. .. . �:. , .� _
<br /> �- r:.; ._ — — -
<br /> , - �- — -�- - ,�� . . .. _
<br /> -�;�ii. it_:. . ,- �.
<br /> '. ,-� � ' _ '. " _ ' _ . i.
<br /> ,� �r- ,. .
<br /> - _ _, � � , Deed of 7'rusr
<br /> �"*9 � .. i9�� �.0'7'30Fi Seouring Quarsnty.
<br /> .�..,
<br /> 7HISDEEDOFIAU9TIem�d�tMa?�dayoll�uaue� ,�g�,by�ntlDeM'wnMSlL4B.T.S�11lllon wpd
<br /> ,��n�y t[. r..ria�r�-�¢�enA.,eiui v�P wMfM�oneamore,p»roln�fNrcNledtM"Trusta').
<br /> NJp��IfiVY/IDMC1019/7.3tLY,.Fis-hi°1''�rie� Dri� r n' iela A�h8 6BBQj ,
<br /> HORWE9EnY�P�K�,°e.e.. Y1TT/�tl11_ �CQfl(�}ATTON herNn�RercalNtl�rye"TNtt� whos�ma111ng�Odntals
<br /> _ merolneRer
<br /> � 7Rp� n.*"� Nil {��'f,�_,apONOAWF.S BMlK. NRB �9 A. NATIONAi. A80Q �ATION,
<br />. .,--._l C�MWffM"BlBYHdily'),whosamMwnpstld�eufs._P.R�76B--,l�ie�a Ialan�t. !?P._ 5.°.R02 ____.' -� .. _ .- _ . ,
<br /> W1INESSEIH:
<br /> WNERFA3, �drev T Carleon and Nencv R Carlson Hueband�nd Yif@_(no�elnel(ercef7edfhe"Bonowe�i
<br /> hae MpHetllo Renellolery�or one a moie bena,lette�s ol credi6 a ofher Rnancfal eccommodeCOns end may ha�eaRei/�om tlme to Bma
<br /> appy to 8anaficiery lor eddlBonelloana,Iette�e ol c�adit end o�ha financlal eccommotlatlons;entl
<br /> WIfEREAS,lo Induce Benenc(ary 10 provida financlal accommodalions(o Bo�rower.
<br /> l (e) H d�ls(g )!s checketl,Trustor has gua�Antead lo BaneACiery Ne paymenl andpeAo/mence of oach and every debt,lla6iqyentl ----
<br /> oDIlgaUOnolevorY rypoenddescdp tlonwhlchBOnowormaynoworafenyGmeheraa8erowetoBeoelldary(whelheYSUChdept,.
<br />-�— IleMlirya obllgalion now exfsts orls he�aaRero�eated orinaned,end wheiherlNS or mey 6e dBact alndNacf,due ato bocLmb tluo, ___
<br /> eDSOlute o�Coniingent,pAmary orsecOndary,IiqWdeted or unllquftleted,a jNnt,sowmloi(olnt end sevaeq, -_.-'r'
<br /> �b, r(3oROwar to Bana dary�dencBd Dy or edsing ou ol u oldlo lhn�ayment enapedamance ol tho debt,IlaDniry,or obn9atfon o1 �,;:�--±�-���
<br /> . .and -----
<br /> 6flj�8Xf8115f0lIS�IO�ONaIS 07lBD�871f9 th8l8W, �
<br /> 1,�'� fopelhB�wlth eccnretllnlarest Ihereon ond relaletl cosfa ol onlomomonl anU col.'ecPon exponsas,purauenf fo e Ouarenry(ho�afnafter cNlotl �ti�_- �
<br /> �°" ,3 iAe"Ouereny')oleven data herewi0;end _
<br /> °��� WNERC•AS,Beneficlary has requtretl,es a condilion precadenf to Ne extanBOn of a�ry RnenGsl eccrommodatkn lo Boaowe,fhat Tiusror , f
<br /> , ��--� executa Ihls Deetl o1 Trusl lor Na purposa olsecudnp payment o/fhe Ouarenry. �<< `±.��°:._
<br /> �•• NOW,TNEREFORE,fn cons7dere0on ol fhe p�emises endlor fhe purpase o!sacunng(a)pnymen6 whon end ea due end payabla,ollha -
<br /> `-`��r obll0af/ona ol Trustor under Ihe Quereny,(b)fhe paymont of all othe�sums,wiih ln(erest thoieon,wNch may be advanced 6y Bonefidery o� �_,h;�_
<br /> Trustbe In flccordenca with or whlch ins Da securad 6 Ihis Dead o!frust,entl(c)tho pedormanca ot ell ot fhe covanants,egieemBnfa en0 �'�"--�
<br /> Y Y .�t`'�fXt,���.
<br /> r'o�i`l+-: condi0onsha�eincontafnod,ellolwhkhlsAe�ofnaRercollecRvatycalledtho"Inda6fedness:'Tnutorinavaa6yB���eend6anslarsto .,.��.. -
<br /> � � fiusteB,ln frus6 wilh POWEH OF SALE,aAOIlhe Ioilowing descdbed pioporty: ?�I���?r�;���—-
<br /> �:•-i. -�..a.
<br /> � '-- Lot 19, Block 3, Mevee Firet Addition Co the City of Grand Island, Ilall County, Nebraske. �Jy�',�'"___
<br /> :_;Fr, �L.._:__
<br /> ;.�L, . "'i2'`It"--
<br /> , ,- - _
<br /> � ,,J : -'�,
<br /> c� rS' , � �y..����,,�
<br /> -F�" u 1� ,� }ti ,
<br /> �' �-i � ti{�� . , . `:_
<br /> i. .
<br /> i�ll�� l�ayf�•it��.i,-.::5f'.
<br />. .- fogBlha with(iJ e11 bulldings,aWChnos,eddelons,enlargemonls,modificallons,iepafra,ieplacements,endlmprovomonts now or heieaRei �;) .�., ,_,��}3;�
<br /> - � ' bceted Iheraon,(Iq all eqWpmonl,macninory entl fixNres(lnclutltng,without limne(ion,all liph6ng,hoaling,vontllefing,coofing,eli � �5� �:�_ �, �__
<br />,-.�k�.,;,�,, condillanfny,spdnWing ond pWmbing Axturos,wetm end powor systoms,eng�nes,Doilors,�engos,ovons,dishwesho�s,minois end manmis, r r;, �;��.-.�
<br />,.,�,,...! wrpe(inp,lumecos,oll bumors,elovalors and moPo�s,iel�gare0on plants oi units.canmunicetlon systoms,dynamos,benslormo�s,elecV(cal -�:;��_:-`�. .;� "� �
<br /> equfpmant,slo�m end acroon�Nndows,doors,ewNngs end shatlesJ now or horoaltor onuchetl 10,or 6uiMln,any buildtng or lmpiovemonl . . �-v f��-�-
<br /> ''"` � now o�AereaROrlocefod Ihoreon,(iiJ all onsomonts entl tlghls ol rvay oppurtonanf fhoreto,(iv)ell laasohold esfete,dght,6f10 and Inlerest o! ,,,� �_.� ; �}._-
<br /> .l i , inufaln enU fo all le8ses,whalhor now a horoslfe�oxls6ng or onterod In(o(lnclutling,wiihoutlimifaGOn,all cash end securiry deposlts, � sy.,; � -.,,
<br />::;_s�;:'�' eWence ientals and tloposlls a pnyments of a slmner naNroJ,podetntng moreto,(v)eil iems.issuos,proBie end Incano the�o�rom(su6�oct 4�.-- _ �.�
<br /> � ��E f�� fo 1ho dght ol Trusror ro colloct entl oppy such ionts,fssuos,p�oli�s entllncano es�hoy baome duo and payeble so long os no event o/ 'a,�s t ��r��,��
<br /> . ;,r�:? doleulf exlsfa hmountler),(vq WI royN�os,minmel,o!:srtd gas�Ights and profits.water,wa�e�dghts,and wate�slock tyiq ull ronomonta, -.A� ��,.;:
<br /> AeredltemoNS,pdvfloges end nppudenancos bolongrng,usod o�enJoyod In wnnecGon fherowirh,enU tyti)arlprowods ol conveision. �. � ;=`A'..lfG?fi;_:�.
<br /> voluntery orinvoluntery,ol nny ol fholo�egWng Inlo cesh or liquldated c�etms(!ncluding,wifhout limltallon,p�oceods ollnsurenco entl
<br /> CondemnnHOn nwnrtlsJ,el�o!which is heretnalto�collocGVeN ceROtl tne"Trusf Piopetly". ii:-_ +
<br /> 1. Tdlo.Lustor covonnnfs,wmianfs end e9ieos wi�h Bonelictery,i�s successas and asstgns,thal Tmsto�oivns fho 7mst Pioporty lroe -�-,�`�,�t��,"�, -
<br /> ,f"�-`'- � l�an any pdor Ilon or Oneumbianco,fhat(his Deatl of Tmst ts antl�NII iemam e valid antl en/orcoeblo lrstlton on(Ae Tmst Propo�ry, � '- - ' ��`
<br /> Ihat INSto�,at ils oxpenie,will piosorve such fille end will malnla7n thls Deod ol Tiusl as e lirst und pararnount lion upon fho 7N5! �'��-�'i'�:�'.'�:.•"�'S
<br />. Propatly entl wl!l/oiever waaanl and tlelond(he velldiry and prio�iry of Iho lien horeo!e9ainsl lhe clelms ol ell po�sons entl paMes `??jt��,';�_,;,� ::."
<br /> -; whomsoever.Truator,al Ils oxponse.�vill ceuse fhls Doud of 7mst,end each emondmenr or supploment herero,to 6o filod enO _-yi� � �. .
<br /> -� mCO�detl es o mongago o/1he Trust Proporry in such mannor end in such pluw antl win iake sueh ecnon es(n Iho optnion ol 7rusteo �� 'f r;. �
<br />- "":j�;`; may Do roqulietl by ony p�oaenf oiluNre len(n mtlor to pedect.malnlein undpro(ect Ine lion ol fhis Doetl d fiust,aslho semo may .:�.#�;�+��-,__ ,
<br /> ��±�t� bo nmondutl oi supplemenred Irom timo ro 6mo. Tmstor wdl mnke sucn lurthor essu�ence o�essurances ro poAect Rs Gtlo to 1ho Tnis1 _.
<br /> �t`� �' Proporty es mny be iuqui�od by Beno�clary.7rostor ho�oby iolinquishes au tlght ol tlon•or nnd homestend fn and to fha Trus1 Piopony. . � .�_� ' ' .
<br />-'-: � � 2. Peymont ol IntlBDtotlnoss. Auslor agroes to pay promptly rvhon tluo an Intlebtodnoss ansing undcr fhu Gumenry o�olho�wise owotl �;, ��
<br />� _�.,•.; ' ro Qono6clary. �� r�.
<br /> a«a��ey.{1�e. `
<br /> ��'">: .
<br /> .� 3. Funtls lor Paymont of Cha�gos.SubJect to epplicoble larv or to e wnrten warve�by Benoficlary,7rustu�shell pay fo Benulidary on(Ae �i-.
<br /> y.•.
<br /> fiBt tley of each Rronf,qr suth ofhor tlato oASh monlh as mqy Da sPec��ied Dy Beneliclary,unlil the/n4ebtaCnoss Is peltl!n fVll.a sLL�
<br /> � (�orolnalto�c�t+HOtl�he"FUnds'7 equal ro 1•72ih of ihu yearty taxes and assessmenls wh�ch may euam pnortry ovor this Deotl o/lrust ��
<br /> � end grountl ren(s on I�o Trust Piopotly,d eny,pWS 7 12Ih ol Iho yearty p�emrum inslaflmertts�o�hazertl msurence.pWS 1 12fn o/!ho
<br /> yesdy4romiom Insfellmonts lo�mortgage mswenco.d eny,ell us reasO�aDty eshmated��na/ty entl�rom(me�o hmo Dy Bonehclary o� �
<br /> � � • Iho bas�s ol essossmonls end Dins er.d reasonable osfimmes�nereoL 7no Fwds she�l ar heitl m an mshmtion.�he deposas or �
<br /> - � occoun(s o!rvhich ere inswe0 ar guerantaed by a ledorai or smro agency lndudmg BeneGC�ary Benehaary snan nppty fno Funtls fo �
<br />- '"t� � pay sffid laces,assessments,lnsu�ance premiums end ground ronts.Bene6ciary s�a��no�be repuired fo pay Tmstm eny mterest or i
<br /> oamings on tha Funtls.Benoficlary shun glve ro Tmsro..�wtAOUt charge.an annual accountmg o!rne Funds showmg crodds and �
<br /> a.rw,..,.,.d� ,:i.,w .
<br />. -- i� • tlQ0/fS f0 NO FUOOS Bn0 fno puipose iar wmcn vacn dGnFi iv iBv TvP�vi�.da:d.'.o.T.�o.`c•:C�B:�r:..�y�-'S---�--�_-_°`-=.-- — :
<br /> _ � No Indob(odnoss securod by thls Deotl ot Trosr.ll tne emount o!tho Funds heltl by Bonelidary.togerher�vrth mo lurwe monlhy �
<br /> lnslNlmon�ol FunUs payeble pnor ro tho tluo tlatos of(aios.essossmon(s.insurenco premiums entl g�OVnJ ienls.snan oxceeC tho
<br /> emount requGOd tD paysald taxes.ossassmonrs.insurenc9 premrums end giound renls es fnoy IellOuo.such ezcoss shall be.aI
<br />. - Truswr's op0on,oilhor p�omptty iepuld to Tiusto�or cred�red to Tmsror agninsNutmo monlhty msmnmems o1 FunUS.II the emounr o! �
<br /> - �� Iho Funds hold by Benefictary shnn not Do suN�ciont to pay texos.esseumonls.insurento premiums en0 ground rents es they�all tlue.
<br /> TNStor s0E�1 pay to BRnOlictary eny pm0unt noCOSSary lo make up Ino tloGC�oncy�vdnm Ihlrty days Irom tho dalo no6co rs mated Dy
<br />�- BenofidarytoTNSforroquosCngpaymenttherooLUponpaymon(inluilole111ndo01odness.Be�oGaaryshellp�omplryrelu�tllo f
<br /> - � Trusla eny Funds heid by Banolidery.ll(ho Trust Proporryls sol0 untlar tho powor ol saie or tho Trus1 PropeM is otnerwae acqunea !
<br />- " _ Dy BonofiGary.Benefidary shan aAPh•immed�atoty pnor ro tho snlo ol tno Trus1 Pioporty or ns ecamsmon by Dona��dary.eny Funds I
<br /> -_:,,� Aold 6y BonoGGery et(ho!!me o!eppiicefion es e crotlrt agumsf Iho IndeDrodnoss.R Beno6c�ary osecums e rvniton rvarver ol irusror's
<br /> .�;, •, oDliqaGOns unCC�fhts pa�agrep�3, irusto�covenanfs and eg�eos to pay,bolare tho semo becano de6nquenf,e�!�exes.essossments.
<br /> a• Inswenco promiums.grow�d renfs,enrl on orhar chnrgos�vnaisoevor lonod upon or essassod.p�ncad or matlo egamst the irust
<br />- -r.(• .�� Proporry.Trusfa lutlhor aqroos.upon vinl(en roquosl by BenoAC�ery.ro pianptty de�rver ro Oenehnary a�l rece�pts�o�the paymo�t of
<br /> .�,. :.:'� MSlLM}IMpAeb�WPN
<br />