. j t i; F. �r�nv.�oxiurs�r.:: . .;r: '��.'_^.a_ _ ... ._ . . .....�
<br /> _ YiWlol�7/A����il ... ,�. . _..__ n
<br /> __:., oaea o�.rrusr .
<br /> """"9 !93• 1U'7'�I1Q Securlr+g Auaianty
<br /> � :.
<br /> Q�n il_ YU 'r anA Y�rri� � •
<br /> i�{ISOEEOOFTRUSTI�made d�f24tltleyol.duivat.—,10-93�6Y�ndb�Mw^—dY e
<br /> - Yfl�■ H �hi d a d Vife - - tyMfM�01q0/m0/0,lM�NnaReic�VNaIIM"TNlM/7,
<br /> -— �e Ave •r�nd 7al�nd. NB 68803
<br /> wADr�mMYnDWd sfl��-1l19111Y
<br /> �yppWE878 K CR"���, wa2iqy�y wasoci�Ttnw_, • �R cnned "imst wMaemaNinp ��d Ib i
<br /> __ .. . ..., $0 e�, ay,., NR Fppo� ,anJ N0AWES1BANK� � ,(�rMnUror
<br /> u�WOGM"Ben�fiduY"l.whossm�Wny�tlUnasla Po_8ox 1768. cxa�a ia =�a,. �7P fiRao2 . � _ ,
<br /> - W1INESSEIH:
<br /> - WHEREAS�ndy R. Wilee end Hercl� O Biles �.ygbend and Wife (Ae�NnaRa�calletlfAO"Borrowe// .
<br /> ryqyeppp�tlro8ene6cNryPo�oneamn�ebsna,lette�solcredlt,aofherfinanGeleccommodetlonsendmayhersaRarGomOmefotlme _ __
<br />__--- �ppy/oBeneSClerylaedtlitlonelbans,bHe�solc�etlllmdotheifinandeleccommodetlons;and ----
<br />� �
<br /> .-°-= WIfEFfAS,M Induca Benefidery to prodtla Ilnanclal eccommodaUOns ro Bonowar. �� _ _-_�.
<br /> (�) HN1991 S 1�echocked,TmsfahapsQuarentendfoBeneBClaryNepaymantandpeAormanceoleachendeveryde66na61�iryenU --�--�
<br /> ����� 1Ia61Gry a bllga�n ow ext�s or�is h roaRrer�estatl or�cunetl,end w�e herlfls ormay be d ect orSntli/vc(t,duo or Po become duo --- -
<br /> ��"
<br /> ebaofiReorcondnpent,ptlmarymsacondery,!lquidafedorunllqufdeteC,or(otn6saverelor(Wnlendsevarep, c�. ,.,,�.�,.
<br /> `�'".a�� (6J lllhla� J/s checkad,Tmatoi has Buaronreed to Bone9r.tary the paymanl end podormance o!fhe debf,ua6fliry,or oAllgafion of � H�++��m�_
<br /> §���1'� Bo�rpwBrfoBene,Scferyavidencnd6yoreASfngoufollholollowing: ,entl �rYx ,
<br /> r� ,y : .
<br /> iiry eMenson9,ronowals aroplacanartts Narao% � � �---
<br />� c` '+ fop9tl�e�w;th aCtrued Inlaresl fhe�eon onOrelated costs oi onforcemant and conecBon expenses,pursunnl ro a Oue/enry(hom�nallor ceiled �:: -
<br /> -j.1ri�, fhb"Ouaony')oleventlareAerewiN;and r =� •_
<br /> -¢�„:•, WI(ERFAS Reno6Gnry Aas�vqufred,es a cond�tbn preaedentro No exfontlon ol eny finanGal accommotlaROn to Bonoxror.Net 7iustor ; _
<br /> , -+ �' execNeMlabaedolhvstlaNepwposaolsecmfngnaymentclthe0uaranry. -a:. � _
<br />_Y�,�/:; ,�.i;:� NOW,THEREFORE,fi Consldaie0on ol Ne prem'sos enrl/or 1he puipase o/secudng(e)paymenl,wHOn and as duo end paya6le,07 the - -.� .,;� �
<br /> , ,. � obllgatlons ol TruSto�undo�Ihe 0ueren y,(6J the pnymont ol all olhor sums,wilhlnferost fho�eon,wh1cA may bo edvencod Dy Benef+ciary or '.�: ;��
<br /> .��#! -i-:L Trusteeln accadenco wifh or w�k�may 6e socwed by Ihls Deod o/fius6 end(c)�M pedom�r.co ol ell of the wvenanls,ogreoments and �f„ ,-
<br />'"s�•�x°"����� condiVOnsheralnconla7ned,ello7whlchisharelnaRoiw11ac11veycellatlfho"Inde6rodness,"Truslor6ievcea6ygranlsendVanslersto ��•{,•�z.'-�'�""?-`--
<br />•"-s;';� ' � Tiusfae,In trusf,wlth POWEA Of SALE,a9o/fhe lc!lowing doscd6otl proparty: -iCt�"�°,:'��-�-
<br /> ,: ,
<br /> �,.�' .t: . .5i:,;i�i`_:i�-:
<br /> � �-� Lot 4, Block 1. Capital Heighes Poureh Addition to the C1ty of Grand Ieland, Hell County, ' '� -�_,--
<br />- .` Nebraska. �i�� �fsi``-'--
<br /> . -rr�,� _ . _.' .. { ... _,_ .
<br /> in � - .� ... e � `.
<br /> > �� 4- . ,S �f�i S�t- __
<br /> :t}�� ^�r ' . �
<br /> ,-��:i. ': _.t4',flFr.'�r,)l�F�.r,._
<br /> � � '� ;�5,:;� ,��1 Qls 'ti
<br /> ,s�
<br /> r � �
<br /> n' •^ (ogelhei wilh(n N!buildrngs,atn�cNros,eOditlons,enlergemonts,motlificallons,iepaiis,ioplacemenfs,end fmprovomonfe now or heioaRo� �•: ye i� - -
<br /> _�.��':���'��.'�=r" located Nemon,(q ell oquipmon�,mnchinory•end�xtwos(including,wilhout limi(atlon,e�l ilghGrrg.Aoaltng,von6lating,cooling,efr ;�i{�F � -- ; �
<br /> :i�u t.�.�!. B P 9 Y B nB i :: .'t�1._`'!j:..� i ��'.
<br />� S{'�'...�•;:;i.. CondiOOnlng,spdnkl(n antl lumbin lixluios,weloi end powor s stems,en (nos.6oilers.�a es,ovons,dlshwashors,minois and manfols,
<br /> ��1; �:�;.,';�'a� ce�Ra�ng,lumacos,oll bumors,elavators and mo�a�s,ioltlgemtion plams or unifs,communfce7ion aysroms,tlynamaa,Vansloimors,elocMCnl ._
<br /> L.,; v
<br /> .. �_,��-�.`. oqulpmont,sroim and saeon wlndo�vs,doore,nwnfngs end ahados)norv o�herou((e�olfachotl fo,or 6W1�In,eny Julldinp oNmprovomonf �0 . :( j�.
<br /> +;�� nowo�horealtoiloCOPotlfhoroon,(if)nlloasOmonlsentlrlghlsol�veyappuAOnentlhorofa.(ivJnllleasohoidosfalo,tlght,fdfoendlnterostol - ,:_ - i -,i�i'�,
<br /> ,,.,_�1-�•�. �), Tnutwlnendfoe111uasos,whothernowahoreeRo�oxkGngoiomoiodinlopnclutlmg,wlthouNimiteGan,encashendaocurirytloposits, - -,,,1 ,,_���._
<br /> cs . :-��?`. edvence ientels entl doposifs or poymonls of e s�milar nelwo),peitelning Noreto,(v)ell rents,luuos,profits antl incomo fherelrom(sub/ocl �..s,, � - 1.,
<br /> � +°;- .' fo thg dght ol Trustor Io wllocf nnd spplysuch ronls,lssuos,profil5 end Incomo es fhoy bocome dua end payada so long as no evonl ot -.•y( 1„ -..�.'`-
<br /> '•-;�" ' dolaNl exists horoundor),(viJ all royaitlos,minoral,MI and gas�Ighls and profits,walm.�vafei nahls.ond wamr slock lvii)oll tenomonls. c�;.�..:;,,�_.����.i:+�-;'
<br /> `` !��'�' herotlilemonls,pdvllogas entl appurtonencos bolongtng,usetl aonJoyoUln connec�ion fharowfth,entl(diJ all prxoetls olconve+slon, :d�_.�,i�5?,-%f.
<br /> 4+ �tr} vWunfary orinvoluntory,o!any of fha/o�epWng into c�esh a liqultlafod claims(lncluding.wlthout Iimilntlon,p�oceods ollnsurence antl l' ft.`Y;,
<br /> ' �- ���y- contlomnallono:va�dsJ.enefn•hlchlsNO�oinaHerconoctivetycenodfho"TrustProporty'. �� ', s�t;1�;:,-
<br />='SFy�."..i•;,,. -. �,_ .
<br />��. �. .., :, . .<:
<br />-=:�.'�%� ." 1. ftla.Tius(or covenants,wenants end ag�eAS wilh Benoficiary.its sucrossors end asslgns.that Trustoi o�vns tho Lust Property Iroo �h�°� - �- .
<br /> - F �.- :- G.:�_ .
<br />- _ � , ��,�, Irom any ptloriion m oncumDranco,thel(hu Doed ol Tmst k entl rvinrumein a vaotl and eNacoeblo liis(Iion on Iho 7iust Pioporty, - - -• ��*�;}�-;-^ ,
<br /> ��.`i� �;P• Ihot Tmsfor,et Ifs exponso,will p�OSarve such fi7fe enC wnlmainlein(his Deed ol7rust as a lirat and pa�emounllicn upon fAe Trust , y�• : ��
<br />-�"'�"1;`�'°"' Property end wi71 forevor viauent end delentl Iho validity end pnoriry o!Ihelen hereof againsl tho claims o/oll poisons entl panios _ :1::"" . '��
<br /> Jn;'t;�`.,'.;,�4 whomsoovoc Trostar,e1 Ita exponso,will causo this Deetl ol Tius1,entl oach amendmont or supplemonl horeto,ro be li/od enC �`t.� - ._
<br /> � _, ,. �ecadad os a mortgago of rno 7rust Piopotly in such man�er anC in such pleco nntl wi!Rako such action as in Iho opinion ol Trostee :�'•-�-
<br /> ^p,l -.4r may Co�aquhod by any presenf alulure law In ortler ro pedod,mu(nfnin end prorocNhe 17on of this Doetl o!Trusl.es�no samo may .. .
<br />_ . ' bo amnndod or supplomunleU Irom Dmo to Dmo. Tmslor win make such funher assuwnco or essmencos 10 podecl i(s NIO to fho Trust , .
<br /> Proporty a8 mny bo roqu6od by BenoGCiery.Tmsfor herobyielinqurshas a�l right o!Uowe�ond homosroad7n en0 ro tho imsl Proporty. ,����•
<br />` �•� .. -�`:� 2. Peymontol6��cOmdno�lrustaegreesropaypromptlywhentluou111ndebmtlnossensmgunderthoQuaienryo�oUorw(soowotl .
<br /> :��-�� �. ro BanoNCgiry � .':�2,':�... -
<br /> -'>�' � ��'- ' AttMx�'A`AfidA3fM�.
<br /> + � •
<br />�5��'.i;, .:-__' 3. Fundc tm Peymon!el Chaigos.Su6ject ro apphcable(aw or to e rvn(fen�varver by BeneGCiery.Tiuslor shall pay to Oenefictery on tho
<br />- '-"' � � 6�8t Cuy Ol eoCn rt10n14 or such oihe�tla(e each monf�as may De spEaLetl Dy Beneficiary.unhl(ho�nUa6leAness�5 paltl in lull,a sum
<br /> '�"'�-`" '��t (hera7+mflur coUnd Iho"Funds"J oqual fo i 12th o�lhe yea�y laees and nssessmenls wh�ch mey auam pnoury over lhis Deed of Lusl
<br /> '''; .A ivi
<br /> - - �` BnC grountl�unL•+on Iho Tms�PropeM•if eny.plus 1 12(h ol Iho yearry prem�um msta7lmenls lor hazard msorance.p!us 1 12fn o/tho �
<br /> �;�1�°.-=,:•:`'�',
<br /> �� ,,,;{ yoady pmmi:im"virJUi/monls!o�mortgage��swance.ef any.ell us reasonably es6ma�u0 mrt�any and Irom nmp(o hme by Benohciary a�
<br /> ��.5.,.��� tl+e boS�S o/etSesSmonts and bllls a�tl reasonab�e est�mates therrof 1�e Funds snall bo ho/d m an mshtufron.the tlepos�ts or
<br /> acroountaoln•ni:haromr.umdorgua�an(eeObyafeUe�aio•staruagencymclutlmgBenoLC�ary-Beno6aarysnanapptymofuntlsto -
<br /> . poy aaid hixas.asseumonrs.mswance prem�ums and grocnd renrs.BenoGCiary shan not bn reqmreU ro pay Tmsmr eny mte�ast or �
<br /> aamL�ps an 16a fundu 6ono6ciaryshall gbe to irosro�.�vnhout charge.an nnnua�nccounhng o!tne Funds snoivmg credrts and
<br /> -- dR6dL fa Iryp Funrts anrl f�10 pu/pa5a lar wnrcn eacn deb�i io ino Fomis.ro3.-.-�uv'd-i:.v Fvr�w o:c'nCv'ycv'w aCGTM.=:��:.�.:��.:;c
<br />-- ':- NO d1Aa6fndnot5 aecu�nd by ihis Oeed ol imsL If Ihp omaunl of fha Funtls holtl 6y OeneGCrery.togelhor�v�th the lu(uro monthty , -
<br /> • �� Instnl4nnnls of Funrts poyL6lu prra lo(he Que dares ot(axes.essossmonts.msurenco premmms entl g�ound rems.shali oxceed tne �
<br /> ' '"� emoum ruQW:ad 1a pap saitl Rixos.auessmenfs.msurence premmms entl gromd rents as Inny lall tluo.such e.cess snail bo.at
<br />-'.-�. ��� I�vetai s opoon.ailhnr prnmPUY iepaU ro Tmsta a cred�retl to lrvslor agamst lurure momhy mslenmonrs o!Funus 11 tho emount o� .
<br /> --�� '- Um Funds ho�d by Donolicwry Shen not be sulhclem ro pay Iaxos.nssessmon�s.msurenco p.em�ums en0 g�ound renfs as they lan due. .
<br /> - Tivator eh�0 pny ro Cann�c�ary eny emounl necessnry ro mako up Iho dohaoncy�vrthtn INrry Uays�rom�no daro�onee rs ma�etl 6y
<br /> � �ano(ic�nrylulNCtorraquoslingpaynnonllhereoLUponpaymen(mfullota��IntleDfe�ness.BonoGC�arysne��0�ompltyreruntlro .
<br />' � �� ` 1NUO/ony Fundc hnlff�y Bonofipary.!/the Trust Ptopertyrs sold unQer tho pon'e/o/snle o�Ihe iNSt Propo�ry�s arhonv�so ecawrotl
<br /> , �.� by 13onoGCmry.Eann4a�rry aA011 appy.(mmetl�etay prior ro rno sa�o ol thu Ii�st Property oi ds ecqws�tron Dy Oenuhc�ary.eny Funds
<br /> � ho�d by Qanahemry nt U�o Omo 07 eppi:caoon es e creCrf agmnst t�o InGe6roUnou If BonoLnary oxecu�es n wrme�rvanei o/Tiusror"s
<br /> "- � '��!t;- obf.Aabanc undm tnis pn+ograp�J.T(vsta mvenants entl egreos lo pay.bo�oro�no samo Decomo tle��nQuom.an taros_essessmems.
<br /> �� i'� ,-, � insuranco prUmWnic,g�ovntl ronis.entl a�l olhor charges rvhals0ove�lovio�upai o�asse5se0.pleced a mutle aga�nst tne lNSt
<br /> :. '.
<br />�P- � : -i Propoqy hub;m lunho�ag�oos,uD«+wn!!an re0ues16y Bonnfrciary.fo p�a��ptty debver to Oe�aGaary e��rece�pts�or�ne poymam o�
<br /> �, � �nsm�aae�rao�nnn�..oa�
<br />