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j r� � <br /> i ,__ . T .. . ,� : - � <br /> �� ,7�. �-- '.,i . ' .u,,..,r'--- - --�'"�^"" '��`—',w::r .�. -•- '. .., "_ _ . __ — ' <br /> r �n <br /> ..,.,..�.� —�� � � <br /> ' f�.'h�itliN�INsaiiaAeTryfa�tPro�p(q1��wYeny�PU�lon�tlnrblNanGNdlnppnekhce�i�lMn�mpolMafenn�lie�wocc�Anfa����� <br /> ` � e/th� �c�occppfsdoysuohfinentaoecupenr,tlNrant�IpeY�delMpuchap�ee,lnflsueholAerinlormellon+inddce�x»nMlwkA <br /> � ne�MC�Prosucnha�N�ntltxunek+ueenNkArym�Yre�wn+Dry.tnp:ysR ui; , <br /> f� w�itli�rieplG�oufxN��ole��c�fnth�tPropeKy.o��PoM1����Gw��Naueh/e tebrtowahere�aM�lnew�te�nc�� <br /> p) AteeptwpM�fu�YDNWYm�"�����nlaadvaxspeymentolrsmhera�nde�lnsxceesolonemontA, <br /> u <br /> .(b) Cuicel ate�inlqaM ths sams,olaCCppleny cMCeBa7on,ferminetion a au��ande�lhereol,or pe�md any event to occur wMCh woutd <br /> -- .pocurlMnundvfoN�min�feaancNfhaea�7e,oNerM�nrorm�n�tlontornonp�ymentolrent, <br /> (p) M»rM a mod�ty Ne seme so ee ro reduce Ne rorm thereol, me romel p�Y�bk rherauntlnr,a ro change nny renewel proNrknf <br /> tlMrNn coMdnod, - "- ' --- <br /> (d) W�Ay�nydd�uRdroreunderabrsachNa�eol, <br /> � (�) pAy�nyconarnt,wWe�aepprovalfharountleiafakoenyolhNecYchlnconnecU0nlhe+owiflLOrwilAalessaethoreundei whlch <br /> --�"� xroWdhavethseHecroilmAeldnBtheveNeolNalessorelnfe�esteharouAQaorthepropeMsubJSCttha�oto,oro!lmpaldngNa <br />— _- - posNbn aMteresrol BeneAclary Ne�ern,o� - <br /> ';g,;� � M (Q Sell,esslgn,p/edge,mortgapeoroNenNSedlsposeof,o�encum6erRSlMerestlnerry.satlk�amornn/.rontRlssues,profi(e7saufng <br /> --.:.,z:�1 Q� aeASingNerounder. <br /> -`v�t-� 1& W8Ner0/SYalUleofUmlt8t10ns.DmalsollhBeSSancalnsUO/T/usto/sobligqU0n9anqd�AFd9bprnundAry.fln(!P!1lhBexfentpBml(t(ed -- <br /> ';`;,- bylew,TrusrorwaNesatlpiesentalutureataNtasoNimRaGbnswlfh�ospecltaenydobt,dnmenAmobfgq6ansacuredNere6yand _ _ <br /> � anyectlonorpraeetlinglaNepurposootenforcinglhu0eedolTmsro�enytlpbtsaromatll�,sconl�nhAdhoro:n. - __. <br /> f7. Corpore0on a PurtnersNp TrusroNs e corporelWn,gonanl pertnership,or ftmtatl pannnm,h'A,tf wlntlo en Nings �. <br /> nacessary fo preseNe IIa corpo�ate or pannerahip ex7stonce,as the case mey bo,end etl dpM�andpdvt(opns undorWO laws olNe �___ <br /> 6Nb ollfa IncapweUon a orgenhatlon. �`* <br /> 78. FaAeaAntebyBanaficlnryNOfeWelver.MylorDeernnaebyBenaficlary7nexercfJnpanydphro�remodyhomundor,orothe/wlse _ <br /> - aHadetlbyapp4caWefaw,ahannotbeowariarolorp�ocludolheexerclseolflnysucbtlphtonmm�dy.Thap:ocuremonfol .w=. . , _ <br /> lnaurence a fhe payment ollaxa�a fho OlscAarge o!llens oi cha�pes 6y 8onefiGary shpUnpf bo a wahpr o�EenoflGary's dBhf fo �z1s ;- <br /> - -.�,�'4'',;,, ecceleretaNemafunryolfhelndebletlnesa --- <br />� �' '� 18. RemodiosCumula7lvo.Allremodiosprovl0otllnthlsDaedolTrustarodlstlnctandcumulalivomenyoiha�rd�tcrremorryuntlorthls ��;?`�:- __ <br /> -- /"� DeetlolTiustoreHOrdedbylewaequlry,endmeybee:orcketiconcunonty.fnAopendonlyorsuccesslvoly -�_ <br /> ,:_:_,,,::'�� 20. Succe�sois end Ass78ns Bountl,�JWnt end Seveiel Llabniry,•Cepflona.Tha covonenls end aD�Qemonfa horofn c4nle:nod shnll biad,and ,�.u' _ _ <br /> . �:<, Nadghlshe�eundershalllnwero,lherespecLvoauccassmsandass�gnsolBenoficlary.lmstoo,endTmata�.N+covannnlnanA �,!';.r:;._:ti_ <br /> «1._ _f,- agreemenfsolfiulorsha116eJolntandsevoiaLIDecapHOnsentlheadingsollhoparnprephsollhlsOOeAOl7materofon ; Sk ,,,, <br /> a, .,_�.:,ti` convenfance only end eia nol fo be usotl io lnler ret a dehne(he rovislons heraol. -< 7 <br /> P P O Y P .{r.'1,y'l=— <br />. :-� '.,�{::- 21. No6ce.Excaptloranyrwticerequiradundereppflceblelawto6eplvenlnnnotha�manner, o an noticaloTmNm mrldodloilnfhls ;, <br /> - �`����J���`�`�:• Deed of Trust ehall be glvon bymeiling such notica by cenihed mell,retum roceipf requeslatl eddroased m Tivatx at Ra mN6ng �.���Q;;,^,�yoa��-� <br /> � e0dress satlorth ebovo or et such oNeietldress as T�uslor may tlesignato by nollce to 9enoHClary as provltlad noiein,and(b)eny <br /> � ,a�... <br /> a ` c nF'}%- rwDCefoRennP.claryaTmsfeeshe116egFrenbyceni6edmail,roNmiocolAlroquested,�BeneflGaT_acandprus�oe'smnllinp ��-. �1 , h��.-- <br /> r r�-�,��� edOresss(etotlno�amorrosuc"noinareddrosau58ureTw'ayaTr�>7aamry,.:.:Cna...,.^.c.:_e.:..^�_._:e_p W!�ednnroh.Any _._ � . __.., <br /> � 9i_• noBce prohUed lor fn lhfa Deod of Tiust shaN be doemed ro havo beon glven fo Tmsla,Benefi:lary of JruWeo whon gNOn In Uia ., , ,,_— <br /> �r 1 <br /> � � _��� mannordos�gnatoUhe�aln. � -� � _ <br />. .�.;::'.�-: �,r <br /> 22. GovemNg Low,•Sevaebqiry.fils Deed o!7iust shall be govorned by ihe lawa ol Ne Sta:e o/Nebraske.In Ihe e��nt eny p�ovi:lon o� ";:� ` ` ' <br />;_;y�,. , clau5aolfhisDeodofTmstconllicfawilheAA��ce6lolew,suchconlllctahallnotaHectotha�p�ovlsfonsollhisCeeOa(imafwhichcan �`•,;�•;���a,�,-i���._ <br /> be gNen ollact wtthoul the con0lctlng provulons end to fhls entl fha p�ovlsions o/1hls Dood ol Tmsl aio Coclarod to ba sevomble. {��i1`,,�;;!...:),��� - <br /> 23. Evenls ol Oe/eutt.Each o/Iho Idlowing occmrnnces shau conslitufo en evont ol delault hemundor,(haratnnNei callod en 's,, � -�,.� �- <br /> "fventofDefeWY'): , ����': � <br /> ' (a) Bonowershell/a7lfopayenylnslallmenrollntoieslorptlnclpalunCOrenyolNa�oans,lotPorsolcrotlit.orothe�linunctal � ,�` ;:� y <br /> eccommadallons matle 6y Bonoficlary(o Barowa, <br /> (b) Borrowo�ahal11e1110 obsorvo a peda/m ony ol the fe�ms orproHstons ol ony daument secutlng such bans,lol(ora of cmCd,o� ���` �--���� <br /> � ` olhorl7nanc7nlaccommodationsmadebyBonlficlaryto0onowor. ���i ""��-���'. <br /> `-.::i�y <br /> ,";,+�.�=�t% ;eJ TrustorsDelllellropaywAendueanylndeb(etlnesssecurodheroby, . ' �- ��-�' <br /> � - 1�.l (dJ My wanenN ol tiVO madn hy iios!er!e?•etn sha�l be untrue, '— �� ` <br /> i , +� _:i (e) liusroi ahelllell ro oluervo orpoAO�m any d the covonnn�s,egroomenls,ot cond�ons In thls Oeatl ol Tmst, f.� � <br /> � (tJMyreprosonta7lonawannnymadebyTruaroronanylinancfelstelomenlso�roponssubmtt(odtoBenel,cie�iDyo�onbehnllol �f,� ' ,' "� +�° <br /> -�)� Truslor shail provo lalse oimetedalry mBreadinp, ���- ' ` :-" � <br /> -;;° <br /> :: r:h+�:;- (g) AWStoe,�ocalvororllquidntaollhohustPiopeMorol7mstorsne110onppdnted.aenyol�hecieditoisol7rvstorsAallf.toa i(:, � ,,,y:.(���;:.,;; <br /> � -`V��=�� o6tion!n 6aNw lc agafnst 7rustw,a lor Ihe�eo�ganfzeGOn ol Irustw pursuant to Iho FoUO�a!Bankmptcy Codo,oi any s:mPa� �{.< .�; <br /> (�� -5�,:.�, P P Y ! - trr . <br /> ,.i:;;F��.{r�.� law,whoihar faderel or smte,andlf such order o�petiGOn shell no1 be discha�ged or dismissod witHln thlrty(90)deys alm�lho Oafo }h7,t .. _ <br /> d y •t,j,�Q• on whlch such orde�or petinon was filod, - 4r . �.`,��-•_� <br /> itti� �. <br /> dY „}j.�•��;y'�. (hJ lmstorahallliloepeGt7onpursuanitothoFodereBankrup(cyCoUOO�enysimilalu�v.lado�eloratato.aitTmato�ahe06e , . <br /> �..�,�(-l�z.t .r <br /> .._.�3,�� ed�udgod e benkmpt,or be doclaietl inmNOnf,or shenmako en assignmenNor Ihe benefit ol crodiro�s,or ahail admilln wiiEng rts �:}nti��� �''� <br /> ���• lnablliry fo pey its deb(s as fhoy becomo tluo,oishan consont(01ho nppofntmenl o(a receive�ol all m any pert ol rhn irust Piopeny, � t� ,: <br /> :��r� . �•�, � . <br /> (iJ FIna1(udgmentlor Iho paymont o!monay shall6e runderod egeinsr 7rus(m antl Tiustor shail no1 tlischargo ihn samo,or ceuse rt 10 +{';. '� <br /> '.' be tllscha�ge0,wiNin thliry(30J days aflu�the untry fherool,or shan no1 eppeal(herolrom or Irom tho o�do�,tlocroe or process •-^�'j�'� _ <br /> �•� upon which oi pursuant m whkh saltljudgment was grantod.Dasod.or enrereU.and securo a stay ol oxocu6on pentling (��'� - . '' <br /> d��heP�e,, Ii� � <br />. . - ;�T?V. (ji TruslOf She17 sell or convey the Tiust ProDetly,or eny part the�u0�,or eny in(erest Ihere(n.or sh�l:Do tlivestnd ol rts GCO,o�enyln�o�ost p - :`�>' <br /> -'`��" NerMn,ln any manner or ving whother eolunlany or involunfanty.mlhout(he wriCen cauent o�Beneficiary being first had f 1' � - <br /> ��.:'.i;l,.;::.� endobtaNed. ��;.-� . . <br /> - (p My o/lhe Even(s o�Oelaaft dosaiDetl m causes!gl�mougn(p he�eol s�a�i nn,oPC�[o Ooirowe�.oi . . <br /> � (q IlTrustoNSacwpwafionoipaMeist.ipnndmo�oinanGfryperceml50°ajollhCShnrRSO�D¢nCl�C�31inI0/aF1S�rt5JChc0/Pa�W�O/ , - <br /> - . peMe/Ship,a51he taSB maybB.Sha�DC banslerrotl oi conveyed,wh.elL•e�vo�unlanlyo�mvo�un(a�fly.wdh0ul tho n•M1nnGOnSiini 0� i <br /> - _ Aene�cfary being first hatl ontl oUta�neC ! <br /> 24. ACCO�oro6on o!DeDt Fo�eclosure.Upa+(ho occurrence o!eny Event ol DolaWf,or eny Dme(hemafto�.Bene6aary as oplron. <br /> � "�- dedero NI fhe IntleD(edness secured hore6y immetliatety due end payab�e entl me same shnR 6ear intomst at mo hrc�host mtn�ust iore <br /> -" pelmifrod 6y lew,end Inospet6vo o�who(hor BeneLCiary oxercisos ta�0 option,rt opt:on a�tl m Rs so�G U�u�oi�on.�nibout <br /> Blly/urthl+r nO0C0 0/Oem�na ro or upon 7rtrsior.uo one 4�rnJ�v�%�LLC fv���:�•:y: ; <br /> �" �- `y (e) Benolidary may onter upon,fako possossion o�,manago antl opem�e Ihe Trus�Property or eny part Iho�no/.-mnko rupa��c antl <br /> elloretlons and do eny ects rvhich Beneliciary deoms propei lo protecl(he secuury theroul,entl edhm�vrth or�vithout iabnp <br /> , ' ' � possossfon,!n ds own name,sue!oi a ofhnnv8o wllect antl roceive ronts.�ssues nntl0�ofit5.��clutl�ng Ihoso paY.duo antl unpn�tl. <br /> - enC epply fAO semo.!eu cosls end expensos o�operaUOn and co��ecUOn,incfutlmg mamneble alromoy/oos antl�enoGCary e . <br />- " ' cqsls,upon tho IndeDtetlnoss secwed heroby and in such mdo�as Qenefic�ary may Eororm:no-Upm roquos�01 UenMx+ary. Tlusror . <br /> - ^ 5hy1 a55omDlo antl shall mako eve��a6lo ro BonoSCiary eny of fhe Ims1 Pioperty w�ich has Dee��iomoveU.INe enlenng upa+antl - <br /> _ . � faWng possossion o!(ho Trust Pioperry.(no coilocGOn of eny roms,rssuos end pro�rrs.entl tno epplicorpn rhmoo!es efo�osad,snan <br /> - nof curo o�rvatve eny delouil Neroto(aro or the�oa/(oi occuuing.o�aHec(o�Y�oDCO of doleotr or no�co 01 sa'e ho�ountlo�o� ; <br /> _ � lnvelidato eny ect dono pwsuant fo e�ry such noGCO.Nohnlhsmndmg Oene��c�ary's connnuenco m possoss�on o�roce�pl enU <br /> -- �' �' epplico6on ol ronts.�ssuos or poG(s,Beneficfary sha/l De en6Jetl ro oso�aso every ilgm prontlod lo�m th�s DoeU ol tms(o�by lo�v <br /> - upon or eko�No occunenco ol an Evont o!Defeul(,fnclutl�ng 1ho nght(o exoraso 1ho powor ol sa�e My el R�o acnons�olciro0 ro m � <br /> � � ` Ih1s parapreph mey bo fakon by Benefic(ary a1 such tlme es Benellc�ary may derormrne wrthout�eBa�U:o tne arlequacy o�any <br /> _, � sOCUnry for Iho Intlobtednou securotl hereby. - <br /> , <br /> . .•' ., ��. � <br /> . <br />