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�Ft � •-`� - _ _' <br /> r < _ _ . <br /> x� � - _ <br /> —�„' t'� --°-'- --` - � <br /> �r <br /> -t F <br /> �J.� <br /> �A3' �o"r�J `. <br /> 70CiBTt{UR WITfI all�he improvcmrnu now or hercalter eratW on iha pfoperty,mA all caumente.ippunon�na�, <br /> wd flxWrca now or heresiler a p!n o!tha propenY. All rcPtactmeme nnd�dAlUons shall elso 6a covercd 6y thie Secudty <br /> In�wment.Ap of�Aa forcgoing Is rcferted�o in�Als Secudty Inswmen[�u�he"Propeny.' <br /> BORROWt3R COVBMAtJ7'9 thnt Bortower le lawfully xlsed of tha esiato heroby conveyed and has tho dght�o gnm <br /> end cenvoy�he PropCny end�hat�ho Propeny la unencumbercA,exapt for encnmbnncra of rccord. Bortower wartanis erM <br /> wlil defcnd g�r.rally iha titlo to the Propeny agnins�all claim�end Aemnnds,subJat to nny cncumbranas of rccord. <br /> THI9 3BCUAITY INS77tUA16NT combina unitomi covennms for naUonal use end nnmunitomi wvenante wl�h <br /> ._;,z_-.-, limhed vvia�one�y JudsdiUlon toconsiimm n unifomi secudty 1nslrumeN covedng rcnl propeny. <br /> UNIF�ORM COVBNANfS. 8ortower and l.ender covenam end egrco us follows: <br /> 1. P�yment ot Pdnctp�l rnd Intensly Prcp�yment�nd Lrfe Chargn. Borrowcr Rhall prompiiy pay when duo Uw <br /> princlpal of end intcrcst on tha deb[ovidenccd by ihc Noto and uny prepayment and luto cherges duo under�he Noto. <br /> 2. Nnda torlYxea and Inwranca SubJat ln appIicable law or to a wdttcn waiver by Lender,Bortower shall pay�o <br /> Lender on�ha day momhly paymenls are duo unEer�he Noie,until�ihc Noio is paid in NII,e sum('Mnds")for. (e)ycar�y <br /> taxa nnd assessmtnu whlch mny ottatn pdodty over�hla Saud�y Insirument as e Iicn on ILo Propeny;(b)peariy Iestchoid <br /> _ --� �aymenis or ground rente on U:o Propeny, ff uny,(c) ycarly hazard or propeny insurence premlums; (d) yeazly Aaad -�- - .-------� <br /> nsurnnco prcmiumx if any;(e) ycarly mongago Insuronco prcmlums, if eny; end (� eny sums payable by �ortowet to <br /> — L.ender,in eaordanco wl�h the provisions of p;uagraph 6,in Iieu of�ho paymem of mongage Insurance premivau. Theso <br /> ° - items ere called"4'xrow Iiems." Lender may,at any�ime,coilect end hold Mnds in an amount not to exceed the maximum <br /> -_.°�o emount a Iender for e federelly related mongage loan may require for portowerS ascrow accovnt under�he federel Reai <br />-__--'_— 6sialo Settlement Flcecdurce Act of 1974:ss amcndc4 from timo to Unr:, 12 U.S.C.8 2601 ei xq.("RfSPA"),unless enother <br /> -F�� law that epplies�o tAe Phnds se�s a Icsser amount. If:o,Lender may,et any�ime,collect and hold FLnd�in an emount not to <br /> �.;��:�� oxcced tho Iesser emount. Lender may esNmate tM1c nmount of Wnds due on�ho basis of current data and teasoneblo <br /> �si�� estimntes of expendi�urcs of Pomru Pscrow Rcros or othenvise in accordance with epplicable law. - - <br /> 2F ",�� 71re f§�nds shall be held In en instilutlon wAou deposits nrc insured Dy e fedeml egency, inswmentality,or entity <br /> t t � (lncluding Lender,if Lender la such en instimtian)or in eny I'ederal Homo Loan 6ank. Lender sAnll eppiy th:['unde�o pay <br /> `�`-��` tho Pscrow]iems. Lender may nol chuge Bortower for holding and npplying �he ILnds,annunliy enalyzing Iho ucrow <br /> �-;;;�ri„� accoun6 or verilyfng the Fscrow I�ems, uniess Lender pays Dorrower intercst on �ho [Unde end epplicable taw permlts <br /> . °.;y�Frr, Lender to make such n chr,rga Ho�vever,Lender may rcquirc Dovower w pay e one•Iime charge for an independent real <br />-•��ts;`-%+;Y asteto enx rcporting service used by Lender in connaiion wi�h�his loan,unless npplieabla law providea o�h.nclw. Unless en <br /> -'qe�� ngrcement Is mnde or appticnblc law rcqvires imercsi�o bc paid,Lendcr shal I not be nx�uired to p�y Oortowcr ony imeresl or <br />�"��h�i"�r: eNnings on tho FLnds. 6orto�vc�and Lendcr mny egnx In�vrilinp,however,thut inlercst shnll ba paid on 1ho ILnds. Lender <br /> " ��`�' shall givo to Dofrower,wf�hou�charge,an annual naounting of tl�e ILnds,showing emdils nnA debiu to tha I§�nd+end d�o <br />�`��".:,�l;��;�- pwposo Por which each debit to�he FLnds�vas made. The f�nds ere piedged as eddi�lonal secudty for ell eums seeurcd by <br /> - -i'-" �hisSecudryinstmmem. <br /> .- .� '=_ if�c Punds held hv Lender excced the a�noums pemilned to ba hcld bv auolicable law. Lender shall eccount ro <br /> ` ��"f`�`�� Rorto�ver forlhe excess Funds in eccordence wi�h ihr rcquircmems of opplicnble Is�v. If tM_artwunl of the Mnds held by . � �- -� <br />�---�-���ai;�� L.ender a�au �imo Is nol sufficicnt lo n tlta Exro�v Items when due.Lcndet tn so notif DoTroe�tr In wdtln end,in <br /> ;;'a;.c..:4 Y P Y flY Y S� <br />�.��_i7��'t1;iip;;.� such cxso Bortower shnll pay to Lendcr ihe amoum necessnry m make uQ�he dcficieMy. BoTrowir ahall make up �h: <br />.,t;'j{{J_��- deficicncy tn no morc�hen twelve monihly paymems,et l.ender's sole discrc�ron. � . <br />` �d✓��%S'�. Upon p,rymem in NII of nll sums securcd by�his Secnrity tnswmem,I.ender shall promplly Rfund to Bonotver any <br />--:;;-$Z�4.����� I•Lnds hold by Lender. IG under pvagmph 21,Lender shail ncquirc or sell�he Property.LenCer,pdor to Ihe acquisition o� <br /> _ zr;,,{� sele of U�e Propeny,shall apply nny Ponds hcld 6y Lendcr nt tM1r time of acqufsi�lon or sale as n credit agalnsl Iho sum+ <br />:'=�'��a!?,;;`, secumdb �hlsSecud� Inswmenl. <br /> ..,,,,f�j;r, Y Y <br /> _;,,. ,��� 3. Appllcation of Poyments. Unlesc opplinAte law provides o�henvise,nll paymems rcceived by Lender undcr _ . <br /> '-�.:,��k.;!� pnreg'aphs I and 2 shall bc npplled:firs6 ia any prcpaymcm ch.vga duc undcr thc Notc;ucond,to emounls payeblo undcr <br />_,�;:y:',.`4,, pnragraph 2;�hird,to imercst duc;founh,m princip�l duc;and lac6�o any late chnrges due under the Note. <br /> - ..� `; � 4. Chnrges; Llens. 6orto�rer shnll pny all iaxes, iusessmems, charges, fines and impositlom auributnble to Iho _.__ <br /> ��-;�'��s''�t� Pfopeny which may attain prioriry over ihis Sceurity Insuument,and Ieasehold paymenis or ground mms,if eny. 6ortower -----� <br />� " "*s°�•� ehall pay tlrese obligations in t6c mmncr pmvided in pamgmph 2.or if na�paid In thm manner.Ilortowcr shnll pay Nem no �` . . <br /> �i '' flmc dimc�ly m�he persa�oieed paymem. 6orrmrershnll promp�ly fumish�o Lcnder all noticcs of nmaunts to bc paid undcr �� _s, <br /> �,' this pamgmph. If 6orrourr makes these paymems di�ectly.I7ortower shnll prom{�ly fumish lo Lender receip4n evidrncing ��{}y <br /> '1 - thepaymema. t� _ <br /> � : Oorto�ver shnll prompdy discharge nny lien which hns priority over Uiis Security huwment anless Bonower.(s)ngrca ` j-�,�;, - - <br /> � j �- in writing to ihe payment o(�he obligation securcd by�he lien in x manner uccep�able to Lenda:(b)comests in good faiih ihe ��:i '�S(�"���j;?q�_' <br /> ,�}s�Y �: licn by,or defends ogains�enfomcment o(ihc licn pnxceJings which in�he Lendrr<opiniun opera�c io prcven�ihe 3t.i�, w �y�}-;: <br /> -'�s- S .-_ enforcement af�hc lien:or(c)secumx from�he hnider of�he licn nn ngreement sa�islac�ory m Lendar subordina�ing�he lien ��'r� � �A�.`�t ,,; <br /> `:- �.?�� ta 0is Secumy Instmmem. If Lender de�ermin.s�ha�nny part of�he Pmpeny is subjec�m a lirn which may auain pdority �t�.1Q.r, ,tl_-.',;5;;� <br /> ,y,. over this Sccuri�y Instrumcn6 Lcndcr may givc Dortower a nmice idemifying�h.lien. Uovo�ccr sh:Jl satisfy th,lien or take ' _. q '�� <br /> one or more ohhe ac�ions xt fonh a6ove�vi�hin 10 da��.of Ihe giring of nolice. ,� � ^'' <br /> _ 5. finz�rd or Properly Insuranre. Qortoorr shcJl kecp�he improvememx now exiseing or hemaRer erccted on the p��' _ ���ts�•- � <br />- Pmpetty insumd ogainst bss by fire,hazards included within thr term'extended aroremge"and any o�her hazvds,indudinR <br />, :�•�:'.' ttuods or Oaoding, for which Lcndcr requircs inw�ancc. Thix insu�ancc shali M mainlaincd in Ihc amouNS and for Itn � • . <br /> a. " _. <br />.• - Porm JOSB W90 INF�I.•fbryAr�l . . <br />. ' - r . .__ <br />. -' '.-.�--v-r,...7_�__....__'_': "_'__""..:_'_'_'"" ._"__ '". . .. . ' . _ — _"_ .-' .- _ _. -._ ._ . ..- . <br /> - .... . . �._�.. �.. .. . . <br /> _ <br /> . - ...3_ _ . . . . . . . , . . <br /> _�;Z .' _ � ' . ' . , �. <br /> �=;ti.�' _ :. . - _ . _ -_' _ - _ <br /> - i�.. , . - . . .. � - - - � - - - . <br />� . ' ' . . . ' . .r' . _ �L ., - <br /> n ` .� . _ � ' . � . ` . . , _. ... - - . <br /> . '.�. _.-. '.' . ,'. - . . , . , <br /> , -. � �..�i . <br /> . . ' . � . -,-_ . � . • <br /> . F <br /> ,� <br /> r. ' � - ...- ' � . '� - � .. - - � - .- ' _._3 .__ _�:. <br /> ..�, , . � . _ . .. ..� . _ . . . _ _ . _. <br />