<br /> ,;r . .,
<br /> � '
<br /> ' � conAmm�aitbnarWherukin�PFAn�rpulof�hePruyertY.alaconYeyyr�oeintieuotcondemnatlo°rol rc YiuslynMUM . ��
<br /> s4nlY.�p�ld�ot+enckr ,
<br /> ' ik.tha<vent oF��aot.l�k(n ;bt lhe Nvpsny,� �ud� �ha11 ba opplttd to�he dumi ucu�ed by.thl.9 ^µCgudty
<br /> Giauumsnr:whqQtu w nqt(hFn diPo,.wI�MY extxse pai�io Barox•er, t�tia ovdm Af a perti�l toktng of�ke Praos�q in .
<br /> wMCh�ia f�temnr�co voluo of il�v 1�p�y�mniadta�ety.beforu�ho Wciny ta equal�o or grcaur thin ihe anrodnt of ifie wm�
<br /> gecured Dy thla Securiry Inalrur�anei�ryfnqdipi9l betae ttK nking.wkss Bortower ond l.cndet oU��enviso'sgN:o.hi wdiiNg. `
<br /> �Ao sum+securcd Dy.�hla Securdy�.inMivmAnr,s�All¢e rednctd by the amoum p(thepra«ds moleipllcd Dy�ryn.firllpwing
<br /> {,x�ton: G)�hotaal,amamROt�hpaubinucurcdimmqd�umly beforotheuking,divi0cdby,(Ay�hof9frm�rkevyqTun.btthC .'
<br /> _.,.. Ppp�pY Immedimqiy�.lxforc-�hn tnk(np�. Any.b.itnnce sTnil he pald to Oortower. In the event oi a pv11al tnk i� �Ot tAC --=-_T_`. _.
<br /> PropenY in which tha f�fe market volno.oRlhp�Propeny immediately ixforo tMi taking is Icss tb�n the amount o��o e�m� -
<br /> secueed Immedintely.tx(orc Ihe pktnQ,unius�Biircower end l.endcr aherwiso agrec In wriAng or unles�spplkabto Isw
<br /> " aherwise p�ovidae,tha procesd�sh;�16a nppjied ta Iho sume secnre4 by�his Sccudry Instmmentwhntheror not�he eum�oro
<br /> then duc.
<br /> tf tAe Property Is aDu�doned by 8ortoWCr,or IP,aRm nmice by Lendtt�o Bonower that.�lia condemnw oftm ro nuke
<br /> an nward or unlo o cintm tor damagce,Borto+ver failh ro rcspemd�o Lender within 30 daye apoi�he date�ho nWice Is gi+•en.
<br /> - �-- Lender ie eu�horb.ed lo mltect and apply�thu pryceed�,nt lu optton,either to rcstom�lon ot n:p�in af•�he{koperly or ro ihe �
<br /> sume ucurcd Dy lhis&curtty iasttument:whe�hnr or na then due. '
<br /> Uniess Lender and Burtower ahorwLs:aQn:a in,wridng,any n P��cation of praccds�o pdnalp�LsAnlhnat ex�end a
<br /> postponc thc du¢date of�Am m�mhiq paymenta rcfumd lo•in.p,ngnpRs I and 3 or chanpo thc emmmbPG6�CILgoymcros.
<br /> 1!. Borrower NW.Reicased; FLrDeunnce & �ndcr Nol a Waher. kxtan�lnmpf Ipn timc Pon.p�ymcnt or
<br /> modit¢atianof amonhation of tha suma ucurcd by�h(n Seeurity Instmmem gramed,Ap�Lendu w.ony sucecssor�3n�inmrcst
<br /> � o[Bormwer shnll nat-operrtc�o release�hc 1ia611i1y of Ihe original Dortoxxr or�orrowarN succcswrs in imcrcse Lender
<br /> shnll na be rcquired to mmmence prouedinps ognin�t any successor in imues� or rcPou to exlend time for paymem or
<br /> -"'°°! mherwix modily emonizaiion of Ihu smnn secumd6y J�fs Saudty fnstn�mem by nason of eny demwJ made by�he original �._._-. _
<br /> Bortower or portowerb successon in inG;mst A7y Fad�caance by Lender in exercfsing my riphl or+emedy shall nol be a
<br /> wuiver of or preciude�he exerctu of eny�S;�Etc�c.medy�
<br /> I2. Successare end Ass1Qn�Bourtd9 Jutul.us,t b�vernl Ua0liity;Coalgnere. '!he covenmta nnd agreementF of�his —_
<br /> Securiry Inatnrment shnll bfnd anM1 6enafa�e�-er.cesmrs and assigns oF Lender onA Oortower,suhjce�to the provisfons ot
<br /> – paragraph 17. 'Lortowenc�ovennnts and apn:ements shnll be joint and-several. Any�ortower �vhn co-signs this Security _
<br /> Inswment butdaes nnt executa�ho Norc: h)is co-sipninp this Security instnunem only to mnnuage,gram and mnvey�hal
<br /> I3urtowerl interest in the Rvp�Yty under the tem�s of ihin Security ImtmnxnC(b)isnnt personally obligated to pay the sunu =:
<br /> . — secun:d by thia Securiq lumiwnenl;and(c)egrees ihu[Lender and any oihcr�orto�rcr mny u�rec to exiend,modify,fo�bcar �}T1�y:y,��-
<br /> ---= ar mnke any acevmmcd�[iunn wiih rcgnN ro ihe umu of this Securily Inswmem or ihe Noce wiihom ihat Oonox�erk v:.�:�::_::�
<br /> .sw=__.
<br /> °:= canrcnt. _-- --
<br /> --- !3. I.aqe.G6atga. If�he lo.�n atiun�i by ihix Securiry Insuumem fs subjat to a la�v which sets maximum laan —__=-
<br /> -�°'!�� ehnrae�,and-�hae luw Is finaliy imeryrcmd�bo�hm�he iniercs�or o�her loan chuges mll�eted or ta be callec�ed in connection ____
<br /> ,::�,�.-- wUh tho laan exceed the pemiined limiee.�hen: (a)nny�ncn ioan charge sfiaii uv reduceri oy ine amuuni ncica�xiir i�rt3sce � sa1'� "�
<br />�::i,---•: ibc ehNge tothe Qemiined�limi�:and(b)nny sums nlmady collecled from fio�mwcr whlch excceded permitted limns will be . �,�+��.:-__
<br /> -�--` mPonded la 6utmaer. tendcr may choose�o make this rePond hy reducing�he principal oo�ed under the Note nr by mnki�g a '+�° --�,
<br /> F:t; dimci poymr.n[Im Parro�vee If a rcfund reduces principal.�he reduciion�vi116c trwted as a panial preqymen�withoW any � y�':.--�
<br /> __��, pn�pnymen4c6nrgrundenheNo�a � i°'� `
<br /> f It. 1CuUr:es. Any notice to Dorto�ver provided for in this Sttvrity Imwmem xhall l+c gi�•cn by dclircring it or by c�%'� ; ___
<br /> ��"�' mnilln it b firs�clacs mail wdess a I�cable Imv wfex u�r uf another method.7Te notice xhall be directed w�he Pro n �w;? ` --
<br /> ,'-�.'Ct::. Q Y PP� rc9 � P� Y �s ,�:��i,ne-
<br /> Mdivs�or any other address QaROUCr designates by no�ice�u Lender. An��notice�o l.ender shall 6e given by firs�clus yi_.;,,:,:�-_
<br /> � mnil�o Lender�oddmss stated hercin or any oiher addrex.Lender designates by no�ice ta tiorto���er. Any no�ice pmvided for p -�,-;�j���•,
<br /> � +!:� in lhix Securi�y imm�ment shall b;deemni to harc lxcn giren io Burtoxar or Lendcr ��M:n giern as provided in ihis -„lj�.i_
<br /> puagmpli� �� �` • .
<br /> IS. Quvern[ng Law; Se�erobflhy. This Securiiy Inswmem shall bc govemed by kderal Iaw and thc law of�he
<br /> �';};�,%: jnd:Aic�ion irvwhich�he Rupeny is loca�ed. In�he erem�hm any provision orcluuu ut ihis Securiiy tnsuumem or�he Note �- -�>-�
<br /> � con0ins with-+ppiicablc luw,such con0ic�shall not afkct o�her prorisians of�his Securiry lasuvment or the Note which can - ? � ���.,
<br /> .��`�` 6c givrn eR'ec�wi�how�he mnllic�ing proi�i�iun. Tu�hi.enJ �he pmvisiane uf�his Securiiy Inurumm� and the No[e are y y'. -��-i:. ..
<br /> � - -�� declured�o be severablc. ' '� ' � �
<br /> i'�
<br /> � !6, lAJrrmrer's Copy. Uonmrcr Qiall M Eiven nnc can(omicJ copy of i:e No�c and of this Security Insirumem. �� -�., ��-
<br /> - '- '' IT. Trana3or of Iht Properir ur o Oenellclol lnteresl in Uorrmrer. If all or nny pan o(thc Propcny or any imens�in ,._ - - i.
<br /> r �� it is sold or tr�ns@md(or if a Mnefcial imerc.� in 6ono�eer i+sold or�r.msfernd and 6orcoo�er is not a nanval personl - ` - yY�-i�
<br /> –*-;1'�_ x�ithom Lenderl prior�rriucn caucm.LenJcr mny,m i�.op�iun,nyuirc immeJiaie paymem in full of all sums securad by _r_y__"..S.Y.,_
<br /> thie Security Inswmem. Huwereo�his op�ion.hall no�be exeni.eJ by Lendcr if exercix is prohibiicd by federal lnw u o( � :r; r -
<br /> ' n`� thedamaf�hisSecuritylnswment. � - ��_`ri'� '_
<br /> -(?�'�i�� If Lender exercisa�his op�ion,Lcndcr.hall gi�e Dormwcr no�icc o(amclermion. 'R:c nu�i�r�hall provide a period of � � !' �� x �
<br /> not less Ihnn 3U Jays(rom Ihe dale Ihe nolirc i.deliremd ur maileJ x�ilhin ohich Uortonrr nm.t pa� ail sunx accurcd 6y�his ..;�•'.;"�'"
<br /> Securily IaaWmcnL If[fotro�rer fails 10 pay lhex wm.prior lu Ihc expiralion o(�his periud. Lender may inroAe any �- �'�� -��
<br /> rcmrdies pemiilted by lhis Securily Inalruman wilhnut funher nolice nr Jemand un ftortuwee , - .
<br /> � 1& 6orro�rer's Right to Refnslate. I( Dortm�rr ma�, cenain .anJnion.. 6ortmcer +hall have Ihe right to ha�c -. . _-
<br /> enfumemem of Ihis Securiq�In.uumrn�d�unnli�m�d al an)lime prinr�n Ihc carl�cr oL Ia15 da)s lor wch o�her periad u
<br /> � � .{ '^ �t '
<br /> � Sm.IrFannl�-f�n^ie\We:Yreddir\lael\IFI)H111CSTRUtl:\T-ln�LvmCo.cro��. 9.W �p✓mLqnrvnu �
<br /> ';1: _
<br /> .. ., �
<br /> "' �t%'1 - -.-.�.'_ . : ,- ..�. . �._� ._ - �T.'. ., '--�s_ -T— .
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