J �' � , . _ 1� Y +I "- .
<br /> s
<br /> ar_- .._" F+ifR . . . _ . � . � �^ »�/n ' '—_. ____ ___—_._
<br /> .
<br /> � �d�^�� ... ,:;:..A�W<'ll�� � -'` � . ._ - .._ . --..
<br /> - ad.a i... . . - -��..._.�_.t ... ., r . . __ . __ .
<br /> Z - . •. •RV t • � �. � .
<br /> •—� pot pKOOni11Y 11�61e on the NMe a undsr thb DeeE of 7Yu�h.nd kl�ea iMt l,m9ee ud a�a��Aa��ee . .
<br /> he�eunder m�r Kroe to ertmE,modify,for6ew.a m�lce wy atMr�etanmod#tbu�iiith[e�ud to the tMVU ef IRY:
<br /> DeedotTruaortheNote,wlthouttlut�orcaxee'�commtaaAwithoutrclwln�tMtFkKaMeramodiytn�th�Wd !
<br /> ot9tust"r tothK Bartawee9lMcrat ln the t'roperty.
<br /> l�. NNfoe.&apt[or my notke cequlro0 uo0a�ppllubb t�M to be�Irco ta uyNTRr m�naet,(a)uiy qotMe to
<br /> gorm�a prov{ded[a In IhA DeeA ot'IYuit�1WI 6e�Iren 6y dcllveNpy It or by maUio�woh oodce 6y aHitled m�ll.
<br /> �AA�a+ed to Bortoxer H tha Pmperty Addrcu a u�ueh othsrWdreu u Ai+crnwer m�y Eal�nate by notke to Lrnda
<br /> o prorMed hercin,�ad(b1 anr nMlce to Lendcr�ha11 be�iren 6y artlfltd mal to I.eadaY adErou q�ted iKrdn.a ro
<br /> tuch other nddra�ne I,enda mny dal�n�te by notica to Borcmror u prorbtA herelo.Aay adbe provlded foe In thif --�--
<br /> DeadofTcuse�hai6edama]toh�re6aa veatoBortowerorl,eadorMhta pa�tMhaelu..
<br /> Qi Qiqrn In ehem�naerda!
<br /> 13. (i�r�nY�Law�B�nnbltlry,7hectRtoaadlaall�RS�pplkabktothtilktdof7Yutt�halbethel�wso6the
<br />� JurlsdiMbn in phkh the Property b located.Ths forogoing uatearo ehfll mt IImN the�ppllc�billry of Pedttal I�w to
<br /> —_ -- thb Owd of Trust[n the eveat that aay provlslm u cituse of thb Dad ot7Ynsi ur t1k HMe conlllets rith�pplkable
<br />'_`_��;s Iaw.cuchmnfltctchdlnot�Reclottr.rprovlslowofthblk,odoSTru�tatl»Hote�rhkhtan6oQlrrnef[ectnithoutthe
<br />���_`� mnflkting pioriston,and to thb cnd tlro pcorbtant of this Dmd aS 7tixt ur.1 the HMe ue dxlated to 6o xrtti�blF._At - . __
<br /> -__.., usedlrcrcin�•'cosu,•.••expenus"aM"attomcp'foa"Ine7udea➢sam}toth;utrntaatptohi6ffcdbyapp(SaDae.lxwot �•.� ...,.::•.�-�
<br /> - - �-'�� Ilmitcbhcreln. � - - ' � -
<br />��r�-"j.h ' I6 Baere�rer4 Cap�.I3aroxu th�il6e tutntshed e canfa�neA cop9�t1x Note�nd of thb Deed of 7tSst�t the_ .
<br /> 'i.,,. .;.
<br /> s�;;,n;;+,r.- Ilmaofe�ecuHonorafterrecord�NonhsreoE
<br />_=:"•�`�::�f`��` 13. Reb�bWtuie�LwA�eeeroent.Boiroa�rshfJlfn111�a]loiEtom+�et4obllgatlaasundttwy�wtnetth�btt�ta
<br />�6�f��i�' : tion,Improvement.repslrorotlxrlwnagrermrntwhkhBortowueatt�lAtawithLendcr�LeaN.t,4t1,�Mtr9optbn,
<br /> `"'""`' ' ma re uira Oottowxr to o:ccute and dxflru to Lend:a tn a torm uce S�bf:tp Lertdtt,en asal ment of�ny d;hte,
<br /> v`.;c�•�.r,�:' Y 9 P 84 - --
<br /> ':.y;":' �-
<br /> ,:_y.�« claim�or defensa wfilch Borroaw-miy h�ve pQalnst putia who�upply labor,m�te8ab or eecvica In wnnalion�rith
<br /> `` :" Improvement�m�detotheProperty�
<br />=g:,_.,,:Y;i�;� 16.7Y�uftroftYePropMyor�BescfkWl�leralloBortnwenU�Uor�nyputofthePropertyor�nylnterest
<br /> �_ .s:; In i�b wid or tr�naferrM(or It a beneflcial interst In Borrower I�wid or tr�ns(areA md Borrowa It not t nuurd
<br /> ' ��,�:�, perton)without Ltnder'e prior writtm wnsem, Lender mty,at Ite opilon,reQulre Immedi�ro pryment In full of�U
<br />;�,?.,.::. , ium�saured by�hls Deed of 7Yus�.However,thl�op�lon sh�ll nol be exerciwd by Lender If exercix U DrohlElled by
<br /> " falctd law u of�he d�te of�hl�Deed of Trust.
<br />'' �'• �"'"` If Lender exercisa lhls option, Lender�h�ll ylve Borrower noqca of�ccelcrulon, The notla ehall provide�
<br />-r'.-'i: "'�_ perladofnotlese�hin30d�yifromthadue�henotlwledellveredormxiledwithlnwhlch8arrowermuctppvleum�
<br /> ti�,,:,,. �,.�,�: recured by�hte Dad of Trust�(t Borrower hfb to paY thcae euma prlor ro�he expiaUon oT thie perlod,Lendcr m W
<br /> _ (nv�qe.�y remedle.eermlued 6y thU Oeed ot 7Yiut xitbont turther notice or demand on Borrower. . . ,. __ _
<br />�'_� �� NoN•UniFORM Cbvet+�rrrs.Ftortowu�nd Leisdsrhathtresrca�nt�nd�;rce as followr
<br /> � 17. AccekntMal R�edla.II:npt iu prortded In pu�r►p!i 16 hereet,�pw B+mxee'�braeh ot u�e�uwl —_
<br /> � � or�rctmeet o(Boerower le�hY Deed d71ro�41xloding Atmo++eP�fiilon to pq,by IM md of 10 eakedu d�n dtx °`—-.
<br /> '- �'?� �he��re doq�e��um��ecared b�r6Y Deed of 7Ya4 I.taber pr{or W�ccekralfoe�hdl�he eotice to Baesower r •."f�,•�-
<br /> `:''r9.:K'.�!�%-
<br /> pmdded tn p�rynph 17 h�mf�peel4iep(q�be brue8i(t)tMe�eHoe rputrcd to coee�och beaeh�(3)�dak,oot �:*:?�.':'==:.
<br /> t� kw t6�n 20 d�yr trom the d�p the eoNca Y m�lkd W Barover�b�rhkh�ueh bruch mort be coredt�od(Q t6tl z:i.��i;..:::;��'—:
<br /> e '
<br /> . � ` fdt�n to�wre�ec6 bruc6 oe or before tM dtle�pecl&d la tfie ewtke o�y mdl tn�ecdtntioe ot tbe�amr ucored by •�•; �. -�,+�•��
<br /> ` ''� �: .� thy Decd o(74nt�ed�de ot Ihe Prop�Ny.'It+e eotfce�6�I to+t6er Infan Borroner o!the djht to reto�tate dter !�'.., '- ,,�!.
<br /> `f '��: �ceekntioe�ed the d t to brin a 000ut�etbn to weA the none�4teaee o!�detidt or�n ot6er delen�e ot Boeroxer -�s� , }�, a j..�.
<br /> ,r� �--. W�catcntbn�od s�ie.II IAe brcac6 Y nol c�ed o0 or be[ox the date specttled In 16e notkt�Len+]er,�t Lendtt'� a,,` ` _c��lr;`?�"
<br /> - - ���'.- opNon,mq decl�ro dl ot�be�vm„aaeed b��hb Deed of�Yat to be ImmedLUl�due�nd p�y�ble wlthoat turthu .;-'s ,� t-(j„�: --�-
<br /> �.e..a'. demmd�od mq Inrolce the power otuJa�nd�er other nmutln permitled br�pPllcabk kw.Leeder�htll be eotitkd ,i .-.. ' �FS��?:'�'��'.-�
<br />'�.AC•,?s�:�1`;' " , �."„
<br />- ;,'•r.,; to collect dl rwonabk caG wd expema lecaleed In punu3ng the�emedia pro�lded In thY Pu�nP6 17�Incivdln;, v� „.'�:��;='�'%:r•.',�.
<br /> �" buteotlimltcdro,rwoaabla�ltoreep'ka. ,•-,.� . ,,�;�t `--
<br /> It I&poxer ot�1e 4lnroked,'iY�ta ehall rocozd o notire oS d:faalt(n cacb couory In.+hkh the Propnty o.�aee _ � --
<br /> part tLereo!Y loated md�hYl mdl cop�a ohuch no�ke ln the m�oner pcncrlhed bY�pPilcable I�w to Bortower and � '�-,� '
<br /> ro�Ae other penon�pracNbed by�pplkable I�w.After tbe l�qe ot�uch tlma y mq be rcquUed b��pplkable law, " , -
<br /> ..- 1Yalee dull ure publk eoHce ot ule to the penom�od In 16e m�neer pracdbed by�ppllca6b law.7Yu�ke,Mthaat �.`-,v;;��� :^'.-.
<br /> - demand on Bortower,�bdl ull the Proptrty�t pobllc�uctbn to 16e hi�hnl bidder�t the�Ime�nd pfue�oJ mder t6e '���:.iy"�.:";:,.;';��
<br /> � tera�daljo�ted in the ootla ot uk In oee a mom p�tceb�ed le�uch oeder u 7tuitea may determine.11v�ta mq ;' :'.i.''�.:;�-;:,',: �;
<br /> � poatpoae�de ot dl or�ny pvocl ot Ihe Propcd7 b�public tanouettmcet at the tizx�ad place ot�n7 pmrloodr :i}';}-;�C.�`�('.�ri�:��-.
<br />. " � rc4xArSed�de.LenderorLender'�daigeeemypurchre�6eProptrty�t�eyde. "%i�:;.i;:Z .�.`�•. ..,��
<br /> _, - Upoe raelpl oi p�yment ot the pdce bid,Trwtce shall dell�er ro tFx purehuer 4'rwtee4 desd con�eylea Ihe �- •�
<br /> . Properry�oid.The reellah in the 1}nta'� deed�hYl be prima hcix eaL'J�att ot the truih ot the�I�temenG m�de ��,'- �
<br /> -- thteein.'hmtee ihdl apply t6e procad,of thc ule In tbe[ollox[r.Q oihr�(s)to all rwon�Ule cau�nd e:pema ot tF.e
<br /> - = � �de,tnclu(llnQ,hutnotllmit�dto,7�urtee4ha�ctwdk�lnean:dofoalmorclh�a .............°fioit6eQraesda
<br /> pda,rwoeabk��tomep`ten md cab of tltle eddrntq("�)to dl�umi�ecurcd by thh Deed oI Trwp�ud(c)tt.�e:• I -
<br /> . _ caa,li�nr.tolhepns000rpenomleQdiyentlikdthento.
<br /> . _ IB. Bortoxei4 RIg6t to Reimhte. Notwi�hstanding Lcnder's acccicretion of�he sums secured by �his Doed of .
<br /> � - � Trust,due to 6ortower's btyach,Uortowcr sh�ll hare the right�o heve any proccedings begun by Lender ro entorce this !
<br /> ' Decd of Trust dismnNnucd et any Ume prior to the eadier to accur ot(i)�he ARh dny before the sale of�he Property .
<br /> �- - punuent ro�he powcr o(sale comalned in�his Dced uf Trust or(iU en�ry of a judgment en(orcing�his Dced af Tmst iL
<br /> � � - � (a)Uonower pa�s Lender all sums which would be then due undcr�his De�d of Tmst and the Note had no secetera�ion �
<br /> � occurred;(b)�ortower cures all breaches of eny other mvenents or egrecments of Qortox�er contained in this Decd of
<br /> •` - ,- TrusF (c) Oorroe2� pays all rcasonable expenses incurrca by Lender anA Trustee in mforcing tne covenenes and
<br /> • -- egrtemmle of 6ottower conteined in this Decd ofTrust and in enforcing I.ender's end Trustee i remedies es provided in '
<br /> paragaph 17 herwf, inciuding,but not limiled �o,reasonable anorneyi kes; end (d)Qortower takes sucM1 aciion es :
<br /> � ' � - Lender may rcazonably requirc ro auurc that the tien of this Decd of Tmst. Lender i intcres� in �he Propeny and ,
<br /> - - Uorrower'sobligatlontopaythesumssecuredbythisDxdofTmstshallmntinueunlmpaired.Uponsuchpaymemand
<br /> �, cure by Bortower,ihis Decd of Trus�and�he obliga�ions secured hereby ahill remein in full force nnd ef@ct as if no _
<br /> - � �� ' acederotlonhodoccurred.
<br />_-?%�"•�;�F=i.`, i9. Arlyimea� of Rea�q Appolntmcet of Reeeheri I,endcr In Pa�a�lon. As additional security hereunder. �
<br /> °"�'�,:N$ii.:• Donower hereby ucstgns to Lender thc renis of ihe ProH:ny,proviAed that 6orroxxr shall.prior to acceierelion under
<br /> ,.��:�{'r";-� paragreph 17 herwtor�bandonment of the Pm�rty,have Ihe right to collect end retain such rm�s as they b:come due -
<br /> and payable. �
<br /> - �' ��' Upon accelerallon under paragruph 17 hercof or abandonment of�hc Propcny,Lendcr,in pcnon.by agcnt or by
<br /> - ��� •- judicially appoinled rcceivu shall be enNtled to enter upon,iake possession o(and manage�he Pro{xrcy and�o collca i{
<br /> l
<br />