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t � .. _ . . ,. /��j .�. .i _ .: <br /> �.. a3'� �°��4w! t 1 >; <br /> J . ` ��lM�re,own p�FLad�to t��tFN�iie��tu1t b M�.In w I�tiNtia tM Aepb�y�or�orouau of�Rjep ue <br /> inwreepe�li�n�. d¢x.F�4Fra«�K•ybpcytl�c�udnyA,i«ew�tl�eubwsn�n�.ai�wtioe) I�a«AW!►�Mr , <br /> ,Uiat'N1��ioPiyM101�xp�.. , b.f�piNaoe' , IN�rN1A�aataib:L�n�tMydoteA�tp�atql�pWly . - <br /> �jYb:ajl�l�la�Me FqaAt�+1l�Mld iawnt oF�R��ud eanlANN tai8�Iihan�M�YA WIM;w�Nr Li�01t <br /> ' p�y�9orrpwe�.qlarat'on the l�uad�ud.�pplkaEb tIW�xcmla Leadee to m�ke woh.�eh�rN.Borto�er nbd F.h�dK <br /> ma�r�reelnwFlt�n��ttM1�tlmedfex«uNono(thb�ee4of7YibttANlnte�al6ntNeFwiAsth�ll6e'p�lAW9arc*�►. _ <br /> , �nd unlaµweh t�eemeat 4 m�Ee x�pptk�ble I�M rtqulra/uch Irtterui,t�be p�Id�,Lender�hql not DO tequhed . <br /> ' S4 M1 B��ury iataat'ae e+mtnjs on the FunQ�.Lendcr t�d1.��heYO Baroner�tirlthout eh�r�e�fa�nawl <br /> -- . tccounttagofthsFUnA�sbwringcredlt�qnAdeblbtotMFtinds�iiAti�qpurpcHatoewhlcheacbdeblttotlropun4tNU _ _ _ <br /> m W e.The FuaQ��ropjadQeA�s addltbnQ ieeu�iqtxtheyum�}�curcd by thL Iked of'Ihfit. <br /> IfthpuHwntofth6�ie0�heldbyl,endn,tqeilkrrlththefuturoinonthlyln�t�llmenuoFFurtdsp�Y�bieprbeto . <br /> theEued�tes dEUxe�;a'sieskrtitna,Imucania ptem���pA MA�rround rtnte,�hall escad the�mount requtred to pay sdd <br /> faxti,issessmenb,lnaunoce plemlum��nd_aroun treta�s t�ey tal due,�uch e:cese�hul be.�1 Barco*ee'�optia�� <br /> etthce pRnmptlY rep�ld to BarcoiFer or ctedlted to r oa moat�ty Instdlmmb ot'Fundt. If the amount of the <br /> -- -- fl!edshetdbyLendereh�llnbtlxsufflckntrop►ytaa,assessmenb,Insunnceprcmtums�M�avnd�enqutheyfdl <br /> due�Bortower ch�U puy to Lender�ny amant naassary ro mdce up tM deflcIlency lo one or nYdPe psj�ments u Lfhder: <br /> mayrcqulm. ' � , <br /> .Upoq payment Ip.full of all euma aeeurett by thls Dxd of Trusf,Lendcr chnU ptq.ptly ia'rox¢to 6oeran+aa�. <br /> fundi(�S1d�bY Lender. If lindcr p�ngraph 17 hcrcof the Prope.Hy Is sotd 4r tUe�Tro�eiry 9i othe:wlse _ <br /> — Lender;t,en5lcr:hallaPP�Y.nolatorthaplmmepl�tetypdartotlw4atddPthaProper�yar�tsACgu1s31�qabyLceSx.ed7 <br /> FundsheldbytienderpttheUme'of�pplkatlon�suredlt�p8ustthesnmssean�edbythlsS�eed�7l�k+�t • <br /> ° 3, itpifnibn of P�enh.Unitss applle�ble law prm'1da athenvlse; all payinenu�EitilvcA I,by�,�tn,9�#'n�1Ast _ <br /> the Note and p�n�raph� 1 and 2 henotahall4e opplled bg Lende'r first in paBment of�mbunti paysbl!to,Len�Er Ey i <br />_-- Bwrowerunderparapraph2hereoR�hentolntaratpnyableonthoNote,�ndthentothepdnclpdoftheNote. <br /> _—=— /. Pdor Mort�a�ad Dasd�of 7Yap f,6ar{eq Ikm.Bocrower chall perPorm all ot BarrowerY obllgatlom <br /> _.�� under any mortgage,dced of Iruat or other cecudty�greement wl�h�lien wbkh hxs pdorlty wer thls Deed of Trwt. <br />-._%:,�,;yy� including Bortuwer't covenents to matce pnymente wlun due. Bottower sh�ll pay or eausa to be p�ld �11 taxa, <br />=s;=�� �sussmenp�nd other chorgn,Ma�nd ImposlNona�udbut�blo ro the PropeNy whlch may�ttaln�priorlty ovn Ihl� <br /> ";�at:: Deed ofTros6�nd leaeehold paymentwrground renu,If�nr. <br />',;:;j, S. Huud Uu�rmee.Bortower iyall kttp�he Impro�•emenb now exl�Nny or herc�Rer erccted on�he PropeHy <br />� -�-�i�� fnsured�ytlnst los�by Ilrc,A�urd�Includcd wl�hln tha lerm"extendcd mrenQe".�nd cuch other haurds a Lender <br /> ,�'*-: m�y mqulro�nd In wcb�mounu and for�ucb pedod��e Lender m�y rcqulrc. <br />� �'�"-� - ?h::n:ur:n�qerrlerpror!dln,theln!�reneesh�llw!sht+enhyflortowu�ub}ectto�enrovalbyl.endet;orovlded, _.,_ _,.. .. . - , _.. <br /> " � �hot iuch� proral thall nol lx unu►mn�bl wl�hheld. AII Insunna Ilcln and «new�l�tAercot ihall be In a form <br /> ..�.�. P Y Po <br /> '' � �ccepl�ble to Lendxr�nd ch�Il Include �c��ndard motfgaye cl�use In flvor ot�nd In�form acceptnble to Lender. <br />`����•}�°-,' Lendcr�hill h�re Ihe dghl ro hold�ht pollcla and renowab thereo6�ubject to the tertnt oteny mongage,dud of trust <br />..;-:���- '' orothereaudty�greementwlthallenwhlehhaspdodtyorerthlsDeedotTrust. <br />---?�ti`���" !n the cvent of loss,tiorto�vor�holl glrc prompt notfcc to thc Insurance cnrtler snd Lendcr.Lender msymzke proof <br /> �-i);;�`�: oilosslfnotm�depramptlybyQartower. —� <br />� Ii qw Property Is a6ondoned by Borrower,or If Bortowcr falls ro rcspond ro Lender wlthln 30 deys from the data �:<,--y;�;'.: <br /> °_:i:s; mi... <br /> ";.r.,; noticelsmelledbyLendertoUartowerthatthclnsuranceearderoR'erstosettleeclalmtorinsuroncebeneFln,Lenderi� ,�;y;..,_ <br /> - euthodzed to eollec� and epply �he Insuronee proceeds et Lender's optlon el�her ro restoratlon or rcpalr of the ,,rfl'`:"-'�_ <br /> 't"` Property or to the sums secured by thls Decd of TrusL � � . <br /> � -'? 6. Pme+�tllon�nd Mdnten�ntt o(Propetql Lea�eholdrl C�dumlelumq Planncd Udl Dettlopmtet�. Bor• i1�4,'. r,_.-. <br /> ' rower shall kap the Properly in good repalr and ahell not commlt waste or pamit impolrment or detcrloratlon of the ,a,� 7 q. - . <br />.iil�,�;y��� Properly and shall mmply wllh the provlslons of any lensc If thls�Dced of Trust Is on e leauhold.If thls Dad of Tmst is �"T�i��t� , .�.__;�.� <br /> �--�i X� on a unit In e wndaminlum or n planneJ unit derelapmenl.Uortowcr shall per(ortn aIl of Bonowcr's oUllgaqons under ��•p;1„{� � �._ <br /> thc dedareNon or corenants ercating or gorcrning Ihe condominlum or plannrd unit derelopment.the bydaxs end `'-�t�?��`u" r-'_- <br /> � �%• regufetlonsoflhecondominlumorplannedunitderclopmenl,andwnsllluentdocuments. f p:+`rt�}� " ls ,_ <br /> -t.� 7. Protecllon ot Lender4 Seeurlry. If Bmrowcr fails ro perPorm �he rnvenents and agrcements wntalned In this '�--},`4��t�,' _ <br /> _,--� .�! Deed of Trus6 or if any ectlon or proceeding Is mmmenad whlch mntedally e(kets Lender's Interest in the Property. �,,�'()j�'�� � ' <br /> ti �:';, then Lendcr,at Lendei s optlon,upon nmiec ro Borrowcr,may meke such appe�rences,dlsburse such sums.Including s��i'�`�,F'� ,��-, <br /> _ reasonable etromeys'fees,and�eke such actlon as Is necessary ro protect Lender's fntercstJf Lender tequlred mortgage v�>>�,� : ,�__ . . <br />� . In:urantt as a condiNon of mnking�he loan secured by�his Deed of Tmsl,6ortox�er shell pay the premlums tequlrcd to '�'�+('.,i��(:�i•.��.;-:t.'. <br /> ' . .4rJ$.� .,*. , <br /> melnlaln such Insurence In effect un�fl such�ime as�he rcqulrement for such Insurance ttrminetcs in accordancc wlth „ � *5, „ _ <br /> ' .�� Borcower's nnd Lender i x•dtten agrcement or appllceble larv. �`'� <br /> Any emomrts disbmxd by Lender pursuent w lhis paragraph 7, xith Imerest � the Notc re�e, shall <br /> � baome addltionnl indebtedncu of Borrouer secured by this Dced of Tmst. Unless Dorrow�er and Lender agrcc �o . •- - � � _ <br /> - �� mher lerms of payment, such emounts shall be paynble upon notice (rom Lender to Uovmrer rcquesting payment �- . � _ <br /> IhereoLNothingwntainedh��hlsparagraphlsh�llrequircLendertoincuronyespenseor�akeanyactlonhereunder. - � <br />. �. [a�pecqon.Lcnder mey make or cause ro be made reasonoble cntries upon and Inspectlonz of the Property. � - <br />� provided fhat Lender shall gire Dortower notice prior lo eny such inspec�ion specl(ying reasonable cause IM1erePor . .'� �� �� <br /> . releted to Lender's In�crcsl in thc Propeny. � ' � <br /> 9. CaedemeaHon.The procecds of any a�vard or claim for or conscyuential,in cronnection wilh .: . - <br /> any condemna�ion or other �aking of the Propeny, or part thereaf. or(or com�cyance in lieu of condemnation, are <br /> hereby essignod end shell be pald lo Lendcr,subjecl lo the lertns of any mongage,deed o(truit or other sccuriry agrco- <br /> ment wlth a licn�vhich has priodtyortt N�is Dttd of Trust. � _ , , . _ <br /> (0. Qorcmrcr Rat Rcltased� PorbcArenec 6t Lender Not � Welrer. Fstension a( Ihe timc for payment ar <br /> � � modlflcxHon of amortization of tl�e sums securcd by this Dced a(Tm:l grantcd by Lender lo any successor in inlerest ot <br /> ' Uorron�er shell not operete lo relexse,in nny mnuner,the Iiebillty of�he originel Bortower and Uartower's successors in �� <br />� Inlercst.Lender snell not be rcquired ro commence proceedings against such successor ar reNse�o extend�ime for pay �_•�, . <br /> ��.-:"��, meN or othenvise modify nmoAization of�he xures securcd by Ihis Deed o(Trus�by reason of any demend made by the -. <br /> �_7i�',.y original Dorrmver and Dorrox•cr's successors in imerest.Any forbearnnee by Lender in exemising any right or remedy i -- <br /> ! �, �Y hercunder,or otherwhe affotded by epplie�ble law,shell not be a�vaiver of or preclude�he exercise of eny such right or �- - <br /> ♦tS"{ 1 <br /> r f� remedy. !: : -� <br /> , k �`� 11. Sccrosore ead Aielgm �ound� Jalnt md Serertl UEbll�t7� Co-flgnen. Thc covenamy nnd agrzements - <br /> ��.+',}S <br /> -" ,-•> heretn wntalned shall bind,end the rights hereundcr shall inure to,the respectire successore nud asslgns ot Lender and <br />�-�v��" ��% Borrower,subjec�totheprovlsionsofparagraphl6hereoLAllcovenantsandag�eememsofaorrowersliallbejoinland �-„'�- . . <br /> -;�'" several.Any Uorrower�vhocoaigns�hls Dad ofTrust,but does no�execwe the Nate.(al is co•signing this Deed of Trust ' <br /> ��'t�.° anly ta grent and wnvey that�ono��yr'z interesl in 1he 9ropcny to Trustee under the Icrms of Ihis Dccd of Trusl.(b)is <br /> "J-' ' . - .._ �'�. . __ _. .... <br />