<br /> ,��", _ .
<br /> . .,:
<br /> r � .
<br /> . ,. . • , �q :�Q"�a�� S .
<br /> •pplM�bie qw nuy spec�fy fa rcincutbmrnp 6efom ue of Uw.(�ppeny pwsuam to�ny,p�INj of ub conyliied In ihfe
<br /> �ecwitytestrumcn�;w(b)tnuy ot�jt�dgmentcaforcinp�+I�Sautit9TnstNmenl. ThoseconAll(M+�1JetlutBartnwer G)
<br /> p�Y�lRnder al eum+whlch�en.vJpn1/1�hE•dua undtt�hi�.St<urity fnsw'�nent and iha AM6;a+ it no uttleiulon h�d. .
<br /> occurted;(b)cuttsmydef�ultof�dgMhM�o�enMllpai���eemenGS,(c)qp�ule�epenx�IncpRnllnenforcln�U�i�Secudty�.
<br /> tnwumcnt,Includin�.Dut na1 liml�r.O.iRile�fonAAlO.Altomeye'fc�r,uid(d)pke�sixh xfion da I.ender rtuy«awn+ibty '_,i�.,�.
<br /> rcquiro to essuro Oue the lkn of tAle Secudiy LjnirunkntvLenAerti rlahn la Oie Property�nd Borrowcrb obllg��inn lo pyt�e �
<br /> sum+ securcd EY thl+ Secudty Tnuninia�hshnll�onllnVo uneAAngM. Upon rcinsmenxnt Dy Bortower. �his Secudty. . '
<br /> Inswment uid�he o611Q�Uoro securcd hprcby'Ftwt rcpiain fnifyeff?rCttYO u tino xceleratlon had acewre4. Howav�t.Ihln; -'
<br /> dy��eorcinslueshallnoupplyln�hacASeofnccderatlopundarpA�ryIInPh17• ' ;
<br /> � t9. �b ot NWe+C6wa�dLa��t�6ervk=r. 71w Naln ao.p;uA�t fnterestln�hc Note(rogcthcr.e�Uh:llila S�1(Ily - .� --
<br /> Inswmenq magQa sold nne'amarc Umea wllhwiuprinr nmice�n Bortowor. A�saio nny«su1�In�cAnnpp:t�6�iro m ily'
<br /> (known as tho'Lonn.6ervtcer')thatcoltr.c�e mnnihlgppymeain dua unAer�he Note end thlf Securiry insm�f}1ppG�'(htA*o�so
<br /> may be one or mnro chnnpte of the Loin Scrvlccr unretnted In a s�hi of the Nae. (t there le n chnnge of tbo Loaz�ServlaG
<br /> Bartower wA160 g[von wrinen naticc of�hc chnngc in aocoMnna wlih parognph 14 ebovc nnA app�(Gbta law. 'Che notieo
<br /> wili sute tM1e name and ddrca o6tho naw Loan 6erviccr end No eCdrez+to wbich paynxNa�Amihl bo mdo. 'fLc naice will
<br /> dso comoin eny ahcr infnmiation rcqnircd Dy xpplicaAlo taw.
<br /> -- 20. Hu+rcdow 6uhslancts. Borcowcr shnil nnt eauu or pemil��ta pmsenco,ux,dfr.pp!al,siongo,pr retcaso of my
<br /> Huardow Subslances on�or in No Pro�xny. Bortawer sAnll na do,nor�Ilo�v myono elm fo do, eny0dny-�ffecting�he -
<br /> Propeny tliat�s in vlolntion o(eny Environmeninl Law. 7Te prcttding�wo sentencee shaU mm�ppty to�he preience,use,w
<br /> staago on�bo Propeny of small quamitloe otHnaordaus Su6smnas thnt arz gcnerally raogniud ro ba oppropdate ro nannnl�
<br /> rcsidentint ur.es and to ma(ntenTnw of tl�o Propcny. -
<br /> Borrowcr s6nll.promptly 6lvc LcnAcr written nnticc of any InvostiQetian,claim,dcmand,lawsult or olhpr ocHa�by eny
<br /> govemmentnl�o�rcgu6nnry eRency or privaia pany involvinp the Propeny enA eny He�ardow Substnnce on Envlrqnmemal
<br /> __.. . l,ow of which Harrower Ms ectual knowiedpo. If 6orrower Ieama or fs nWified by any govemmentrd�'or.rogulatory __ _
<br /> - -- authority�Ihn[eny removnl or mhcr remcdiaUon of any liazardaus Subatanco uttadng tho Ro�xrty is nxcssary.6ortqyvcr
<br /> "'`� shall promplly talce a1l necessary remedini ecUons in occordnnce wuh Fi�vtronmenial Law.
<br /> ,,�,-;�&� Ae uud in�his paragrsph 20,"Hnzardaas Su6smneee'an�Nose subs�ances defined eF�nxic ar hmardoue subsiance�Dy
<br /> -=- Environmcntel law end�hc followlnp snOs�nncca: gosniinc,kerosenc,o�her Oammnbla or tnnM pctrolwm.products,roxic
<br /> _ pesUcldes and Aerblr.idaa volnttla mlvems,mnturinix rontnining ubestw or Pormnidehyde.md rediooctivo mntedaie. Ae .
<br />=�`�-t.`'�n�� used in this paragr�pli 20,'Environmenml Law"menna fadcnl Iaxs and laws ofthejurisdicdon when:Nc Wopaty Is lowted
<br /> =�=an?F�S ihatrelem�ohcal�h,sefetyorenvimnmenlalprolecGon.
<br />'�_f�'��:�,:;� NON-UMFORM COVENAM'S. 6ortowcr and Lendcr fuMer covenam end ugmc m Pollowr.
<br />-•..i:��r�;:3�:• 21. AenkroNon; Remedirs. Lcedcr s6a11 glre natke lo Borroeer ptbr to rcalewtion tdbxtnd Bortower'e
<br />"--�p,;.,��,�� bnxh of uny coremnt or ogmmenE(n lAts Security[nntxument @u!not peMr to acnkratlou under p�rsgapA 17-
<br /> ::'.•i.:"'..`. unks�xppliaWe Itw prorWes o(Aerwlse). T6c unfkc ehnit epal6yt (a)Ihn dc(auiF,(D)t�e�ctloo rcqutr:d M�cure 16e
<br /> i }, ;r, dehult;(c)�date,not kss lhnn 30 days from Wo dufn No natice Is gtvrn ta Bormmzr,hy which @e dotnul0 mnU bo
<br /> 1' ° r:�:artM1(�)t..`^.t::l:ur.t¢cur.lRc dcfaulC cn ce bctcr,t!:r.dnt�:spcil�.ed f¢LRe.^.ntice mn;r��!Ln�e!�raUun ut -. _ .. ._. .. -..
<br />-�:7::?;i�,'�• Ihe sumn uccurtd Uy Ihls Securtq Wr,trument and sale o[tho Propertg 7'hn notla shnll�Nrihe�Infocm Borroner af
<br />°�-"����`(;',��.�, tAedghE6rnlastate�fleracaturstlnnnndl6nrin6ttoDrinpawnAuclEontnpssertlhonon•exictenttofodefaultor
<br /> ' "`i'' •�'� an dher dehnse ot Bunoirsr tn aceeieralfnn mid sale. It the detault W untcured on or befarr Ihe dule specitkd In
<br /> i�:J>,.....;,_t Y
<br /> ,i.ie;.;;:. the noltre,l.ender�NIx apltum m�y requlre hun�r.dfate payment In full of nil�sun�s secured 6y tlds6ecurlly lnstrument
<br />- `-"���%� wGhaut farlber demnnrl and may Invohe lhc pawxr of sale ond any othcr remedies permfttad by epplkabie law. E"`•��- -�
<br /> '+•rr.�i :Zr,3v:u'-
<br /> ,._y;;;,;, I.ender s3n11 be mtt�G:d to milecl all expen:x�incurnd In pursuing�he remedies provH(ed in thta puragrup6 21, ,f;,,.�; _—
<br /> Inciud��g,Uutnoli(m:tedto,reuowbieoltarneys•feesundwdnotlilieeyidence. - t�� -- .-_-
<br /> ° ''` If thepo Ker o!sale is invoked,'fYustee ahnll rccord o nollec of deta�dl In each county In wh!ch uny part of Ihe 't..,�: _�^�_ -
<br /> -'i� PropetlytslaatedandsLul1mn11mpie+oteuchnnttcefn�homnnner preudl�odby npplirnblelawloBmmKerandto - s :� �?a�
<br /> }4;,, the other persone pcssctaLed Uy uppltrnbie Iaw. Aticr lhe tfine requl�vd Ay appllcoble law,7Yusia shnll gire publk `�;-�. ,t'��'
<br /> notice of salc to the pennnv and In the mnnnnr prescrl6ed Uy eppliwhie luw 7Yustec,x�ifhout demand on Borrower, �p �z'sv }�;� �
<br /> shall sell lhc Property al public euclion lo tl�c highest hiddcr et ttic timc ond plum end under ihe lermv deslgnaltd In ^- _ :� � ,-
<br /> - ,� Ihe ootice af snie in one or more pnrceix and In nny order 7lrusfee deternilnea. 71�ustce may postpone se:e of ell or ony i� sV S ' `
<br /> .�•.�`���. parcel of Ne Property Ay public unnauncement et the tlme and pioce oteny prerlously scheduled sale. Lender or Itc -°-�f-"j'"-s=�-���
<br /> . designee mny purchasc tne Properly nt uny sale. -�t,•� ` '
<br /> Upon recetpt oP pxqment ot the price bIJ,'Lirtuice shall dellrer lo ICe purchaser 7Yustec's decd rnnveying the ' -�' r �,� >� _
<br /> -- Property. TM1e rccitnls In t�e'IYustee's decd slmll be prima fecie erldence o(Ihe truth af lAe slatementv made fhereln. -r '� � t --`
<br /> y y��_; 7Yustcc shn11 ppply lhe praceeds ot tde sale In the followlns ordcr. (a)to nll cosls und expenx�ot exercLsing lhe power - `� j r� �i Y.__
<br /> irt,,, , 3
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