; �r�.� .. � . . ..
<br /> � A . .. �"MLr��- wy14 i- -� -.� ' � t � .
<br /> C �.
<br /> (s .7�. !.,.. . 'i ;3 v�r�. ;� = 6. zi:(n Iy� „_,`;:, � .--- _
<br /> .,. .
<br /> _ _ _ •,i ' -y .i""_ � - �L_�- . .•, _ -..._.... -__-._
<br /> 1 ` :
<br /> .." -�F auchchupaa.TNalofGkewkfag�aeetopaye�lfexes,essessmantsendothercharpes(avloduponorassossad.A'8cedamatle "-_.__ . _.__ . —_ �
<br /> �y�fnef,�a/neesWed Dy,fN�Owd olTNSt or Ne recad�7on heraof.
<br /> � �, ApJ�YC�tlonolPeymmh.NiW%m�ntardcNvedbyBeneticqryeafo�ny deDl,lleblliryorob!!peUonowetltoBeneRGUy6y7rueror
<br /> — aBonowermuyWepp7Nd6Y d�nefid�rytopwp�ymentolfhelntlebladnee�afoenysuchoNerdeDt,ItaDniN oroDnyallon,
<br /> — � 7n�nyWdet�a m�nner ol app�ca�on wNch Benellclary,Inlp aASONte d7scieVOn,tleem�epproptlato.Urtless otherwfae ekcred _ __ ___
<br /> by BenHklery.enYSUC�peymenf shall be tleemed appNetl fial to Ne paymenf o/eny de6R 1IeW�iry a oDl�getlan oNer then �_
<br /> fM/nd�btednes�. �,-�
<br />-�=,R� 6. Chs�a;lleOa.Tru5M�wlkkeepNe��uslPropertYGBO(IOrtrNlllsl�.9A!!dlnCwllAPonC07WAIChln0lryW0y/118y,lntheluO�mento! � -�---- --
<br />--.�n� ,��.,.
<br /> - BlMraary have p(aiy over,orlmpeli Ne secudry ol,Nie Deetl ol Trust buf Tiuslo�neod nqt dr5cherQa eny auch llan ao ong as u'" ..
<br /> Tnvtaehs�l�p�N,lnwrlHnp,ropsythsoM7D�7ursecurodDyauchilenlnamanne�acce reDlaioBanaficfaryenOSAallingoodlNth ��*�+ '` `= �
<br /> �� ~ conteslauc�llenDyeppropAete(egalp�ceeadmgsaNOCWatoprevenfiheenfacomentoPhenenendthelossolenylnte�esflna �ct ryr<<<, ,
<br /> _,�=u..+� put d�he irusr PmpeM• �
<br /> —.P;�,;� B. MatmdMswance.hustaahUlkeepfhebutldingau�COtherlmprovemeNSnowex7sUngorhareahore�ectadonNeTiusfPioperry `rys�*'�,'"i�:3�i,;:-'°�--
<br /> � -�, "`� � fnsured 6y Insu�anca canlea satlslnctor�fo Benefldary againslloss 6y fire.�ezsrds fnGutledln tAa tenn"extentled cova�ege"and :, r�__ -t _ ,
<br /> x �� w+, � euch aherha:a�0s,casua�les end conAngenGes as may be repulred Dy Baneficlnry,in such amounte and loravch pedods ea mny Ao .ti; 5�1 � ��
<br /> ��,� iequlied by Benefidary. me pofloy o!lnswance shall be7n/orm eccepteble ro Bene9dery,p�odde lhat fhe same mey no1 bo �. +�<<�, -
<br /> cancelledamod�iedwlMOU7fiRean(f6)daysp�lmwnttennoVCetaBonafidary.endshNihavefosspayableproNSlonslnfavaofend ��;e{ ir�,{ ,�,: '
<br />� In fortn accepteGe ro Qanaficlery.NI p�emiums on Insurenca pol/clas s�all be pNd ln tho mannor provldetl under perag�eph 9 hg�eof • . �5�'.,•_
<br /> a,!lrwtpeltllnsuchmanner,byTrus(a�mekfr�p psymenteNaastfikoan(16)dnyspdo�loNaduedete,tllroctyrofhelnswance �-. - ..
<br /> �j canfe�Bene9ciaryshffif hara�ha dght fo hold ihe polldas end renewels thorool end lmsror shell promply himish to BaneON.ary ell E;+ - , .,�
<br /> �enewalnoticesande11pe1dpremlum�acelptsrecaNOdDylt.InnoevonfshollIIenefiGaryorTmstooDehald�osponslAlelOrfalNrofa t=�:, � � i :�
<br /> ..,-,,,, ;r paylnmrancap�emiumaoilorenylassadamageedsingouroledolocNnenypolicyoreds7ngourolanylaflmeolenylnsumnso �.R� ��' s••. �-•�.
<br /> ��F�"^'^�'> companyfopaylaenylossordemagelnsuredegelns7orloifallurebyTrustoifoaNacllhetnsuranceroqvlied0eraundar.lnlhaevent -,:�J,,:.:
<br /> �t �� :,;F; olloss,7iustaahellgNap�ompino�cebymellrotholnsurencaon�dorentlBonoh'clery.Bonoflciarymaymaka prao/o/losatfnot _ :� ,� � -� �
<br /> P matlepranptlyaNpwperlo�mbyTmslor.Allpo�Gosolfnswenceantlenyende�l�elundsoluneamadpremlumsarehe�aby ��,� , �ft42'-.
<br /> � f1� asslgned fo Bene6clary es additlonal securirylor Ne paymentlar�he Irtdebtedness.ln Iha ovant o/BencP,claiys axerclse o/lhe power l ,� ���5'. �
<br /> ol sale wnfelned he�eln,a fn Ihe evenf of faioclosuro,all NghL Gtlo andlnrerest ol7msta In und N enyln:wance poncy�hen 10 Imce i, � ���_' :
<br /> K� shall pess ro 1ho pmchnso�et fho Ws7oe's sela oilofaGasuro aele.fn caso o/eny/oss,Ne fnsurance procaeds may,et the aptlon ol 'j - _
<br /> , , ���� Benefidary,be appqed Ay Benoficlary upon tha Inde6ledneu,or eny pert lhereof,end In auch order end emounf es Beno�clary may r�fj `, �_
<br />- <"-��i; delormine;oi salAfns�ranco �ocoods,at Iho o tlon ol Benoficla mn eflher be usedN�o locfn oi reslodn fhe T�usl Pio orty '� %, l�.� :�t==�_:�
<br /> p P �Y. Y P 9 9 P . �R_ .i,w ,
<br /> � � -- ,vt-•- paNeiy a rotaly destrcyed fo e condifton satlslactory ro Benefidary;or suld Insmnnca proceeds,or eny panlon(ho�eol,may be rr .:� �•_ ��
<br /> ' �� '•` released to T�usfor.Unloss BenefiGary end Trusto�oNenvlse ag�eo ln writing,eny such epplicatlon oflnsuranco p�aeeda shan not ., „- i ;��:� ":
<br /> t-;,`ri:. ekeatl apostpone Na duo deto of fhe Note,or eiryinstellmanta cauod fa fhoreln,or chenpe tho nmounl ol such inslenmante.I!tlio +'�� .�H.�_-,
<br />- '` Tnut ProynRy Is ecq�irod 6y Beneficlary pursuan7 ro rho exorcfso o/fhe powai of sale o�ofherlo�eclosuio,all dgh6ldlo end Intoiost o/ 1 .r �.�
<br /> = '��` Tius�aln 6nd fo eny Insu�ence proceeds paya6lo es a result o!damago(o No Tmst Pioporry pdor(o fhe sefe m ecqufs�irn shdl pess �•� �, ._�j,,:7.'€�:
<br /> , ` lo Rane(clary ond shell be epp�ed first ro 1ho eosts ond oxpensos,lnclutlfng attomey loes,lncur.od Jn collecting such proceeds,Ihon „;-,_.
<br /> In(hemanneren07nNeorde�p�ovfdatlhoioin. '� ' , —
<br /> � -- 7. Pieservaflon and Maintenence o!Tiust Property Tmsta wlll koop tho buildings anU other/mprovements now m horealfoi oroctod on --
<br /> „ Ne tnut P�ope !n good�epatr ene cronUitlon end mn not crommif or pormit wuste,wIDnot elrertho destgn erawctu�al charactoi �-,,;' � � .q�1�� i_�
<br /> GOn5V7UL/�q ui�y�i�f'iil18 fi"v�i'07 fv��.'v:�.'�:E'l r^.°J%(1 C4"!=:'!W'^2 u'e F.ms!Pm_pnm wiihout iho odor wdrcon consent of : t r. j
<br /> ' "- � Beneric!nry wl11 nol do eny ect or thing wh!ch woufp ondutyimpeir or deproGaPo I�o vdun o!fho 7msf Property ond wi�l rat a6andon � r;����-�-„ �..
<br /> ti., . ihe Trust Properry.Tnutor wlll not removo eny Kxtmes cronsumtlng fho bust Properry unlosa tl�a snmo ero fmmodletory roplace0 wnh s�;_�
<br />�� I]ke ro e su6 ect tn fhe Ilon ond secutl ln;erost oNles Deod ol Trus!end of el loasl oqual value ond uGliry.irus(or will comply •."d ° : _
<br />_ wllh ell pr so onf �nd fulure ordlnances,reguleBor+s antl+eQuiremonls ol nny govsmmonlal body whlch ero applicablo to No Tnut . ,- ^'?-
<br />" Pioporry and to No occv,aincy end use theroot Ulhis Doed o!Trusfls on e unB m a condominlum or e plenno0 unlf developmem. 7� .-�y. �'—�.[•,:
<br /> ._� �„',.,�;,,;� Tmefor shall podorm eli ol7ms(o�'S obligalions unde�Iho declmoVOns o�covanonla c�eaRng ai govoming the wndominium C,-, '^ ,�����1.
<br /> �' �. , orthoplannodundtlevolopmonf,fhobylawsendiegulatlonso/thecondomfnlumorplannodunitdovolopment,andthe t_�.-<' �� �'�_+, :
<br /> j'�- COOSGNROt tlOCUmOnfe. ���� '� � � �
<br /> ��`. .:,,� _.
<br /> - � - 0. Inspoctlon.Banoficiary or i1s ogBnfs may,at ell ieasonable tlmos,entor upon(ho Tmsl Pioperty la tAO purpase ollnspectlon. .`: +� -x�
<br />_ -- ., :t' Beno(tinryahellhavonodurytomakesuch7nspeclionendshallnotboliablotoTroslaorfoanypersonlnpasseaslonilltmakesa , - �.���1• .� "$�
<br /> 18(ISlomekeenysuchlnspecllon. � �t �
<br /> 9. Piofectlon o/Socuriry.U Trustoi lails ta peAO�m eny o!ihe covonenle end egraomon(s contalnodln ih�s Deod o!Tius�,oril ony actlon � ���: '��
<br /> or pracooding!s canmoncod whlch dces o�mey advorsely elfocl fhn Trusr Proporty o�rhe 7nteresl ol T�uslor or Bonoficlary thoroin a -.:t,-�.
<br /> � :- �,-' No lifle ol7iusto�Noroto,(han Bonoficiory,e10s optlon,may podo�m such covonanfa onC agroemonts,make aueh appoaiencas, .
<br /> � � �j�-: tlolontl egalnsf enC tnvostigafo such ac0on a procenUing end teko sucn o(her acL'cn ns Bonolitiary tleoms necessery to prolect tts ' �� �;
<br /> intaiost fncWding,buf not limftod fo,disbv�somunf ol�oasonablo ettomoy/ees entl enlry upon Iho Trust PiopeM�o make�epelrs.My
<br /> �'���- emounts dlsbursod by Bonolicfary pursuant ro this paregieph 8,wdh In(e�ost rhe�ron,shall cansGNta Indebtsdness of Tmstor secured �� � -� -: _
<br /> ---��•' by Ih(s Desd o(TmSt Unloss hustor and Benatic7ary ugrco!o olhe!le�s n!pnymnnr.such emounls shall be payable upon nollce �� _
<br /> ' Irom Benolitiary lo Tmstor mquos�ing paymonf Ihereo(end sha➢bear Intmost Gom tho dato ol dlsbvaemon�al fho hig�esr inrerost : � )��F -
<br /> ; iate oimilled 6 law.No@in conteinetl in Ihis era re h anall�o ulio Bonellc7a !o Incui en ox onse m take en acCOn heieundo�. _ r� _
<br /> :(,:;. _,. . ' P Y B P 9 A 9 6' Y P 1' fflrj� --
<br /> Tiusla inovoca6y a�lho�tzos and ompowois 6enefriary lo enler upon Iho Irus1 Piopmry es T�ustoi s egnnl8ndln Trustoi's name o� �
<br />� .�t„� -. ofh0/w15e lo podam Bny entl afl covBnenfs end ag�eemnnl5 fo be poAmmod 6y Tm5(ot es horoln piov(ded.BenofiC�ary shell,ef Its � °•
<br /> � � ' opUon,bo subragalod fo eny encumb�enco,lien,Ga;m oi demand end to a�l righls and socurifios/o��ho paymonf t�oroof pald or �..;p,-:
<br /> r ��y}{p,h,"�� dischaigod 6y Benoliclary undm the provistons horeol nntl any such subrogetion nghfs shell bo eddilionel end cumuletivo securiry for �_��
<br /> �%� NIS Oeedo!Trust - c• �
<br />� .:?i���.•.1, �_ P Y 9 9 Y �
<br /> Jf { f0. CondomneGOn.iho �ocoods o/an a�vartl or clelm lor dema es.Ci+ecf or conso uenfial,in connocfion with en contlomnnGOn or .�`�..:;.t.; -
<br />�� p��;,J% �. olho�faWng o/lhe Lust P�opoM•or eny pert Ihe�eof,a lor Convoyanteln lieu Cf o�in antitipaGOn o!condomneli0n,eie ho�eby , , .
<br /> euignod(o end snnn 6e pald to Benoficiary.7iusror win Blo antl pfasocWe.in goodlaiih entl�vRh tluo tliligonco,iis cla�m lor eny auch I•
<br /> � �``���';'�; nward or puymenL vntl wal cause Iho samo 10 bo coneetetl andpeitl 10 Bonol�c�ary.entl.shoultl itleil fo do so.7rustm Oruvoce6ly � _.
<br /> ��+i;jt}��`'�� euNorizos a�tl empowois Qonolciery.(n(he neme ol Truslo�or othelw:se,io fi(o,prosecuto,satllo or compromise eny such elaim nntl f
<br /> r...
<br /> � �� -:_�±: (o co7leci,recelpt lor ond remin 1ho proceeds.If fhe Trost Pioperty is abanUOnotl by imsmr,or A,eRer notice 6y Benelipary ro Trusror �
<br /> ��,�,_:._� Ihut fho eendemno�ollors lo make en awa�d o�soHte e darm loi damages.Tiusrorlads 10�espped ta Benefie]ury wllhln Ih�rry(30J days 4
<br />`: : :� eltn�Iho dalo Such nolice Is m.mletl.Benufcrary is aU✓:otlied Io co�7ecf antl apply Iho p�ocooUS m tHe manne�Indicaled neiem. 7he
<br /> - proceods o!ony awa�tl o�Na�m may,aROr de0ucnr.�a!i reasona6le msls and expenses.mc/ud�ng atto�ney�ers.whrch may nave �
<br /> . been Incuned by Beno�icWry�n tho ronecfion lhereof.ai�hrt so/o drscrel�on ol Bene6ciary.De refeasud ro Tius�a,appf�etl�o �
<br /> � - iosroratlon ol 7rust Piopolry•or epplied lo fha paymonl o!�he fnGeD�udness.Unless(3enehc�ary and Tlusto�o(hnfwise agree m
<br /> � ' �vn6ng,a�y suc0 apphcubon of p�xeeds to/nde6tednoss sha�l no1 o+fend or postponu�ho tlue dalo o!any mstenmenfs wlled lo� .
<br /> � . undortno Gunianry. �
<br /> - - i f. TNSPor Nof RoleasPd.Exlenslon ot Iho Omo/Or paymenl or mod�GWlron ol eny antOrtrzefion o!Ihe Intlobtednoss grented by BenaLCrory
<br /> . - - --.---- -- ...�..........ve.wb.inmme�N Tn.cMV chnpnnt nnnn.ro to ielaas0.in Mvm011neL IhO 1/dbddV 01 iNSiOt Bntl TNSfOr55uCC0550/S�O �
<br /> . - vq.���.�.�..�..._
<br /> (n7orost.BeneAdary sha7l rrot bo reQulmd to rnmmnnro p�oceedmgs ayamsl sucn successo�a ro7use to oxtentl timo/or payment or .
<br />- � ofAOnrfso modily emortizaoon ol iho Indebtatlnoss Dy roaso�o!ony demantl motlo by Trustor end 7ros�or i successors m mtaest ,
<br /> - � ' - i?. F(nanNal lnlomia6on.Upon roquosl ol Bonoficinry.Trosror wi11 prontlo ro 8enohciary.�nthm nmery(90)Oays o11he Nose o!oach Gsco�
<br /> , , , yoa�ol Tmstor,the consdidatetl balanco sheot entl sfatomon!ol eammgs o�Tiuslor.entl rvAl p:ovide antl UoGver to BenoGCrery such
<br /> � � ��-�. - = oNO�AnanGnlln!amaGOn end In such mannor es Bo�oficiary may reasone6y requost liom hme ro hmo.
<br /> �� 13. Ftnanciel Cpvenants.tn addi6on io eny clner hnnncinr covonan(s ol TIUSW�nmUO m eny ofher egroement,lnstrumenl.or dorumonr.
<br /> ���y . Tnutor shall campty with or bo in compliance with.�he lollmving hna�c�al tovenants:(T��s pareqreph shaN nol app:y��cove�ants e�tl
<br /> - requtiomonls ere nol sot lonh hmom.) .
<br /> � ".,:t.�� . .
<br /> : �
<br /> �: �. .
<br />