sums securcd by �hls Sccudty Imlrummt, whe�hcr or nm �hen due,whh any excess paid to Bortower. If
<br /> Rortox�er nbandons tha Propeny,or doce not anawer within 30 dayv a nmice f�om Lendor �h:+t �he Insuranw carder hts
<br /> otfertd io seltle a c�aim,�hen Lender mny collec�tho hisunnce proccals. Lender mny use tho proceeds to rcpalr or rastore —
<br /> -- tho Ptopeny or ro pay sums sccurcd by thl.t Socudty fnstrument,whe�hcr or not�hcn duo. 'iho 3Uday pedod wfll bcgin when
<br /> tho nmicc Is givcn.
<br /> — Unless Lender md Dortower olhenvise egme in�vriting,nny eppIication of proceeds�o princlpal shall not eatenA or —_.--_—__
<br /> pos�ponc iho duo dato of�hc monlhly paymcme rctemd to in paregraphs I nnd 2 or clmngo�hc amount ot tho p9ymcnlF. If
<br />�-- under paragraph 21 the Propeny is ecqnired by Lender. Dorto�verh dght ro any inxumnee policies and procuds n:sulling
<br /> `""� Gom damage�o ihe Pmpeny prior�o�ho acqulsition ahall p.us to Lende�w�ha ealem of Ihe sums securcd by Ihis Secn�ity
<br />__ = Insnument(mmediatelypriorlotheacqufsition.
<br /> ____ G Occupancy, Preservaqon, Ffalntmsnce end Protectlan oP the Propertyc Bnrrower'e Loan AppllrqNnn�
<br /> --_— Leaseholde. Bortower shall occupy,rstablish,ond uu�he Property as 6ortonerb pdncipal rcsldenca within sixty dnys nRer
<br /> — the exau[ion of this Saurny Insuument and ahall continue ro necupy tho Propeny us Dortowerb pdnefpal rcs(denre(nr at
<br /> _--�— Icaei one ycar elle� �he date of occupancy, unless Lendcr a�hernise ugmce in wri�inp, which consen� shull�noi be --
<br /> =`-?� anrcasonably witAheld,or unless exlenuming circums�ances exfs� whfch are boyond Oortowerb conlrol.. Bortowe�shall nol
<br /> -- destroy,damngc or impiir the I'ropeny,allow�hc Propeny to detedomtc,or commit wusic on tho Pro n.crty. Uortower shaU
<br />������"ri� be In defaul� if any fodeiwrc action or proceeding,wheiher civil or criminnl,is begun thm in Lender6 good fal�h Jndgmeni
<br /> �� could rcwlt In farfeitum of ihe Propetty or olhernise mntedally impair �ho licn cmaled by thia Secudty Insuumenl or
<br />--'"�'�� Lenderh sccurity intercs�. Dorto��er mny cum such u defnult md rcinstate,os provided in p.rasreph 18,by causing iho ecHon
<br /> �''�"��� or proaeding�o be dismissed�vith n�uling�ha6 in Lendark good fahh deicrtninailon,prcciudea(odelture of ita Bartawerb
<br />'���"�� Interest in Ihe Ropeny or o�her malerinl impalmwm ot�he lien crealed by thls Securi�y Ins�iument ot LenJer§sewrity
<br /> interos�. �orroaer shall also be in defaul� i( 6urta�ver, during �he lonn npplfca�ion proccu, gave materlelly felw or �
<br /> inacwra�e Informntion or s�atements w Lender(or tnitcd m provide Lcndcr wiih nny mnmrial infomiation)in coMeStlal with .
<br />-,.;�.;`-.; �he Ioan evideneed by the Noee, including, but not limited io, reprcsentntians coneeming Iiortowerb occupanoy of�he
<br /> Pmpeny es n principal rcsidenee. If�his Security Instnimen�is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply w(�h ull No pmYftlons �
<br />,;'.:,;;,: .
<br /> of�he lease. If Oortower ncquiras fee tille to�he Propcny.�he Icaschold nnd Iha ke�itle shall no�merCe uniess Lertder[btces � .,. .
<br /> 1��_ lo lhe merger In writing• . - - - '` 1;,. ... .. .. -......
<br /> � , 7. Protectlon o(Lender•s Rlghts In the Property. If Rorto�ver failx to perform the coecn�,itx"r}ad agrEe�nedta �i r� '
<br /> - coninined in this Sewri�y Incnumem, or �hert ix a Iegnl proceeding �ha� may dgniflcantly aftect I.opAerS dgAla'i�ihe s'� -`.-
<br /> ,�,�� Propeny(such as n proceeAing in bankmp�cy,pmbate,Por eondemnation or forfcimrc or to enforce lawa oF regulation�y,i�lh-_ j.;•..
<br /> Lender mny do;md p.ry fot��hntevtr is neceu�ry�o pro�ec��he value of the Prop.ny a�nA Lendetk dghls!n Iho pro�erty. • �� �•
<br /> Lendert acltons may inclnArµ�ying any swns cecurcd by a lien which hns pdod�y over this Seturiry Insuumenl,appealin$' - '
<br />:-:;,�%,:� in coun,prying rcasonahla nuomeys'tcrs nnd emering on ihe Propeny ro nmke rcpairs.Allhougb L.ender may teke aetion
<br />.,.,,: ±': undcr�his paragraph 7,Isndcr dcex not hnvc�o do so.
<br />- �::;� Any amoums disbursed 6y Lender under�his paragr�ph 7 xhall becomo nddi�ionnl debl of Dorrower securcd by Ih(s
<br /> Securi�y Inarument. Unlers 6orrowcr nnd Lender ngrcc�o o�her tertns of p.rymcn6�heac emouNS ahall bcar INCrcsI from�ho
<br /> -- dme of disbursemem m�he No�e r,ue nnd shnli be paya6le,with imercs4 upon noiice from Lender to 6orcower rcques�ing
<br /> •::::� p.rymcnl.
<br /> '��'' 8. Mortgxge In�urnnce. If Lcnder rcquircJ mongage inxnrance sr a condiiion of mnking�he Iw�n stturcd by�hts
<br />��?������ Securit lnsimmcm, Donowcr xhall y p � g g y
<br /> -,;a:. Y V� ���c nmiamc rc�uired �o mnimain�hc mon n c insunnce in effect. If, for nn
<br />- --�-f� reason.ihe monguge insunnce coveragc rcquircd by Lender lapus or can<e� m be in e(fect. �onotiver shnll p.ry �he �;,�,,,..
<br />- F:i'� prcminms mqnircd to obiafn covenge .nBs�amially eyuivalem to ihe mongnge in.ur.mc. pn:viuusly in et7ect, m a eosi F_r3;p-..
<br />-•--y���_, snGsiamially cyuivalem�u�hc co.��o Rorrowcr of�he mong:��:c insnr.mre previously in eflcc�,from an altema�e monRage E'r.'S"r..°,�:;
<br /> 4-'.� insurcr approved by Lendcr. If vuhs�ami�dly eyuiv:dem mnng;igc imur.uu�coveragc i<not nvuila6lc,Dartowcr shnll pay io + {�•-'- -_
<br /> Lendcr cach momh n sum c�ryal Io onc•m�cllTh o(�hc ycarly mongagc incurancr pnminm being paid by�orto�vcr whcn�he � >� :-+.11�F -:
<br /> inmmitce cmeng.lap.ad or ceaud�o lu in e(fca. Lrnder u�ill acccp6 u,e.mJ rctain�hese paymem.:�s a locs rcxen•e in lieu ' :i w - -
<br /> t!�- af morlgage inwrance. Lasc reuree paymeni,nvq•no Inngrr he nqnired.at �he upliun of Lender, if mongage insunnce - !r:. � F� ..
<br /> - Coverage(in Ihc amounl ard(or Ihc periid Iha�Lendcr rc.{uirt.)pmvidM hy.m in.umr approvcd h)•Lcndcr again bccomcs '�� t - Y��'�
<br /> -_ �,:� �rvailnble and is oMained.Borto�rcr>hail pay Ihc pnmimny mquired lu mainlaim m�ngage imurann in cfrcct.or la pro��idc a ' ")�:, '.'�•n . •
<br /> loss rexe�ve.unlil Ihe rcyuircmenl for mangage inwranre end.m ncconlanre i��iih an��x�riurn:�greement M��reen I3urrox�er '",i:•..':�.!,..�.�:>,,.:
<br /> _ _�� andLcnderorapplicablclaw. � .- '•�i;
<br /> � r:�>� 9. Inspeellon. l.ender or i�s agem may maAe na•onabic emrrc.upnn anJ inyk.�inm u(�he Prop.ny. Lender.h:dl . ..Z.:�.
<br /> gi��e 13otrower nolicc anhc lime af or pnnr lo.m in.�x�lion.�kaifymg rea.ond6k iau.¢lar Ihc myw.lioa '�:. . . .
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon. Thc nxced.of an nvard nr daun for Jama a d�reu or con.r ucmLd.m conncclion���i�h:m - �:° � -� .... .
<br /> ..c,- .-: P 7; b'^• 4 Y' - �. .q. �
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