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. . . . . • -.: <br /> � ,93• so�asa� _ � <br /> Qeriode thatl.ender requirc�. Tl�o lnsunnce caa)er,pmvMing�he insuruico�h�ll Ne chosen by HcxrowaE�b}Cct to l,enderY" • <br /> ap�ov�l whlch sAatl nn�be nnrcuau6ly wlthheld. If Bo.ryiiwer f�tt�m m�intnln rnvcng�describcd�bovr,IRnder nuy.�1 <br /> 4ender9�bmoMain covarge fn pmtsnl,cnckrtrlgM�tn�ho Ptopeny In acconturee wlih prr�t�ph 7. <br /> AI{in, r�,nc9 poHriw and n:newat�eh�l l bo occeqnblc�n Ix�xkt and e��0 Includa a sundud maigtgo dwk. I.ender <br /> shalih�r¢tE�right�olwtd�)q{wlicksu�drcnewair, ifLcnderrcqulrc��BOf(ONYt6I1?IIPIMDpIIyBIYOlO!<+karaUrccelqf <br /> of pild prym(dms pnd renewal no�ltte. In�ho uvcm of lazs,porrower�h�ll glve pmmq noilre to�IM Imurnnco ea�rirr ad <br /> Lcnder, �l�k�m�y molce praof of Ims if nM mado{xnmp�ty Dy Uortowrr, <br /> Unlua l.enderand ponox•er ahcrwlfe ngn�e In wddng,lmur,vuc xnncAs shatl bi applled a nsronAnn or rcpalr of <br /> -- —• �hc Pro�ny dam�cd, if�h: resroraNan nr npait Is ecanomically fcas�Gle and secudiy is not Iesxr,eA. If�Ae .------ <br /> restorai�n or repx r t�no�ecaromtcally feuiAk or Le�xlerl�ecurf�y x�nutA I+o lesxmd.�he Imurake�m�ceMa�,hpl6do <br /> npplled w�he sum�cccurcd by ihis Sccud�y Ins�mnxn6 wlxalMr or nm ilxn Aue,wiih my e�cess p�ld ta 13oqoivcr,. If, <br /> Bcrtower oAira!an+iho Propeny,or doee nnt ansx•er wiltdn 70 days a nMice frnm 4ender that �he insnrance cnrrinr hn+ <br /> otfend to vett4t a elaim.�IKn Lendcr may colla��he Insanum pmacds. t.cnekr may usc ihc pmceede ro npilr nr rcston <br /> QF ikqetty or ta piy eumc eecurcd by tliis Security Insmnnem,x�he�her or no�ihen d�M. 'llx 30•day pedad will begin wlxn <br /> Uunctkeb givcn. <br /> - Lcndcr and Oortox�cr otlmnvim agrcc in a�l�ing,any nppIlca�ion of pmctsds to pdncipil ahall nol ex�cnA or <br /> pastpa�e IAo duo dam of�hc momhty paymcnts rcRmd ia ln p�r,�gr.�hs 1 aiA 2 or changc�hc amoum of�hc poynxnie. It <br /> �wkr pvagraph 21 the Propeny(s nequfnd by 4endcr,{IOINNCf�dghl to:my insurance policies and pmceeda rcsulling <br /> trom dam�c lo Ihe Property pdor�o ihe acq�dsition shall pa+s to I.ender to�Ae catcm ot the sunu secur�d by ihis Secudty <br /> _ Insimmen�immedinteiy Pdor m�hexy nisiilon. <br /> "� 6. Occuppncy, Preser��atlon. M1inintenantt and P�dcetbn of Ihe PropertYi BorrowerN I.oan Apgllsatlunl <br /> I.easelwGt�. Dnrtouxr shall acupy.estaFlish,and uu ih:Propeny a;Onrtnoerl pdnap�l rcsidence uiihin sR�y dsys n(Itr <br /> - �he exaurYm of ihls 5ecudry Insimnxnl:mA shall mnlinae�o occupy�he Pmpeny ac OortowerS princtpal rcsidence for m <br />-, -- --- Ieast one year uller ihe daie of accupancy, unless Lend.r ortRnvise �gn�es in eri�ing, which rnnum sha�l na be - <br /> -� unmasonabiy wi�hheld,or unless extrnuating einvmUantts exis�x�hich an�be��ond Dorto���etY comrol. Bornixnr shall not <br />-�� -� des�my,d�mage or impair�he Propeny.allo�v the Pmpeny to deuriorate,or eommi�wmte on�he Properly. Rorrower shall <br /> �_%ixy��i,y� be fn def��lt if any fodeimre aciion or prom-ding.���hether ciril or eriminai,is begun�hat in I.ender4 good faiih judgment - <br /> __ �— muld resal� In forfeilun: of ihe Property or o�hcnvise materially impair the lien crea�ed by �his Security Insuument a <br /> ` -±�� Lenderk�eeuri�y Imeresi. 6orto��ir maycuro such a defaul�a�d reinsta� pmvided in p.vagr,ph IA,by caustng ihe neti:n — <br /> .,;.�n=.� or procccding�o b:dismisscd with a mling tha4 in Lendcr�s gaod fai�h detemiination,pnrtudcs fodciNrc af the Dortowcr� <br />��.<.sr,3'�}�: inten:s� in�hc ihnµ:ny or o�wr ma�erfal impai�ment of�he lien cmated by ihis Securiry Imtmmem or I.ender� seeurity =_-- <br />..,.rJ._.�.�' <br />��>_ :�';�, Imems�. Dovo��er shaD nlm Ae in detaul� if 6v,mx�er, during �he Iwn opplica�ion promss, ga��c materl�lly laLie or ���...� <br /> -„�: inaccumto infortna�ion or amements�o Lender(or failed�o pmriAc Lender wi�h any material infomu�ioN in conneetim ivith � '`_-___ <br /> „ , , the laui evidenmA 6y Ihe Nate, inctuding, bul m� limited �o, rcprc+enwtions conceming �orto���erY oceupancy of thr �4y -:- <br /> ,;,!i_f_,_� Ropeny as n ptincipal rcxidence. If this Stturiry Inswmcm ison a Iea�cholA.Dorm��cr shall mmpiy with all�A.provisions g��irL� <br /> _ of Iho leace. If finrm�ver aa�nims fm Iitle In the FmMnyJhe lea.ehold an�l�he fen Ii11r<hall nM mer�e unlcc<Irrtdtr axrets i��]!i� _, ._,. <br /> ` " - to thc mcrgcr in wrtling. � "'Ra <br /> - ,eiq!(_�r` 7. Protectlan oP Lender's Rights In fhc Property. If Rorro���r fails to pcdomi tbe �rormams and agrccmems ';1°"- �,..�; <br />�-�;,..,t���j canmfntd in thtx Security Ins�mmrnt,or ihen: is a Iegal prntteding �hal may significamly afl'm Lendcr� righ�s in �he .���;_T��:�n .;_�:11- <br />�_��-h�{••���`� Propeny(such as a pmcuding in bankwplcy.proM1ate.far candrmnalinn or(odeimrc or�o enfome laws or rcgula�ions).thcn ;� :: ;��"�!.- <br /> `du��" Lender mrty da anA pay for whucrer i�necessary m pm�ccl�hc ralue of IM1e Pmpeny and Ler�dert righ�s in�he Propeny. -. <br /> t��,�,� S ¢ <br /> "!'. Y P Y F• S P Y Y PD� <br /> Y� Lender4 oc�ians ma indude a in iny sums securcd 6•:�litn ahich has riorii ov.r�his Securi� Ine�mmeni.a arine (, - .�. -�:. <br /> ---`u3>_� in coun.paying reasannble aunmry� and enmring on Wr Pmpeny to mal:c repairs.Ahhough Lender may IaAe aciion ��r"r,�,�:i�;�-,;,i�S-�--- <br /> � undcr�his pamgmph 7.Lendcr does no�harc m da,a I_- ��y f 4�JE'; <br /> :,dT'�i Any mnoums disbuned hy Lendtr under�his parngmph 7+hall hcome additional deb�ot Oortower ucured by�his '? ' i i_:_ <br /> Sccurily hnwmcm. Unless Rorron�r and LcnACr agrcc m minr tcmn of pa��mcm.�hcsc amoums s6a11 bar imcn..0 from Nc H`.- " f <br /> pi -r�'��' data af AisF.unemem a�ihe Nac ra�c anJ shall bc payablc, oith imerr.a,apon naice(rom Lcndcr io Oorto��tir rcyurstinc '� ` :- <br /> 7 <br /> � �){��� paymem. r '.�. : <br /> •+- 8. Mortgoge Irtmaranrn. If Lender rcyuircA mnngage inmrance n.a mndiiion of making�h.Imn secured hy �his " - - � ' �-��.-'� <br /> �r-:_ Sttvrity Insuumem. Itortoo�cr shall pay Ihe prcmiuma nquireJ lo maintain �tn mungag¢ inwr.nuc in etT��ay. if. for:my �-. -- � � .�: <br /> � rtuon. th.c mongage intur�nm m��cngc mquind M1}� I.cndrr lapse. or c.a.c, �o M in effcc�. �ormu�cr shall pay Ihe <br /> � �� i i prcminmt reyuired �o oM1lain co�erage �aM1a�aNially equi�:d<nl ln 1he ntanga�e in+ur.mce pit�-io�dy I�t e�IK(. :�I a Cml 'r�• '' ,` `,� r . <br /> � �i-!" whstantial,p eyui�atrm w tLc a��a to Qorru��.r.�f Iht ntungage i�.oran.c pre�innsl� in cRi::.Gom an altcmalc mottgag: SF, -�� S� � :. <br /> i.,_. insumr npproved hy Lemiee If suh.�amially cynir�lem murtgagt ins�r:n:ce.ncrnge ic na.nalaM1le.Rorm��er shall p3)•1� l ,. �� <br /> �. Lcndcr cach munth a xnm cyual ln ono-lticiflh nf Ihc ycady mongage inwnna prcmium Iking paid b��Dorro��rr�cM1cn�Fn -. � ' � <br /> - " inwmnce am�.ragc IapceA nrcr��d lo Ir in c(fccl. Lcndcr��ill a�ccp�.u� retain dicx paymcnts:n a lus<mcrnc in li.0 -�� '.� i�l •�: <br /> � , of mongage insumnn. Lom m�enc paymcnh ntay no longer h lhc upuon of Lcnder.if mongage imnrance � S`�i`� f . <br /> mremgc lin Ihe amonnl anJ for�hc peri�xl d�al I.ciWcr r.yuir.1 providrA bg�n inturen�ppmrcd hy Lcndcr.�gain hromec f�- '� f sfr� 1�� � <br /> �.•�awi�:�,a„�n����„��,��,i,:ai�:�y�u,�pmmiunr raymrM ta m:�iniain mongagc mwr.mcc m cfkci,or ia pro�ick a •� . � r}'C� �_, <br /> lon mscn�c.umil Ih.roquircmcnl for nx.v�gagc inwr�ix.cnd�in a:corJamc�cnA aiq omtcn agmemcm hlw�tin 6urro�<cr �-:.�;,:. ,t.:'�: <br /> � �;:..��. and Lendcror.�pplicablc la�r. �.�,�I. � . <br /> - 9. Inspcellan. L.ndcr or il•:�gcnl ma��nuAc m.�vmaM1k cntrie.u�x+n anJ fnyxc�i�+n,nl Ih<Roryn.. LrnJcr�hall - <br /> � girc 6umnccr nolin a11hc limc nf n�priu�lu an in.�aion.M1.i(png rra+onaMc cau.c f.,r�hc in.�xctiun. . �.i•:h��.i'�.-. <br /> � I0. Condemnallon. llic pnxYCd.uf am :.x.rtd or daim(or J.unagc..Jiravl ar cannrcliun oiih:m� <br /> � , Sn�lrhm�,h -Fannlpy�oRMJh•\bcl\IIIINNI\S7NC\I!.\f� Inn.m�C....�n�nn 9W �r��rr..Jnry:..� � ,'i. <br /> . �ra� � ... <br />. •• I^��JT Ci4 It�Y�5�1C'Rt-F it 6:LIV I lltl <br /> ( . <br />' . .. � Y.� . . . . �' .. . . ' . . . ' <br /> . . . � n_ <br /> '. _:_.:-_-arr. ..-:. - : _ . . :_ _ ' . _. . ' . ' . . . . .. . <br /> . . .. `_ ._:. " . . . . . . . . . . . - . . <br /> . . � .. . . .� �. " . . . . . . . <br /> . . ; .: .... ' . .. . <br />. a 1` - .. . . .. . • . _ __ . � ' . " .v . :;� .� . <br /> •. ;. - .. :.- .. .. 1 .. <br /> .I Y ��� � � , , , � - . � . � <br /> t . `' � <br /> a 4, '. : �� -• <br /> L� s <br /> - � ' ... . . � � - �� <br /> - . , <br /> . _ -r . .� .. �' . . _. <br /> . .` o - . . . . '' .. . ' ' . <br /> . . � - - , :. _ _ .. �_. .._. . ._. . . <br />