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y r� <br /> _ ., <br /> �' � . _ . b_ u ` _ . _ _ _._.. _.__—_ <br /> . _ <br /> .. � , - <br /> - � �a�ilfdll��_,y�i., v_ �."�__"n -. ... _.. ._ . <br /> ; . . . _' `"c"_ . . . - . .. / . � . - <br /> i ia�•� .. . .-. <br /> wch chuyer.Tiuttal(kewpep9raas to payWllaxes,psaaasmrnh end other ohvpe�bvled upcn a�es�sffu,W�ced am�ds: <br /> �pYnaF,am�a+uiM by,Wi ONdo►Trwf a rh�recatl�tlpn hereol. •; <br /> �. llpWcqtlWnotP�ymwiM.Nlp�ymrntancNv�tlbypBmNficl�ryuPolV�Yd�W,N�b(fiyaadl �tlp7odw�Wbrto6R,Yn�y0lakfouW�rDyTiNtta <br /> �NYadaaman��epA����wn��9anertclorylnnai6 dNi4tl�iiatlon dsimi�ipprourhr1iis.UnHiaotMnvl��DwV��!d <br /> � byB�rtblPG�ry.uryeUC�p�Y�^tehUIDsMImMMA�.R��fotlNp�ynf�ntol�nyd�G,ll�bN�ryaoAllpeWnWhwthrn � . <br /> M�Ind�6ndnsre, <br /> 8. CMrWe;llena iruabr wlll kaep fhe Trusf ProMrN h�s liom dl ti�nf rntl encumDrancoe wAlchla eny way may,in u�s/udpm�nlol <br /> BensHciery,hava pAOrtry over,almpairMe securlry of,fhW Dyead of frusl bul Tiusror neetlp nol dlacAarpe eny suCh Ilen eo lonp aa <br /> omtesf�u�^+�enDyep rop�lete eg IpixeeC�ng efkotlwb(opre�entthemnfacemeentofdallenmdfhelo�aof�y nNnat�a�rh <br />. . -' pul olOreTrusl Ptoporty. ^- . .. . . . . <br /> Haud Insurence.Tivafa ahNl keep tlro buRd�np�and otlror Improvementa now edsunp orhe�eaher ereotetl on Ne Tius�Properry <br /> lnsurWDylnsumnCaCanlersaatislectory foBamrfiGaryapNnstbss6yOre,hazordslncWdetlfnfAeterm"sxfendedcove��ge"uM <br /> """� Such UMrhuerds,casueltles end contlngenciea es may be reqW�ed 6y BeneAClery!n such emounts end lor auch petloda es may be <br />..`.�,� roquliedbyBenefidary.Thepdfcyollnsurenceshallbalnlormecce IaWafoBene�clary,provldethalfhnsnmemayno�be <br /> -_— cancelledamal�lledwflMutfirteen(f6)deyapAo�writtannollcato�'enenaan-.entlshenhavelwspaye6lep�ovlslonslnlavo�ofand <br /> - - <br /> '�°�- !nlam aaeptaWa to p�emlums on Insurnnco poiiGes ahall ba paidln Ihe manne�provlded under paregreph 3 he�ao - <br />�-`°'F�� � p,Onofpald In sucb manner,by Tnistw(neAlng poyment ef IBasf 6rtaen(f6)days pdoi to fhe dua dale,diieoty ro the Insurence �- <br /> -� canle�.BeneBGaryshallAaveNadghtroho�tlthepo9clasend�onewalsfhe�eolandTrustmshallpromptrylumfshroBenelic7aryan -- --� --°°�` <br /> �yr;� / renewal noBCes and ell peldp�eMum�ecolpts�ecoivetl 6ylt In no event shsll Benefkfary or7rustea be held responsfble lorlallure lo K � __ . <br /> ?� M paylnsureiwep�amlumsorloienylosso�damageeASingoutoledelectlnanypoltcyore�lsingovrolenyla➢weolenylnsmance �,,,�� ,�„ea. <br /> '"" � compenylopaylo�anylossordamagalnswedegalnsfo�forla7lurebyTiuslo�toaHecffA9lnsurencarequ6etlhe�evntle�.lnlhoevanf ��;� _ <br /> �� ollass,TnutorshallgNep�ompinolkeOymelllothelnsurenceca�Ae�andBOneficlary.8onellclarymaymake proo/ollasst/not �F _ _ <br /> """x,� madepromptyorinproparlormDyTnu�oaAllpollGaso!lnsuranceendenyendellialundsoluneamedpromlumserahme6y __ _ <br /> essl8nod to Ben9ficiery as adU'Nonelaecudrylor Iha paymant lor(he IMObladnass.In the evenf ol Benellde�s axa�clSe ol tho powa� �� <br /> °�^y,,'._�� OfBAleCOnlAfnOtlhOrO�n,oNnlheevonro!loteGaSUie,alldBht,GUeenUinteresrolTrusrorinendtoanylnsurencepollcythanin/orca �' <br />�-...,�;,;•.: shall pnss to lho pwahasor at tho tiustoe's sele orlareclosvre sale.M caso o/anyloss,fhelnswence p�ceeeds mey,ef tho option ol ,_.:�*,,.. <br /> ._ y�F, Beneficlary,be eppllod 6y Benofidary upon Iha InAe6tedness,or any part Ihefeof,enCln such o�Qar entl emount es BeneACrerymay . , <br /> J ,�_3 tleterminB;or asld Insu�ence p�ocenda,et Ihe optlon o!Beneficlary,may ollhe�tio usadln�eplacing or�esroAng fha Tiusf Properry -.__ <br /> ..:),k,- ,, pertlalyortotalydasWyodtoecontlilionsatlslactoryfo�onelldary:orsefd7nswancop�aeeds,orenypM'onlha�eof,may6o ° s�1'��5„-�.. <br /> � �e!eased fo Tiuslor.UMess BenollGary end Trusta olherwfse agreeln wAOng.erry such epplkeUOn ol ins�vnnca p�oceeds ahall not � _ <br /> ;.,;�,,.��` axlantlo�pastponafheduotlateo/theNore,o�enylnstellmantscellodloiNereln,orchengelheamounlolauchlnstellmenGSJflhe , - �i _ �_�, <br /> -� -% Ttust ProAe�Y�s ecquiretl Dy Bonof�clary pursuant to we exorc7se ol iha powar olsale or oHe�laecloswe,ell dght,tiGe entl lntorasf of , ._ <br /> ,, h�` TrustoNn end fo eny Inswanco praeads payable as e rosult o!damaBO to Ne Tmsf PioparlyPda fo tho affie m ecqufsftlon sha�l pasa � ? <br /> ; `e�.. <br /> ^� > M Bene�dery and sha!1be applied lfiet fo the catts and oxpunsas,fncluding attomey/oes,incmredln callecUng such procoeds,lhen <,,! - , --__ <br /> � `� in Ne mannor end tn fhe ader p�ovldad here7n. --.`-'�q "��i=: <br /> � <br /> - + �" 7, piesorva0on end Melntenance o/Trust Property.Tmslor wlll keep fhe bulltlings entl o(hoilmp�ovemeNS now o�Aeroaltar erectatl on t� `�� <br /> 7•' Ne Tnisf Pioportyin good�apelr nnd eondi0on end win not commit or pe�mit wes�e,will no1 epe�1ho desl8�or a6ucMel chvecler L -__ <br /> � x�Ch::^g en;N.t�!d!%!g rew a hn�AAeu erocterl on end co�ulilutlnp Iho Trust PropeM��ou�No pdoi wdlien consent of .i er _ <br /> +-���.i BaneflGAry.wlll noi do any acl orthing whlch wovld unduy7mpaii a dep�adate fhe valuo of ine Rust rroparry and wiii rroi nuarwr ' t T _ <br /> -- ��b-.'� Ne Tnibf P�operry 7rustor w01 not�emove eny fia7uras consGNtMg Ne Tmst Property unless IAe same ere Immadlately roplacotl wIG� „....r, , x,, �-. <br /> - like propony sub/OCt ro 1he Ilen end secvdry fnterast ol thfs Doed of Tiust enU of nt loast oqual velue and u6lity.T�us1o�wnl compy ,--;1!:°7:h*�•;^�:,g..� <br /> � _ w11h ull p�asenl entl/ulwo oid7nances,rogulaUOns end requliemen4s ot eny govommenla�6oUy wNch a�o epp�caWO lo the Tmst > - ns'" >� t���_,.• <br /> Proparyand to Ihe occupancy entl uso thoreo1.111hfs Deetl o!Tms175 on e untt7n e wntlominlum or a plannad un(t dovolopmenl, _ .�� � <br /> liusfo�sheil peAOrm e110l Trusror's o6ligatlons undor the tlecluratlons or covonanls croating o�govorning Ne condominfum -',f�;,'1 U��G-i. <br /> � o�1he plonned unit dovelopmont,fho bylaws end�egvlutlons o!tNO condom�n7�m or plannutl unif developmenf,end the `�' y <br /> � cona6tuentdocumanls. �� ' <br /> t[t ': <br /> ��- 8. InspeCtfon.Bene�clnry a Its egents may,at eq reasonablo tlmes,en(er upon Ihe Trusf Pioperty lor the pu�poso oflnspoCflon. sT t . <br /> � �r��-�` OBneOclaryshall have�ro duty ro mnko suchlnspoction and shall nol be Iln61e fo Trusta a to ony poison!n passosslon IIIt makes or <br /> S ' r ��r <br /> ��k : lellstomakeanysuchlnspec0on. r <br /> � - 9. Pioroclbn o1 Saurity.Il Tius(orlalls�o pedam ony ol tho covonanis entl ng�oemen(s contained fn fhls Deed ol Tmst.orll any eciion z 1: <br /> �T�y<�-.�': a p�ocootling is commencod which doos a may advoisery ellect tho 7mat Propetly or Iho Interest ol Tiusror or Beneficlary theioin oi ' t ,`•. <br /> '^^,�� No tiIIe of Tiusfor Ihorelo,l�on BenellGary,et its opGOn,may poAOrm avch covenants and egraements,mako such eppoarances. -� � <br /> ` '` <br /> _ -�- ,� delond ogalnst entllnvesltpale such nclfon o�p�oceod%ng and Ieke sucn ornei aawn as BonoliGary deems necossary ro prolecfl�s , � <br /> M1-- -�� lntore8f Including,but not IimNod fo,tlis6ursomonl ol�easone6(o ellomey�ees end enlry upon Ihe Tmst Piopeity 10 make�epairs.My - : \ ,'. <br /> emoun(s dlsburaotl by Boneliclary pwsuanl to fh(s pareg�aph 9,wdhlmeiesf lhoreon,snell conslilute Indebladnoss o/7mstor sacurod .- r + <br /> �-" ..-. rZ 6y fhfs Dood ol Irust Untoss Trusla and Benolciary egieo W olher tarms olpaymonL such amounts shall bB paynWO upnn notfco , ���� �� '� � <br />-- Irom Benefldery fo Trustor requesfing peymont lhcreol,end ahell bear fntorest Irom Iho date o/dsbursoment ef Ne hfghostlnfmos7 �="�'i;�-`�-�� �-.'`:z� <br />-� �ete pormilled 6y law.Nothtng cnnfalnedln fhls paragieph ahell requ6o Benoliclary(o(ncur any exponso o�leko any acUon horoundor. _�.-�;_.,?_'r.:}.- <br /> -� :•i:;. ��� Trustorfaevoceby aNho�izes end empowers Bonoliclery fo en1e�upon fhe Trost P�oporty es Trusfor'a agont ond in TmsloYS namo or � ,.i;-� �. .: <br />�_ �;;' =- olhonvfse to paloim any entl all covenanl5 antl egioomonts to 6e pedamed by Tmsro�ns hoiefn provldnd.Benolicfary shalf,ol i1s - 'y;+��:} <br /> op6on,bo sub�ogeted(o eny ertcum6ranco,lion,claim m tlemand end lo all righ(s and securilies lor tho paymonl Ihereo!paid or . ��, <br /> tlischmgetl by QenefiUary unde�tha provisfons horcol end eny suth subrogallon nghls shall 6e eddlionai antl cumulafive secunry for ._ <br /> fhlS DeBO0171us7. <br /> :!'� f0. Contlomnallan.7no proceods ol eny ewaid or claim!oi tlamagos,tlrmct or consequential,in connectron wirh any condomna0on a - <br />��� - olhor taking o/tho Tiust Piopurty,or eny part thereol,o�lo�conveyanco m lieu ot oiln en6elpefion ol condemnelion,ere hereby �';�� � � <br /> -.�� ��, asslgnod lo and sh&11 bo pattl to Benuliclary.Tros(o�willlilo end p�asocuto,in good/eilh entl wilh due d/ligenco,its clafm!or eny such . - <br />- �`1'�" awerd a pnymonl,nnd ivill cause lho samo to bo collacled and paid 10 Bonolidery,antl,shoul0 i11a11 ro tlo so,Trusror Orevocebty , � <br /> ��l'����'��' eulho�izes und empowors Bonofidnry,In 1he neme o!Tmsror or olhenvtse,ro Ido.prusecute,sollfo or comprom7se any suth clefm ontl �.,_ <br /> ��f,p'i4 .� to cofloct,reee�pt lor ond ie(ein 1he p�ocoatls.I/the Tmsl Propertyis abandoned Uy Troslor,or i!,elter notice by Boneliclary to Truslm .��;.;� ���: <br /> - -'- that the condemna o��ms(o make nn award or seltlo n clalm!o�damages.Truslor fa�ls ro respond to Benoficiary wilhtn thtrty(30)days � <br />-- etter fAO da(e such no1"rcc is maded,Benofidary+s aulhcWZed(o rd�eN nnAOppy ine p�oceetls m 1he mnnnei��d�wted he�e��.The � <br /> � - proceeds o(eny eweid a cfeim may,eRer dotludrng a71 reasonable wsts nntl e+penses.mclud/ng ar(omoy/ees.�vh7ch may nave k - <br /> -- � been incmiod 6y 8one��iary in fho co��ecfian fhereol,et the solo tlrscm6en o! re�casetl(o Tmsro�.app��od(o � . <br /> resroretlon ol irust Proparry.o�epplied(o�he peyment o/fhe InUObiodnoss.UNess BoneGCrary enJ Tiuslor otnenvise ag�ee�n <br /> wrifing,any such epp��cation o!procueds ro Indo6ledneu shn�l no�extontl m posfpono the due tlafo of my��sle�lments ca��edlw <br />- �' unUe�Na Qua�anry. � <br /> ` �'� 1 f. TruSlor Not Releasetl.Exlenson o!tho fime lor paymoN or moddlca(ion of ony nmotlrzaGOn o/Iho Indebtetlness gian(ed by DeneGc�ary � <br /> fo env suecessa In inferest ol Tms(or Shall not upa�sle(o eny manne�.tho Fa6ilry of Tmstor antl Tmslor's sutcesso�s�� � <br /> � � mterese Benoficiary shall not be required ro commonco proceeamgs egamst sucn succussor or reiuse io o.;ar.o t����>%u"r=�R�•�� � <br />. ofAerwisu modity amortizellon o!ihe Indeblodness Dy�oaso�ol any demand made by Trusror and Trosto�'s suttessws��inlorest. , <br />- � f2. F(nancfal lNO�malion.Upon ruquest o!Bennliciery.Tmsror will p:ov�de to BeneGnary.w�lhin ninery(90)tlays ol�ha closa o�each hscn� <br /> � � � yoar ol Trusfor,Iha consohtletod Dalenca shaot entl steremont of eamings of Tmstor,and�vlll prov�tle entl dehver to Benol:c�ary sucn ; <br /> .- olhor finandal(nformaBOn end in such monne�os Benofic7ary may reasonaAy requost 6om fimo ro time. <br /> :-� ��" - 13. Flnunctal Covenants.In adtli6on to any other 6nanda�covenants of imstor modo in eny othei eg�eemenL mstmrnent.or tlocumanL <br />. - r � TNSfor She�i Conlpy lydh oI 6e in Complia�o wilh,fhe IolloNing financial CovOnants:phls purag�aph shall not eppty�I covenants and <br />.. mqolramonfserono(sotlon�horein.) <br /> I <br /> . , i <br /> :k'n '� <br /> .. ' _.� <br />. ..��.( ' - . . <br /> .. "•�t�l:. <br /> •. <br />