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'1,,,�., , . •,; �,` <br /> ��: �- e .�.r. ��PB��n� l�r �rYU.i�� ��le � 1 .�r. <br /> " . .ri � � .- �, . .. <br /> ,��t1�;�x.N?�s4i,LVrl�.:.� , .,�_ , � .�.... , ,�� O�sn�n"'�LtuUte"h�nfi4h4��n� - --. <br /> .COrM�a�t�i CsrdlG.QaXOor r3aA' �„��.� .,� , , ,;,�caywntl�a'I+��veana <br /> ' exlstiiyunrktthel�w�M ,��FY�!R'1 , ., ,, + ,,. <br /> `ahose�ddrei±i�: .?413.4FPr.RC�4t4.,4M!�1+4.HR..4@},i4..,. ,. ....; ,, � ,: �. �� ., ... <br /> .�::. .:.. , . .�:..........: ............... ............... (heroio"Len4er'7. <br /> • �OqROWER�in eonslder�Non oP the Indebtednest h4cdn epcit�d�ad the tnut he.tetp eteated.Irtevoc+blY tSU�t?�,r,:: . <br /> tnd ieri to'husta,.In ttu�1.��t.d power of cde. tM.tdlexie$qacribed Pcope�q(ccated �n the:Cauqly.(iE. '-.�: :;. <br /> .�'p_l�........... ............... . :......:Stste6GLK:9esseca: <br /> Lot 7, elock 128r_in.0afioa paaafic Railroa.d CwpaaY°a Secoad Addt¢toa eo <br /> the Ctty,p#,Cr�n�:teipnd. 6a11 Couaty. Nebras'!�a ;,.; <br /> � , S .. <br /> :.i:;; � . 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Sept,}i,2008,,,,,,,,,,,, ; � - <br /> the paymcnt of all othcr swus.with imerest �hcrcon, advanred in acmrdnnce hcre�vi�h to prottt��hc securi�y of tliis <br />-= Dccdof'Truii:and�heper(ormanccof�hecovcnamsnndagrccmentsofDonro�ienc�reinrnmained. <br />- Oorrox�cr wrcnants Iha1 Dorro�rcr is Ia�rtuliy sciscd of 1hc estale hcrcby convc�xd end hns�he righi ro grant and � - - <br />-� com�ey the Propeny,end�ha� �he Pmpeny is unencumbered,ezecpt for er.cumbrances of rccord.6orconer covenams �+ . <br /> that Qorrmrcr warranls end��ill defend gcnenlly thc lillc to�hc Property egainst all claims and dcmands,wb;ecl ro c' - " , <br />._ encumbranc�sofremrd. <br /> UHIFORM CbVENANTS.Qurtourf end Lende�covCnanl and Pgrce ai(olloxz: - <br /> �w..11 ...h.,n An. �hn nal nd in1�roU ��'---`�- <br /> . .. . _� �u__�__� __� unvm:. °_�••"�� ....... ••••••n �.o ..._ nrinri a <br /> - 4 C�JIIICII� v� rnnC�pa� �uu wu....v �..�....�..y �.�� ...._'" �__ � -�_. ___ _ _ <br /> � indebtcdnesz eridenced by Ihc No�c and late charges as providcd in�he Rolc. <br /> - 2. Fund�[or Texci�nd Imurance.Subjat�o applicablc law or a wriaen waiver by l.<nder,Uorrou�cr sl�all pay to <br />- - Lendcr on thc dey momBly paymems of principal and imcres� nre payable under �he Noie. umll the Notc is paid <br />-' in full,x sum lhereln "�undi 7 equal w one•hrclfth ef�he yeady taxes anA assezsments lincluding condominium nnd <br /> - planncd uni�dcrelopmcm asseumenu,it any)which map attain prioriiy orcr�his Dced ofTrost,and ground rents on `,}.���,;��: <br /> 1he Pro rt if an , lus one•t�relRh of earl remium instollments(or hazerd insurentt, lus one�m�elflh of yearly •�":r' -. <br /> Pe Y• Y P Y YP P �'."!:.��.r:;.i-. <br />° prcmium insiellments for mm�gage insurenn.if any,all as reasonably estimatM Inilialir and frmn �imc to time by •-:.o�..- <br />�;i Lender on Ihe basis of nsscssmems and bllls nnd reasonablc es�imates ihercoL Dorrmrer shall not be obligated tu mnke ';�;i.fi71"_- <br />___ ' suchpaymemso(FundsloLenderlolheextenithatQorro�vermakessuchpaymentslolheholdero(apriormongageor 'ti,;:?iti., _ <br /> _ dced of�mst if such holder is en insli�ulional lender. 7��'�'.�:;t!(�?. <br /> - ,�. <br /> ' NEBAASKA Fcrm zcs�e zAz <br /> : F <br />