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' , . , , <br /> rol,��aw,win�ou�naaa acwel!�un,i�nd�w.a�N,e.ounen.i•ny,c..nnn.drom. <br /> W�nvMVMAY�^1'� A�1 wMOiRnoNC� rot�k�pa»ulonW,ProNef,�ndm�0!,tl»Tnut�� <br /> y�1y�1p wMo <br /> opN�Itlll,�Y1MIrldCP�Y�Cf�11�1�17,�177NO70p/0llftt�N/IfiOm, �. - • - �.. <br /> tl:ccl ��a'MD�rr/�ctlonkls�rwurtacomprK+MNi�kuonroM+.crasmptNwariu�fa«Nac.�nYatl�. <br /> (OJ Bm*�fcNry.rMYN�c�ro auM tlN.Truif ProaNN a�i�y prt tlNnolroW edd ueda tlN poWNOIeW,andln iuch wrni, <br /> 9�,WryWTniaNtAsYWW+uCdlwd'��ad�Nuk�dmticeOl�M�Nm�ybstlr�A't�qW�Wbyl�w.TMnMwupo�Ihr <br /> :�. fxprrwlaidauc6tle7sindr/MyAinDOI�ucAno7ade�NUm�YtlNnWnqu!rodDY/nv,fiusree,�tth��ii»iu�JW�H�� <br /> « pyy»r,by�yblNN,qh,We�BwchTruNMoW�y,aanYPuftMnolep�eM�dDy&nnHClary atpublloauCtlonrotMMpMef, <br /> WrMf�lb/CNhM Nw�WmoMY d NM UnYbSt�fN of Mtkkr.Upof�neNot Mp�ymint d IMWk�Wtl,Tnrotw ihMl�pply UN <br /> _„ _. _ - � . .�eepd�lnlhefoYOwMgader.fltotAecoetendexpeere7'W�xsrUrMpthepowerolaalaendolHroaeN,IncNCtnyDUFeotWn.4M <br /> � q�bintN�i�dM,fmGeM+�t60p,o0plwaro•he'IOfonepercenrolUrep�osesYapdce,anUreasonabloattomeyleos,(Nfo <br /> Q�, tMlnrbb(etlnem�and(wltM�xe�,H�ny.todroMroonaP��+MC+KY�ntltl�dtlrororo. <br /> iW'aoWpid�xpen»elncurredbyHenericlwYlnenkxcing�nyrlyhronderfh�aDeedolTrus6Uafu0lnpwidwutNmRaGOn,AbtVeCfO/tltle <br /> /�,�ypryf�yNaf,promWm�ludtle Inwrsnce,�tlomey few and court eosN,shN!De end consdtuto lndabledness axu�ed�ere6y. <br /> _ aa. crmwaryares�TruttaayreesNat <br /> (�):DufNa NId.ODYQA�9 0l TNSte9 Shlll bo dBfe�mlOEd SdeNby the expiess provislons ol fhla Deed olTiust and Ihe Truatea ahellnot <br /> . be tlADla oxcept Iatlle peAwmanoa olsuch dutlas end obhgUlnns es me apeclficalysellonh herefn,and nalmpliad covenanta or _ <br /> - oDXyAfla�AShaYbelmposeduponTn�afeo, <br /> � (b) NoproNSWrrolfMaOaedofTrusfsha➢raquiroTiusteetoaxpandordskf(eownlunda,orofAeiwlselncu�enyBnanclNobllgatlunln _ <br /> fhe pedwmnnceof eny oflfs dWes hereundar,or M tho exa�dse ol eny of tts dghta o�powors. _____,_ <br /> �c��1e�yp H t ro Srt�spaot ol�eny e�Nan feken o��eretl DyR6e eundert In gootl fel�h and ra7once thereon,aad evthodzetlon end P��. <br /> (� TNSfee�shaNhofD?flaDleloranyactlontaken6yIflnpoad/sYhand�easonabybollevedbyltlobeaulhwlzedorwiWnits � <br /> ._-._.� � GqcrMlonadgAtsapower9conleneduponRDyfhls0ee0o1TrusR �,,.; _' <br /> - - 28. Sseudry Apreemqnt�nd Flxfuro Flling.ThlslMed of 7ms1 ahall ponsGNro e aecunry ogreamerd end fix��ra'�Jng un�'o�Ihe provlslon.,ot � <br /> fhe N9WASkA Un7ipim Commamlal Code with respQCf ro those 6xtuies tlescdbetlln fheD�e�aes hereotas conslim6ng a part olfhe � _ <br /> Trusip/uperty5tobafho�wRhellotAerpropoiryo/Tnuro,el�hersimfleiordlssfMlartofhesame,nowahereaRerlocatetlataontM - <br /> �-� TNSiPropierqc . '/`�''': <br /> 27. Recpmeq8nce.Qyon peYment ol e�1 Mde6tedness aecwed by M1s Deed ol Trus6 Baneficlpry5helf iequest 7iustaB fo reconvey fhe .: <br /> .__= Trust Piopo�Iy�Mpsha➢6ur�antlorthls Daed ol frust end elllnsWmenls evldenGng In0a61o0nas9 seCUled Dy fNS Oaed ol Tivsf to �{: _ <br /> T�ustbb,�iu8teesha7�reconveytheTmslPioporryw;NoufwenenryandwAhoutcheigerothepersmorpasonalegeltyenllfled BTL::,"_%`•�" <br /> fhe�eto•6uch porson o�persons shell pay all caats ol recordallm,�l eny. T�� <br /> � -e� 28. Subatini�e 7'n+sleo:6enofidery,nf f(a opfion,maylrom Rma ro�me remove Tiustee and eppdnt e 3uccessor 7matea to eny Tnutea 7 .- <br /> .x� Ippdnled harounber by an InsWmenNecordetlln(he counryln wnfoh Nls Daed o!Tiust k recordad.w(houl convayanca o/1Ae Trust � :,; <br /> _.:;_>�� Prope+ty,Ne Sutcosso�T�ustoo ahanauccead ro e!1 tllle,powe�antl d�tlas confened uper+lmstee he�efn and by eppt!ce61a law. �.. <br /> �;'� 28. MkCallaneousRlg'htsolBeneficiary•BartellGarymayelanytlmeandliomflmotoUma,withournoBce,consentto(homa�ngolany �,,,_,. <br /> _-__--- = pl:toi.Gw7;esiF:wa�'�'�����=�MOt?4y8t�egmantthareonmanycovenenlBfBSUfctlnBUSBOroCCUDenCyfhBreoloiBgrB9f0 �vH _� <br /> x Nfs�a emend 1he re�ms ollhfs Dead nl Trust My psrsonel property romelNng upon Ihe Tivar Piapeirye9er fna hust Properry htw <br /> '^ i>��� - peengp5sessedoroccupletlbyBonePc�ery,RSe�lonl0renypurChaserl01low7ngTrusree'esa'e,lO�aGasu�e,orundeienydeadinAOU �a ,_ <br /> F MTrusteeeaaleafo�ecloame,shell6econduslverypresvmeCtoAavabeenaba tlonadbylrustoi. �''�c . <br /> i4 ' 90. AbSca to 7rLSta.Trvsroi he�oDy raquasfe tHat a coAY ol enynotico oltlafeulf notice of sa�e mnde w oxecufetl Dy 7rustea pmavanf ��r, . <br /> ��a��:ra Y'.95�, : <br /> �h�. ro fho provislana haool be senf to 7iustor et Its mal6ng edBress se� otih h ma6ove ` r <br /> � '��'� INWITNESS WHEREOF,fhi9 OBBd ol Trvaf�os boon duy oxa o day entl eboye wiitlon. r f:r�, :. <br />`g� � � i.":¢ll.r'. <br /> ;i'.;,� n Y � .u.t:,;.r,_: <br /> �;({1�'4�'� �hl.w.s.. �' ��. <br /> .,.:�..s!i};>,. rlarcin c. uslos ,•..i <br /> ! <br /> f7r `ti---' STAIEOFNEBRASI(H J - ; i��.' <br /> r� �c. - JBS. �5- �t,,` <br /> ' COUMYOF ) r ,� . <br /> tt 4 �� '� � <br /> �rk�(_ >, - .c(r�l -. <br /> tuf�t'� !l "'- <br />..`�r,a,��,;,?� OnNls.—.doyo/ , 19_..befineme.anorerypubliclnendlorsafdcounry.porsonefycnma 7;�iJ4•,�,-:- <br /> .8/1tl i ccy;.e.. <br /> To t,r .i;;F ot ,known ro me to Do fholdonffcel N 4,�{ � <br /> �•:.?�:p``,S:,• poisona who aignod fho farogoing Deotl of T�ust and ncknowledgetl the oxocWOn thotool m bo fheir voluntary ect end dootl,and(ho j,���,..____. <br /> < <s ��.��t�s volunfwyecfentldooCOleafdcoryaretlon. '�}'�� �- <br /> ? �Y� : <br /> ,. �� ,'; W17NESS my hantl anC rrotadelseo�on ihls fho dey and yea�Insl e6ovo wiitton. � <br /> y ..sFi`.:.. <br /> ,���� .. <�.:,% (SEAL; �'Fr`_'. <br />�•:{..t.}:Y:»� :i�:.�;:.: <br /> ;r3! i ;F1,�':. <br /> .-.J�'t3' '�.' ex.via.a.c <br /> _,�, d�:.., r,''? <br /> :�r,, <br /> '' :�i m�..,�,..�... — <br /> �.���;��:t...- �-.��:�. <br /> � STATEOfNEBRASIIA 1 , <br /> � <br /> )ss. <br /> ... COUNIYOF IW.L ) . <br /> -�l,i OrtV+!s2itbtlayol�igue� . �99i;bo�oramo.anofa��ubiic�nandlorse/dcounry,porsonairycemoRen R. Wiien, " - <br />- --�� ona eaicia u Hiies nusuuniiva.iri� - ' - - � <br /> ';;_"S�:`,..-. <br /> - �� y�-y-� ,taiown fo mo to bo fho Idonttcd pormns wno sfgned tho lorvgo/ng Dood ol Trost antl ecknorvkrlgod�ho oxocution tnorool fo 6o Noir <br />� '-, ' �.� voNntary act antl dood. r�� ' <br /> . .,� i <br />� •����`?-��'" • WIINESS my hand entl notanal soal ort tAls No doy end yonr last ebovo wntmn. �• <br /> . �,_ . <br /> ' . .�.;'�'�;. (SEal1 IOfAAYSUYNWkalo -/__ _y/� ' ,S .. <br /> + --!' TAMpAL CM7�BEtL �n�i77� ��r - - <br /> wY daa f[p ApR�.IY13 <br /> c�.�.y'� _ <br /> r,., w�,..>�.,o... <br /> ,::�''. . ' -- _........_._.._._..�—-- �_.�...___ ":• _ <br />