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�. : .,� :.- � � ,� _.+_.:.�......�..::: . .. . .._.. . _ __ <br /> `"""� . i�. ScMduN ollsaaas,Wlm�n ten p0)dry�aRu d�mu�d,Trustoraha.MPorNsh ro lienaBclary e schoawn,cero�ed to byTiusla,setXe9 <br /> kRh��l pN��cs��s o10�Trust Proq+ry,a rny pa0ai�hu�ot,Includln fn each case,�he name ol lhe fena�va qr acupanta e descdpNOn <br /> , n�rctMa�ii,iiindfi jnHeHiluBeneNClirymeyro�aso�na�iBQUes�apace,andeuchoNarinlormetlonentltl�xmontaxiN <br /> �e. cow��qar�,afolw!lnA��MCtfoLH1N,W1fIwutM�pAawdttencauentolBeneficlary,Trusroranallnot tltrecryar{n�iecny, <br /> WhA �Q MY Np�of�p�ee fn fM fiiif ProplRy,a rnyponlon thaeoJ,wMthe�auch�ease Is now o�hereatlerin e,rkronce: <br /> � (�) ACa a �n p�A7tM�4d116W��o+��'���P�Y�^rolrentherounde�lnexcessolonemnnth, <br /> (D) Cnnc a���M�N�NICCIptlnyolnclN�tlOn,flrm�n�Bmorsunandar(hareol,orpafmltanyaventrooccuiwNchwoul0 <br /> acur fnN�und�i o fumin�fl a o�nCN fM um1,othd�fNn ferminatlon/o�nonpaymen!o!rent, �g,;,.�:�... <br /> (o) Am�nd a modly fM�ae»io��fo nduC�fl»fvm fMml, tM rontal payaWa�heraundei,or ro chenge any�enewel proNsfau �_'---'-"�--� <br /> . . -. merNnconnrn�d, ' �`.^�'.<.:r�ti;�;-__�. <br /> ) WMwanydH�uttNenundeaWnchl�er�ol, - <br /> __ �) f�fw�nyconlM6w�IV1�oiMpfOVNfMl11llld�/GUkl�nyothe+acuonlnconnacuontherewnn,orwRhelasseeNareunder,wNch S �->�.-,�,�.�;, <br />�— _� wouMh�WN�IHICtollmp�IdnptMYllWOftMNNa'alnlu0affhBraun;fe�o�thepropartysu6/octlhereto,orollmp.ldngUio -_.� :_�--_^•r������u,� <br /> � p0.tltlOn aNterodt of&n19c14y f�NNn,0I �i _: -,, ° '`'° <br /> �� SNI,e�slpn,pqtlp�,marpsDemomenvi»dNpor�ol,alnCUmberllalnlerestln�+nyseldleasao�enyianta,fssuas,profifslssufng ��5. _ < -- <br /> __�;� wads7nplherounde/. ?'h;rf ' _'_ <br /> _z�;,� (8. WiNe�ol SI4Nte ol Llmifedan9.llmo/9 Of fh0 OesenC0ln all ol Tru91o�'s abllQnllans end tluttes horeuntlar,enrl to tlie extont peim(ttad 4e}u'.�,• , <br /> _,�r: M bylew,TrotMr weNas ellOresonl w futurn cNNt�a olllmlN Wna wIN respecf ro eny dohr,domantl or obllgollon secured hera6y end ��r�;�;��;�, ; .,: <br /> °- Q� any action o�prxeetllnp fot the pwpoa�nf�nlorclny�hia O�ed ol Trusl o�eny dghls orromodlos confolnedheieln. tvry Gv e y r,� <br /> ` �� 'i7. Corporetlon a PeRnorahlp Exfatence.IlTruslorle a Caponllon,pOno�al partnership,orlimitad partnoiship,!t will do ell things �,rn��7�'ar r�. <br /> '`>'�- nacessery ro preserve Ila wipa�fe or pann�roNp�xblencs,�e�he oese may be,end uq dghts and pdvllegea under fhe laws o!tho j„S i � � . <br /> ��.��' .+,' � � <br /> L�. f8. Fabeaa'ncebyBaoeNcfaryNOleWelve�.MyforWannc�byBen�flcierylnexerc�singenVtl9hfa�emody ho�eunda,oiothenvisa 1�`0';����%�.,� � <br /> J# %i� eXOrdad 6y epAflcable lew,ehe�lnot De a waNer ol a r�cNrle fh��xecfte ol anp such dOht or remedy.the Praurement ol it�'� "r x�� "--' <br /> ;,-' lnsurance or tha paymem ol faxes or rhe dlscharpe ol Piens o�chyrBea 6y eeneficluy ahmi not ba a watver ot Bonofidary's dght ro tt{"�_., { ° _ <br /> -`+ - - • eccelerateihemaluriryollhelndo6fatlness. € � ,n!; � `_�- <br /> - �`'°�� 1B. Remedlos CumulaWa.Nlremetllos pioNtletlln fhb Deed o!T�uaf ere dlaflnol entl cum�dnlNO ro eny otho�dOht or romedy unrlei Ws �r�Y�jf. .f �� , <br /> -_ �,�,`; DaedolTmslO�eHOrdetlbylewo�eqvlry,entlmey69exomltedconcwranlly,lndependonUyorsuccosstvoty. � xr�S;° r� �_� <br />'_-'v.-�z>' 20. SucceucraendAsslgnsBOUnd,•JoinlendS9v0ia1U�WIIry,•CepROntlhiCOVenantaantlagreementsherainconlainedshallbind,and (,t�{�,�,�._•.,_-,=Kp� <br /> -- � � the dgh19 Aereundar she11 inure fo,fho�espeCllve suCCOesors and esslgn9 0l Beneficiary,T�usfae,end Tiuslor.NI covonenls and � �r�ir: ' ^�"` <br />-� �-�:=�� egreementsolTrustoiahanDe�dntendseve�al. lhaosptlonsentl�eatlinpaoflhapnregrepnsolmraDOOdofTrustereloi �{f4�?r.; �, �.�� <br /> F =:;f:�.,:�..;.,,-- <br /> � conveNencaonyenderenoffobeuseclrolnte�pretortlelineiheproNSlonehe�eol. �-f�,�t.;,,;_+._���;,�- <br /> �:--ir 21 DeedolTruslah��beBMenbymualRngsucnn�c'oCy'certfflatlmtil,relunrec'Uplrequstodadd�easotlPoTius(ro�P!lsmenngl��IS ,j��fiti��,�5� �-- <br /> eOd�eu sellonh abova w et such o�hei address es Tnufo�mey tle5lpnele Dy no12e fo UnnoAdary ea proWdotl herefn,end(6)eny S�,��;'`��'+�� '�-- <br /> no0ca to BenaBGnry or Tmsfea ahall be gNan by oenllied mell,�elwn rocelpt requeSroQ(o l3ono6clary's end Tmstee's malling �,;/j.d:�+y��}.�' "��-•-� <br /> nddrosv ateted he�eln b�ro such o1he�utld�oss es Benefidery o�Tro,f1eB may dB570ne1e Dy nollco lo Trostoi es provided hma�n.My ��n F�/: st�i�. � <br /> � �; notico prodtlad lor In Nis Deed ol7iusf ahan ba deemeC to have Deen pNen ro Tmstm,Benellcinry oi imsroe wnan given in ine "-` ��t , � - <br /> � .- mennardeslgneletlhareln. �j• 3 f�3i�t�'f�tr���. r: <br /> - -'��� 22. Qoveming Law;Savereblliry. This Deed ol Trust ahall be goveinatl by fhe lews ol1Ae Sfe1e ol Ne6�eskn.In fhe ovont enyprodslon m ��if?�f i;�Y 4t _- <br /> � clauso of lhfs Deed o/Tnuf conllicts w11h epplice6fa law,auch conitlCl8hall nof eNecl o1hB�provislona ol thls Dood ol Tmst whlch cen ,�,��,,;�fU,�,,h,�>._?. .- <br /> -`y�� be glvon edoct wifh0ut Ue conlncling p�oWslone entl 10 fhfs ontl fhe provtsiont o11Ma Daod ol Trutf aio doclaiod Io bo severeble. x,�Y���� f �i �Y�t,,.. <br /> 23. Evonte ot Oolault.Eech ol fho!ollowing cecurionco�ahall consll'ufo nn ovonf ol dofmid haieuntlo4(hoiafnelmi ceRod en �`FI�i•i) ���i;�`�:,: <br /> � + - -� '•Evenrol0eleuK'): / �' <br /> --i ��Y s fitr �• <br /> . F-._ (p) 9onowa�shanlelltopayen �ns(enmenrollnleresrorqlncipNundmnnyolfhofoens,letteraolcrodir,orothernnendel , , ... <br /> accommodeGOns made Dy�onenclery Io Bonowa�, <<`�'r+_j�;r et��S� �; <br />� :;;;it't,' (U) Bonowa�shalllNl!o o65orvo or podo�m eny ol fho torma or p�oWSlons ol any tlaumonf sacutlng such loans,IeRms ol crotlit,o� 5, �„lt Z i,,;, <br /> oNei financfel ecCOmmotleflons mada by 3oNliciary fo Oonowor. '���`�.r'�,?fi.'iL`:'�'l�"i`: <br /> ; . . ��. , <br /> .: .. � ..:i�i l �..�. <br /> �`+:+;':'� (o) TiusforshenlelltopeywhonduoenylndobtodaosesocmodhoroDy, •���-•e.S""'^;.`.� _:+'=- <br /> `r. % (d) MywenenryolGROmadobyTmsroihorolnsha��6ounhuo, ' ._ �r � <br /> ' �- ;. (eJ Tmsto�ahal!lell fo observe or peAOrm eny ol mo covenunls,ogroamonls,o�condiuons In fhle Dood o!T�ur1, - ; } <br /> �, (q My reprasentetlon oi wenanrymatlo by Tiustor on eny linanciel s7ntomonts o��opo�cs aubmiftotl(0 8onnflclary 6y or on 6uhaq o/ - i � Sy 7'�i,Y�� ! <br /> "is Tiusfo�shall provo loiso or maletlally mkfoatling. S�S"t'�4i<i 7��1 ��' � <br /> '"}�§i/ (91 AoUUonlnbanlwr c'eua�nstT�uslor,rorlorlAOieor a�lrallonolTrus�o��uPuanl ofhoFOtloralBanbuptc Codo,oron'jsim1er '}�� ��'�i�'�j � ,k`�.� <br /> - i�.� P P Y 9 9 P Y Y - d'R.n n � � ;t: <br /> - :�-�y,�rd; Iaw,rvhoNOrlodordorslele.entll/suchordoiapoli(ionaANlnolDOtl�sChmgotlo�tl�smissodwilhlnlh:rry(30)deysaltorfhedule !�� :�;;�„ t �"^,. <br /> ' r-- *:• on whlch suCh oidor or puli(lon was filed, -�+rt,<< ���'f- i. <br /> S 5} - +ti�' (h) Tmsto�ahalllilo a po6don pmsuant fo IAO Fodoial Bnnkroplcy Codo or any Mmnm�aw,lotloinl w afnlo,or J!Trustor shall bo 5xtit r'��'S'��, - <br /> . `^:'iF"' ad/udged e 6ankrupL or be deGorod InsoNOnt,o�sha�l mako en ass�gnmonllor�ho ConoL�ol erodito�a,oi sha��etlmltln wiiGn ds � - <br /> ,�' - •� lneWliry ro pay ds debts es lhey betome dvo.or sha�l consonf fo(ho appomtmont ol n rowrvo�ol NI or eny part ol tho Ausl P openy, t���4t?`.. ��•����•�.:.� <br />���'�� ��''� �' (IJFInaljudgmentlafhepaymenrolmoneysha116aionJOrotlagtunslirusfo�entlimslorc�nllnoltliscnargofhestvne,orcauseifro �`il:.�l�','� . <br /> - � bo dlscherged,wilhfn fhfrty(30)deys eltcr tho onlry lhorool.or Snan not apponl lhoio6om o�6om Iho ortlor,decroe oi proceu } .- <br /> - -�}y upon whlch mparsuanl fo wh(ch seldjudgment wes grontod Ontotl,or onrorotl.nnd socuro n aloy ol oxocutlon peneVing ' <br /> ' � <br /> ,'1 Jli�i.� suen eppeal. - ..-�i:��r,�,��,: <br /> -�,-�:�J� Q) Lusto�shffiI sell or convoy fho Trost Proporty.or eny pert Iherool,o�nny mlorost Ihaiom,o�shn�i bo tlnoslod oN(5 Gife,or eny Inlerosf - „ <br /> - Neroln,!n eny manner a way,whefher voluntarity or mvoluntany,wrtnuut t110 wldron consonl olOOnoGClery boing Arsl hntl • <br />- ondobfalnod. - � � � - <br /> - :�-�� (k) My ol tha Evonls ol Delaull tlescriDerl m causes(gl mrougn p)nerw!snm�nxypon�o Oonmvo�.or �'�� - _ <br /> ��-�'�Y (q 1!TmstoNS e co�pore6on or partnersn;p untl moro fnon h/ry po:com(50°oJ o�fho sha�os or poneGC�al ml0�ot15 m So;J�corpoinlion o� <br /> "�-A�'`-��-�" pahne�sh(p,es lha cese may be,sheil De f�onslened or conveyod.wnetnoi volunt��dy o�mvoWmonty.�wthoul fhe wrilten consenf ol _, . <br /> `;`�g!;:}?+�• BenefiUary6e1n81i�sthatlandoDlametl. : <br /> - 24. AcCOiB�aGOn of Deb1:FwoClosuso.Upnn(he otcwrenco ol eny Evc�(o�Do1aW�.or nny mno fhoroa�roi.Oonoht�dry may.aNts ophon, <br /> - tloclaio all fhe Indebtedness securod�eroby immediatoty Ouo ontl payaD�o o�d fno sema shan Dam�ntorosl ul l�o h:gnes(m(Urest mle �[ <br /> - permiltetl by fari end 0/BSpOC6ve ol w�elhe/Qon2LC�ary o�ro/GSOS aa�d ophon,d mny,nf rts ophon nntl m rts so/o tlrsCrofion,wilhoui f{ - <br />- nnv lurthei nolice or demantl lo or�ron TrosIO%tlo o�o or mo/o of Iho�o�lo�v��B. f.� <br /> (eJ Beneffclerymay enfer upon,Iako p0.tsoss(on ol,manago an(1 oporoto Iht Tlusl Propo/ry or anypa�i Ihorooh,mdko ropaFrS anU f <br /> . . el(ereGons entl do eny acts whlch Oeneliclary tlooms propm fo protecl tne sucunry InorooC antl mR�a�vdh a�vnhout(ekng ` . <br /> possesslon,In its own name,sve lo�or ofhorwlso cwllocl antl rocolvo�onts,issuos anU proMa,mc�utlmp Inoso pnst tlue antl unpaid, 4 <br /> and oppy fAe same.less cosls entl expensos olopomnon anticonocuon,Includlnp roasonnDlo nttamoyloos nnU QonoGpary's r: <br /> � .��- -�-� cosls,upon Ihe Intle6tedness socurotl�weby end In such ortlor os Oonol�cwry mny tlomrmmo Upon�oquosl ol Qonollc�ary. Tmsfa� 1- <br /> .`;,�,t�y�,,;��- shall ossemblo end sha11 make eva�lable Io Bonof�c�ary ony ol fna Irus�Proporry�vmcn A�s Doon iomovou 1no ontoimg upon antl f. <br /> ,.:•,�g,:�n;r • tek(ng possesslon of tho Tmst Pioperry.fne collection of eny ronts.Issuos antl p�olds.and 1ho nppGCairon tnoreol ns nlorosaiA,shai� f <br />�.��7_^�.ii�, notcureorweivennydo/aWlNOromloroort�orealtoroccuuing,a�e(loclnnynoncoo.'tlo/ivtro�nohcoolen�ohoro�mtlo�or f <br /> .��W.��i' . <br /> „ i. 1� Invaltdale any ect tlono pu+suent(o eny such nobco.Nofwithstending Donol�ciary's tonhnunnco ui pwsossion o�ioco�pt nnd � <br />� �- '�"��i Bpplicehon oAOnts.(ssuos orp�ofifs,BenohclurysAall bo onfihotl fo oxoraso ovory nghl prov�tloU fo�m In�s pootl ol irusl or by�aw <br /> �-±.:`^'- : upon or eRer fhe occurronco ol en Evant of Doluui4 IncluUing tho�/ghl(o oxorc�m f�o porvo�ol snlo My o�Iho nchons role�mC to in - <br /> -��"�°'�' fhls poregreph mey bo takon 6y BOnoliclury el suM fimo as Bonol+c�ary may tlolormmo wdhoul roU���ro fha ndoQunry ot ony . _ <br /> '_�`k� secuntylorthelndeDtednesssecurodharoDy. <br /> : '' <br /> �� r ,__ <br />